Generating First Set from the grammar - algorithm

Algorithm for Finding first set:
Given a grammar with the rules A1 → w1, ..., An → wn, we can compute the Fi(wi) and Fi(Ai) for every rule as follows:
initialize every Fi(Ai) with the empty set
set Fi(wi) to Fi(wi) for every rule Ai → wi, where Fi is defined as follows:
Fi(a w' ) = { a } for every terminal a
Fi(A w' ) = Fi(A) for every nonterminal A with ε not in Fi(A)
Fi(A w' ) = Fi(A) \ { ε } ∪ Fi(w' ) for every nonterminal A with ε in Fi(A)
Fi(ε) = { ε }
add Fi(wi) to Fi(Ai) for every rule Ai → wi
do steps 2 and 3 until all Fi sets stay the same.
A -> B C c
A -> g D B
B -> EPSILON | b C D E
C -> D a B | c a
D -> EPSILON | d D
E -> g A f | c
This website generates the first set as follows:
Non-Terminal Symbol First Set
A g, ε, b, a, c, d
B ε, b
C a, c, ε, d
D ε, d
E g, c
But the algorithm says Fi(A w' ) = Fi(A) for every nonterminal A with ε not in Fi(A) so the First(A) according to this algorithm should not contain ε. First(A) = {g, b, a, c, d}.
Q: First(A) for the above grammar is = First(B) - ε U First(C) U {g} ?
This video also follows the above algorithm and do not choose ε.

First(B) = {ε, b}
First(D) = {ε, d}
First(E) = {g, c}
First(C) = {c, d, a}
First(A) = {b, g, c, d, a}
X -> Y a | b
Y -> c | ε
First(X) = {c, a, b}
First(Y) = {c, ε}
First(X) doesn't have ε because if you replace Y by ε, then First(Y a) is equal to First(ε a) = {a}
First set implementation on my github.
Edit: Updated link
Computing the first and follow sets are both available on the new link above.


How to define the range function on a relation in Agda (set theory)

I'm trying to find a way to prove a couple of set theory-based problems in Agda, but I'm having a hard time defining the function range.
I took the definition of Subset from Proving decidability of subset in Agda and built on top of it. This is what I got so far:
open import Data.Bool as Bool using (Bool; true; false; T; _∨_; _∧_)
open import Data.Unit using (⊤; tt)
open import Level using (Level; _⊔_; 0ℓ) renaming (suc to lsuc)
open import Data.Product using (_×_) renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
Subset : ∀ {α} (A : Set α) -> Set _
Subset A = A → Bool
_∈_ : ∀ {α} {A : Set α} → A → Subset A → Set
a ∈ p = T (p a)
Relation : ∀ {α β} (A : Set α) (B : Set β) → Set (α ⊔ β)
Relation A B = Subset (A × B)
Range : ∀ {A B : Set} → Relation A B → Subset B
Range = ?
_⊆_ : ∀ {A : Set} → Subset A → Subset A → Set
A ⊆ B = ∀ x → x ∈ A → x ∈ B
wholeSet : ∀ (A : Set) → Subset A
wholeSet _ = λ _ → true
∀subset⊆set : ∀ {A : Set} {sub : Subset A} → sub ⊆ wholeSet A
∀subset⊆set = λ _ _ → tt
_∩_ : ∀ {A : Set} → Subset A → Subset A → Subset A
A ∩ B = λ x → (A x) ∧ (B x)
⊆-range-∩ : ∀ {A B : Set}
(F G : Relation A B)
→ Range (F ∩ G) ⊆ (Range F ∩ Range G)
⊆-range-∩ f g = ?
The problem is that Range takes as an input a function of type A × B → Bool and must return a function B → Bool such that a value B is true iff there exists a value A × B which is true in the initial function. Basically, I would need to iterate through all values of A to know whether B is in the range of the relation. Something impossible to do, isn't it?
There must be surely a better way to implement Range, doesn't it?
Here is the implementation I suggest :
open import Data.Unit
open import Data.Product renaming (_,_ to ⟨_,_⟩)
open import Data.Sum
open import Function
Change the definition of Subset to go to Set instead of Bool. I know this might be controversial, but in my experience this has always been the way to go, and also this is how subsets are implemented in the standard library. (By the way, if you are interested to see the implementation in the standard library, it is in the file Relation/Unary.agda). I also removed the levels of universe since you didn't use them in your later definitions, which led me to clean up the types of the module.
Subset : Set → Set₁
Subset A = A → Set
The definition of membership is changed accordingly.
_∈_ : ∀ {A} → A → Subset A → Set
a ∈ P = P a
Relation : ∀ A B → Set₁
Relation A B = Subset (A × B)
The range becomes then very natural : b is in the range of R if their exists an a such as R of a and b holds.
Range : ∀ {A B} → Relation A B → Subset B
Range R b = ∃ (R ∘ ⟨_, b ⟩) -- equivalent to ∃ \a → R ⟨ a , b ⟩
_⊆_ : ∀ {A} → Subset A → Subset A → Set
A ⊆ B = ∀ x → x ∈ A → x ∈ B
Not much to say about the wholeset
wholeSet : ∀ A → Subset A
wholeSet _ _ = ⊤
∀subset⊆set : ∀ {A sub} → sub ⊆ wholeSet A
∀subset⊆set _ _ = tt
_∩_ : ∀ {A} → Subset A → Subset A → Subset A
(A ∩ B) x = x ∈ A × x ∈ B
The proof of range inclusion is done very naturally with this definition.
⊆-range-∩ : ∀ {A B} {F G : Relation A B} → Range (F ∩ G) ⊆ (Range F ∩ Range G)
⊆-range-∩ _ ⟨ a , ⟨ Fab , Gab ⟩ ⟩ = ⟨ ⟨ a , Fab ⟩ , ⟨ a , Gab ⟩ ⟩
I also took the liberty to add the corresponding property about union.
_⋃_ : ∀ {A} → Subset A → Subset A → Subset A
(A ⋃ B) x = x ∈ A ⊎ x ∈ B
⋃-range-⊆ : ∀ {A B} {F G : Relation A B} → (Range F ⋃ Range G) ⊆ Range (F ⋃ G)
⋃-range-⊆ _ (inj₁ ⟨ a , Fab ⟩) = ⟨ a , inj₁ Fab ⟩
⋃-range-⊆ _ (inj₂ ⟨ a , Gab ⟩) = ⟨ a , inj₂ Gab ⟩

Exponents are not getting add

I am a beginner in Mathematica and learning from Google.
I was trying to find the determinant of a 4*4 matrix.
TT = {{ap, b, c, d}, {e, fp, g, h}, {i, j, kp, l}, {m, n, o, pq}}
TT // MatrixForm
After it, I applied determinant command.
I am getting result as follow,
d g j m - c h j m - d fp kp m + b h kp m + c fp l m - b g l m - d g i n + c h i n + d e kp n - ap h kp n - c e l n + ap g l n + d fp i o - b h i o - d e j o + ap h j o + b e l o - ap fp l o - c fp i pq + b g i pq + c e j pq - ap g j pq - b e kp pq + ap fp kp pq
I want above expression as a polynomial in p, want to collect coefficients separately. I have tried various command such as Collect, Factor etc. But each time I get the answer as the same polynomial as above.
I assume you have a*p, f*p, k*p, p*q, instead of ap, fp, kp and pq.
Mathematica needs either space or multiple sign to treat them as a separate multiplier and not as a variable.
t = {{a p, b, c, d}, {e, f p, g, h}, {i, j, k p, l}, {m, n, o,
p q}};
Collect[Det[t], p]
(* d g j m - c h j m - b g l m - d g i n + c h i n - c e l n -
b h i o - d e j o + b e l o + a f k p^4 q +
p (b h k m + c f l m + d e k n + a g l n + d f i o + a h j o +
b g i q + c e j q) +
p^2 (-d f k m - a h k n - a f l o - c f i q - a g j q - b e k q) *)

Algorithm for grouping many singly linked lists

I have a data set that consists of objects with the form:
A -> Some parent (E.g. A -> null)
B -> Some parent (E.g. B -> D)
C -> Some parent (E.g. C -> A)
D -> Some parent (E.g. D -> null)
E -> Some parent (E.g. E -> A)
F -> Some parent (E.g. F -> G)
G -> Some parent (E.g. G -> D)
H -> Some parent (E.g. H -> C)
I -> Some parent (E.g. I -> G)
J -> Some parent (E.g. J -> null)
I want all the grouped linked lists, something like the following:
A <- C <- H
D <- B
^- G <- F
^- I
Is there a general algorithm to solve the problem of grouping the singly-linked lists that will perform better than pure brute force?
The use case for me here is that, given G, how can I get:
D <- B
^- G <- F
^- I
in an efficient way.
Construct an array of 2-element structures, in which the first element is the destination and the second is the source:
(null, A),
( D, B),
( A, C),
(null, D),
( A, E),
( G, F),
( D, G),
( C, H),
( G, I),
(null, J)
Sort this array by the first element:
(null, A),
(null, D),
(null, J),
( A, C),
( A, E),
( C, H),
( D, B),
( D, G),
( G, F),
( G, I)
And then recursively reveal the whole graph, using the initial data and the array just created:
^- G
^- G <- F
^- I
c. D
^- G <- F
^- I
d. D <- B
^- G <- F
^- I

Topological sort, but with a certain kind of grouping

It seems this must be a common scheduling problem, but I don't see the solution or even what to call the problem. It's like a topological sort, but different....
Given some dependencies, say
A -> B -> D -- that is, A must come before B, which must come before D
A -> C -> D
there might be multiple solutions to a topological sort:
A, B, C, D
and A, C, B, D
are both solutions.
I need an algorithm that returns this:
(A) -> (B,C) -> (D)
That is, do A, then all of B and C, then you can do D. All the ambiguities or don't-cares are grouped.
I think algorithms such as those at Topological Sort with Grouping won't correctly handle cases like the following.
A -> B -> C -> D -> E
A - - - > M - - - > E
For this, the algorithm should return
(A) -> (B, C, D, M) -> (E)
A -> B -> D -> F
A -> C -> E -> F
should return
(A) -> (B, D, C, E) -> (F)
While this
A -> B -> D -> F
A -> C -> E -> F
C -> D
B -> E
should return
(A) -> (B, C) -> (D, E) -> (F)
And this
A -> B -> D -> F
A -> C -> E -> F
A -> L -> M -> F
C -> D
C -> M
B -> E
B -> M
L -> D
L -> E
should return
(A) -> (B, C, L) -> (D, E, M) -> (F)
Is there a name and a conventional solution to this problem? (And do the algorithms posted at Topological Sort with Grouping correctly handle this?)
Edit to answer requests for more examples:
should return
(A) -> (B) -> (C). That would be a straight topological sort.
should return
(A) -> (B, C) -> (D)
should return
(A) -> (B,C,D)
Let G be the transitive closure of the graph. Let G' be the undirected graph that results from removing the orientation from G and taking the complement. The connected components of the G' are the sets you are looking for.

Pull out minus sign to get a unified list?

Given the following list:
{a + b, c + d + e, - a + b, a - b, - c - d - e}
I would like to get as a result:
{a + b, a - b, c + d + e}
To clarify: I'd like to transform the first list in such a way that the first term in each element is normalized to a plus sign and throw away any elements that can be obtained from the final result by multiplying with -1.
I have tried Collect[] and FactorTerms[] and some other functions that look remotely like they would be able to do what I need, but they never touch minus signs ....
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Use FactoredTermsList:
In[5]:= FactorTermsList /# {a + b, c + d + e, -a + b,
a - b, -c - d - e}
Out[5]= {{1, a + b}, {1, c + d + e}, {-1, a - b}, {1, a - b}, {-1,
c + d + e}}
In[6]:= DeleteDuplicates[%[[All, 2]]]
Out[6]= {a + b, c + d + e, a - b}
Replace each by its negative if the syntactic sign of the first element is negative. Then take the union. Example:
ll = {a + b, c + d + e, -a + b, a - b, -c - d - e}
Out[444]= {a + b, c + d + e, -a + b, a - b, -c - d - e}
If[Head[#] === Plus && Head[#[[1]]] === Times &&
NumberQ[#[[1, 1]]] && #[[1, 1]] < 0, Expand[-#], #] &, ll]]
{a - b, a + b, c + d + e}
Daniel Lichtblau
It looks like you want to eliminate the elements that are duplicate modulo an overall sign. At least in this particular case, the following will work:
In[13]:= Union[FullSimplify#Abs[{a + b, c + d + e, -a + b, a - b, -c - d - e}]] /.
Abs[x_] :> x
Out[13]= {a - b, a + b, c + d + e}
If the order of elements in the list matters, you can use DeleteDuplicates in place of Union.
Here's an attempt.
nTerm[t_] := If[MatchQ[t[[1]], Times[-1, _]], -t, t]
is intended to be mapped over a list; takes a single item (of the list) as input, replaces it by its negative if the first element has a negative sign. So nTerm[-a + b + c] gives a - b - c, which is left invariant by nTerm: nTerm[a - b - c] gives back its argument.
removeElements[lst_] :=
DeleteDuplicates[lst, (#1 \[Equal] #2) || (#1 \[Equal] -#2) &]
takes a list as argument, removes those list elements that might be obtained from another list element by negation: removeElements[{1, 2, 3, -2, a, -a, "GWB", -"GWB"}] gives {1, 2, 3, a, "GWB"} (!). Finally,
processList[lst_] := removeElements[nTerm /# lst]
applies the whole lot to an input list; thus, li = {a + b, c + d + e, -a + b, a - b, -c - d - e}; processList[li] gives {a + b, c + d + e, a - b}
