Not able to access fields of structs - go

I am trying to implement linked list of struct in Go using list package available. This is the sample code below -
package main
import (
type A struct{
B int
func main() {
l := list.New()
for i:=0;i<5;i++ {
c := A{i}
for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
Output I get is in form {0} and same for other iterations. How can I access the field to get the integer value ?

You have to cast the list item back to A. You can see it running here.
package main
import (
type A struct {
B int
func main() {
l := list.New()
for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
c := A{i}
for e := l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
v := e.Value.(A)

You are getting access to the structure through e.Value, but you are not getting access to the structures value. You will need to do e.Value.B


golang how to access promoted type

I have a 'common' structure promoted within two specific structures. For example:
type common struct {
name string
type apple struct {
type orange struct {
Details specific to apple and orange are omitted.
I have a type-specific map of each, e.g., map[string]*apple and map[string]*orange.
I am trying to make a single function that can extract the common pointers. From what I've tried so far, reflection appears required.
My function is:
func getFruitArray(theMap interface{}) []*common {
m := reflect.ValueOf(theMap)
cf := make([]*common, 0, m.Len())
for _, mk := range m.MapKeys() {
v := m.MapIndex(mk)
cf = append(cf, v.Interface().(*common))
return cf
This function fails at cf = append(cf, v.Interface().(*common)) with:
panic: interface conversion: interface {} is *, not *main.common
Is there a way to access the promoted struct common without specifically referencing apple or orange in this function?
playground example
See Burak's answer which makes the reasonable compromise of having to call a method to receive the value.
Regardless, below is a solution which uses reflection as you planned. Note that common needs to be Common (exported field) else the reflect package cannot read it.
package main
import (
type Common struct {
name string
type apple struct {
type orange struct {
func getFruitArray(theMap interface{}) []*Common {
m := reflect.ValueOf(theMap)
cf := make([]*Common, 0, m.Len())
for _, mk := range m.MapKeys() {
v := m.MapIndex(mk)
f := v.Elem().FieldByName("Common")
cf = append(cf, f.Addr().Interface().(*Common))
return cf
func main() {
appleMap := make(map[string]*apple)
orangeMap := make(map[string]*orange)
a1 := &apple{} = "my apple"
appleMap["test"] = a1
o1 := &orange{} = "my orange"
orangeMap["test2"] = o1
f1 := getFruitArray(appleMap)
for _, c := range f1 {
log.Printf("f1: %s",
f2 := getFruitArray(orangeMap)
for _, c := range f2 {
log.Printf("f2: %s",
You don't need reflection. One way is to use an interface:
type common struct {
name string
tag string
func (c *common) GetCommon() *common {return c}
type WithCommon interface {
GetCommon() *common
Then you can do:
func getFruitArray(theMap map[string]WithCommon) []*common {
cf := make([]*common, 0, theMap.Len())
for _,k:=range theMap {
return cf
But you also have to do:
appleMap := make(map[string]WithCommon)
orangeMap := make(map[string]WithCommon)
If you know what you are doing you could use the unsafe package. But if you don't then don't.
func getFruitArray(theMap interface{}) []*common {
m := reflect.ValueOf(theMap)
cf := make([]*common, 0, m.Len())
for _, mk := range m.MapKeys() {
v := m.MapIndex(mk).Elem() // use elem to dereference the pointer
t := v.Type()
// If you know that common is always the first field
// then you can just use v.Field(0). But if common's
// position is not guaranteed then use a loop like below.
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
sf := t.Field(i)
if sf.Anonymous && sf.Name == "common" {
f := v.Field(i)
// 1. get the address of the common field
// 2. convert it first to unsafe.Pointer
// 3. then convert it to *common
c := (*common)(unsafe.Pointer(f.UnsafeAddr()))
cf = append(cf, c)
return cf

How to put various structs in a list and manipulate?

I want to manipulate various structs' field which has same name and type programmatically like the following but I have no idea how to put varied structs in a list.
package main
import "fmt"
type A struct {
Cnt int
type B struct {
Cnt int
func main() {
a := &A{}
b := &B{}
list := []something{
for _, item := range list {
fmt.Printf("a.Cnt: %d, b.Cnt: %d", a.Cnt, b.Cnt)
Declare a common interface for the types. The methods should reflect whatever action you want to executed on the values. I use add here as generalization of increment.
type Cntr interface {
Add(i int)
Implement that interface on each type:
func (a *A) Add(i int) { a.Cnt += i }
func (b *B) Add(i int) { b.Cnt += i }
Declare slice of interface type and with values of types *A and *B:
a := &A{}
b := &B{}
list := []Cntr{ // <-- slice of the interface type
Increment the counters:
for _, item := range list {
Print the results:
fmt.Printf("a.Cnt: %d, b.Cnt: %d", a.Cnt, b.Cnt)
// prints a.Cnt: 1, b.Cnt: 1
Run this playground on the program.
Use the reflect API to get a pointer to a named field in an arbitrary struct type:
func getFieldPtr(v interface{}, name string) interface{} {
return reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().FieldByName(name).Addr().Interface()
Use it like this:
a := &A{}
b := &B{}
list := []interface{}{
for _, item := range list {
pcnt := getFieldPtr(item, "Cnt").(*int)
fmt.Printf("a.Cnt: %d, b.Cnt: %d", a.Cnt, b.Cnt)

Instantiate a new obj using Go reflect and type assert to an interface

I can't explain why the following is working.
package main
import (
type MyInterface interface {
type Dock struct {
func (d *Dock) someFunc() {
type Group struct {
Docks []Dock `better:"sometag"`
func foo(model interface{}) {
v1 := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(model))
for i := 0; i < v1.NumField(); i++ {
tag := v1.Type().Field(i).Tag.Get("better")
if strings.HasPrefix(tag, "sometag") {
inter := v1.Field(i).Interface()
typ := reflect.TypeOf(inter).Elem()
fmt.Println("Type:", typ.String())
// Want to instantiate type like &Dock{} then assign it to some interface,
// but using reflect
n := reflect.New(typ)
_, ok := n.Interface().(MyInterface)
fmt.Println("Why is it OK?", ok)
func main() {
g := &Group{}
/*var v1, v2 interface{}
d1 := &Dock{}
v1 = d1
_, ok1 := v1.(MyInterface)
d2 := Dock{}
v2 = d2
_, ok2 := v2.(MyInterface)
fmt.Println(ok1, ok2)*/
It prints
Type: main.Dock
OK? true
If it's a Dock type, then it's not a pointer to Dock. Why does it conforms to MyInterface?
Where as the d2 example in the comment does not.
In go doc for reflect.New
New returns a Value representing a pointer to a new zero value for the
specified type. That is, the returned Value's Type is PtrTo(typ).
n := reflect.New(typ)
fmt.Println("Type:", n.String())
It will print Type: <*main.Dock Value> means n is a pointer of Dock.You miss the part using reflect.New return the pointer.

Remove multiple items from a slice

I am trying to remove multiple items from a slice by using the Delete examples from here:
Here is the code I have:
package main
import "fmt"
import "net"
func main() {
a := []string{"", "", "", "2600:3c00::22", "2600:3c00::32", "2600:3c00::12"}
for index, element := range a {
if net.ParseIP(element).To4() == nil {
//a = append(a[:index], a[index+1:]...)
a = a[:index+copy(a[index:], a[index+1:])]
While the code works fine if I have only one IPv6 address in the slice, it fails if there are more than one IPv6 address. It fails with the error "panic: runtime error: slice bounds out of range". What should I do to fix this code so it's able to delete all IPv6 addresses?
Your problem is that you are modifying the slice that you are iterating over. Below is your code a bit modified:
package main
import (
func main() {
a := []string{"", "", "", "2600:3c00::22", "2600:3c00::32", "2600:3c00::12"}
for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {
if net.ParseIP(a[i]).To4() == nil {
a = append(a[:i], a[i+1:]...)
//a = a[:i+copy(a[i:], a[i+1:])]
i-- // Since we just deleted a[i], we must redo that index
Just to raise the point : it is always tricky to alter the structure on which you are iterating.
A common way to avoid this is to build the end result in a new variable :
package main
import (
func main() {
a := []string{"", "", "", "2600:3c00::22", "2600:3c00::32", "2600:3c00::12"}
var b []string
for _, ip := range a {
if net.ParseIP(ip).To4() != nil {
b = append(b, ip)

Cleaner way to iterate through array + create a string from values

With this code, is there a better way to loop through all the users and create a new string containing all their Nick values?
package main
import "fmt"
type User struct {
Nick string
func main() {
var users [2]User
users[0] = User{ Nick: "Radar" }
users[1] = User{ Nick: "NotRadar" }
names := ":"
for _, u := range users {
names += u.Nick + " "
For example,
package main
import (
type User struct {
Nick string
func main() {
var users [2]User
users[0] = User{Nick: "Radar"}
users[1] = User{Nick: "NotRadar"}
var buf bytes.Buffer
for _, u := range users {
buf.WriteByte(' ')
names := buf.String()
This avoids a lot of allocations due to the concatenation of strings.
You could also write:
package main
import (
type User struct {
Nick string
func main() {
var users [2]User
users[0] = User{Nick: "Radar"}
users[1] = User{Nick: "NotRadar"}
var buf []byte
buf = append(buf, ':')
for _, u := range users {
buf = append(buf, u.Nick...)
buf = append(buf, ' ')
names := string(buf)
It really looks like you want a strings.Join here. You probably want to avoid that tight loop of repeated string concatenations in the original code; I'm fairly certain that Go doesn't implement a rope-like data structure for its primitive strings.
package main
import (
type User struct {
Nick string
func main() {
var users [2]User
users[0] = User{Nick: "Radar"}
users[1] = User{Nick: "NotRadar"}
userNames := []string{}
for _, u := range users {
userNames = append(userNames, u.Nick)
names := ":" + strings.Join(userNames, " ")
Unfortunately, I do not know of a more elegant way to write that code.
Go does have a String.Join method so if you made a helper that converted your array of users to a slice of strings ([]string) then you could pass that to String.Join.
I think that Go's static typing and lack of templates makes it hard to write a general purpose map function like Ruby has.
This is what I was talking about in the comments of dyoo's post. Effectively a rewrite of join to prevent having to iterate over the list an extra time and allocate an extra slice.
func Usernames(users []User) string {
if len(users) == 0 {
return ""
if len(users) == 1 {
return users[0].Name
sep := " "
n := len(users)-1 // From len(sep) * len(a)-1, sep is always len 1 unlike in Join
for i := 0; i < len(users); i++ {
n += len(users[i].Name)
names := make([]byte,n)
namesp := copy(names, users[0].Name)
for _,u := range users[1:] {
namesp += copy(names[namesp:], sep)
namesp += copy(names[namesp:], u.Name)
return string(names)
For reference, strings.go with the strings.Join source:
See line 356
