Error in 'get_tagged_response' - ruby

I've written a little Ruby script to manage my email (save into .txtfiles and remove spam). Here it goes:
require 'gmail'
username = 'gmail_username'
password = 'gmail_password'
gmail =, password)
# The piece below should save each unread email from website stated
# Into a .txt file on my machine
folder = '/home/alex/MAIL'
gmail.inbox.emails(:unread, from: '').each do |email| + email + '.txt', 'w+') { |f| f.write(email) }
# The piece below should remove spam letters
gmail.inbox.emails(:unread, from: '').each do |email|
But when I try to run it via $ ruby managemail.rb it returns me the following error:
/home/alex/.rbenv/versions/2.3.0/lib/ruby/2.3.0/net/imap.rb:1198:in `get_tagged_response': Unknown command m1mb83666172lbl (Net::IMAP::BadResponseError)
What have I done wrong?


Sending mail using mailx shell command in Ruby

I need some help with my ruby script. I have code like this:
require 'rubygems'
require 'json'
require 'date'
system 'curl https://xxx/yyy/zzz --cacert xxx.pem --cert xxx.pem --key xxx.pem >> hosts.txt'
document = JSON.load"hosts.txt")
file = JSON.load"admins.txt")
new_file ="newfile.txt", "w")
personal_data = file['admins'].group_by { |e| e.delete('name') }
dupa = []
document['results'].map do |h|
dupa << h.merge(personal_data[h['name']].first) if personal_data[h['name']]
#puts dupa
dupa.each do |a|
if a["global_status_label"] != "OK"
last_report = a["last_report"].to_s
last_report = last_report[0..9]
date_last_report = Date.parse last_report
current_Date =
difference_dates = (current_Date - date_last_report).to_i
if difference_dates > 5
new_file.puts "#{a['name']}\t #{difference_dates}"
Everything works fine, but I need to send mail with some informations using only shell command mailx/mail. I know how to execute shell commands in Ruby and if I wanted to send only a mail it would not be a problem, but doing thay way I have to create new file with data new_file.puts "#{a['name']}\t #{difference_dates}" and then send this in email. Is there any possibility to put data like a['name'] or difference_dates or anything elese to the text of email? I think abou something like that:
system 'echo "Your server a['name'] is not responding since difference_dates, fix it!" |mailx -s "Warning"'
is it possible and correct?

Encrypt data bag from inside of ruby without relying on knife

At the moment to encrypt a data bag, I have to do :
system "knife data bag from file TemporaryEncrypting \"#{enc_file_path}\" --secret-file #{Secret_Key_Path}"
and that doesn't work because knife can't find a config file and I can't seem to get it read the one in C:\chef.
How do I do this from within ruby?
I worked out how to encrypt inside of ruby, just use this code:
require 'chef/knife'
#require 'chef/encrypted_data_bag_item' #you need to do this in chef version 12, they've moved it out of knife and into it's own section
require 'json'
secret = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load_secret Secret_Key_Path
to_encrypt = JSON.parse(json_to_encrypt)
encrypted_data = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.encrypt_data_bag_item to_encrypt, secret
Answer achieved with information from this answer, here is the code in question:
namespace 'databag' do
desc 'Edit encrypted databag item.'
task :edit, [:databag, :item, :secret_file] do |t, args|
args.with_defaults :secret_file => "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/encrypted_data_bag_secret"
secret = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.load_secret args.secret_file
item_file = "data_bags/#{args.databag}/#{args.item}.json"
tmp_item_file = "/tmp/#{args.databag}_#{args.item}.json"
#decrypt data bag into tmp file
raw_hash = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json item_file
databag_item = raw_hash, secret
IO.write tmp_item_file, Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty( databag_item.to_hash )
#edit tmp file
sh "#{ENV['EDITOR']} #{tmp_item_file}"
#encrypt tmp file data bag into original file
raw_hash = Chef::JSONCompat.from_json tmp_item_file
databag_item = Chef::EncryptedDataBagItem.encrypt_data_bag_item raw_hash, secret
IO.write item_file, Chef::JSONCompat.to_json_pretty( databag_item )
::File.delete tmp_item_file #ensure tmp file deleted.

Jekyll extension calling an external script

I've written a simple Jekyll plugin to pull in my tweets using the twitter gem (see below). I'd like to keep the ruby script for the plugin on my open Github site, but following recent changes to the twitter API, the gem now requires authentication credentials.
require 'twitter' # Twitter API
require 'redcarpet' # Formatting links
module Jekyll
class TwitterFeed < Liquid::Tag
def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens)
input = text.split(/, */ )
#user = input[0]
#count = input[1]
if input[1] == nil
#count = 3
def render(context)
# Initialize a redcarpet markdown renderer to autolink urls
# Could use octokit instead to get GFM
markdown =,
:autolink => true,
:space_after_headers => true)
## Attempt to load credentials externally here:
require '~/.twitter_auth.rb'
out = "<ul>"
tweets = #client.user_timeline(#user)
for i in 0 ... #count.to_i
out = out + "<li>" + markdown.render(tweets[i].text) +
" <a href=\"" + #user + "/statuses/" +
tweets[i].id.to_s + "\">" + tweets[i].created_at.strftime("%I:%M %Y/%m/%d") +
"</a> " + "</li>"
out + "</ul>"
Liquid::Template.register_tag('twitter_feed', Jekyll::TwitterFeed)
If I replace the line
require '~/.twitter_auth.rb'
where twitter_auth.rb contains something like:
require 'twitter'
#client =
:consumer_key => "CEoYXXXXXXXXXXX",
:consumer_secret => "apnHXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
If I place these contents directly into the script above, then my plugin script works just fine. But when I move them to an external file and try to read them in as shown, Jekyll fails to authenticate. The function seems to work just fine when I call it from irb, so I am not sure why it does not work during the Jekyll build.
I think that you may be confused about how require works. When you call require, first Ruby checks if the file has already been required, if so it just returns directly. If it hasn’t then the contents of the file are run, but not in the same scope as the require statement. In other words using require isn’t the same as replacing the require statement with the contents of the file (which is how, for example, C’s #include works).
In your case, when you require your ~/.twitter_auth.rb file, the #client instance variable is being created, but as an instance variable of the top level main object, not as an instance variable of the TwitterFeed instance where require is being called form.
You could do something like assign the Twitter::Client object to a constant that you could then reference from the render method:
MyClient ={...
and then
require '~/twitter_auth.rb'
#client = MyClient
I only suggest this as an explanation of what’s happening with require, it’s not really a good technique.
A better option, I think, would be to keep your credentials in a simple data format in your home directory, then read them form your script and create the Twitter client with them. In this case Yaml would probably do the job.
First replace your ~/twitter_auth.rb with a ~/twitter_auth.yaml that looks soemthing like:
:consumer_key: "CEoYXXXXXXXXXXX"
Then where you have requre "~/twitter_auth.rb" in your class, replace with this (you’ll also need require 'yaml' at the top of the file):
#client ="~/twitter_auth.yaml"))

Writing to a file then trying to open it again for parsing

I'm trying to save the xml feed of a twitter user to a file and then try to read it again for parsing onto the screen.
This s what I see hen I try to run it..
Wrote to file #<File:0x000001019257c8>
Now parsing user info..
twitter_stats.rb:20:in `<main>': undefined method `read' for "keva161.txt":String (NoMethodError)
Here's my code...
require "open-uri"
require "rubygems"
require "crack"
twitter_url = ""
username = "keva161"
full_page = twitter_url + username
local_file = username + ".txt"
tweets = open(full_page).read
my_local_file = open(local_file, "w")
puts "Wrote to file " + my_local_file.to_s
puts "Now parsing user info.."
parsed_xml = Crack::XML.parse(
tweets = parsed_xml["statuses"]
first_tweet = tweets[0]
user = first_tweets["user"]
puts user["screen_name"]
puts user ["name"]
puts users ["created_at"]
puts users ["statuses_count"]
You are calling read on local_file, which is the string containing the filename. You meant to type, I guess, to use the IO object you got from open. (...or local_file.)
Not that this is the best form: why are you writing to a temporary file anyhow? You have the data in memory, so just pass it directly.
If you do want to write to a local file, I commend the block from of open:
open(local_file, 'w') do |fh|
fh.print ...
That way Ruby will take care of closing the file for you and all that.

Having trouble saving to file in Ruby

Hi I have a simple form that allows a user to input a name, their gender and a password. I use Digest::MD5.hexdigest to encrypt the input. Once I have the encrypted input eg, d1c261ede46c1c66b7e873564291ebdc, I want to be able to append this to a file I have already created. However every thing I have tried just isn't working. Can anyone please help and thank you in advance. Here is what I have:
puts "Content-type: text/html \n\n"
require 'digest/md5'
digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(input)
f ="register.txt", "a")
I have also tried this with no luck:"register.txt", "a") do |f|
If the code is verbatim then I think you have a typo in the first line: did you mean CONTENT_LENGHT or is it a typo? ENV[] will return a string if the variable is set, which will upset STDIN#read. I get TypeError: can't convert String into Integer. Assuming the typo, then ENV[] returns nil, which tells STDIN#read to read until EOF, which from the console means, I think, Control-Z. That might be causing a problem.
I suggest you investigate by modifying your script thus:
read_length = ENV["CONTENT_LENGTH"].to_i # assumed typo fixed, convert to integer
puts "read length = #{read_length}"
input = read_length )
puts "input = #{input}"
puts "Content-type: text/html \n\n" # this seems to serve no purpose
require 'digest/md5'
digest = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(input)
puts "digest = #{digest}"
# prefer this version: it's more idiomatically "Rubyish""register.txt", "a") do |f|
puts "file opened"
file_content ="register.txt")
puts "done, file content = #{file_content}"
This works on my machine, with the following output (when CONTENT_LENGTH set to 12):
read length = 12
input = abcdefghijkl
Content-type: text/html
digest = 9fc9d606912030dca86582ed62595cf7
file opened
done, file content = 6cfbc6ae37c91b4faf7310fbc2b7d5e8
