Sonar Runner stepWe are trying to setup Sonar for a project(Modules) in TeamCity. We have the following build steps:
1) Nuget Install
2) Visual Studio sln
3) Inspections(.Net)
4) Sonar Runner
In the Sonar Runner step,it is unable to get hold of that file.see image 2
unable to find that xml file
Please help by pointing me in the right direction on how to make it pick the xml file.
The main trick here is to pass report XML to SonarQube runner - it could be done with /output resharper option (see step #2 below). There are though some more things which could ruin your day so I composed a full procedure.
First of all make sure that SonarQube Server is configured correctly to accept Resharper data. You'll need installed Resharper and C# plugins and configured Quality Profile with Resharper rules. To check configuration I recommend running analysis manually as described in the Resharper plugin documentation.
Then configure your Inspections(.Net) TeamCity build step to create report XML in a well-known place: open advanced options and in the field "Additional inspectCode.exe arguments:" add /\inspectReport.xml (or any other location). Important! The step will fail because it expects the report in default location (see issue on YouTrack). All subsequent steps will need Execute step: if some of the previous steps failed option to run
In SonarQube Runner step open advanced options and to the "Additional parameters:" field add this 2 lines (replace pathToSolutionFile with real path):\inspectReport.xml
Finally to see the inspections report in TeamCity UI as well add a new Command Line build step with:
echo "##teamcity[importData path='\inspect.xml' type='ReSharperInspectCode']"
I have configured the Build steps as below
Created another Build Configuration (e.g. named "Send to SonarQube") and added the dependency on initial configuration
An artifact dependency for ".teamcity/.NETCoverage/dotCover.dcvr" file and getting artifacts from "Build from the same chain".
In the new configuration ("Send to SonarQube") added a Command Line step with the following script:
%teamcity.dotCover.home%\dotCover.exe report /ReportType=HTML /Source="dotCover.dcvr" /Output="dotCover.html"
Added SonarQube Runner to the new configuration and added additional command line argument with "-Dsonar.cs.dotcover.reportsPaths=dotCover.html"
Please suggest
Note: When i have checked the dotCover.html the coverage is showing perfectly. But the sonarqube is showing as 0% covered
Since you are using build chains, you are probably switching directories and SonarQube uses absolute paths. To confirm this, look at the html/[nnn].html files in your working directory. In html -> head -> title, does the absolute path match the source code in your current working directory when you run the report command?
So to summarize, in your "Send to SonarQube", you need to ensure:
You have your source code in the working directory
Your individual [nnn].html files have titles with absolute paths matching the source code in your working directory.
There are a few ways to ensure #2:
Way #1
Tell TeamCity to run all snapshot dependencies on the same agent.
Make sure your VCS setup is exactly the same. (For myself, I had excluded some folders in my "Send To SonarQube" equivalent, and that caused a different working directory)
Way #2
Override the Checkout Directory in your VCS setup for everything in the build chain to point to the same absolute directory.
(I haven't tried this, but it should work across agents since the agent name isn't in the directory path)
I am runnig Sonarqube 5.3 and has integrated it with Jenkins. I want to post Sonareqube issues as Gerrit comments.
Then I need to specify the path to and name of the data generated from sonarqube, e.g. build/sonar/sonar-report.json
The file sonar-report.json is not generated and I have found some setting for Sonarqube that shouold make sonareqube create the file.
I have tried to set these in the file
I have restarted the Sonare service and restarted the computer but the sonar-report.json file is still not created.
Those properties are not meant to be configured on the server side, they are passed on the scanner side, and are valid only for analysis in preview mode (by the way no need for sonar.issuesReport.json.enable). That's what SonarLint for Command Line is about.
Why preview mode ? Because the goal is to analyse a diff (to comment the code review in your case). You don't want a full analysis to be submitted to SonarQube if the code is not yet pushed to the repo.
$ sonar-runner -Dsonar.analysis.mode=preview -Dsonar.issuesReport.html.enable=true
$ ls .sonar/
issues-report report.json
(careful with the JSON report, looks like it will ultimately be removed, see SONAR-7247)
P.S.: I guess you might be using the sonar-gerrit Jenkins plugin, which is essentially saying the same thing:
This plugin is intended to work with report provided by SonarQube running on your project in preview mode
I’m integrating SonarQube in our build system – I installed sonar-runner-2.4 on our build agents and added the for each solution (to the solution’s folder on TFS).
When running the build I’m executing the sonar-runner after the solution has been compiled on the build agent.
Everything seem to work except for the unit test:
On the build’s log I see that almost 200 tests ran and were completed successfully and in the sonar-runner log I see the following:
14:23:29.808 INFO - 583/583 source files analyzed
14:23:30.809 INFO - Sensor org.sonar.plugins.csharp.squid.CSharpSquidSensor#1a50b87 done: 14937 ms
14:23:30.809 INFO - Sensor org.sonar.plugins.csharp.core.CSharpUnitTestResultsProvider$CSharpUnitTestResultsImportSensor#97edbc...
14:23:30.821 INFO - Sensor org.sonar.plugins.csharp.core.CSharpUnitTestResultsProvider$CSharpUnitTestResultsImportSensor#97edbc done: 12 ms
Which seems ok I guess, but when logging into the sonar server it shows that 0 tests ran.
On the file I set the following value to
when in this case there are 3 vstest trx files located in the following local path on the build agent: `
` (see TestResults.jpg attached).
Attached is the file.
I also attached a screen capture from the sonarqube server (see SonarServer.jpg attached).
Can you please advise what might be the problem?
You should be seeing some messages like:
INFO - Parsing the Visual Studio Test Results file ...
for each unit test result file that is being parsed, see
Can you try to pass an absolute path pattern to sonar.cs.vstest.reportsPaths? My guess is that the issue comes from the relative path.
By the way, the use of the sonar-runner to analyze .NET projects is being deprecated. You'll want to have a look at the MSBuild SonarQube Runner that offers very good integration with Team Foundation Server. See the new C# plugin documentation on SonarSource's Wiki:
I just noticed the package name from your logs org.sonar.plugins.csharp.core.CSharpUnitTestResultsProvider. The .core. was present only in outdated versions of the C# plugin (in the 3.x series), and these versions might not support wildcards in report paths. Please upgrade to the latest version.
I am using SonarQube 5.1 with MSBuild SonarQube Runner for our quality inspection. Currently SCM support is not there although I have already installed TFVC plugin. I get the following log from the analyze process
07:18:22 07:18:22.352 INFO - Sensor SCM Sensor
07:18:22 07:18:22.352 INFO - No SCM system was detected. You can use the 'sonar.scm.provider' property to explicitly specify it.
07:18:22 07:18:22.352 INFO - Sensor SCM Sensor (done) | time=0ms
Then I set the following properties in the general "sonar.properites" file loacated in \sonarqube-5.1.2\conf folder (which I might be doing wrong)
I guess these properties should be set in the "" file and passed at the time of analysis (correct me if I am wrong). But the problem is since I am using MSBuild SonarQube Runner, file is not used anymore and the project properties are passed at the analysis time. If that is the case how should I pass them in?
I searched a lot but could not find a proper solution in this manner and I'd be very glad if someone could help.
Thanks in advance.
Additional properties are passed to the MSBuild SonarQube Runner during its begin phase using the following syntax: /d:key=value.
So, you can pass all of them:
MSBuild.SonarQube.Runner begin /k:... /n:... /v:... /d:sonar.scm.enabled=true /d:sonar.scm.provider=tfvc /d:sonar.tfvc.username=... /d:sonar.tfvc.password.secured=....
Auto-detection of the SCM will work if there is a $tf at the "project base dir" level. That directory is computed as the first ancestor path common to all your *.csproj files. You can see its value following the file generated during the end phase: .sonarqube\out\ Look for the sonar.projectBaseDir property value near the end of the file. See for details.
Maybe, this question is silly but I'm very new. I try to search without luck.
I got two errors when building maven project with sonar:
No information about coverage per test.
Although I had test code and these testing classes cover the code.
The global property 'sonar.doxygen.deploymentPath' is not set. Set it in SONAR and run another analysis.
I dont know it should be set where in sonar server. I set in web.xml or but it does not work.
About the first warning message this is not an error but a warning : since Sonar 3.5 this is possible to get the code coverage relating to each unit test. Here the message just says that this feature is not activated which is expected by default. Nevertheless I do agree that this warning message can be misleading.
About the second error message, I don't know the doxygen plugin but the message seems to be pretty clear : the sonar.doxygen.deploymentPath property has not be defined. See the plugin documentation :
Two things:
There is no war folder anymore since the sonarqube has given up tomcat support
The doxygen plugin is not implemented to upload the files in to the sonarqube server &/ installation, which means it only can be done by referencing the path inside your installation, e.g.:
run "mvn install sonar:sonar" in your project "/root/"
in sonarqube set the cfg-key "sonar.doxygen.deploymentPath" the value: "/root/sonarqube-4.1.1/web/" and the cfg-key "sonar.doxygen.deploymentUrl" the value: "http://:9000"
have fun with your doxygen
Remember that the plugin will only be run through your mvn cmd, refreshing the page only will not do the job, you will have to analyse again after each cfg set :/
Check the file system and folder permission