Jmeter data Correlation for different items - jmeter

I am recording a food ordering website in jmeter,flow is 1.launch 2.take away 3. select meal 1 meal 2 meal 3 6.add to cart 7.order details 8.payment.I want different meal selection but when i correlate product id and category id , every time the meal selected are same. Where am i wrong?

As per your explanation, i could understand that the Product ID and Category ID are not dynamic. It should have been predefined for each and every meal. So you are capturing the same value and using, so you are able to see the same meal selected for every run


Ideas for Implementing Meal Plan using Magento

I need help with Magento. I want to achieve something like I will have three packages for meal plans like 2meal plan, 3 meal plan etc and once user choose any meal plan then I wants to give user a way of selecting day wise ordering from given options like Monday ,Tuesday, Wednesday etc.
Please refer to image attached as I need something like that only.
Meal Plan Example
Meal order style example
This is what I have in mind at the moment but I am open to other ideas as well like any way of achieving the scenario I have in my mind.
You can show Meal Plans as a category list page and Meals detail as product detail page where you can show options like Monday, Tuesday etc as a Custom Option where Custom Options name will be like week days and their type will me Checkbox and checkbox options you can provide as you want.

Customer Filtered by Sales Representative but Showing Invoices for all Sales Representatives

I'm trying to replace our current AR report which shows all invoices outstanding by customer for a particular sales representative.
The issue is that each customer may have multiple sales representatives; however, since the Sales Representative ID is stored at the invoice level the report only displays that sales representatives sales to their customer.
What I would like to do is display on the AR report all invoices outstanding for all sales reps for each customer that a particular rep visits regardless of the sales representative making the sale.
So the sales rep will only see customers that he has outstanding balances with on his report but will also see other balances from that other reps may have outstanding with his customers.
How can I achieve this?
I suspect it has something to do with a parameter and creating a calculated field which lumps the sales reps for each invoice together for a customer and then doing a contains filter; but I can't figure out how to make that first calculation.
Additional Details:
CUST01 Customer 1 INV01 JAMES 100 31-60
CUST01 Customer 1 INV02 JAMES 100 61-90
CUST01 Customer 1 INV03 BRIAN 100 31-60
CUST01 Customer 1 INV04 MARK 100 CURRENT
CUST02 Customer 2 INV05 MARK 100 61-90
CUST02 Customer 2 INV06 JAMES 100 31-60
CUST03 Customer 3 INV07 MARK 100 31-60
CUST03 Customer 3 INV08 BRIAN 100 61-90
In the above table, when running an accounts receivable report for Brian Invoices 1-4 and 7-8 should show up as he sells to both of these customers. All invoices should show up on Mark's AR as he sells to all three customers and James should see the invoices for Customer 1 and 2.
I would attach a file to the question with this data in a spreadsheet if I could.
I believe the best way to achieve this is using parameters and conditional filters.
First, create a parameter 'rep'. Define it as list, and import [SALESPERSON] values to it.
Now the trick part, you want to filter the clients that has ever been visited by a specific salesperson. This is how you do that on Tableau:
1- Create a calculated field [marker]. Use the formula:
Note this will basically put a 1 marker on the lines of the selected salesperson
2- Drag [CUSTOMER ID] to filter
3- Go to tab 'Condition'
4- Use By field: [marker], Sum, >, 0
This will basically run a calculation. For each customer, it will get all [marker] entries, sum all them. Those who are above zero (meaning, there is at least one 1 marker) will be kept, those who are zero are eliminated
Let me know if this doesn't work, or you have any question

unable to generate single invoice for multiple order of single user

If I create 4 orders for single user and I want to create single invoice for all 4 order.
I am able to do this through API but how can i do this by Billing UI. If i run billing process, it will create invoice but billing process will run for all existing user not for particular user.
Musaddique -
Start one of the 4 orders that belong to one user, to begin with,
click on Generate Invoice button on the show order page
This will create an Invoice that includes the selected order only
Go back to the orders list, select one by one, each of the remaining
un-invoiced orders, and click on the button APPLY TO INVOICE
This action will list all the available Invoices for that customer,
you may select the most recently created one and click submit
Hope this helps.

Magento configurable product for products with date attribute

I am building a web shop with Magento. I am looking for a solution to present hotel rooms (virtual; options) for which I have a qty per date.
I have the following (example) scenario for my Magento webshop:
A hotel room for 2 nights for 2 persons on 01-01-2014 with qty 5
A hotel room for 2 nights for 2 persons on 02-01-2014 with qty 5
A hotel room for 2 nights for 2 persons on 03-01-2014 with qty 5
A hotel room for 1 night for 2 persons on 01-01-2014 with qty 3
A hotel room for 1 night for 3 persons on 02-01-2014 with qty 3
A hotel room for 1 night for 4 persons on 03-01-2014 with qty 6
A combination of a configurable product with simple products was the solution that came to mind. Each row of the list above would be a separate simple product with an amount_of_persons and arrival_date attribute.
After setting up an attribute set with the custom attributes amount_of_persons (dropdown {1,2,3,4}) and arrival_date attribute (date), I wanted to create a configurable product based on this attribute set. Soon I learned that you can only create configurable products with an attribute set of attributes that have dropdown attributes (only).
If I would set the arrival_date to type dropdown and set it with string date options "01-01-2014" etc. It would work for the example above, but not for any other dates. Still I want to have one product as representation for the simple product set and reuse the attribute set.
Is there a solution to present the a set of simple products as described above in a (configurable?) product so that the attribute set can be used for any (dynamic) date used in the simple products?

Magento extend IsSaleable with custom stock value

I’m looking to accomplish the following. My shop only has products online which I actually have. I would like to add my suppliers stock to my site, so customers can see and buy the product, but they will receive notice about a delay in shipping.
I have used the shipping days option mentioned in this thread ( This works perfectly.
I would like to extend this line.
getData('days_to_ship')): ?>
getData('days_to_ship') && $_product->getData('bu_qty')>1):?>
The attribute name bu_qty is the stock value of my supplier. I would like to use this value to specify if the product is available at my supplier or not. So, if I do not use this field (smaller than 1), the product is supposed to be Out of stock.
If I do use this bu_qty value and set is to the number 1 or higher with also the Days to ship it is supposed to show a message that the item is available for purchase and that it will ship in x days.
Anybody can help me out with this one ?
