How to change the field data type in elasticsearch - elasticsearch

Here I have to change the type string to long .
I have used curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/' this is just a sample
Does anyone has any idea on this?

Supposing you are using dynamic mapping (which is by default), the type of a field depends of the type of data present in the field of the first indexed document.
So if the first indexed document has a field "version" of type string, the mapping will have a field "version" of type string.
Documentation on the dynamic mapping.
You can't update a mapping. As explained in the documentation, you need to create a new index and reindex your data.


Elasticsearch - check which all fields are indexed in an index?

I browse to curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/<index_name>/_mappings and it returns the fields in an index.
This is one of the field.
{"dob" : { "type": "string", "analyzer" : "my_custom_analyzer"}}
With above response, does this mean DOB field is by default indexed? or index: true has to be explicitly there for this field to be indexed?
It seems you're using a very old version of Elasticsearch, likely 2.x or earlier.
However, based on the mapping you've shared, string fields are indexed by default, in your case, dob is analyzed by a custom analyzer called my_custom_analyzer and the resulting tokens will be indexed automatically.

field type mismatches in elasticsearch

I am dumping data in to ElasticSearch from a json file which is exported from mongodb. I am facing an issue where my data from json with array fields converted into a string.
"_source" : {
"CITIES" : [
"CITY_AREAS" : """["COLONY (AIT)"]""",
I am not doing any mapping and I know the elastic is using its default mapping on the basis of very first document which got inserted in ES.
I want to find a solution where I run the update command to update the fields with array type for all the documents containing "CITY_AREAS"
E.G :
P.S : Some documents are having "CITY _AREAS" key and some don;t have.
you will need to reindex for this, so that it uses the correct mapping type. an update will not work

Indexing field in ElasticSearch

In Solr schema we are defining the index for the field to be true/false which is being helpful in search query.
e.g. :
<field name="features" type="text" **indexed="true"** stored="true" multiValued="true"/>
How to achieve the same functionality in ElasticSearch. I know there is a mapping called "_index" but not sure about the functionality of it.
Can anyone help me with this?
When you define a mappping you can use the "index" attribute but it is not a boolean. It can hold one of three values. As stated in elastic docs:
The index attribute controls how the string will be indexed. It can contain one of three values:
: First analyze the string and then index it. In other words, index this field as full text.
: Index this field, so it is searchable, but index the value exactly as specified. Do not analyze it.
: Don’t index this field at all. This field will not be searchable.
The default value of index for a string field is analyzed. If we want to map the field as an exact value, we need to set it to not_analyzed:
The usage is:
"field_name": {
"type": "string",
"index": "not_analyzed"

remove field and add new field to the mapping in elastic search index

I made a mistake at the time of first index creation for one field. Instead of "integer" data type mistakenly I assigned as "string" for the field "rating". But the data stored in the field was integer only. When I'm trying to calculate the average rating aggregation it was throwing an error because of the string data type.
Is there a way to change the data type of the field with out reindexing?
If not possible without reindex, how can I remove the rating field and add a rating field with "integer" data type?
Help me on this issue to resolve.
Deleted the type in the index by using below command
curl -XDELETE 'http://localhost:9300/feedbacks_16/responses'
Deleted the type and created the type with the same name and changed the data type for my rating field and re indexed the entire data. Everything goes fine until reindexing. But the avg query not working.
Below is the error I'm getting :
{ "error": "SearchPhaseExecutionException[Failed to execute phase [query], all shards failed; shardFailures {[2NsGsPYLR2eP9p2zYSnKGQ][feedbacks-16][0]: ClassCastException[org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.plain.PagedBytesIndexFieldData cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexNumericFieldData]}{[2NsGsPYLR2eP9p2zYSnKGQ][feedbacks_16][1]: ClassCastException[org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.plain.PagedBytesIndexFieldData cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexNumericFieldData]}{[pcwXn3X-TceUO0ub29ZFgA][feedbacks_16][2]: RemoteTransportException[[tsles02][inet[/localhost:9300]][indices:data/read/search[phase/query]]]; nested: ClassCastException; }{[pcwXn3X-TceUO0ub29ZFgA][feedbacks_16][3]: RemoteTransportException[[tsles02][inet[/localhost:9300]][indices:data/read/search[phase/query]]]; nested: ClassCastException; }{[2NsGsPYLR2eP9p2zYSnKGQ][feedbacks_16][4]: ClassCastException[org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.plain.PagedBytesIndexFieldData cannot be cast to org.elasticsearch.index.fielddata.IndexNumericFieldData]}]", "status": 500 }
Aside from a few exceptions, a mapping cannot be updated. There are some exceptions:
you can add new properties
you can promote a simple field to a multi-field
you can disable doc_values (but not enable them)
you can update the ignore_above parameter
So if you wish to transform your rating field from string to integer without recreating a new index, the only solution you have is to create a sub-field (e.g. called of type integer.
Note that you'll still have to reindex your data in order to populate that new sub-field, though. However, if you do so, you'd be much better off simply re-creating a clean index from scratch and re-populating it.
1) You can change data type of field without reindexing but the problem is that It wont affect your data i.e rating field will remain string as documents are stored in immutable segments but newly added field will be integer but again that wont solve your problem
2) You could delete all documents from your current index and then change the mapping with PUT API like this
$ curl -X PUT 'http://localhost:9200/your_index/your_type/_mapping?ignore_conflicts=true' -d
"your_type": {
"properties": {
"rating": {
"type": "integer"
and then reindex
but better would be to create new index with above mapping and reindex with zero downtime

How to search fields with '-' characters in elastic search

I am new to elastic search. I have got following document where one of the field "eventId" has "-" in value.
When i try to search with complete value of eventId, i don't get any results.
Sample Document app/event
"tags": {}
"eventId": "cc98d57b-c6bc-424c-b54c-df1e3df0d942",
I haven't created any explicit settings for my index.
you should check if the tokenizer splits your value into multiple fields. Maybe your value is stored as 5 fields: "cc98d57b", "c6bc", "424c", "b54c" and "df1e3df0d942"
You can analyze that with the 'Kopf' Plugin (
If that is your problem you should change your field mapping, so that the value is not analyzed ("index" : "not_analyzed").
For an example how to set that mapping see here: Elasticsearch mapping settings 'not_analyzed' and grouping by field in Java
After that, you should be able to search for your specific value.
