Maven assembly: generate a resource zip file and include it into the main assembly zip file - maven

How can I proceed to include a generated zip file into a main zip file with the Maven Assembly plugin?
For example, I have the following folder structure:
and I want to generate a zip file where the content is like this:
Here my simplified config':
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project >
===> with this config, Maven complains that it can't find

Don't declare the plugin twice; instead, you need to declare two executions of the maven-assembly-plugin.
The first execution will create the first assembly and then, the second execution will use this assembly to create the final one. Both of those executions will be bound to the package phase, and Maven will invoke the plugin's execution in the order of declaration in the POM.
<finalName>folderA</finalName> <!-- name without extension -->
A couple of notes:
The <finalName> should not contain the extension, so a finalName of folderA will produce the archive after the ZIP assembly is made.
The first assembly will be created inside the build directory, which is target by default. As such, the second one needs to reference it there with:
in its assembly descriptor.
Since the first assembly is not the final one, you probably don't want it attached, i.e. as an additional artifact produced by your project. You can disable this by setting attach to false. This will make sure only the last final one is considered when deploying or releasing.
descriptor is a deprecated parameter, you should use descriptors instead.
With such a configuration, running mvn clean package will produce the correct archive inside the build folder.


How to have custom properties for the Maven Assembly Plugin?

I have a Java project that is compiled using Maven and at the end maven-assembly-plugin is used to pack compiled JAR files, DLLs etc into 10 different ZIP files. Every ZIP file is for different environment (has different DLLs), but their content is generally identical.
Now I use 10 different assembly.xml files that are used to create those 10 ZIP files.
Problem is that those XMLs are almost identical, the only difference is 1 word in path of DLLs. Example of such a file: (In reality it is much longer)
<!-- Copying DLLs: -->
As you can see, I would like to use {someVariable} on more places which is the desired functionality but I cannot make it work. Hopefully it is possible and this is the core of my question. I want to use the same assembly.xml file and execute it 10x always with different value of {someVariable} like this:
Is it possible? FYI: Section <properties> does not work, I am just trying to show what I would like to do.
I know that I can create the properties in poml.xml and use them in assembly.xml but it does not solve my problem, because I still would have to create 10 different assembly.xml files.
This is the best advice I have found, but it is not the answer.
You can use the iterator-maven-plugin, in order to iterate over all your different property values. This Mojo has an iterator goal which enables to iterate over a set of given properties, and adds them as as Maven property:
The iterator-maven-plugin will inject the current value as a property which means you can use this property to parameterize your build.
In your case, you could have:
At the package phase, this configuration will iterate over the 3 given values, my-value-1 to my-value-3, and execute each time the Maven Assembly Plugin. For a given execution, it is possible to retrieve the current iterated value with ${item}. As such, your common assembly descriptor would become:
<!-- Copying DLLs: -->

maven-assembly-plugin loops over each module without being told to do so

I am just trying to copy some files into some directories, and using this plugin since I am told that it is convenient. However, whenever I try to do mvn install, the plugin somehow tries to loop over every module in my pom.xml (I never asked it to do this kind of thing) and tries to do some operation, then gives the error of :
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.6:single (make-install-assembly) on project untoldProject Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive install: You must set at least one file.
I want this plugin to operate on only certain modules (and folders which are not modules) which I already specify in the path, in the assembly file of mine. So I don't know why is the plugin tries to do this operation for every module.
Here is my pom.xml where I use the plugin:
<!-- This plugin is used to copy the necessary files to project.release/install folder -->
Here is my asssembly.xml where I specify what I want to copy:
Given this, why does the plugin try to do this operation for every module? I just want it to happen for one module, called project.release, and that's it. I put both of my pom.xml and assembly.xml to the parent directory, for your information.
Update: For those who would like to see my project hiearchy, here is my master pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- This plugin is used to delete the contents of the project.release/install folder-->
<!-- This plugin is used to copy the necessary files to project.release/install folder -->
Given this, why does the plugin try to do this operation for every
Because this is the nature of multi module project.
I just want it to happen for one module, called project.release, and
that's it. I put both of my pom.xml and assembly.xml to the parent
directory, for your information.
I give some hints, not a complete solution.
create an additional module called project.release. Add it to the <modules> element in the root POM. The order doesn`t matter
move the plugin-entry for the maven-assembly-plugin from the root POM to the POM of project.release
In the POM of project.release, add dependencies to other modules as necessary.
In the folder of project.release, place the assembly descriptor in src/main/assembly . The directory entries within your descriptor should be relative to the module root of project.release

Creating multiple zip files with assembly plugin - no assembly descriptors found

In addition to creating a war file in my pom (which works fine) I'm trying to create a couple of ZIP files that include only some of my content. Previously I had just one zip file and created my own assembly descriptor using the zip format, and this worked fine. When I wanted to add a second zip file with different content, I had to change my plugin to multiple executions. Now when I run it I get an error message that says no assembly descriptors found and that the build failed.
What's funny is that it actually is doing everything it needs to do. It creates the war file. It creates the two zip files, even though it says it failed to do so. But this maven build is one of many run by an automated deployment process, and if it gets an error message, that's not going to fly.
This is the plugin section of my pom:
I run maven with clean yuicompressor:compress assembly:assembly package.
My src/main/assembly directory contains two files, zip.xml and details-zip.xml. They are mostly identical except for the element and the filesets. Here's the zip.xml file:

Packing one tar created using maven assembly into another tar using maven assembly

I have created a tar(say project.tar) using maven assembly descriptor.
I need to create one more tar(say final.tar) file which would contain the previously created tar (project.tar) along with one script file.
To do this 'm trying using two descriptors specified in pom.xml. One descriptor is for project.tar and second for final.tar .
While doing so I'm facing the following error.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (default-cli) on project ede: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive bin: A tar file cannot include itself. -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-assembly-plugin:2.4:single (default-cli) on project ede: Failed to create assembly: Error creating assembly archive bin: A tar file cannot include itself. "
My pom.xml file is
I've also tried using pom.xml file as
In this way, it's not able to locate the descriptors files.
Could anyone please guide me if 'm doing anything wrong?
I know that this post is very old but I think it might need some explanations.
In my opinion, the best way for what you want to do is to use two executions of the maven-assembly-plugin. The first will generate your project tar and the second you final tar. (please read all the answer before saying that there is more simple)
Here is what I would do (and it works of course).
As I like to have the assemblies in different folders (because I think it is easier like that), I declare properties in my pom with the directories paths :
Then in the maven-assembly-plugin I configure the executions (never forget that the order of the executions is very important because they will be executed in the declaration order if they are binded on the same phase) :
(you can see that the tars will be in different folders and that the project tar will not have the assembly id appended to its name so it will look like myproject-1.0.tar)
Now concerning the assemblies definitions.
For the project-tar.xml, I just include the jars in it, you can do whatever you want :
And for the final-tar.xml, I include the project tar and the scripts I have in my folder src/main/scripts :
And there we are, you have your two tars.
There is a solution more simple which is as you did at the beginning :
The descriptors order is very important of course.
The only difference with your initial solution is that I keep the property appendAssemblyId set to true because if not, the two assemblies will have the same name and when the maven-assembly-plugin will try to build the final assembly it will detect that there is a file which is already having this name and will fail saying that it cannot include itself...
With my solution in two executions, you can set the appendAssemblyId to false.
Part of the answer is to use the descriptorRef as outlined in the assembly plugin examples.
Hopefully that will give you something to get started with.

maven create zip with jar and some more files

I do not understand maven. Better use ant, but... I've managed to create jar (with, or without dependencies), I've managed to copy bat runner script close to jar but now i want to create zip with this jar and this bat. So i use assembly plugin and get BUUUM!!!! CADAAAM! In my configuration it happens so, that it executes parallel to jar packaging. I wrote assembly file:
Then, I bound maven-assembly-plugin:
<!-- <descriptorRef>jar-with-dependencies</descriptorRef> -->
Now I get this in ./target:
jar_without_dependencies.jar (it is from maven-jar-plugin, right?)
And the third angers me. It contains:
And the 123 directory contains:
As you see, I get jar with unpacked dependencies, EXCLUDED DIRS!!!!, and with dir 123, which is actually what I want (Oh! assembly plugin did that!!!).
I want to get jar with dependencies and correct manifest with classpath. As an option i want jar with unpacked dependencies (I know about <unpack>false</unpack> in assembly, but cannot get it work). I want to change /123 to / and get NORMAL JAR WITHOUT EXCLUDED FILES!!! I want two separate tasks to build jar and zip (is it done with profiles in maven??) As in ant, i would wrote something like this:
<target name="jar_with_deps" depends-on="compile">
here i copy classes (excluding some dirs with runner script), and build manifest
copy bat file from src/main/resources/runner/runner.bat
<target name="zip" depends-on="jar_with_deps">
Get jar from previous target, get runner.bat. Put them in zip
Excuse me, if I am too expressive, but I am really angry with this implicit behavior. I am really stuck with this.
Just in case it helps anyone else, I found that this was pretty easy to do, at least for my basic needs. I was already using the Maven Shade plugin to build a jar with all dependencies included:
So when I ran mvn package, it would produce target/MyApp-version.jar, whereas I wanted a containing MyApp-version.jar along with some other files (a README, etc.). So, I add the Assembly plugin:
The above block refers to assembly.xml, which configures the way the plugin works:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<assembly xmlns=""
(${app.version} is defined in the pom.xml <properties> element.)
That's it, now mvn package produces both the jar and the zip.
You have to options to achieve your goal:
option: Create two assembly descriptors, one for jar w/ deps and one for zip. Zip takes the the newly created jar.
option: Create two more modules in your project: first modules shades all deps into one jar (or attach a shaded jar along with your main jar, save another module), have the second module depend on it and suck in that jar in your assembly. Your done.
Depending on the size and structure of your project, I would go for the safe way: option 2. This one is guaranteed to have the correct build and dep order. Option 1 violates the maven way somewhat.
I've made two profiles in pom.xml:
Now i am able to create simple jar (mvn clean package), jar with dependencies (mvn clean package -Pjar-with-dependencies). I also can call mvn package -Pdistro to create zip. But i need to call maven with -Pjar-with-dependencies before it manually. Except this, everything is ok.
