How to read/write to an USB storage device with a linux driver? - linux-kernel

During the attempt to write my own simple usb driver for an usb-flash-drive, I got stuck reading the data that I wrote to the device.
So, my first question is:
How is the transfer and the storage on a device going on? (in detail)
I know I have to perform the following steps:
Create an urb (USB request block)
Allocate a DMA buffer
Transfer the data from the user-space into the DMA buffer
Send the data through a pipe to the device
I couldn't find any documentation on how a device handles this data.
Is this even possible to write such a driver, or would it be necessary to disassemble the usb device, to send special commands?
The code I have written looks something like the following and is from the ldd3 and "". It only shows a shortened version of the important functions.
After loading the driver into the kernel, I can write to the device without any error, but if I read, an EPIPE error occurs. Ldd3 mentions that the usb_clear_halt() could solve this problem, but it doesn't.
// This function is called when the device is plugged in
static int my_driver_probe(struct usb_interface* interface, const struct usb_device_id* id)
struct usb_skel* dev = NULL;
struct usb_device* udev = interface_to_usbdev(interface);
struct usb_host_interface* iface_desc;
struct usb_endpoint_descriptor* endpoint;
int retval = -ENODEV;
int i = 0;
size_t buffer_size;
dev = kzalloc(sizeof(struct usb_skel), GFP_KERNEL);
// Check vendor and product id
// …
dev->udev = udev;
dev->interface = interface;
// Set up the endpoint information
iface_desc = interface->cur_altsetting;
for(i=0; i < iface_desc->desc.bNumEndpoints; ++i) {
endpoint = &iface_desc->endpoint[i].desc;
if(!dev->bulk_in_endpointAddr && usb_endpoint_is_bulk_in(endpoint)) {
buffer_size = endpoint->wMaxPacketSize;
dev->bulk_in_size = buffer_size;
dev->bulk_in_endpointAddr = endpoint->bEndpointAddress;
dev->bulk_in_buffer = kmalloc(buffer_size, GFP_KERNEL);
if(!dev->bulk_in_buffer) {
printk("Could not allocate bulk_in_buffer\n");
goto error;
dev->bulk_in_urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL);
if(!dev->bulk_out_endpointAddr && usb_endpoint_is_bulk_out(endpoint))
dev->bulk_out_endpointAddr = endpoint->bEndpointAddress;
// Check that the endpoints are set
// …
// Save our data pointer in this interface device
usb_set_intfdata(interface, dev);
// Register the device
retval = usb_register_dev(interface, &class_descr);
return retval;
// Is called when another program writes into /dev/my_usb_driver
static ssize_t my_driver_write( struct file* file, const char __user* user_buffer, size_t count, loff_t* offs)
struct usb_skel* dev = file->private_data;
struct urb* urb = NULL;
char* buf = NULL;
int retval = 0;
size_t writesize = min(count, (size_t)MAX_TRANSFER);
// Create a urb, and a buffer for it, and copy the data to the urb
urb = usb_alloc_urb(0, GFP_KERNEL);
// Creates a DMA buffer
buf = usb_alloc_coherent(dev->udev, writesize, GFP_KERNEL, &urb->transfer_dma);
// The data that is passed to the driver should be copied into the DMA buffer
copy_from_user(buf, user_buffer, writesize;
// Initialize the urb proberly
usb_fill_bulk_urb(urb, dev->udev,
usb_sndbulkpipe(dev->udev, dev->bulk_out_endpointAddr),
buf, writesize, (void*)my_write_bulk_callback, dev);
// Send the data out the bulk port
urb->transfer_flags |= URB_NO_TRANSFER_DMA_MAP;
usb_submit_urb(urb, GFP_KERNEL);
return writesize;
// Is called when another program reads from /dev/my_usb_driver
static ssize_t my_driver_read( struct file *file, char* buffer, size_t count, loff_t* offs)
struct usb_skel* dev = file->private_data;
int retval = 0;
// Check that we have data to read
// …
usb_fill_bulk_urb(dev->bulk_in_urb, dev->udev,
usb_rcvbulkpipe(dev->udev, dev->bulk_in_endpointAddr),
min(dev->bulk_in_size, count), read_bulk_callback, dev);
retval = usb_submit_urb(dev->bulk_in_urb, GFP_KERNEL);
// If the read was succesful, copy the data to user space
copy_to_user(buffer, dev->bulk_in_buffer, count);
return retval;

USB is just a transport layer. Storage devices generally implement SCSI protocol. Create a SCSI command for reading or writing from the data that user space has sent. Then create URB for the SCSI command and send it to the USB device.
SCSI is a huge protocol, for learning USB device driver development it is better to start with simple devices like USB to serial devices.


Using I2C dev driver

I want to configure a sensor over the I2C bus using the I2C-dev module.
The required I2C bus is up and running, however, I cannot seem to receive any data from the sensor. Could anyone please help me debug the below code. All the sensor registers are 8 bit.
int main()
int devFile=0;
const char *devFileName="/dev/i2c-1";
char writeBuf[2];
uint16_t readBuf[2];
uint16_t tempReading = 0;
/* Initialize I2C interface */
devFile = hdc2010_i2c_init(devFileName, HDC2010_ADDR);
/* Configuring the sensor and trigerring measurement */
writeBuf[0] = HDC2010_CONFIG;
writeBuf[1] = 0x57;
hdc2010_i2c_write(devFile, writeBuf, 2);
writeBuf[0] = HDC2010_INTERRUPT_CONFIG;
writeBuf[1] = 0x78;
hdc2010_i2c_write(devFile, writeBuf, 2);
writeBuf[1] = 0x03;
hdc2010_i2c_write(devFile, writeBuf, 2);
/* Reading temperature data from the registers */
writeBuf[0] = HDC2010_TEMP_LOW;
hdc2010_i2c_write(devFile, writeBuf, 1);
readBuf[0] = hdc2010_i2c_read(devFile, 1);
writeBuf[0] = HDC2010_TEMP_HIGH;
hdc2010_i2c_write(devFile, writeBuf, 1);
readBuf[1] = hdc2010_i2c_read(devFile, 1);
* Converting the temperature to readable format
* Formula Source : HDC2010 Datasheet
tempReading = ((readBuf[1] << 8) | (readBuf[0]));
tempReading = ((tempReading/65536)*165)-40;
printf("\nTemp: %d\n",tempReading);
int hdc2010_i2c_init(const char *devFileName, int slaveAddr)
int devFile;
/* Opening I2C device file */
if (devFile < 0)
printf("\nError opening the %s device file.\n",devFileName);
exit (1);
/* Selecting HDC2010 by its slave address */
if (ioctl(devFile,I2C_SLAVE,slaveAddr) < 0)
printf("\nFailed to select HDC2010(addr=%u)\n",HDC2010_ADDR);
exit (1);
return devFile;
void hdc2010_i2c_write(int devFile, char *buf, int numBytes)
write(devFile, buf, numBytes);
uint16_t hdc2010_i2c_read(int devFile, int numBytes)
uint16_t readBuf;
read(devFile, &readBuf, 1);
return readBuf;
Do I need to use SMBus commands or read/write is sufficient ?
Are there any test applications, like in the case of SPIdev ?
I don't know interface to your chip. There is a great range of possible ways to use I2C. But there is a very common way to access a device with 8-bit registers, so let's assume that is what you need.
To read a register, you want to generate the (simplified) primitive I2C sequence:
Start I2CAddr+Write RegAddr Start I2CAddr+Read [DATA] Stop
But what you are doing is this:
Start I2CAddr+Write RegAddr Stop
Start I2CAddr+Read [DATA] Stop
Basically, you need the read register operation to be a single transaction with one stop at the end and a repeated start between write mode and read mode. But what you are sending is two transactions.
You should not be using the read()/write() interface to i2c-dev. This interface is very simple and not suitable for most I2C transactions. Instead use the ioctl() interface and I2C_RDWR. This allows the appropriate transactions to be generated.
Since certain forms of transactions are very common, including the ones you most likely want, there is a library that has them coded already. Use i2c_smbus_read_byte_data() and i2c_smbus_write_byte_data() from the library in i2c-tools.
As for test programs, there is i2cget and i2cset, part of the above mentioned i2c-tools, that will be able to do what you want.

Need to write driver for USB peripheral device?

I'm working on designing a USB peripheral which will occasionally connect to a Windows PC, and transfer a few KB of data in each direction. There will be a custom PC application that controls the data transfers, using a proprietary protocol (i.e. for the USB payloads).
I see at the following link that Microsoft describes how to write a driver for a USB device. But do I need one?
Developing Windows client drivers for USB devices
The PC application is the only application that we intend to know how to communicate with the device, so there's no need for a driver from an application sharing standpoint.
Can I just bake the custom protocol directly into the application, have the application speak "raw USB" to the device, and do without a separate driver?
"raw USB", no, you can't do that from an application.
But because you control the device also, you can make it appear as one of the device classes for which Windows provides a device driver that's generic enough to do just about anything you want.
Those device classes are HID (Human Interface Device) and "WinUSB". Of these, HID is cross-platform but more limited in capability, WinUSB allows high performance data transfers as well as interrupt endpoints.
Instructions for setting up your device's string descriptors so that Windows automatically binds it to the WinUSB driver are on MSDN
A WinUSB device is a Universal Serial Bus (USB) device whose firmware defines certain Microsoft operating system (OS) feature descriptors that report the compatible ID as "WINUSB".
The purpose of a WinUSB device is to enable Windows to load Winusb.sys as the device's function driver without a custom INF file. For a WinUSB device, you are not required to distribute INF files for your device, making the driver installation process simple for end users.
There is another way with no need to write driver to write what You want to device using WriteFile function:WinUSB, how to do this:
Include WinUsb.h
Add WinUsb.lib to the list of linked libraries.
in Usb100.h some macros.
Use the device interface GUID to obtain the device path. The correct GUID is the one that you specified in the INF that was used to install WinUsb.sys.
Get a handle to the device information set by passing the device interface GUID that you defined in the INF to SetupDiGetClassDevs. The function returns an HDEVINFO handle.
Call SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces to enumerate the system’s device interfaces and obtain information on your device interface.
Call SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail to get detailed data for the device interface.
Call the GetDevicePath function to obtain the device path.
Pass the device path to CreateFile to obtain a file handle for the device. Use ReadFile and Write File to communicate with device!
Pass the file handle to WinUsb_Initialize to initialize WinUSB and obtain a WinUSB handle. You use the device’s WinUSB handle to identify the device when you call WinUSB API functions, not the device’s file handle.
For more advanced solutions - use functions:
WinUsb_QueryDeviceInformation to obtain the device’s speed.
WinUsb_QueryInterfaceSettings to obtain the corresponding interface descriptors. The WinUSB handle corresponds to the first interface.
WinUsb_QueryPipe gets information about each endpoint.
WinUsb_WritePipe writes the buffer to the device - default behavior: zero-length writes are forwarded down the stack. If the transfer length is greater than a maximum transfer length, WinUSB divides the request into smaller requests of maximum transfer length and submits them serially.
more functions and info:
For debugging purposes You probably need:
Wireshark with USBPcap plugin.
Other Example:
Sample template comes with Visual Studio.
You need also have knowledge of writing .inf files.
Another easy way to communicate with USB - libusb-win32
My simple console app sends chunks to device (raw data write immediately to device bypassing the stack):
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <SetupAPI.h>
#include <Hidsdi.h>
#include <devguid.h>
#include <winusb.h>
#include <usb.h>
#pragma comment(lib, "hid.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "setupapi.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "winusb.lib")
#include <iUString.h>
iString<char> DevicePath;
bool WinusbHandle_Open=false;
bool DeviceHandle_Open = false;
HANDLE DeviceHandle;
UCHAR usb_out_buffer[64];
DEFINE_GUID(GUID_DEVCLASS_WINUSB, 0x88bae032L, 0x5a81, 0x49f0, 0xbc, 0x3d, 0xa4, 0xff, 0x13, 0x82, 0x16, 0xd6);
DEFINE_GUID(GUID_DEVCLASS_STL, 0xf177724dL, 0x74d3, 0x430e, 0x86, 0xb5, 0xf0, 0x36, 0x89, 0x10, 0xeb, 0x23);
GUID winusb_guid;
GUID stl_guid;
bool connectusb();
void disconnectusb();
int main()
DWORD numEvents;
WinusbHandle_Open = false;
DeviceHandle_Open = false;
usb_out_buffer[0] = 0;
usb_out_buffer[1] = 1;
usb_out_buffer[2] = 2;
usb_out_buffer[3] = 3;
ULONG bytesWritten;
ULONG timeout;
timeout = 100;
rHnd = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE);
WinUsb_SetPipePolicy(WinusbHandle, 0x01, PIPE_TRANSFER_TIMEOUT, sizeof(ULONG), &timeout);
timeout = TRUE;
WinUsb_SetPipePolicy(WinusbHandle, 0x01, AUTO_CLEAR_STALL, sizeof(ULONG), &timeout);
timeout = TRUE;
WinUsb_SetPipePolicy(WinusbHandle, 0x01, RAW_IO, sizeof(ULONG), &timeout);//Bypasses queuing and error handling to boost performance for multiple read requests.
while (true)
if ((!WinusbHandle_Open) || (!WinusbHandle_Open)) { if (!connectusb())Sleep(2000); }
if ((!WinusbHandle_Open) || (!WinusbHandle_Open))continue;
bytesWritten = 0;
if (!WinUsb_WritePipe(WinusbHandle, 0x01, &usb_out_buffer[0], 2, &bytesWritten, NULL))
n = GetLastError();
return 0;
bool connectusb()
BOOL bResult = FALSE;
HDEVINFO deviceInfo;
BYTE devdetailbuffer[4096];
bool found;
deviceInfo = SetupDiGetClassDevs(&stl_guid, NULL, NULL, DIGCF_PRESENT | DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE);
if (deviceInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return false; }
found = false;
for (n = 0;; n++)
interfaceData.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA);
if (!SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(deviceInfo, NULL, &stl_guid, n, &interfaceData))
n = GetLastError();
detailData = (PSP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA)devdetailbuffer;
detailData->cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DETAIL_DATA);
devinfo.cbSize = sizeof(devinfo);
if (!SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(deviceInfo, &interfaceData, detailData, sizeof(devdetailbuffer), NULL, &devinfo)) { printf("SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail: %u\n", GetLastError()); break; }
if (IsEqualGUID(devinfo.ClassGuid, winusb_guid))
if ((-1 != iStrPos(detailData->DevicePath, "VID_0483")) || (-1 != iStrPos(detailData->DevicePath, "vid_0483")))
if ((-1 != iStrPos(detailData->DevicePath, "PID_576B")) || (-1 != iStrPos(detailData->DevicePath, "pid_576b")))
DevicePath = detailData->DevicePath;
found = true;
if (!found)return false;
DeviceHandle = CreateFile(DevicePath.Buffer() ,
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == DeviceHandle) {
n = GetLastError();
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == DeviceHandle) return false;
DeviceHandle_Open = true;
if (!WinUsb_Initialize(DeviceHandle, &WinusbHandle))
n = GetLastError();
CloseHandle(DeviceHandle); DeviceHandle_Open = false;
return false;
WinusbHandle_Open = true;
return true;
void disconnectusb()
if (WinusbHandle_Open) { WinUsb_Free(WinusbHandle); WinusbHandle_Open = false; }
if (DeviceHandle_Open) { CloseHandle(DeviceHandle); DeviceHandle_Open = false; }
Making your firmware to be enumerated as a WINUSB (winusb generic driver) device makes life easier.
I believe it'd be clear if you have a demo and code so I made one for you :)
My KEIL project using the STM32F4 Discovery board working with WINUSB as an USB CDC device. You can see more information and have the source code from my GitHub.

OS freeze while trying to send UDP packet from linux kernel

I'm modifying UDP to implement a custom protocol. After UDP connect establishes a route, I want to send a custom UDP packet to the destination (like a SYN packet in TCP). When I try the connect() socket function on a machine running my custom kernel, it freezes without writing out anything to the kernel log. Here's my code
int quic_connect(struct sock *sk, struct flowi4 *fl4, struct rtable *rt){
struct sk_buff *skb, *buff;
struct inet_cork cork;
struct ipcm_cookie ipc;
struct sk_buff_head queue;
char *hello;
int err = 0, exthdrlen, hh_len, datalen, trailerlen;
char *data;
hh_len = LL_RESERVED_SPACE(rt->;
exthdrlen = rt->dst.header_len;
trailerlen = rt->dst.trailer_len;
datalen = 200;
//Create a buffer to be send without fragmentation
skb = sock_alloc_send_skb(sk,
exthdrlen + datalen + hh_len + trailerlen + 15,
if (skb == NULL)
goto out;
skb->ip_summed = CHECKSUM_PARTIAL; // Use hardware checksum
skb->csum = 0;
skb_reserve(skb, hh_len);
skb_shinfo(skb)->tx_flags = 1; //Time stamp the packet
* Find where to start putting bytes.
data = skb_put(skb, datalen + exthdrlen);
skb_set_network_header(skb, exthdrlen);
skb->transport_header = (skb->network_header +
sizeof(struct iphdr));
* Put the packet on the pending queue.
__skb_queue_tail(&queue, skb);
cork.flags = 0;
cork.addr = 0;
cork.opt = NULL;
ipc.opt = NULL;
ipc.tx_flags = 0;
ipc.ttl = 0;
ipc.tos = -1;
ipc.addr = fl4->daddr;
err = ip_setup_cork(sk, &cork, &ipc, &rt);
buff = __ip_make_skb(sk, fl4, &queue, &cork);
err = PTR_ERR(buff);
if (!IS_ERR_OR_NULL(buff))
err = udp_send_skb(buff, fl4);
return err;
The function quic_connect is called at the end of the ip4_datagram_connect function which is the registered handler for UDP connect.
There is absolutely nothing in the kernel log.
What am I doing wrong here?
**EDIT 1: **The problem occurs at err = udp_send_skb(buff, fl4); as there is no issue when I comment out that line. so I'm assuming my sk_buff has not been formed correctly. Any ideas why?

I/O to device from kernel module fails with EFAULT

I have created block device in kernel module. When some I/O happens I read/write all data from/to another existing device (let's say /dev/sdb).
It opens OK, but read/write operations return 14 error(EFAULT,Bad Address). After some research I found that I need map address to user space(probably buffer or filp variables), but copy_to_user function does not help. Also I looked to mmap() and remap_pfn_range() functions, but I can not get how to use them in my code, especially where to get correct vm_area_struct structure. All examples that I found, used char devices and file_operations structure, not block device.
Any hints? Thanks for help.
Here is my code for reading:
mm_segment_t old_fs;
old_fs = get_fs();
filp = filp_open("/dev/sdb", O_RDONLY | O_DIRECT | O_SYNC, 00644);
int err = PTR_ERR(filp);
printk(KERN_ALERT"Can not open file - %d", err);
bytesRead = vfs_read(filp, buffer, nbytes, &offset); //It gives 14 error
filp_close(filp, NULL);
I found a better way for I/O to block device from kernel module. I have used bio structure for that. Hope this information save somebody from headache.
1) So, if you want to redirect I/O from your block device to existing block device, you have to use own make_request function. For that you should use blk_alloc_queue function to create queue for your block device like this:
device->queue = blk_alloc_queue(GFP_KERNEL);
blk_queue_make_request(device->queue, own_make_request);
Than into own_make_request function change bi_bdev member into bio structure to device in which you redirecting I/O and call generic_make_request function:
bio->bi_bdev = device_in_which_redirect;
More information here at 16 chapter. If link is broken by some cause, here is name of the book - "Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition"
2) If you want read or write your own data to existing block device from kernel module you should use submit_bio function.
Code for writing into specific sector(you need to implement writeComplete function also):
void writePage(struct block_device *device,
sector_t sector, int size, struct page *page)
struct bio *bio = bio_alloc(GFP_NOIO, 1);
bio->bi_bdev = vnode->blkDevice;
bio->bi_sector = sector;
bio_add_page(bio, page, size, 0);
bio->bi_end_io = writeComplete;
submit_bio(WRITE_FLUSH_FUA, bio);
Code for reading from specific sector(you need to implement readComplete function also):
int readPage(struct block_device *device, sector_t sector, int size,
struct page *page)
int ret;
struct completion event;
struct bio *bio = bio_alloc(GFP_NOIO, 1);
bio->bi_bdev = device;
bio->bi_sector = sector;
bio_add_page(bio, page, size, 0);
bio->bi_private = &event;
bio->bi_end_io = readComplete;
submit_bio(READ | REQ_SYNC, bio);
ret = test_bit(BIO_UPTODATE, &bio->bi_flags);
return ret;
page can be allocated with alloc_page(GFP_KERNEL). Also for changing data in page use page_address(page). It returns void* so you can interpret that pointer as whatever you want.

mac osx prism header pcap

i'm trying to capture packets in monitor mode on my mac for research issues. From these packets i need some special information, e.g. the rssi. Unfortunately, the linktype says DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO, but i actually expect DLT_PRISM_HEADER, because monitor mode should be turned on. This is a problem, because the radiotap header does not provide any RSSI value or other stuff i need.
Here is my code (i leave out the callback method and so forth):
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
pcap_t *handle; /* Session handle */
char *dev; /* The device to sniff on */
char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE]; /* Error string */
struct pcap_pkthdr header; /* The header that pcap gives us */
const u_char *packet; /* The actual packet */
struct ether_header *ether; /* net/ethernet.h */
/* Define the device */
dev = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf);
if(dev == NULL) {
printf("Couldn't find default device: %s\n", errbuf);
printf("Device: %s\n", dev);
//handle = pcap_open_live(dev, 1562, 1, 500, errbuf);
handle = pcap_create(dev, errbuf);
if(handle == NULL) {
printf("pcap_create failed: %s\n", errbuf);
/* set monitor mode on */
if(pcap_set_rfmon(handle, 1) != 0) {
printf("monitor mode not available\n");
pcap_set_snaplen(handle, 2048); // Set the snapshot length to 2048
pcap_set_promisc(handle, 1); // Turn promiscuous mode on
pcap_set_timeout(handle, 512); // Set the timeout to 512 milliseconds
int status = pcap_activate(handle);
if(status != 0) {
printf("activation failed: %d\n", status);
printf("link-type: %s\n", pcap_datalink_val_to_name(pcap_datalink(handle)));
int loop = pcap_loop(handle, 1, process_packet, NULL);
if(loop != 0) {
printf("loop terminated before exhaustion: %d\n", loop);
/* And close the session */
So does anybody know, why i am receiving radiotap and not prism and how i should do instead?
Again i am coding under OSX.
From these packets i need some special information, e.g. the rssi.
Then, unless the driver will let you request PPI headers rather than radiotap headers - use pcap_list_datalinks() in monitor mode after calling pcap_activate() and, if that includes DLT_PPI, set the link-layer header type to DLT_PPI with pcap_set_datalink() - you're out of luck. If you can request PPI headers, then you might be able to get RSSI values from that header; see the PPI specification.
Unfortunately, the linktype says DLT_IEEE802_11_RADIO, but i actually expect DLT_PRISM_HEADER, because monitor mode should be turned on.
There is no reason whatsoever to, on an arbitrary operating system with an arbitrary Wi-Fi device and driver, to expect that you'll get Prism headers in monitor mode. If you get radio information at all, you get whatever header the driver writer supplies. These days, drivers tend to use radiotap - Linux mac80211 drivers, most *BSD drivers, and OS X drivers do.
