Bash: Scripts under the same dir - bash

I have in my $PATH my own path to my scripts.
I do that adding on my .bashrc
In that directory I have two scripts, but only can use one of them, the first one I did create. And if created another script doesn't work neither.
Only can call the first script created.
The ls command return the following output
first_script second_script third_script
And first_script is bold and green
Why? and how fix this problem?

The second and third scripts are not executable. Use ls -l (provides more details about the files) to see the permissions of the files and run the following command to make these scripts executable.
chmod +x second_script third_script
If you run ls -l again, you should notice that they now have the x bit set in their file permissions.
This is a basic and fundamental aspect to Unix systems and I’d suggest that you read a book or tutorial on shell programming on a Unix-like system.


cron: run a script that sources a function

I have script that does a bunch of stuff. It sources a bunch of functions that are in the directory the script is being run from. i.e.
If I cd into /home/me and run ./ everything works fine. The functions are sourced and do what needs to be done.
However, if I try to run this as a cron job, it will run up until the point I am trying to source the functions, and then it just stops and the process is terminated (if I run it directly from the directory, at least I get some errors).
Like wise, if I try to run this from another directory, I get a bunch of errors. e.g.
cd /opt/
function1: command not found
function2: command not found
I'm sure this has something to do with environmental variables, but I have no idea which ones. I have tried setting (in crontab):
But that doesn't work either. Any help is appreciated. I don't want to hard code in the paths to the functions, and instead make them relative to the path the script is in (preferably the same dir).
Please let me know if you need any more information.
You are most probably aware of this, but just to be clear: A shell function does not have a path. They just need to be loaded into the current shell by sourcing the script that contains them:
source /path/to/functions
cd /path/to/functions
source functions
If you are talking about shell programs (scripts) instead, then you need to account for the fact that on Unix-like OS, the current directory is never in the PATH by default:
cd /path/to/functions
You tagged your question Bash, but note that to be POSIX-compatible (e.g. if using sh), you have to use the . keyword (instead of either . or source on Bash) and the same restrictions regarding the PATH as for command execution apply, see dot:
. ./function1

Raspbian: Reset Bash environment variables

I was trying to get a crontab working on my Raspberry PI and I think I messed up my environment variables. I can execute a file from the GUI by right-clicking and choosing execute. However I cannot get the same file to run from command line. I can use ls to see the file (, but when I type, I get "bash: command not found".
I think I messed up my environment variables when I put this in the crontab.
I followed the examples in Script doesn't run via crontab but works fine standalone.
Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Let me clarify what efforts I took on my part BEFORE posting my question on stackoverflow before getting anymore downvotes.
First of all thanks S. Adam Nissley for your suggestions.
In answer to your steps listed above.
Running this from home path, or fully qualified path does Not work as stated.
Error: bash: command not found
I have also ensured read/write and execute permissions on the file with
chmod +x ./
Also, my bash script starts off with the following shebang
So, what i'm trying to say is, regardless of using crontab or not the issue at hand is that I can not even execute the script from command line. This started happening after I was messing around with the environment variables in the crontab. I'm looking for a way to revert to the situation where I can at least run/execute bash commands from the terminal.
The only way I can effectively execute this script is (right-click execute) through the GUI.
Assuming you are in the same directory as your script, you should just be able to enter
If it does not execute, make sure it is executable with the command
chmod +x ./
chmod 755 ./
And if it still won't execute, make sure it has an appropriate hashbang on the very first line of the script like #!/bin/sh or #!/bin/bash
When you add it to your crontab, make sure it has the full path like
/home/pi/bin/ <br/>
EDIT: Default PATH and SHELL for Raspbian
You can check your PATH and SHELL environmental variables from the command line as follows:
echo $SHELL
echo $PATH
The default PATH for Rasbian is:
And the default SHELL is:
So if you need to set those it is as simple as:
If you are having other issues with your environment, you may want to disable some of your local settings to see if the problem is in your profile. You can list all files with ls -a, which includes hidden files. Raspbian typically has a .bashrc and a .profile in each user's home directory. To disable them simple rename them:
mv .bashrc .bashrc_disabled
mv .profile .profile_disabled
If that solves the problem, you can inspect the files and make the necessary corrections before renaming them back to their original names.

Run a bash script in cygwin using ./

I have a simple bash script that throw errors on a Windows machine in the Cygwin xterm terminal when I call it like so: ./myscript.bat. It runs fine when I call it like this: /cygdrive/c/cygwin/bin/bash.exe myscript.bat. I am thinking that my shell is not using bash by default. How can I set it to bash so that the next time I open the shell, I can execute my script using ./myscript.bat?
When you execute a file, Windows (or some component within Windows) decides how to execute it based on the extension part of the file name.
Cygwin inherits this functionality, letting you run Windows commands from within Cygwin. Cygwin also implements most of the usual UNIX functionality (running commands based on their content), but the combination of UNIX and Windows semantics can't always be perfectly clean.
The .bat suffix refers to a Windows batch file, so when you try to execute myscript.bat, the system treats it that way rather than as a bash script.
Change the file name from myscript.bat to myscript.bash or -- or just drop the extension altogether (since someone running your script shouldn't need to care how it's written).
There are several other filename extensions you should avoid (like .cmd), depending on how Windows is configured. A few quick experiments show that a .sh extension is safe, but really you don't need to use an extension at all for a shell script.
And, as R Sahu's answer says, you also need to make sure the script has execute permission if you haven't already done so:
mv myscript.bat myscript
chmod +x myscript
You'll probably need to change permissions of the file to make it an executable.
chmod +x myscript.bat

Putting links to scripts in my cygwin bin

I have made a few python scripts, but is there an easier way to run them? I am using cygwin.
python "C:\Users\Desk\Dropbox\scripts\" > data11414_unsorted.txt < data11414_sorted.txt
I want something like this (not typing the path name or "python"):
wsort > data11414_unsorted.txt < data11414_sorted.txt
where wsort is a link to my real
Add a
to the script
then invoke like this > data11414_unsorted.txt < data11414_sorted.txt
First, your question has a Windows-style path (backslashes, beginning with C:) rather than a Cygwin path (/cygdrive/c/Users/Desk/Dropbox/scripts/ That implies you're not actually using Cygwin, or if you are, you're ignoring a bunch of warnings.
The below assumes you're using Cygwin Bash (which should be what you get if you start Cygwin Terminal from the Start Menu) and Cygwin Python (which you've installed using Cygwin's setup.exe, not a Windows Python installer). If your not, you're making life more difficult for yourself than you need to.
That out the way, there's a bunch of steps you need to take:
First, make the script executable. Use the chmod command for that, from a Cygwin Bash shell:
chmod +x /cygdrive/c/Users/Desk/Dropbox/scripts/
Second, tell the system how to execute it. Add the following line to the top of the script:
(That's a "shebang". Python sees it as a comment, so doesn't do anything with it, but Cygwin and other Linux-like systems will use that line to see which program to run the script with. In this case, Python.)
Third, make sure your line endings are correct. Cygwin expects Linux line endings and will fail without them. This may not be a problem, but there's no harm in doing this. Run the following command:
dos2unix /cygdrive/c/Users/Desk/Dropbox/scripts/
At this point, you'll be able to call the script by specifying the full path to it in Cygwin. You can't yet run it without specifying where the script is explicitly.
The fourth step is making sure the script is "in your path", ie in one of the folders where Cygwin looks for scripts to run. There are lots of ways to do this, but the most sensible is probably to just add your scripts directory to your path. The following command will add your scripts directory to your path whenever you start a new Cygwin session:
echo 'PATH="/cygdrive/c/Users/Desk/Dropbox/scripts:$PATH"' >>~/.bashrc
You will need to restart your Cygwin terminal for that to take effect, however.
At that point, you'll be able to run the script in Cygwin just by typing (and thus use it with redirections and so forth as in your question).
Finally, to be able to call it simply as wsort, there's a number of options. The obvious one is just renaming the file. More usefully (and without copying the file or doing anything liable to break with Dropbox syncing things), try creating an alias:
echo 'alias' >>~/.bashrc
Again, you'll need to restart your Cygwin terminal for that to take effect.
Maybe use an alias ?
alias wsort = "Command_Used"

How do I execute a bash script in Terminal?

I have a bash script like:
echo Hello world!
How do I execute this in Terminal?
Yet another way to execute it (this time without setting execute permissions):
bash /path/to/scriptname
$prompt: /path/to/script and hit enter. Note you need to make sure the script has execute permissions.
cd to the directory that contains the script, or put it in a bin folder that is in your $PATH
then type
if in the same directory or
if it's in the bin folder.
You could do:
This is an old thread, but I happened across it and I'm surprised nobody has put up a complete answer yet. So here goes...
The Executing a Command Line Script Tutorial!
Q: How do I execute this in Terminal?
The answer is below, but first ... if you are asking this question, here are a few other tidbits to help you on your way:
Confusions and Conflicts:
The Path
Understanding The Path (added by tripleee for completeness) is important. The "path" sounds like a Zen-like hacker koan or something, but it is simply a list of directories (folders) that are searched automatically when an unknown command is typed in at the command prompt. Some commands, like ls may be built-in's, but most commands are actually separate small programs. (This is where the "Zen of Unix" comes in ... "(i) Make each program do one thing well.")
Unlike the old DOS command prompts that a lot of people remember, you do not need an 'extension' (like .sh or .py or anything else), but it helps to keep track of things. It is really only there for humans to use as a reference and most command lines and programs will not care in the least. It won't hurt. If the script name contains an extension, however, you must use it. It is part of the filename.
Changing directories
You do not need to be in any certain directory at all for any reason. But if the directory is not on the path (type echo $PATH to see), then you must include it. If you want to run a script from the current directory, use ./ before it. This ./ thing means 'here in the current directory.'
Typing the program name
You do not need to type out the name of the program that runs the file (BASH or Python or whatever) unless you want to. It won't hurt, but there are a few times when you may get slightly different results.
You do not need sudo to do any of this. This command is reserved for running commands as another user or a 'root' (administrator) user. Running scripts with sudo allows much greater danger of screwing things up. So if you don't know the exact reason for using sudo, don't use it. Great post here.
Script location ...
A good place to put your scripts is in your ~/bin folder.
You can get there by typing
# A good place to put your scripts is in your ~/bin folder.
> cd ~/bin # or cd $HOME/bin
> ls -l
You will see a listing with owners and permissions. You will notice that you 'own' all of the files in this directory. You have full control over this directory and nobody else can easily modify it.
If it does not exist, you can create one:
> mkdir -p ~/bin && cd ~/bin
> pwd
A: To "execute this script" from the terminal on a Unix/Linux type system, you have to do three things:
1. Tell the system the location of the script. (pick one)
# type the name of the script with the full path
> /path/to/
# execute the script from the directory it is in
> ./
# place the script in a directory that is on the PATH
# ... to see the list of directories in the path, use:
> echo $PATH
# ... or for a list that is easier to read:
> echo -e ${PATH//:/\\n}
# or
> printf "%b" "${PATH//:/\\n}"
2. Tell the system that the script has permission to execute. (pick one)
# set the 'execute' permissions on the script
> chmod +x /path/to/
# using specific permissions instead
# FYI, this makes these scripts inaccessible by ANYONE but an administrator
> chmod 700 /path/to/
# set all files in your script directory to execute permissions
> chmod +x ~/bin/*
There is a great discussion of permissions with a cool chart here.
3. Tell the system the type of script. (pick one)
Type the name of the program before the script. (Note: when using this method, the execute(chmod thing above) is not required
> bash /path/to/
> php /path/to/script.php
> python3 /path/to/
Use a shebang, which I see you have (#!/bin/bash) in your example. If you have that as the first line of your script, the system will use that program to execute the script. No need for typing programs or using extensions.
Use a "portable" shebang. You can also have the system choose the version of the program that is first in the PATH by using #!/usr/bin/env followed by the program name (e.g. #!/usr/bin/env bash or #!/usr/bin/env python3). There are pros and cons as thoroughly discussed here.
Note: This "portable" shebang may not be as portable as it seems. As with anything over 50 years old and steeped in numerous options that never work out quite the way you expect them ... there is a heated debate. The most recent one I saw that is actually quite different from most ideas is the "portable" perl-bang:
exec perl -x "$0" "$#"
Firstly you have to make it executable using: chmod +x name_of_your_file_script.
After you made it executable, you can run it using ./same_name_of_your_file_script
Change your directory to where script is located by using cd command
Then type
And yet one more way
. /path/to/script
What is the meaning of the dot?
If you are in a directory or folder where the script file is available then simply change the file permission in executable mode by doing
chmod +x
After that you will run the script by using the following command.
$ sudo ./
Above the "." represent the current directory.
If you are not in the directory where the bash script file is present then you change the directory where the file is located by using
cd Directory_name/write the complete path
command. Otherwise your script can not run.
