How does maven handle same version but different jar? - maven

I've a project named main-backend which consume api-backend
I've updated api-backend, and did a mvn install locally so that my main-backend can consume my updated SNAPSHOT jar.
However if someone else pushes api-backend with mvn deploy, what will happen? How does maven determine which SNAPSHOT to use?

the role is if they are snapshots , it will be override
if it is release, it will refuse to deploy to your repo


What is the difference between deploying an artifact into Artifactory with 'mvn deploy' command and with Artifactory UI?

I usually use mvn versions:use-latest-versions command to update my dependencies to the latest ones which other teams have been deployed to our free Jfrog's Artifactory server on our local address :
My problem is when I deploy an artifact (a jar file) with Artifactory UI or with curl (using Jfrog's Rest Api), the command mvn versions:use-latest-versions doesn't work correctly and do not update my pom but when I run mvn clean deploy on my source code of my dependent project then running mvn versions:use-latest-versions on my final project it works correctly and do update my dependency in my pom.
So I want to know what is the different between deploying via Artifactory UI and deploying via mvn clean deploy ?
You always need to deploy the POM along the JAR, otherwise Maven will not work correctly with these dependencies. Furthermore, you need to make sure that the metadata files are updated. I am not sure that Artifactory does this if you deploy using curl or the UI.
Deploying your own JARs regularly through the UI is not recommended. You should build them on a build server (like Jenkins) and then automatically deploy them to Artifactory.
Changing JAR files "by hand" should be forbidden.

Maven- Deploy release version of jar

I am new to maven and I'm using the maven release plugin to do a release and the maven deploy to deploy it. What I am noticing is that when I do
mvn release:prepare it makes two commits, as it should be, with the first one being without the snapshot in the pom.xml and then a newer version in the pom.xml with the snapshot. However when I then do mvn deploy it deploys the snapshot jar to my internal repository. How will I get it to deploy the release version of my jar? Should I be checking out HEAD~1 and then do mvn deploy?
Your question is slightly unclear, but the goal to run after release:prepare is release:perform.
Depending on what you're trying to do, the install or deploy plugins may also be useful.
Sonatype, the people that run Maven Central, have a very helpful guide to using the release plugin, as well as other ways of releasing:

Maven deploy multi module project only if all modules build successfully

I have a maven multi module project with several modules. I want to deploy them (mvn deploy) only if they all pass a full mvn install (which includes the tests).
Currently, I run a mvn install on the project. If all modules pass, I run mvn deploy to do the deployment. The problem I see is the waste of time calling mvn twice (even if I skip tests on the second run).
Does anyone have an idea on this?
EDIT: I have learned that using Artifactory as a repository manager and the maven-artifactory-plugin with your maven setup will add the atomic deploy behaviour to the mvn deploy command. See the Build Integration section in the Artifactory documentation.
[DISCLOSURE - I'm associated with JFrog. Artifactory creator.]
Take a look at the deployAtEnd parameter of Maven Deployment plugin:
This is a bit tricky. Maven is not atomic when it executes the build life-cycle. So a broken set of artifacts may end up in a repository.
One solution I know is Nexus Pro: - it allows you to promote builds or define certain repos as staging. So only verified versions get promoted to be used. Maybe artifactory has something similar - I just don't know.
If that solution is too expensive you probably need to create a cleanup build or profile to remove artifacts that where already uploaded. My first guess would be to write a Maven plugin to use the the proxy remote API or maybe the maven features are already sufficient. But since deploy means update the meta-data xml files too I dont think there is a delete - not sure on this either.

Share Maven Dependencies with team members using Mercurial

I want to share all the External Jars currently being managed by MAVEN with my other team members. I am using Mercurial as my SCM and i am trying to figure what is the easiest way to commit my entire project (include libs) to a repository so that my team members can clone and get running without severe eclipse configuration?
Maven is there in order to help you retrieving libraries. So that, all you have to do is to commit all your files including the pom.xml (.hg should contains everything in target, and other unrelevant files)
Then your project members can pull the sources and run mvn eclipse:eclipse (see eclipse & maven.
And finally import the project in Eclipse.
That was is they need sources...
If they only need the jars, you must put in your infrastructure a company repo that will handle your deployment using mvn deploy. Some information there maven repo::Intro, take special care at the wagon you could use (ftp, ...)
This way, when you're done with your devel and you have pushed your code, you just have to deploy the jar on your repo.
Doing so, your project member'll have to run mvn -U eclipse:eclipse or any goal to update their local repository with your lastest deployed version.

How maven decides to reference the latest artifact information

We use mvn deploy:deploy to deploy an artifact to repository manager and a developer could have done just mvn install for the same artifact, so the artifact is present under M2_HOME\.m2\repository
Will the maven runtime retrieve the artifact from the repository manager if it was updated recently than the local repository copy?
Note: We use a maven repository manager based on Apache Archiva.
The answer depends on whether you're talking about a snapshot or a release build.
Release builds have a version that doesn't end with "-SNAPSHOT", and they're final and immutable. Once installed to any repository, Maven will never update them. To your question, that means that if a dev installs a release build locally, it will never be updated from any remote repository.
Snapshot builds are always eligible to be updated from any repository. By default, Maven checks once per day for new snapshot versions, so if someone installs a snapshot locally, that snapshot will exist until Maven does its next check for snapshot updates. Then, if a newer version is in any remote repository it checks, the local one will be overwritten. You can force maven to update snapshot artifacts with the -U command line option.
