Adding label to exisiting png picture, using convert - shell

I need to add a label onto a png picture, also I need to do a command substitution in order to get a number from a file.
I have something like
convert image.png -background red label:'input + `grep max numbers.txt | head -n 1 | awk '{print 2}'`' -gravity Center -append
but I have a very limited understanding of convert, I downloaded it just so I could do this one command

I suspect you need something like this:
convert -size 100x100 xc:red label:"input + $(awk '/max/{print $2; exit}' numbers.txt)" -gravity center -append result.png
You need to put the label: part in double (rather than single) quotes for the shell to expand and execute it. You do not need grep and head and awk. Awk alone is capable of finding the first occurrence of max and then printing the second field and exiting before finding any other instances.
I assume numbers.txt looks something like this:
a 34
max 32
max 33


Find an especific color coordenates on an image

I would like to find the coordinates of the first appearance of a certain color, for example green, on an image so can be used in a bash script.
I've been trying to use Imagemagick but can't find a way to solve the problem.
Can this be done with Imagemagick or should I use anything else?
Here is one way in ImageMagick using sparse-color: (provided the image is fully opaque). Sparse-color will read out the x,y coordinates and color of all fully opaque pixels. Then you can use unix tools to get the first one.
Create red and blue image:
convert -size 10x10 xc:red xc:blue -append x.png
Find first rgb(0,0,255) i.e. blue colored pixel
convert x.png sparse-color: | tr " " "\n" | grep "srgb(0,0,255)" | head -n 1
Similar results can be achieved using txt: in place of sparse-color. But the unix commands for filtering would be a bit different.

Batch resize images when one side is too large (linux)

I know that image resizing on the command line is something ImageMagick and similar could do unfortunately I do only have very basic bash scripting abilities so I wonder if this is even possible:
check all directories and subdirectories for all files that are an image
check width and height of the image
if any of both exceeds X amount of pixels resize it to X while keeping aspect ratio.
replace old file with new file (old file shall be removed/deleted)
Thank you for any input.
Implementation might be not so trivial even for advanced users. As a one-liner:
find \ # 1
~/Downloads \ # 2
-type f \ # 3
-exec file \{\} \; \ # 4
| awk -F: '{if ($2 ~/image/) print $1}' \ # 5
| while IFS= read -r file_path; do \ # 6
mogrify -resize 1024x1024\> "$file_path"; \ # 7
done # 8
Lines 1-4 are an invocation of the find command:
Specify a directory to scan.
Specify you need files only.
Per each found item run file command. Example outputs per file:
/Downloads/391A6 625.png: PNG image data, 1024 x 810, 8-bit/color RGB, interlaced
/Downloads/STRUCTURED NODES IN UML 2.0 ACTIVITES.pdf: PDF document, version 1.4
Note how file names are delimited from their info by : and info about PNG contains image word. This also will be true for other image formats.
Use awk to filter only those files which have image word in their info. This gives us image files only. Here, -F: specifies that the delimiter is :. This gives us the variable $1 to contain the original file name and $2 for the file info. We search image word in file info and print file name if it's present.
This one is a bit tricky. Lines 6-8 read the output of awk line by line and invoke the mogrify command to resize images. Here we do not use piping and xargs, as if file paths contain spaces or other characters which must be escaped,
we will get xargs unterminated quote errors and it's a pain to handle that.
Invoke the mogrify command of ImageMagic. Unlike convert, which is also ImageMagic's command, mogrify changes files in-place without creating new ones. Here, 1024x1024\> tells to resize image to have max size of 1024x1024. The \> part tells to preserve aspect ratio, so that the final image will have the biggest side of 1024px. Other side will be smaller than that, unless the original image is square. Pay attention to the ;, as it's needed inside loops.
Note, it's safe to run mogrify several times over the same file: if a file's size already corresponds to your target dimensions, it will not be resized again. However, it will change file's modification time, though.
Additionally, you may need not only to resize images, but to compress them as well. Please, refer to my gist to see how this can be done:
If your goal is just to reduce big images in size, e.g. bigger than 300K, you may:
find /path/to/dir -type f -size +300k
and as before combine it with mogrify -strip -interlace Plane -format jpg -quality 85 -define jpeg:extent=300KB "$FILE_PATH"
In such case new jpg files will be created for non-jpg originals and originals will need to be removed. Refer to the gist to see how this can be done.
You can do that with a bash unix shell script looping over your directories. You must identify all the file formats you want such as jpg and png, etc. Then for each directory, loop over each file of the given list of formats. Then use ImageMagick to resize the files.
dirlist="path2/directory1 path2/directory2 ...."
for dir in $dirlist; do
cd "$dir"
imglist=`ls | grep -i ".jpg\|.png"`
for img in $imglist; do
convert $img -resize "200x200>" $img

Patternmatching with variable part, which is the same in different filenames

I have a lot of files in one directory named: world_map_1.png, world_map_2.png, world_country_1.png, world_country_2.png, ...
I want to use ImageMagick to append world_map_2.png to world_map_1.png and store the output in world_map.png. I want to do this for all files starting with world and ending with 1 and 2, so my approach was:
convert world_*_1.png world_*_2.png +append world_*.png
The problem is that * must be the same in all 3 names, so I need a kind of variable for this, which I could reuse in the 2nd and 3rd name.
I'd use a command to detect uniq "infixes":
for image in world_*_*.png
echo "${tmp/_*/}"
done | sort -u
Then, loop over them
for token in $(for a in world_*_*.png; do tmp="${a/world_/}"; echo "${tmp/_*/}"; done | sort -u)
convert "world_$token"_*.png +append "world_$token.png"
Creating some fake image files:
touch world_{map,country,something,else}_{01..04}.png
The command runs all of the following lines:
convert world_country_01.png world_country_02.png world_country_03.png world_country_04.png +append world_country.png
convert world_else_01.png world_else_02.png world_else_03.png world_else_04.png +append world_else.png
convert world_map_01.png world_map_02.png world_map_03.png world_map_04.png +append world_map.png
convert world_something_01.png world_something_02.png world_something_03.png world_something_04.png +append world_something.png

Detecting mostly empty images using imagemagick

I'd like to use imagemagick or graphicsmagick to detect whether an image has basically no content.
Here is an example:
I've scoured Fred's imagemagick scripts, but I can't figure out if there is a way to do this:
Easiest way would be to use -edge detection followed by histogram: & text:. This will generate a large list of pixel information that can be passed to another process for evaluation.
convert 120c6af0-73eb-11e4-9483-4d4827589112_embed.png \
-edge 1 histogram:text:- | cut -d ' ' -f 4 | sort | uniq -c
The above example will generate a nice report of:
50999 #000000
As the count of white pixels is less then 1% of black pixels, I can say the image is empty.
This can probably be simplified by passing -fx information to awk utility.
convert 120c6af0-73eb-11e4-9483-4d4827589112_embed.png \
-format '%[mean] %[max]' info:- | awk '{print $1/$2}'
#=> 0.00684814
If you are talking about the amount of opaque pixels vs the amount of transparent pixels, then the following will tell you the percentage of opaque pixels.
convert test.png -alpha extract -format "%[fx:100*mean]\n" info:
Or if you want the percentage of transparent pixels, use
convert test.png -alpha extract -format "%[fx:100*(1-mean)]\n" info:

Split a Bash script with ImageMagick instructions into smaller pieces?

I have this bash script, feeding drawing information into ImageMagick, which starts like this:
convert -size 2200x2200 xc:white \
-fill '#FFFEFF' -draw 'point 1112,1111' \
-fill '#FFFEFE' -draw 'point 1112,1112' \
-fill '#FFFEFE' -draw 'point 1111,1112' \
-fill '#FFFEFE' -draw 'point 1110,1112' \
-fill '#FFFEFE' -draw 'point 1110,1111' \
******ON & ON 4.2 MILLION LINES MORE*******
My problem is I keep getting warnings about argument list too long, terminal says 'Killed', warning about 'fork: cannot allocate memory etc.
I've tried adjusting ulimit -s to a much higher value to no avail. Really want to make this image. Any idea how I can feed the terminal chunks of this script at a time? Or something to that end.
I've heard xargs can be used for things like this, but I haven't been able to find a specific implementation that fits the nature of this problem.
If you create an image with 4 pixels in it (1 red, 1 white, 1 blue and 1 black), you can tell ImageMagick to output the resulting image as text file as follows:
convert -size 1x1 xc:red xc:white xc:blue xc:black +append -depth 8 -colorspace RGB image.txt
# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 4,1,255,rgb
0,0: (255,0,0) #FF0000 rgb(255,0,0)
1,0: (255,255,255) #FFFFFF rgb(255,255,255)
2,0: (0,0,255) #0000FF rgb(0,0,255)
3,0: (0,0,0) #000000 rgb(0,0,0)
By the same token, if you feed that text file into ImageMagick, it can recreate the image:
cat image.txt | convert txt:- output.img
So, all we need to do is convert your -fill commands into a text file of the format that ImageMagick likes. So we can do this to yourFile
sed -E 's/.*(#[0-9A-F]+).* ([0-9]+)\,([0-9]+).*/\2,\3:\1/g' yourFile
and we will get something like this:
which we can then pipe into awk to rearrange how ImageMagick likes it:
awk -F: '
BEGIN{print "# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 2200,2200,255,rgb"}
rh="0x" substr(colour,2,2);
gh="0x" substr(colour,4,2);
bh="0x" substr(colour,6,2);
printf "%s: (%d,%d,%d) %s\n",coords,r,g,b,colour;
So, if we put all that together, the following script should be able to create your beloved image into the file spectrumspiral.png:
sed -E 's/.*(#[0-9A-F]+).* ([0-9]+)\,([0-9]+).*/\2,\3:\1/g' yourFile | awk -F: '
BEGIN{print "# ImageMagick pixel enumeration: 2200,2200,255,rgb"}
rh="0x" substr(colour,2,2);
gh="0x" substr(colour,4,2);
bh="0x" substr(colour,6,2);
printf "%s: (%d,%d,%d) %s\n",coords,r,g,b,colour;
}' | convert txt:- spectrumspiral.png
Try using the shell's here-document
convert - <<EOS spectrumspiral.png
-size 2200x2200 xc:white
-fill '#FFFEFF' -draw point '1112,1111'
-fill '#FFFEFE' -draw 'point 1112,1112'
-fill '#FFFEFE' -draw 'point 1111,1112'
-fill '#FFFEFE' -draw 'point 1110,1112'
-fill '#FFFEFE' -draw 'point 1110,1111'
# ******ON & ON 4.2 MILLION LINES MORE*****
My system doesn't have convert so I can test that this works.
Most linux programs (including convert) can accept input from StdIn, which in the cmd-line above is represented by the - char. The - tells the command to expect input, not from file, but as if it was being typed at the keyboard, ie StdIn. The <<EOS .... EOS is the here-doc, and it represents bash 'typing' in all of that text into the commands stdIn input.
You may or may not need all of the quoting, if you already have there, I don't think it will hurt. If this doesn't work as is, use a small sample file of input (like above) and test various scenarios until it creates a file for you.
