mkdir in ftp using shell script if folder doesn't exist - shell

I'm a newbie to FTP. I want to create a folder if it doesn't exists already.
I know there is an option "mkdir -p foldername", but doing this in ftp creates a folder by the name "-p".
I'm trying to transfer files from one remote server to another via ftp and create folders in receiving server if not already present.

One solution would be to always attempt to create the folder - and then ignore any errors. Of course, after creating the folder you need to cd into it - if that gives an error then you've got bigger problems.
The -p option in the shell mkdir is there to ensure no error is raised. FTP doesn't use the shell: it does it for itself.


Ftp script upload entire directory

Trying to setup a backup script to upload a folder recursively to a remote ftp folder ( sftp is not supported, only ftp ).
I tested curlftpfs it mount but just create empty files.
Any custom script you have tested and it is working?
Already searched the internet
In the past I used the good ncftp, see, came with a ncftpput which has a -R (recursive) option.

Unable to create /root/.config/<app> programmatically

I've built a script that places an icon in the launcher to open a program as the root user. This script also adds NOPASSWD to the user's configuration for this specific app in /etc/sudoers, however the one part of the script that refuses to work is the creation of the profile in /root/.config/<app>. I can create this manually, using the same mkdir command, but when I place the same command in the script it returns no such file or directory. I have replicated this behaviour a number of times, including on a clean install.
Is there some form of protection that disallows the ability to automate the creation of this directory? Or am I missing something about hidden folders in Linux?
I assume you are doing this when the .config dir does not exist yet.
mkdir /root/.config/<app>
Try this :
mkdir -p /root/.config/<app>
This will create any missing parent directory to the full path you provide.

Automatically copy contents of FTP folder to local Windows folder without overwrite?

I need to copy all the files of an FTP folder to my local Windows folder, but without replacing the files that already exist. This would need to be a job/task that runs unattended every hour.
This is what the job would need to do:
1. Connect to FTP server.
2. In ftp, move to folder /var/MyFolder.
3. In local PC, move to c:\MyDestination.
4. Copy all files in /var/MyFolder that do not exist in c:\MyDestination.
5. Disconnect.
I had previously tried the following script using MGET * (that runs from a .bat), but it copies and overwrites everything. Which means that even if 1000 files were previously copied, it will copy them again.
lcd c:\MyDestination
cd /var/MyFolder
mget *
Any help is appreciated.
Use wget for Windows.
If you want to include subdirectories (adjust the cut-dirs number according to the depth of your actual remote path):
cd /d C:\MyDestination
wget.exe --mirror -np -nH --cut-dirs=2
If you don't want subdirectories:
cd /d C:\MyDestination
wget.exe -nc*
The "magic" bit (for this second form) is the -nc option, which tells wget not to overwrite files that are already there locally. Do keep in mind that old files are also left alone, so if a file on your FTP server gets edited or updated, it won't get re-downloaded. If you want to also update files, use -N instead of -nc.
(Note that you can also type wget instead of wget.exe, I just included the extension to point out that these are Windows batch file commands)

Loop over all files on FTP using batch command

Hi I want to LOOP through files on FTP and copy one by one. Every thing is fine with FTP connection and accessing folders.
My question is How can loop through all files on FTP. It looks like there is no "For" type of functionality available to access FTP files because each line is considered as complete command.
open MyServerName 21
lcd E:\LocalDirectory
cd /FTPDirectory/upload
Why i want to loop through all files in FTP is, I want to copy only those files which are not locked and available for copy.
Use a different FTP client: wget.
With the -m option (for --mirror), use the following in a script
cd mylocaldirectory
wget -m ftp://username:password#hostname/theremotedirectory

How to determine full names for local Mac filename and remote filname to use SCP

I used SSH to connect to a server and navigate to the folder where I want to store some files from my Mac. I think what I need to do is use SCP to do the copy but I'm not sure exactly about the terminology in the command parameters. And so far everything I've tried gets some sort of "not found" error.
Before logging on to the server the prompt is :
Apples-MacBook-Pro-2:~ neiltayl$
After logging in and navigating to the folder I want to store things in it is :
[neiltayl#cs136 Tracer]$
I need to copy several files from the Tracer folder on my local computer to the Tracer folder on cs136 and cannot fathom the correct parts of the respective FROM and TO parts of SCP to make it work.
This is the nearest I got so far;
Apples-MacBook-Pro-2:~ neiltayl$ ls
Applications Downloads Music Tracer
Desktop Library Pictures c151
Documents Movies Public dwhelper
Apples-MacBook-Pro-2:~ neiltayl$ scp ./Tracer/*.*'s password:
./Tracer/*.*: No such file or directory
The scp command is -
$ scp File1 username#someting:DIRNAME
Here File 1 is the file that you are sending over to the other computer.
DIRNAME is the path to the directory where you want the file to be stored.
In your case the command would be
scp -r Tracer neiltayl#cs136:New_Tracer
Here Tracer is the folder that contains all the files that you want to copy.
