UFT API-test execution via vbScript - vbscript

I am trying to run my API test via a vbscript file based on Automation Object Model. I am able to launch, open and run my GUI tests but for API tests I get an Error "cannot open test" code: 800A03EE.
I have read somewhere that my testcase is probably corrupted, so I saved the test as a new one but still doesn't work.
Following is my vbscript:
testPath = "absolute address to my API-test folder"
Set objUFTapp = CreateObject("QuickTest.Application")
objUFTapp.Visible = TRUE
objUFTapp.Open testPath, TRUE '------> throws the error
Set pDefColl = qtApp.Test.ParameterDefinitions
Set rtParams = pDefColl.GetParameters()
Set rtParam = rtParams.Item("param1")
rtParam.Value = "value1"
objUFTapp.Test.Run uftResultsOpt,True, rtParams

For some unknown reason, I was also facing similar issue.
As a workaround, I created one GUI test from which I was calling API test like this:
RunAPITest "API_Test_Name"
To do so:
1. Create new GUI test
2. Go to Design -> Call to existing API test
3. Provide path to your API test in Test path
4. Select <Entire Test> for Call to
5. You can pass any Input or Output parameter from this screen
5. Click OK
Now, you can use your own VBScript to call this GUI test which will run your desired API test.
I know it's not good idea to do so, but it will get the job done.

By time of UFT installation we can opt for an additional automation tool, LeanFT.
As the main feature of LeanFT, we can have the test environment right next to our development environment, either in Java(Eclipse) or C#.net(Visual Studio). Also we are provided with an object identification tool (GUI spy) which makes it possible to develop GUI test not in VBScript anymore but in one of the most powerful modern languages (Java or C#). With this very short summary, let's have a look at how actually we can execute API tests outside of UFT IDE.
After a successful installation of LeanFT tool, we can create a LeanFT project in our Eclipse or Visual Studio. Create a new LeanFT project
C# code:
using HP.LFT.SDK;
using HP.LFT.SDK.APITesting.UFT;
public void TestMethod1()
Dictionary<string, object> InputParameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
InputParameters.Add("environment", "TEST");
APITestResult ExecutionResult = APITestRunner.Run("UFT Test Path" , InputParameters);
For sure above code is just to give you an insight although it works pretty fine. For better diagnistic, we can take advantage of other libraries like "HP.LFT.Verifications" for checking the result
Important: You cannot use UFT and LeanFT at the same time as your runtime engine!


MikroORM repository throwing Global Context error when debugging in Visual Studio Code

I am trying to use MikroORM repositories, but I keep getting the Global Context validation error when I use them while debugging in Visual Studio Code. I am using the RequestContext middleware, just as the documentation and demo applications suggest. The error does not occur when I run the application in a terminal window instead of by debugging.
I am currently running Visual Studio Code version 1.68.1 on Windows 10, using Node version 18.2.0.
Error Recreation:
Install the sample application Express + MongoDB + JavaScript from the Mikro-orm Example integrations (https://github.com/mikro-orm/express-js-example-app).
Follow the instructions in the README.md to run the application.
Use Postman (or equivalent) to create an author.
3.1. POST http://localhost:3000/author\
3.2. Body (raw/JSON):
"name": "test person",
"email": "test#test.com",
"age": 42
Use Postman (or equivalent) to retrieve authors.
4.1. GET http://localhost:3000/author
Copy the id of the author you just created.
Use Postman (or equivalent) to update the author.
6.1. PUT http://localhost:3000/author/<id from step 5.>
6.2. Body (raw/JSON):
"name": "test 'success' person"
NOTE: This will succeed, proving that everything is configured correctly. I have tried this with both the repository's version of Mikro-orm as well as the current latest version (5.2.3).
Stop the application (Ctrl-C in terminal)
Attach the debugger
8.1. Open the file app\server.js
8.2. Open VS Code's Run and Debug panel.
8.3. Click the "Run and Debug" button.
Use Postman (or equivalent) to update the author.
9.1. PUT http://localhost:3000/author/<id from step 5.>
9.2. Body (raw/JSON):
"name": "test 'failure' person"
This time the update will fail with the message:
"Using global EntityManager instance methods for context specific
actions is disallowed. If you need to work with the global instance's
identity map, use allowGlobalContext configuration option or
fork() instead."
Within the sample application, the error occurs in author.controller.js, within the router.put('/:id', async (req, res) section, specifically on the line await DI.authorRepository.flush() (line 55). However, experimentation suggests that the error will occur the second time you make any repository call. For example, if you duplicate the findOneOrFail line like this:
const author = await DI.authorRepository.findOneOrFail(req.params.id);
const foo = await DI.authorRepository.findOneOrFail(req.params.id);
the error will occur on the second call to .findOneOrFail.
The error is being thrown in #mikro-orm/core/EntityManager.js, in the getContext method (line 737). When the second call to the repository occurs, getContext is called multiple times. The first time has the following call stack
MongoEntityRepository.em (get)
This call is successful.
However, the second call to getContext fails. It has this call stack:
The issue seems to be that between the two calls to getContext, em._id goes from not 1 to 1. It looks to me like the EntityManager with an _id of 1 is the global context we shouldn't be using. However, when you run the code without debugging, em._id is not 1 during any of these calls.
I have not been able to figure out why the context is not retrieving the correct entity manager when in debugging mode.

How to get WebStorm to run ESLint ruletester efficiently

I am writing an ESLint plugin and I have been testing with eslint.RuleTester. This is okay, I know how to configure their test options argument but I always have to run the entire test file.
here is an example test file:
const {RuleTester} = require('eslint');
const rulester = new RuleTester({setup});
const rule = require ('myrule');
//this works also but i have to run the entire file (and thus all the tests)
Normally, when I install a test runner I get a run/configuration for it and handy play⏯ and debug🐞 buttons in line with each test. As I write more tests (particularly in the same file) it would be handy to quickly click a => beside a test and run just that single test.
If I try to call ruletester.run from a mocha.it callback it will not report the test correctly (and definitely cannot debug / step into it).
e.g. this does not work well
const mocha = require('mocha');
const {RuleTester} = require('eslint');
const rulester = new RuleTester({setup});
const rule = require ('myrule');
// nice play button and custom run configruation but not honest test feeback
it('mytest', ()=>{
// it'll run this but will not report correctly -- `it` says it always passes
ruleTester.run('myruletest, rule, {invalid,valid});
it('mytest', async ()=>{
// async is of no help
await ruleTester.run('myruletest, rule, {invalid,valid});
//this still works also but then i have to run the entire file (and thus all the tests)
So how do I tell WebStorm to either
recognize eslint.RuleTester as a testrunner
properly call and instance of RuleTester from my own testrunner?
Recognizing eslint.RuleTester as a test runner would require developing a special plugin.
See http://www.jetbrains.org/intellij/sdk/docs/ for basic documentation on plugin development. You can use existing plugins as example: Mocha runner is not fully open source, but its JavaScript part is open source (https://github.com/JetBrains/mocha-intellij); also, there is an open source plugin for Karma https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-plugins/tree/master/js-karma

How to run AppleScript from inside a SwiftUI View?

I'm kind of getting some more understanding with basic SwiftUI but now I wanted to extend my application to actually do some stuff regarding system components for me. Basically I want to run an AppleScript from inside my app which creates a signature in Mac Mail. The script itself is pretty simple:
// Generates a signature in Mac Mail
tell application "Mail"
set newSig to make new signature with properties {name:"The Signature Name"}
set content of newSig to "My New Signature Content"
end tell
I have created a view with a button which should execute the script:
import SwiftUI
struct SomeView: View {
#State var status = ""
var body: some View {
VStack(alignment: .center) {
Button(action: {
let source = """
tell application \"Mail\"
set newSig to make new signature with properties {name: \"The Signature Name\"}
set content of newSig to \"My New Signature Content\"
end tell
var error: NSDictionary?
if let scriptObject = NSAppleScript(source: source) {
if let output: NSAppleEventDescriptor = scriptObject.executeAndReturnError(&error) {
self.status = output.stringValue ?? "some default"
} else if (error != nil) {
self.status = "error: \(error)"
}) {
struct SomeView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Everything executes but I get the error
AppleScript run error = {
NSAppleScriptErrorAppName = Mail;
NSAppleScriptErrorBriefMessage = "Application isn\U2019t running.";
NSAppleScriptErrorMessage = "Mail got an error: Application isn\U2019t running.";
NSAppleScriptErrorNumber = "-600";
NSAppleScriptErrorRange = "NSRange: {0, 0}";
After some research i found this article which describes the problem quite well. Apparently this error is because the app is running in a sandbox and within the sandbox Mail is indeed not running. I kind of get Apple's idea not to let applications do whatever they want without the user's consent...
Anyway, unfortunately this article describes the solution using Objective C and this is something I have even less of a clue than SwiftUI.
Can anybody tell me how to run (or copy my script.scpt file to the accessible library folder and the run) a script from within a SwitUI View? This would be so much help!
I have played around quite a bit with this manner and after having numerous discussions and trial & errors on that subject, I want to present 2 solutions (until now it seems that these are the only possible solutions for a sandboxed application).
First of all, if you don't consider to distribute your app on the App Store, you can forget about the following, since you just have to deactivate the Sandbox and you are basically free to do whatever you want!
In case your planning to distribute a Sandboxed App, the only way of running a script and interacting with other apps on the user's system is to run a script file from the Application Script folder. This folder is a designated folder in the user library structure: /Users/thisUser/Library/Application Scripts/com.developerName.appName/. Whatever script goes in here you have the right to run from your application appName.
You basically have two options to get your script file into that folder:
Option 1 - Install the Script File
This is (in my opinion) clearly the option you should go for if your script is static (does not require any additional user data from your application). All you have to do is
Select the project (1)
click on Build Phases (2)
add the Copy Files setting (if not already present)
choose the script file location in your app (singing might be a good option when distributing via AppStore)
add the Application Script folder of your application to the destination. Therefore, choose Absolute Path and enter Users/$USER/Library/Application Scripts/$PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER in the Path field.
You can also select the Copy only when installing option if your script is entirely static but in case you have changes on the script when the application is closed and reopened and you want to update the script, leave this option blank (I have not tested this!).
After this is done you can execute the script via NSUserScriptTask. A more detailed description of how you could implement this is given here.
Option 2 - Giving access to the folder and copy the file on demand
This is certainly the solution when your script file updates dynamically according to e.g. user inputs. Unfortunately, this is a bit of a hassle and does not have (in my opinion) satisfying solutions. To do so, you will have to grant access to the folder (in this case Application Scripts/). This is done via NSOpenPanel. A really good tutorial how to implement this is given here.
Per default you will have read permission to that folder only. Since you are trying to copy a file into that folder you will have to change that to read/write in your Capabilities as well.
I hope this will help some people to "shine some light into the dark"! For me this was quite a bit of a journey since there is only very little information out there.

Visual Studio 2017 Live Testing exclusions

I'm looking at Live Testing feature in the new Visual Studio (I'm using NUnit).
There is an "exclude" option for unit tests, to indicate that specific tests should not be run (maybe they are integration tests, or slow tests, or whatever).
Where does this information get stored? I don't see any indication in the csproj or anywhere else that a test should not be included in Live Testing. Shouldn't there be some information file somewhere that I can check into source control so the rest of my team doesn't have to manually specify which tests should not be run by live testing?
Include/exclude is a user level feature. This is extremely useful when you want to run a specific set of tests for a particular edit session or to persist your own personal preferences. To prevent tests from running and to persist that information, you could do something like the following:
public class SkipLiveFactAttribute : FactAttribute
private static bool s_lutRuntimeLoaded = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Any(a => a.GetName().Name == "Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LiveUnitTesting.Runtime");
public override string Skip => s_lutRuntimeLoaded ? "Test excluded from Live Unit Testing" : "";
public class Class1
public void F()
You can now use the following attributes to specify in source code that you want to exclude targeted test methods from Live Unit Testing:
For xUnit: [Trait("Category", "SkipWhenLiveUnitTesting")]
For NUnit: [Category("SkipWhenLiveUnitTesting")]
For MSTest: [TestCategory("SkipWhenLiveUnitTesting")]
Offical Docs here

Exception when deleting message from Azure queue?

I'm dipping my toes into Windows Azure, and I'm running into something that has to be simple, but I just can't see it.
I have this small test to play with Azure queues:
public void CanPublishSillyLittleMessageOnQueue()
var queueClient = CloudStorageAccount.DevelopmentStorageAccount.CreateCloudQueueClient();
var testQueue = queueClient.GetQueueReference("testqueue1");
var message = new CloudQueueMessage("This is a test");
CloudQueueMessage received;
int sleepCount = 0;
while((received = testQueue.GetMessage()) == null)
Assert.Equal(message.AsString, received.AsString);
It sends the message just fine - I can see it in the SQL table. However, when it hits the "testQueue.DeleteMessage(received)" method, I get this:
TestCase 'AzureExploratory.PlayingWithQueues.CanPublishSillyLittleMessageOnQueue'
failed: System.ArgumentNullException : Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: str
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Tasks.Task`1.get_Result()
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.Tasks.Task`1.ExecuteAndWait()
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.TaskImplHelper.ExecuteImplWithRetry(Func`1 impl, RetryPolicy policy)
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.StorageClient.CloudQueue.DeleteMessage(CloudQueueMessage message)
PlayingWithQueues.cs(75,0): at AzureExploratory.PlayingWithQueues.CanPublishSillyLittleMessageOnQueue()
which appears to be a failure somewhere down inside the guts of the Azure SDK.
I'm using VS 2010, .NET 4.0, the Azure SDK V1.2, 64-bit Win 7. The developer store service is running; I can see the messages go into the queue, I just can't delete them.
Anyone ever seen anything like this?
I figured out what's going on. The code in question was running in a xUnit test harness. Turns out that the xUnit runner doesn't set up an appdomain with a config file path by default. System.UriBuilder now hits the config file, so it blows up.
The workaround was to add an empty app.config to the test project. Now it works.
