Comparing druid and pipelinedb - performance

I have been working on aggregation of streaming data, I found 2 tools to achieve the same. They are druid and pipelinedb. I have understood the implementation and architecture of the both. But couldn't figure out a way to benchmark these two. Is there any existing benchmark test that has been done? Or if I want to do a benchmarking of my own apart from the speed and scalability what are all the factors that I need to consider. Any ideas, links and help would be really appreciable. Also do share your own experience with pipelinedb and druid

After reading PipelineDB pages, I only wonder why do you need to compare such different things?
Druid is quite complex to install and maintain, it requires several external dependencies (such as zookeeper and hdfs/amazon, which must be maintained too).
And for that price you buy the key features of druid: column-oriented and distributed storage and processing. That also implies horizontal scalabitily out-of-the box, and it is completely automatic, you don't have even to think about it.
So if you don't need its distributed nature, I'd say you don't need druid at all.
I have no experience with pipelinedb (what is it? google shows nothing, pls share some link), but I have much experience with druid. So I would consider (apart from [query] speed and scalability):
ingesting performance (how many rows per sec/min/hour/... can be
RAM consumption of ingesting (how much RAM it needs to ingest with target speed?)
compression level (how many disk space needs one
hour/day/month/... of data?)
fault-tolerance (what happens when some
of the components fail? it is critical for my business?)
Caching (just keep in mind)


Is my application running efficiently?

The question is generic and can be extended to other frameworks or contexts beyond Spark & Machine Learning algorithms.
Regardless of the details, from a high-level point-of-view, the code is applied on a large dataset of labeled text documents. It passes by 9 iterations of cross-validation to tune some parameters of a Logistic Regression multi-class classifier.
It is expected that this kind of Machine Learning processing will be expensive in term of time and resources.
I am running now the code and everything seems to be OK, except that I have no idea if my application is running efficiently or not.
I couldn't find guidelines saying that for a certain type and amount of data, and for certain type of processing and computing resources the processing time should be in the approximate order of...
Is there any method that help in judging if my application is running slow or fast, or it is purely a matter of experience?
I had the same question and I didn't find a real answer/tool/way to test how good my performances were just looking "only inside" my application.
I mean, as far as I know, there's no tool like a speedtest or something like for the internet connection :-)
The only way I found is to re-write my app (if possible) with another stack in order to see if the difference (in terms of time) is THAT big.
Otherwise, I found very interesting 2 main resources, even if quite old:
1) A sort of 4 point guide to remember when coding:
Understanding the Performance of Spark Applications, SPark Summit 2013
2) A 2-episode article from Cloudera blog to tune at best your jobs:
Hoping it could help
Your question is pretty generic, so I would also highlight few generic areas where you can look out for performance optimizations: -
Scheduling Delays - Are there significant scheduling delays in scheduling the tasks? if yes then you can analyze the reasons (may be your cluster needs more resources etc).
Utilization of Cluster - are your jobs utilizing the available cluster resources (like CPU, mem)? In case not then again look out for the reasons. May be creating more partitions helps in faster execution. May be there is significant time taken in serialization, so can you switch to Kyro Serialization.
JVM Tuning - Consider analyzing GC logs and tune if you find anomalies.
Executor Configurations - Analyze the memory/ cores provided to your executors. It should be sufficient to hold the data processed by the task/job.
your DAG and
Driver Configuration - Same as executors, Driver should also have enough memory to hold the results of certain functions like collect().
Shuffling - See how much time is spend in Shuffling and kind of Data Locality used by your task.
All the above are needed for the preliminary investigations and in some cases it can also increase the performance of your jobs to an extent but there could be complex issues for which the solution will depend upon case to case basis.
Please also see Spark Tuning Guide

What is the difference and how to choose between distributed queue and distributed computing platform?

there are many files need to process with two computers real-timely,I want to distribute them to the two computers and these tasks need to be completed as soon as possibile(means real-time processing),I am thinking about the below plan:
(1) distributed queue like Gearman
(2)distributed computing platform like hadoop/spark/storm/s4 and so on
I have two questions
(1)what is the advantage and disadvantage between (1) and (2)?
(2) How to choose in (2),hadoop?spark?storm?s4?or other?
Maybe I have not described the question clearly. In most case,there are 1000-3000 files with the same format , these files are independent,you do not need to care their order,the size of one file maybe tens to hundreds of KB and in the future, the number of files and size of single file will rise. I have wrote a program , it can process the file and pick up the data and then store the data in mongodb. Now there are only two computers, I just want a solution that can process these files with the program quickly(as soon as possibile) and is easy to extend and maintain
distributed queue is easy to use in my case bur maybe hard to extend and maintain , hadoop/spark is to "big" in the two computers but easy to extend and maintain, which is better, i am confused.
It depends a lot on the nature of your "processing". Some dimensions that apply here are:
Are records independent from each other or you need some form of aggregation? i.e: do you need some pieces of data to go together? Say, all transactions from a single user account.
Is you processing CPU bound? Memory bound? FileSystem bound?
What will be persisted? How will you persist it?
Whenever you see new data, do you need to recompute any of the old?
Can you discard data?
Is the data somewhat ordered?
What is the expected load?
A good solution will depend on answers to these (and possibly others I'm forgetting). For instance:
If computation is simple but storage and retrieval is the main concern, you should maybe look into a distributed DB rather than either of your choices.
It could be that you are best served by just logging things into a distributed filesystem like HDFS and then run batch computations with Spark (should be generally better than plain hadoop).
Maybe not, and you can use Spark Streaming to process as you receive the data.
If order and consistency are important, you might be better served by a publish/subscribe architecture, especially if your load could be more than what your two servers can handle, but there are peak and slow hours where your workers can catch up.
etc. So the answer to "how you choose?" is "by carefully looking at the constraints of your particular problem, estimate the load demands to your system and picking the solution that better matches those". All of these solutions and frameworks dominate the others, that's why they are all alive and kicking. The choice is all in the tradeoffs you are willing/able to make.
Hope it helps.
First of all, dannyhow is right - this is not what real-time processing is about. There is a great book which says a lot about lambda archtecture.
The two ways you mentioned serves completly different purposes and are connected to the definition of word "task". For example, Spark will take a whole job you got for him and divide it into "tasks", but the outcome of one task is useless for you, you still need to wait for whole job to finish. You can create small jobs working on the same dataset and use spark's caching to speed it up. But then you won't get much advantage from distribution (if they have to be run one after another).
Are the files big? Are there connected somehow to each other? If yes, I'd go with Spark. If no, distributed queue.

Will hadoop replace data warehousing?

I've heard reports that Hadoop is poised to replace data warehousing. So I was wondering if there were actual case studies done with success/failure rates or if some of the developers here had worked on a project where this was done, either totally or partially?
With the advent of "Big Data" there seems to be a lot of hype with it and I'm trying to figure out fact from fiction.
We have a huge database conversion in the works and I'm thinking this may be an alternative solution.
Ok so there are a lot of success stories out there with Big Data startups, especially in AdTech, though it's not so much "replace" the old expensive proprietary ways but they are just using Hadoop first time round. This I guess is the benefit of being a startup - no legacy systems. Advertising, although somewhat boring from the outside, is very interesting from a technical and data science point of view. There is a huge amount of data and the challenge is to more efficiently segment users and bid for ad space. This usually means some machine learning is involved.
It's not just AdTech though, Hadoop is used in banks for fraud detection and various other transactional analysis.
So my two cents as to why this is happening I'll try to summarise with a comparison of my main experience, that is using HDFS with Spark and Scala, vs traditional approaches that use SAS, R & Teradata:
HDFS is a very very very effective way to store huge amounts of data in an easily accessible distributed way without the overhead of first structuring the data.
HDFS does not require custom hardware, it works on commodity hardware and is therefore cheaper per TB.
HDFS & the hadoop ecosystem go hand in glove with dynamic and flexible cloud architectures. Google Cloud and Amazon AWS have such rich and cheap features that completely eliminate the need for in house DCs. There is no need to buy 20 powerful servers and 100s TB of storage to then discover it's not enough, or it's too much, or it's only needed for 1 hour a day. Setting up a cluster with cloud services is getting easier and easier, there are even scripts out there that make doing it possible for those with only a small amount of sysadm/devops experience.
Hadoop and Spark, particularly when used with a high level statically typed language like Scala (but Java 8 is also OK-ish) means data scientists can now do things they could never do with scripting languages like R, Python and SAS. First they can wire up their modelling code with other production systems, all in one language, all in one virtual environment. Think about all the high velocity tools written in Scala; Kafka, Akka, Spray, Spark, SparkStreaming, GraphX etc, and in Java: HDFS, HBase, Cassandra - now all these tools are highly interoperable. What this means is for first time in history, data analysts can reliably automate analytics and build stable products. They have the high-level functionality they need, but with the predictability and reliability of static typing, FP and unit testing. Try building a large complicated concurrent system in Python. Try writting unit tests in R or SAS. Try compiling your code, watching the tests pass, and conclude "hey it works! lets ship it" in a dynamically typed language.
These four points combined means that A: storing data is now a lot lot cheaper, B: processing data is now a lot lot cheaper and C: human resource costs are much much cheaper as now you don't need several teams siloed off into analysts, modellers, engineers, developers, you can mash these skills together to make hybrids ultimately needing to employ less people.
Things won't change over night, currently the labour market is majorly lacking two groups; good Big Data DevOps and Scala engineers/developers, and their rates clearly reflect that. Unfortunately the supply is quite low even though the demand is very high. Although I still conjecture Hadoop for warehousing is much cheaper, finding talent can be a big costs that is restricting the pace of transition.

Cassandra + Solr/Hadoop/Spark - Choosing the right tools

I'm currently investigating how to store and analyze enriched time based data with up to 1000 columns per line. At the moment Cassandra together with either Solr, Hadoop or Spark offered by Datastax Enterprise seem to fulfill my requirements on the rough. But the devil is in the detail.
Out of the 1000 columns about 60 are used for real-time-like queries (web-frontend, user sends form and expect quick response). These queries are more or less GROUPBY statements where the number or occurrences are counted.
As Cassandra itself does not provide the required analytical capabilities (no GROUPBY), I'm left these alternatives:
Roughly query via Cassandra and filter the resultset within self-written code
Index the data with Solr and run facet.pivot queries
Use either Hadoop or Spark and run the queries
The first approach seems cumbersome and prone to errors… Solr does have some anayltic features but without multifield grouping I'm stuck with pivots. I don't know whether this is a good or performant approach though… Last but not least there are Hadoop and Spark, the prior known not to be the best for real-time queries, the later pretty new and maybe not production ready.
So which way to go? There is no one-fits-all here, but before I go one way through I'd like to get some feedback. Maybe I'm thinking to complex or my expectations are too high :S
Thanks in advance,
In a place I work now we have a similar set of tech requirements and a solution is Cassandra-Solr-Spark, exactly in that order.
So if a query can be "covered" by Cassandra indices - good, if not - it's covered by Solr. For testing & less often queries - Spark (Scala, no SparkSQL due to old version of it -- it's a bank, everything should be tested and matured, from cognac to software, argh).
Generally I agree with the solution, though sometimes I have a feeling that some client's requests should NOT be taken seriously at all, saving us from loads of weird queries :)
I would recommend Spark, if you take a loot at the list of companies using it you'll such names as Amazon, eBay and Yahoo!. Also, as you noted in the comment, it's becoming a mature tool.
You've given arguments against Cassandra and Solr already, so I'll focus on explaining why Hadoop MapReduce wouldn't do as well as Spark for real-time queries.
Hadoop and MapReduce were designed to leverage hard disk under the assumption that for big data IO is negligible. As a result data are read and wrote at least twice - in map stage and in reduce stage. This allows you to recover from failures as partial result are secured but it that's not want you want when aiming for real-time queries.
Spark not only aims to fix MapReduce shortcomings, it also focuses on interactive data analysis, which is exactly what you want. This goal is achieved mainly by utilizing RAM and the results are astonishing. Spark jobs will often be 10-100 times faster than MapReduce equivalents.
The only caveat is the amount of memory you have. Most probably your data is probably going to feat in the RAM you can provide or you can rely on sampling. Usually when interactively working with data there is no real need to use MapReduce and it seems to be so in your case.

Best method of having a single process distributed across a cluster

I'm very new to cluster computing, and wanted to know more about the various software used for cluster computing, and which is best for particular tasks. In particular, the problem I am trying to solve involves a Manager/Workers type scenario, where a single Manager is responsible for the creation of 100s to 1000s of jobs. Each job, while relatively large, must execute on a small frame-by-frame basis. I.e. the Manager will tell each job, "advance one frame and report back to me". The execution of a single frame will be very small, so latency between the Manager and the worker machines must be very small, on the order of microseconds.
Thank you! Any information would be appreciated, even stuff that doesn't perfectly fit the scenario I described, just to give me a starting point. Some that I have researched so far are Hadoop, HTCondor, and Akka.
Since communication latency is important to you, you should probably consider using MPI. It's not too difficult to write simple Master/Worker programs using MPI, and it will probably give you the best performance, especially if your cluster has high performance networking, such as infiniband.
If, as it seems, you're using Java, you will have to do some research to determine a good Java/MPI package. You'll find some suggestions here: Java openmpi.
