Sammy loses control of routing when combining back button and history.replaceState - sammy.js

I am having an issue with Sammy routing, and combining use of the back button with history.replaceState. Is there an alternative way to replace the browser's URL without adding to the history stack, and fire a Sammy route other than history.replaceState?
history.replaceState triggers the Sammy route initially, but if I use history.pushState, then click the back button, then history.replaceState, it does not trigger the Sammy route.
It also seems to break if I use location.hash or location.href in combination with history.replaceState
I am wanting to use replaceState to control pagination and sorting of a table, but let the standard history stack work for different search parameters and navigating to different pages and back to a search screen.
Edit: I am looking into ways to set Sammy's internal URL without triggering routing.

Faced with the same problem. Solved with:
First- update browser history (sammy doesn't trigger location changes)
Second- force sammy to raise events with new path.
Also custom route logic is needed:
Sammy.mapRoutes([{'get': 'myPath', callback}])
Callback should parse new path, and if only params after '?' symbol are changed, then pass these parameters to the viewModel's method.
Then inside this method you could handle changes like this:
public onParamsChanged({page}) {


ASP MVC 3 prevent multiple inserts on page refresh

Let's say I have a simple ASP MVC3 list controller, with an add method, with an id parameter.
Add method
In my Add method, I update my Viewmodel with the added element, then makes a call to:
return View("ListFoo", viewModel);
The updated list is displayed, and everything's almost fine.
The problem is that with such a return, the URL in the address bar is still
And if the user hits F5, another item will be added, which I'd like to prevent.
I know I can filter out such a behavior in the controller, but I'd rather prefer to redirect the browser address bar to:
Do you know any way to do this?
By the way, I'm not sure trying to control the address bar content is the right way to look at this issue...
Use the Action.RedirectToAction method to redirect the client after the work is done in the controller.
Besides that, you could use POST as FormMethod to send data to the server.
That is why you need to use PRG: Post-Redirect-Get when you are doing any such form post.
Have a look here.
So the best option is to redirect the user to a GET method to display the page.

Ajax state history in coldfusion page

I'm confused as to how to accomplish this. I have a page which, has a popup filter, which has some input elements and an "Apply" button (not a submit). When the button is clicked, two jquery .get() calls are made, which load a graph, a DataTables grid, photos, and miscellaneous info into four separate tabs. Inside the graph, if one clicks on a particular element, the user is taken to another page where the data is drilled down to a finer level. All this works well.
The problem is if the user decides to go back to the original page, but with the ajax generated graph/grid/photos etc. Originally I thought that I would store a session variable with the filter variables used to form the original query, and on returning to the page, if the session var was found, the original ajax call would be made again, re-populating the tabs.
The problem that I find with this method is that Coldfusion doesn't recognize that the session variable has been set when returning to the page using the browser's back button. If I dump out the session var at both the original and the second page, I can see the newly set var at the second page, and I can see it if I go to the original page through the navigation menu, but NOT if I use the back button.
SO.... from reading posts on here about ajax browser history plugins, it seems that there are various jquery plugins which help with this, including BBQ. The problem that I see with this approach is that it requires the use of anchor elements to trigger it, and then modifies the query string using the anchors' href attributes. I suppose that I could modify the page to include a hidden anchor.
My question, at long last is: is an ajax history plugin like BBQ the best way to accomplish this, or is there a way to make Coldfusion see the newly created session var when returning to the page via the back button? Or, should I consider re-architecting the page so that the ajax calls are replaced by a form submission back to the page instead?
Thanks in advance, as always.
EDIT: some code to help clarify things:
Here's the button that makes the original ajax calls:
<button id="applyFilter">APPLY</button>
and part of the js called on #applyFilter, wrapped in $(document).ready():
// fill in the Photos tab
id: id,
randParam: Math.random()
Finally, when the user calls the drill-down on the ajax generated graph, it uses the MaintAction form which has been populated with the needed variables:
function DrillDown() {
//get the necessary variables and populate the form inputs
document.MaintAction.action = "index.cfm?file=somepage.cfm&Config=someConfig";
and that takes us to the new page, from which we'd like to return to the first page but with the ajax-loaded photos.
The best bet is to use the BBQ method. For this, you don't have to actually include the anchor tags in your page; in fact, doing so would cause problems. This page: explains how the underlying process works. I'm sure a jQuery plugin would make the actual implementation much easier.
Regarding your other question, about how this could be done with session variables - I've actually done something similar to that, prior to learning about the BBQ method. This was specifically to save the state of a jqGrid component, but it could be easily changed to support any particular Ajax state. Basically, what I did was keep a session variable around for each instance of each component that stored the last parameters passed to the server via AJAX requests. Then, on the client side, the first thing I did was run a synchronous XHR request back to the server to fetch the state from that session variable. Using the callback method for that synchronous request, I then set up the components on my page using those saved parameters. This worked for me, but if I had to do it again I would definitely go with the BBQ method because it is much simpler to deal with and also allows more than one level of history.
Some example code based on your update:
var id = $("#filterid").val(); // assumes the below id value is stored in some input on the page with the id "filterid"
// fill in the Photos tab
id: id // I'm assuming this is what you need to remember when the page is returned to via a back-button...
//randParam: Math.random() - I assume this is to prevent caching? See below
/* fixes stupid caching behavior, primarily in IE */
$.ajaxSetup({ cache: false });
async: false,
url: 'tracking/listPhotosSessionKeeper.cfm',
success: function (data, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest)
if (data.length)
This is what you need on the client-side to fetch the state of the photo list. On the server side, you'll need to add this modification to tracking/listPhotos.cfm:
<cfset session.lastUsedPhotoFilterID =>
And add this new one-line file, tracking/listPhotosSessionKeeper.cfm:
<cfif IsDefined("session.lastUsedPhotoFilterID")><cfoutput>#session.lastUsedPhotoFilterID#</cfoutput></cfif>
Together these changes will keep track of the last ID used by the user, and will load it up each time the page is rendered (whether via a back button, or simply by the user revisiting the page).

CodeIgniter jQueryUI dialog form example

I am trying to use CodeIgniter and jQuery-ui dialog to create a modal window with form to update user information.
The process should be like:
1. Press a button on a view page.
2. A modal window pops up.
3. Inside the window is a form that a user can fill.
4. If the user filled something before, the information should be shown in corresponding field
5. Click the update button on the modal window to save the changes to database.
Can anyone provide a good sample of this process?
I used ajax to pass the data but it didn't work when I was trying to update the data to the database. It would be nice if an example of how to pass data from ajax to php and how php handle that.
well the jquery bit for post(), get(), ajax() works the same in any measure you would normally use it.. key difference here is with CI you can't post directly to a file-name file-location due to how it handles the URI requests. That said your post URL would be the similar to how you would access a view file normally otherwise
ie: /viewName/functionName (how you've done it with controllers to view all along. post, get, ajax doesnt have to end in a extension. I wish I had a better example then this but I can't seem to find one at the moment..
url = '/home/specialFunction';
jQuery.get(url, function(data) {
in the case of the above you notice despite it not being a great example that. you have the url with 2 parameters home and specialFunction
home in this case is the controller file for home in the control folder for the home file in views the specialFunction is a "public function" within the class that makes the home controller file. similar to that of index() but a separate function all together. Best way I have found to handle it is through .post() and a callback output expected in JSON cause you can form an array of data on the php side json_encode it and echo out that json_encode and then work with that like you would any JSON output. or if your just expecting a sinlge output and not multiples echoing it out is fine but enough of the end run output thats for you to decide with what your comfortable doing currently. Hopefully all around though this gives you some clairity and hopefully it works out for you.

How can I add a URL parameter but hide others in a POST - Spring MVC

I'm trying to add a URL parameter within a Spring MVC application. It's a basic search page that shows results.
In the search page, there is a form that is set to POST. There are many hidden fields and other fields I don't want in the URL. So, I don't want to do a GET.
I do want the search query in the URL. So after clicking the search button, the resulting search results page needs to have a URL like /search?query=hello
To get it to work, I'm creating a RequestMapping method in the Spring MVC Controller and doing a redirect: tacking on the query parameter. However, I'm not sure using a redirect is the best answer, seems there could be performance concerns redirecting as well.
I looked around and noticed folks using javascript and the location object, but setting the location object obviously relaunches the URL you set it to. I also looked at the HTTPServletResponse & HTTPServletRequest objects, but couldn't find much.
Any thoughts on how I can force the search parameter to be added to the URL?
Your form will have an 'action' specified telling it where to POST to. I'd have thought you could attach an onclick event to your submit button (or an onsubmit event to your form) that updates the action url by appending "?query=" to it.
document.<form name>.action += "?query=...";
Then you just have to worry about someone posting your form without JavaScript enabled - in this case you could fall back to your redirect.
I don't know how the server technology so I can't say if it will be happy giving you both GET and POST parameters, if not you'll have to manually strip the GETs out of the URL.
But anyway, this seems like a rather odd situation to be in - is it really that big a deal to show the parameters in the URL? Anything that gets posted by an HTML form can still be inspected with the right tools, it's just ever so slightly more difficult.
I wanted to provide a more complete answer to my question with code. The previous user helped me down this path, so I'll keep it as the accepted answer. However, there is one item to note:
If you add on to the action, and you have an input text box with the same name, the page posts a duplicate value like: query=hello,hello.
So, I needed to remove the name on the input box, and use the following javascript. Note, I am using the prototype.js framework:
Event.observe(window, 'load', function(event) {
Event.observe('searchForm', 'submit', function(event) {
$('searchForm').action += "?query="+$('searchBox').value;

Hot to implement grails server-side-triggered dialog, or how to break out of update region after AJAX call

In grails, I use the mechanism below in order to implement what I'd call a conditional server-side-triggered dialog: When a form is submitted, data must first be processed by a controller. Based on the outcome, there must either be a) a modal Yes/No confirmation in front of the "old" screen or b) a redirect to a new controller/view replacing the "old" screen (no confirmation required).
So here's my current approach:
In the originating view, I have a <g:formRemote name="requestForm" url="[controller:'test', action:'testRequest']", update:"dummyRegion"> and a
<span id="dummyRegion"> which is hidden by CSS
When submitting the form, the test controller checks if a confirmation is necessary and if so, renders a template with a yui-based dialog including Yes No buttons in front of the old screen (which works fine because the dialog "comes from" the dummyRegion, not overwriting the page). When Yes is pressed, the right other controller & action is called and the old screen is replaced, if No is pressed, the dialog is cancelled and the "old" screen is shown again without the dialog. Works well until here.
When submitting the form and test controller sees that NO confirmation is necessary, I would usually directly redirect to the right other controller & action. But the problem is that the corresponding view of that controller does not appear because it is rendered in the invisble dummyRegion as well. So I currently use a GSP template including a javascript redirect which I render instead. However a javascript redirect is often not allowed by the browser and I think it's not a clean solution.
So (finally ;-) my question is: How do I get a controller redirect to cause the corresponding view to "break out" of my AJAX dummyRegion, replacing the whole screen again?
Or: Do you have a better approach for what I have in mind? But please note that I cannot check on the client side whether the confirmation is necessary, there needs to be a server call! Also I'd like to avoid that the whole page has to be refreshed just for the confirmation dialog to pop up (which would also be possible without AJAX).
Thanks for any hints!
I know, it's not an "integrated" solution, but have you considered to do this "manually" with some JS library of your choice (my personal choice would be jQuery, but any other of the established libraries should do the trick)? This way you wouldn't depend on any update "region", but could do whatever you want (such as updating any DOM element) in the response handler of the AJAX request.
Just a thought. My personal experience is that the "built-in" AJAX/JS stuff in Grails often lacks some flexibility and I've always been better off just doing everything in plain jQuery.
This sounds like a good use-case for using web flows. If you want to show Form A, do some kind of check, and then either move onto NextScreen or show a Dialog that later redirects to NextScreen, then you could accomplish this with a flow:
def shoppingCartFlow = {
showFormA {
on("submit") {
}.to "showNextScreen"
on("return").to "showDialog"
showDialog {
on("submit").to "showNextScreen"
showNextScreen {
redirect(controller:"nextController", action:"nextAction")
Then you create a showDialog.gsp that pops up the dialog.
But, you want an Ajax response to the first form submit, which WebFlow does not support. This tutorial, though, will teach you how to Ajaxify your web flow.
