My perl script doesn't see the txt file [closed] - windows

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Closed 6 years ago.
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My Perl program creates the file
Then in method I have a code:
if ( -e $report ) {
# we parse the filet here is some code, at the end
print "*** Skipping \\NYNAS\NYNDS\VOL\DATA\INVACCT\FUND_RECS_PFI\10001.ICNTL.20160603.PROD.GAAP.PFI\10001.ICNTL.20160602.20160603.OPR.GAAP.PROD.PFI.PRE.TXT
I cannot understand why the script doesn't see the file. I've checked it several times letter by letter. Can it be because of the Upper case TXT, but in reality it is lower case?

Is your file 10001.ICNTL.20160602.20160603.OPR.GAAP.PROD.PFI.PRE.txt in directory \\NYNAS\NYNDS\VOL\DATA\INVACCT\FUND_RECS_PFI?
At a guess you're not escaping the file path correctly. Even if you use single-quotes, there is no way of representing the two leading backslashes in Uniform Naming Convention (UNC) paths without escaping at least one of them
Check the output of print $report, "\n" to see what you've really written
My preference is to use four backslashes at the start of the path string, like this
my $report = '\\\\NYNAS\NYNDS\VOL\DATA\INVACCT\FUND_RECS_PFI\10001.ICNTL.20160603.PROD.GAAP.PFI\‌​10001.ICNTL.20160602.20160603.OPR.GAAP.PROD.PFI.PRE.TXT';
print -e $report ? "Found\n" : "Not found\n";
And Perl allows you to use forward slashes in place of backslashes in a Windows path, so you could write this instead if you prefer, but paths like this aren't valid in other Windows software
my $report = '//NYNAS/NYNDS/VOL/DATA/INVACCT/FUND_RECS_PFI/10001.ICNTL.20160603.PROD.GAAP.PFI/‌​10001.ICNTL.20160602.20160603.OPR.GAAP.PROD.PFI.PRE.TXT';
Or another alternative is to relocate your current working directory. You cannot cd to a UNC path on the Windows command line, but Perl allows you to chdir successfully
Thereafter all relative file paths will be relative to this new working directory on your networked system


How to remove | substract directory name from bash? [closed]

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Closed 4 months ago.
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Within my bash script, which is running on a Linux server, I have a variable that points to a specific path, let's call this my-path.
echo "The path is: $my-path"
From the given variable my-path, I am looking for a way only to display the version number 21.1R1.
The following is an example of what I am trying to accomplish.
the path is: /home/vMX-ENV/vMX-21.1R1/
the version is: 21.1R1
Is there a way to do this?
Bash has a fairly wide variety of built-in mechanisms for manipulating variables' values. Of particular interest for the present problem are parameter expansion forms that remove prefixes or suffixes that match specified shell patterns. For example:
# Remove any trailing slash and store the result in DIRNAME_NORM
# Emit the value of $DIRNAME_NORM, less the longest prefix matching shell
# pattern *vMX-
echo "${DIRNAME_NORM##*vMX-}"
There is no need to rely on an external program for this case.
Using sed grouping and back referencing
$ sed 's/[^0-9]*\([^/]*\).*/\1/' input_file
/[^0-9]* - Exclude anything up to the next occurance of a digit character. As this part is not within the parenthesis () to be grouped, it will be excluded.
\([^/]*\) - This will group everything from the first digit up to the next occurance of / slash.
.*/ - Exclude everything else
\1 - Return the group with backreference \1.
awk can also be used.
$ awk -F"[/-]" '{print $6}' input_file
-F"[/-]" - Set delimiter to / and - then print column 6 which will contain the string.

How to delete files matching specific character placement? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to delete files with names that contain certain digits in specific placement. Using bash and text file that contains those specific digits.
I have a single directory with files in the following naming convention: 2019-08-06-11-35-13_2091232924_4569.mp3
I have a text file containing area codes that I'd like to match and delete. One of those area codes is 209. Reading from the right of the filename is always consistent. So I'd like to match characters 17, 18, 19 from the right, against the text file and then delete those files using bash. I've tried plain wildcard matching but it will delete files with those digits in other positions.
You can use the ? wildcard, which matches any single character.
rm ????-??-??-??-??-??_209???????_????.mp3
However, it appears that all the wild characters are digits, so you could use [0-9] instead of ? and be safer.
rm [0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]_209[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]_[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9].mp3
If you're getting the area code from a file, you can replace 209 in the pattern with the variable that you assigned from the file.
rm ????-??-??-??-??-??_"$code"??????_????.mp3
You could probably do something with xargs:
xargs -n1 <input.txt sh -c 'rm *_$1*_*.mp3' {}

Cannot execute script conditionally [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Here's my script:
if [[ $(jq '.haystack | index("needle")' /etc/xyz/daemon.json) = \0 ]] ; then
jq '.haystack += ["needle"]' /etc/xyz/daemon.json > daemon.json
mv -f daemon.json /etc/xyz/daemon.json
I want to add needle to haystack array in a daemon.json file. However the problem is in the if construct of the shell. When I test the condition with echo True/False the terminal does show True or False based on the command in the condition. However, I cannot do any other command, such as a simple ls or mkdir. I execute the command from terminal, not saving into a bash file. Newline doesn't seem to need \.
I'm completely new to Linux terminal, is there something I'm missing here? Thanks!
Moving your input to a function to allow testing, and replacing \0 (which has undefined behavior) with 0 (which always expands precisely to itself when given as a literal in code):
get_current_json() {
printf '%s\n' '{"haystack": ["needle", "other1", "other2"]}'
if [[ $(jq '.haystack | index("needle")' < <(get_current_json) ) = 0 ]] ; then
echo "Found (at position 0)"
echo "Not found (at position 0)"
...correctly emits Found. Thus, the issue cannot be reproduced given only the code provided in the question, without further context.
One potential piece of context: If you're running this in /etc/xyz, then > daemon.json is opening the file for output with the O_TRUNC flag, and thus emptying its contents, before jq begins execution (which can happen only after its output file descriptor is connected), and thus before jq is able to read any prior values which the open(..., O_TRUNC) would delete.
To avoid this, you should use a unique name for your temporary files, as created by mktemp. (Ideally, those names should be in the same directory as the destination file, to guarantee that they don't cross filesystem boundaries and that the final mv will be atomic). See How can I use a file in a command and redirect output to the same file without truncating it?

How do I find a filename from a path using regular expression? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have directory in which contain many file like:
The above file contain name_date_time.csv format. I am trying to store each file in a variable by checking file exist or not one by one.
Below code snippet is for only one file checking sample but it is not working at all:
FILE_OCS0003STS= "$(basename ./cdr/IF_OCS0003STS`date -d "yesterday" '+%Y%m%d'`*.csv)";
if [ -e "./cdr/$FILE_OCS0003STS" ];
echo "File $FILE_OCS0003STS exist."
echo "File $FILE_OCS0003STS does not exist" >&2
I don't have a suitable shell here to test this on, but it may be worth trying this:
DATESTRING=`date -d 'yesterday' '+%Y%m%d'`
FILE_OCS0003STS=`ls ./cdr/ | grep $DATESTRING`
Probably should use find rather than ls but I'd be sure to get the syntax wrong without a suitable shell for testing it on, and not having used bash much for a long time. Something like
FILE_OCS0003STS=$(basename `find ./cdr/ -name "$DATESTRING*"`)

fswatch to watch only a certain file extension [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I am using fswatch and only want it triggered if a file with extension .xxx is modified/created etc. The documentation and the second reference below indicate that:
All paths are accepted by default, unless an exclusion filter says otherwise.
Inclusion filters may override any exclusion filter.
The order in the definition of filters in the command line has no effect.
Question: What is the regular expression to use to exclude all files that do not match the .xxx extension?
Is there a command like "watch" or "inotifywait" on the Mac?
Watch for a specific filetype
MacOS 10.9.5.
I'm fswatch author. It may not be very intuitive, but fswatch includes everything unless an exclusion filter says otherwise. Coming to your problem: you want to include all files with a given extension. Rephrasing in term of exclusion and inclusion filters:
You want to exclude everything.
You want to include files with a given extension ext.
That is:
To exclude everything you can add an exclusion filter matching any string: .*.
To include files with a given extension ext, you add an inclusion filter matching any path ending with .ext: \\.ext$. In this case you need to escape the dot . to match the literal dot, then the extension ext and then matching the end of the path with $.
The final command is:
$ fswatch [options] -e ".*" -i "\\.ext$"
If you want case insensitive filters (e.g. to match eXt, Ext, etc.), just add the -I option.
You may watch for changes to files of a single extension like this:
fswatch -e ".*" -i ".*/[^.]*\\.xxx$" .
This will exclude all files and then include all paths ending with .xxx (and also exclude files starting with a dot).
If you want to run a command on the file change, you may add the following:
fswatch -e ".*" -i ".*/[^.]*\\.xxx$" -0 . | xargs -0 -n 1 -I {} echo "File {} changed"
