activator ui show Waiting for sbt server to restart and Lost or failed sbt connection: Operation timed out - playframework-2.5

Activator ui view always waiting for sbt server to restart
and Build view always output lost or failed sbt connection: Operation timed out

Following is only the beginning of an answer. I've been researching a nearly identical problem, and it sounds like Activator uses an sbt plugin called sbt-remote-control for restarting the sbt server. I have not yet located where this plugin is called from Activator, but suspect something in this plugin is timing out, either due to a default or to an argument passed from Activator.
Activator FAQ says you can add a line to ~/.activator/activatorconfig.txt to lengthen a timeout, but I followed the suggestion and that did not resolve the problem for me. (I also found I had to create the activatorconfig.txt file for my installation.)
Security configuration may also be a factor. My version of this issue occurs on a corporate Win7 laptop with high security lockdown, but not on another personal Win7 laptop.


Mesos framework stays inactive due to "Authentication failed: EOF"

I'm currently trying to deploy Eremetic (version 0.28.0) on top of Marathon using the configuration provided as an example. I actually have been able to deploy it once, but suddenly, after trying to redeploy it, the framework stays inactive.
By inspecting the logs I noticed a constant attempt to connect to some service that apparently never succeeds because of some authentication problem.
2017/08/14 12:30:45 Connected to [REDACTED_MESOS_MASTER_ADDRESS]
2017/08/14 12:30:45 Authentication failed: EOF
It looks like the service returning an error is ZooKeeper and more precisely it looks like the error can be traced back to this line in the Go ZooKeeper library. ZooKeeper however seems to work: I've tried to query it directly with zkCli and to run a small Spark job (where the Mesos master is given with zk:// URL) and everything seems to work.
Unfortunately I'm not able to diagnose the problem further, what could it be?
It turned out to be a configuration problem. The master URL was simply wrong and this is how the error was reported.

Distributed JMeter test fails with java error but test will run from JMeter UI (non-distributed)

My goal is to run a load test using 4 Azure servers as load generators and 1 Azure server to initiate the test and gather results. I had the distributed test running and I was getting good data. But today when I remote start the test 3 of the 4 load generators fail with all the http transactions erroring. The failed transactions log the following error:
Non HTTP response message: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4jFactory (Caused by java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4jFactory)
I confirmed the presence of commons-logging-1.2.jar in the jmeter\lib folder on each machine.
To try to narrow down the issue I set up one Azure server to both initiate the load and run JMeter-server but this fails too. However, if I start the test from the JMeter UI on that same server the test runs OK. I think this rules out a problem in the script or a problem with the Azure machines talking to each other.
I also simplified my test plan down to where it only runs one simple http transaction and this still fails.
I've gone through all the basics: reinstalled jmeter, updated java to the latest version (1.8.0_111), updated the JAVA_HOME environment variable and backed out the most recent Microsoft Security update on the server. Any advice on how to pick this problem apart would be greatly appreciated.
I'm using JMeter 3.0r1743807 and Java 1.8
The Azure servers are running Windows Server 2008 R2
I did get a resolution to this problem. It turned out to be a conflict between some extraneous code in a jar file and a component of JMeter. It was “spooky” because something influenced the load order of referenced jar files and JMeter components.
I had included a jar file in my JMeter script using the “Add directory or jar to classpath” function in the Test Plan. This jar file has a piece of code I needed for my test along with many other components and one of those components, probably a similar logging function, conflicted with a logging function in JMeter. The problem was spooky; the test ran fine for months but started failing at the maximally inconvenient time. The problem was revealed by creating a very simple JMeter test that would load and run just fine. If I opened the simple test in JMeter then, without closing JMeter, opened my problem test, my problem test would not fail. If I reversed the order, opening the problem test followed by the simple test then the simple test would fail too. Given that the problem followed the order in which things loaded I started looking at the jar files and found my suspect.
When I built the script I left the jar file alone thinking that the functions I need might have dependencies to other pieces within the jar. Now that things are broken I need to find out if that is true and happily it is not. So, to fix the problem I changed the extension on my jar file to zip then edited it in 7-zip. I removed all the code except what I needed. I kept all the folders in the path to my needed code, I did this for two reasons; I did not have to update my code that called the functions and when I tried changing the path the functions did not work.
Next I changed the extension on the file back to jar and changed the reference in JMeter’s “Add directory or jar to classpath” function to point to the revised jar. I haven’t seen the failure since.
Many thanks to the folks who looked at this. I hope the resolution will help someone out.

Unable to use activator on my Mac - get a timeout exception when I try and make an app from template

So I'm following this tutorial:
It all seems installed - i.e. all the commands work but when I try and call:
activator new my-first-app play-scala
I get the following:
Fetching the latest list of templates...
Could not fetch the updated list of templates. Using the local cache.
Check your proxy settings or increase the timeout. For more details see:
OK, application "another-app" is being created using the "play-scala" template.
akka.pattern.AskTimeoutException: Ask timed out on [Actor[akka://default/user/template-cache#1575831997]] after [10000 ms]
at akka.pattern.PromiseActorRef$$anonfun$1.apply$mcV$sp(AskSupport.scala:333)
at scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.unbatchedExecute(Future.scala:599)
at scala.concurrent.BatchingExecutor$class.execute(BatchingExecutor.scala:109)
at scala.concurrent.Future$InternalCallbackExecutor$.execute(Future.scala:597)
And nothing happens.
I just installed it on a PC in my house under the same network so I don't think my connection is the issue. I'm not using a proxy either..
Got any ideas? I've been trying to get this working for over a day now.
I'm on OSX Yosemite by the way.
I sometimes have timeouts too, especially while working in the university on some sloppy WLAN.
There are two types of activator, the usual light-weight one and the offline version. In the second, all repositories are present so the activator does not need to gather anything from the internet.
When you go to ... look for the offline distribution (around 400MB) and install it like the normal activator.
If this solves your problem, there was something wrong with the activator trying to get something from a repository (you said that you can run the project but get server timeouts).
[EDIT]: You can also set the timeout to 30 seconds and see if this helps
activator -Dactivator.timeout=30s new "project name"

Unable to run tests in Microsoft Test Manager data and diagnostics error

I am trying to run a manual test case in Microsoft Test Manager (2013) using a test lab. When I run the test it shows the following error:
Data and diagnostics cannot be collected
An error occurred while initializing diagnostic data adapters. Abort your session and start again.
Timed out while initializing data and diagnostics adapters.
If the Windows Firewall does not have Microsoft Test Manager added to the exceptions list and set to be enabled, the initialization for the data and diagnostics adapters can time out. Verify that the exceptions list for the Windows Firewall includes Microsoft Test Manager (mtm.exe). For more information about this, see:
For more information about issues that can cause initialization of data and diagnostics adapters to time out, see:
I have been searching for an answer and trying various things now for a couple of days and can't resolve the issue. Helpfully of the 2 links it gives you in the error the first did not help and the second didn't link to a working page. People who have posted a similar error in forums have resolved their issues by correcting the firewall however the firewall on my local PC and the firewall on the virtual machine are both off.
This is what I have checked:
Firewalls are all off
My test agent is set up on the virtual machine and shows under my test controllers correctly
The lab has a ready status and I can see the agent is online.
My test settings are currently set up to collect no data (in the hope that would help but it has not).
The test environment for running the tests is set to the correct environment.
I have tried extending the time out period in the mtm.exe.config and the QTAgent configs on the remote machine for when I kick off the test runner.
I have checked the firewall logs on the virtual machine when test runner fails and there appears to be no issues there.
As you can probably tell I have been trying to fix this for a while!
Has anyone seen this error before and been able to resolve it? Any guidance on some things to try that I haven't already listed would be really appreciated.
Thank you for your help!
I have resolved this issue, for a manual test the test agent needs to be installed on the local machine as well as on the virtual machine for the automation tests. This was the step I had missed. Once the test agent was installed on my local machine this error disappeared. It is a misleading error message but if you have this problem, make sure the test agent is on all of the machines in the environment and configured correctly. Part of the issue here was my misunderstanding as I thought I could use the VM for my manual tests too which is not the case.

quickfix session config issues

I've compiled and trolled around the quickfix ( ) source and the examples. I figured a good starting point would be to compile (C++) and run the 'executor' example, then use the 'tradeclient' example to connect to 'executor', and send it order requests.
I created two seperate session files one for the 'executor' as an acceptor, and one for the 'tradeclient' as the initiator. They're both running on the same Win7 pc.
'executor' runs, but tradeclient can't connect to it, and I can't figure out why. I downloaded Mini-fix and was able to send messages to executor, so I know that executor is working. I figure that the problem is with the tradeclient session settings. I've included both of them below, I was hoping someone could point out what's causing them to not communicate. They're both running on the same computer using port 56156.
--accceptor session.txt----
---- initiator session.txt ---
Update: Thanks for the resonses... Turns out that my logfile directories didn't exist. Once I created them, they both started communicating. Must have been some logging error that didn't throw an exception, but disabled proper behavior.
Is there an error condition that I should be checking? I was relying on exceptions, but that's obviously not enough.
It doesn't seem to be config, check that your message sequence numbers are in synch, especially since you've been connecting to a different server using the same settings.
Try setting the TargetCompID and SenderCompID on the acceptor to *
