JMeter - Run an amount of thread groups at a time - jmeter

Basically, I have 30 thread groups in my test plan and I would like to run 8 thread groups at a time consecutively until the test plan is done.
The main test plan options only allow parallel testing of all threads of 1 thread group at a time.
Is there any other way to achieve this apart from segmenting the thread groups in different JMX files or toggling them?

I'm entirely sure what you mean but I'm going to assume you want to run 8 thread groups simultaneously for a certain period, and than start another 8 thread groups and run those for a certain period etc.
You could do this quite easily with the Stepping Thread Group plugin: You can adjust each thread group's start and end time.


Delay the Threadgroup in jmeter test

I have 4 thread groups in my test. I have requirement as below:
I want first 3 thread groups to work sequentially. Hence, I have checked the chekcbox "Run Thread groups consecutively". But, i want my fourth thread group to start 30 mins after the third thread group while the third thread group is still not complete. Can this be achieved on Jmeter. Any help on this is highly appreciated.
If you tick Run Thread groups consecutively box you won't be able to have more than 1 thread group running at any moment of time.
So you need to untick that box on test plan level and start all Thread Groups in parallel.
The fact that the thread group has started doesn't necessarily mean that it will start executing Samplers, you can delay the execution until the previous Thread Group is done.
For example you can use Inter-Thread Communication Plugin for this purpose, in 1st thread group and put something into a FIFO queue and then try to read the value using jp#gc - Inter-Thread Communication PreProcessor in the 2nd Thread Group (add it to the first sampler). The 2nd Thread Group will start executing samplers only when the value will be available in the queue.
See SynchronizationExample.jmx test plan for example implementation
The same approach should be applied for thread groups 3 and 4, when 3rd thread group starts - put something to the FIFO queue so 4th thread group would be aware that the 3rd one has started, then you can "sleep" for 30 minutes using Flow Control Action sampler

Can we schedule JMeter to run for an hour for specific number of users?

If we want to execute the script for an hour for 5k users, which thread group will fit best? How do I make sure that only 5k users will be injected in whole 1 hour?
Sure you can, this can be implemented using any Thread Group derivative, i.e.
Normal JMeter Thread Group:
Concurrency Thread Group
Ultimate Thread Group
By default you have only option #1, other Thread Groups can be installed using JMeter Plugins Manager

Jmeter threads slow to start

Excuse my basic jMeter knowledge.
My script has 5 thread groups, one with two threads, three with 1 thread and then the final group with 30 threads. When the final group runs it runs first for 1 thread then when that thread has completed it will run the 30 threads concurrently including that thread 1.
Any clues on how I can get that thread group to kick off with all 30 threads when it starts? Instead of initially with just 1 thread.
Thread group config
Test plan config
Inside the thread group in question there is a double nesting of loop controllers, which seem to work correctly.
Hope you can help thanks.
If i understand your question correctly then in my opinion, there is an option in the Test Plan which says Run Thread Groups consecutively-- Uncheck the same and then execute your run, it should work..!!
You most probably checked by error "Run thread Groups consecutively" option in Test Plan:

Start JMeter thread after another thread

I want to run a thread x times. The thread group contains three samplers and because I dont want them to be mixed up in the result windows I only want to start the next thread when another is finished. I don't want to use a Ramp-Up Period because a thread could take 1 to 20 seconds.
You could use 3 thread groups and module controller (to referencd in the 2 other thread groups the elements in the first one to avoid copy ) and check on test plan the option:
Run Thread Group sequentially
Your use case is not very clear, however if you need to limit JMeter to X concurrent threads only the most obvious choice would be going for the Concurrency Thread Group
As per Advanced Load Testing Scenarios with JMeter Part 4 - Stepping Thread Group and Concurrency Thread Group article:
The Concurrency Thread Group provides a better simulation of user behaviour because it lets you control the length of your test more easily, and it creates replacement threads in case a thread finishes in the middle of the process.
You can install Concurrency Thread Group as a part of Custom Threads Group bundle using JMeter Plugins Manager
Regarding your three listeners bit, I would recommend reconsidering this approach as per JMeter Best Practices you should not be using any listeners, instead of it you need to run JMeter in non-GUI mode and use -l command-line argument to specify the results file name. Once your test is finished you can open the .jtl results file with a listener of your choice or generate a reporting dashboard from it.
You can use "jp#gc - Ultimate Thread Group". The Ultimate Thread Group provides flexible thread scheduling to your test scenario. It allows us to create a scheduled thread with advanced configuration. Start Threads Count, Initial Delay, Startup Time and Hold Load Time can be defined separately for each record.
You can define tasks to run consecutively.
This platform support flexible thread scheduling. You can read detailed wiki docs about the ultimate thread group.
Link: thread

jmeter run part of thread groups sequentually

I've got quite complex jmeter test plan that prepares data and save pre-conditions to properties that next thread groups use. So I CANNOT disable "Run thread groups consecutively" and split this onto 2 different plans. But I need to emulate different users' behavior and those thread groups differ by Number of threads and queries.
Is there any way to launch selected thread groups sequentially without breaking preparation on a regular basis?
Will try to do that via setUp Thread Groups/ Thread Groups / TearDown Thread Groups and without Run consecutively
