Euler18 dynamic algorithm - algorithm

Given the array [5, 4, 12, 3, 11, 7, 2, 8, 1, 9] that forms a triangle like so:
4 12
3 11 7
2 8 1 9
Result should be 5 + 12 + 7 + 9 = 31.
Write a function that will traverse the triangle and find the largest possible sum of values when you can go from one point to either directly bottom left, or bottom right.
Refering to the dynamic algorithm in that link:
Result is 36.
4 12
3 11 7
2 8 1 9
4 12
11 19 16
23 31
Where is my mistake ??

The description of Problem 18 starts with an example where the optimal path is “left-right-right”. So you get a new choice of direction after every step, which means that after taking the first step to the right, you are still free to take the second step to the left and eventually come up with 5+12+11+8=36 as the optimal solution in your example, larger than the 31 you assumed. So the computation is correct in solving the problem as described. Your assumption about choosing a direction only once and then sticking with that choice would lead to a different (and rather boring) problem.


X-Y heuristic function for solving N-puzzle

Can somebody please explain this heuristic function, for example for the following arrangement of 4x4 puzzle, whats the X-Y heuristic cost?
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
0 13 14 15
(0 indicates blank space)
As from here and here the X-Y heuristic is computed by the sum of the minimum number of column-adjacent blank swaps to get all tiles in their destination column and the minimum number of row adjacent blank swaps to get all tiles in their destination row.
So in this situation:
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
0 13 14 15
the only misplaced tiles are 13 , 14 and 15, assuming the goal state is
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 0
So in this case the we have to compute at first the number of column swaps the blank has to do to get all the tiles in the correct position. This is equivalent to 3, since the blank has to move three times to the the right column to be in the right position (and to have all the tiles in the right position)
Then we have to compute the number of row swaps the blank has to do. This is 0 thanks to the fact that all the tiles are already on the correct row.
Finally h(n) = 3 + 0 = 3 .

Insertion into a binary heap

If I have an array representing a minimum binary heap that contains the values {2, 8, 3, 10, 16, 7, 18, 13, 15}, what would the array look like after inserting the value of 4? Also, how would I demonstrate this to be correct?
I deduced it would be 2,4,3,10,8,7,18,13,15,16. Is that correct?
To demonstrate that your min heap is correct, you need to prove recursively that your child nodes are larger than your root node
If your root node is n, your child nodes are 2n+1 and 2n+2, so iterate through your tree and check if child nodes are greater than parent. If this logic is not satisfied anywhere then your heap is bad.
8 3
10 16 7 18
13 15
push at end
8 3
10 **16** 7 18
13 15 4
compare and replace with parent
**8** 3
10 4 7 18
13 15 16
compare and replace with parent-no replacement
4 3
10 8 7 18
13 15 16

Binary Search in C++ with array

Here is an array with exactly 15 elements:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Suppose that we are doing a binary search for an element. Indicate any elements that will be found by examining two or fewer numbers from the array.
What I've got: as we are doing binary search, so the number found by only one comparison will be 7th element = 7. For two comparison, this leads to second division of array. That is, number found can be either 3 or 11.
Am I right or not?
You are almost right, the first number is not seven but eight.
The others 2 will then be 4 and 12.
The correct answer would be 4, 8, 12
`I found the answer to be 8 that is the 7th element, the other elements found were 3.5th and 10.5th element of the sorted array. So, the next two numbers delved are 4 and 11.
explanation on how i got the answers.
given array is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
middle= 0+14/2=7th element **0 is the index value of 1 and 14 is of 15**
middle value turns to be 8 as it is the 7th element.
solving value for first half
middle= 0+7/2=3.5 or 3rd element **0 is the index value of 1 and 7 is of 8**
middle value now turns to be 4 as it is the 3rd element.
solving value for second half
middle= 7+14/2=10.5 or 10th element **7 is the index value of 8 and 14 is
of 15**
middle value now turns to be 11 as it is the 10th element of the array`

Pair items from array in unique groups

I have an array of numbers ([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]). These numbers represent players. I would like these players to each "play" each other exactly once.
I need to create "Rounds" for these games. These rounds will include a even number of matches, and each player can only play in a round, at most, once. If there's an odd number of matches, than a final round with irregular number of matches is okay.
The end result being an array of "Round" arrays. These round arrays will contain the matches between players. The end result being something like below, but complete:
I've found Array#combination for getting the matches created, but I can't seem to get the rounds to build properly.
That is called a round robin tournament. Wikipedia gives the following algorithm
Round 1. (1 plays 14, 2 plays 13, ... )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
14 13 12 11 10 9 8
then fix one competitor (number one in this example) and rotate the others clockwise one position:
Round 2. (1 plays 13, 14 plays 12, ... )
1 14 2 3 4 5 6
13 12 11 10 9 8 7
And keep rotating:
Round 3. (1 plays 12, 13 plays 11, ... )
1 13 14 2 3 4 5
12 11 10 9 8 7 6
An odd number of players is handled by one player per round having no game (often implemented by adding a dummy player).

Quicksort algorithm

I used the quicksort algorithm to sort
11 8 9 4 2 5 3 12 6 10 7
and I got the list:
4 3 2 5 9 11 8 12 6 10 7.
5 was used as a pivot. Now I am stuck. How do I proceed to sort the lowersublist and the uppersublist?
pivot=5 11 8 9 4 2 5 3 12 6 10 7
Move pivot to position 0 5 8 9 4 2 11 3 12 6 10 7
i (position 1 = 8)
j (position 6 = 3) ⇒ swap 8 and 3 5 3 9 4 2 11 8 12 6 10 7
i (position 2 = 9)
j (position 4 = 2) ⇒ swap 9 and 2 5 3 2 4 9 11 8 12 6 10 7
i (position 3 = 4)
– no smaller elements than 5 ⇒ swap 5 and 4 4 3 2 5 9 11 8 12 6 10 7
– list after the partition
Quicksort is a recursive algorithm. Once you have sorted the elements by the pivot, you get two sets of items. The first with all elements smaller or equal to the pivot, and the second with all elements larger than the pivot. What you do now, is that you apply quicksort again to each of these sets (with an appropriate pivot).
To do this, you will have to choose a new pivot every time. You can do something like always pick the first element, or draw one at random.
Once you reach a point where a set contains only one element, you stop.
A good way to understand these things is to try to sort a deck of cards using this algorithm. All cards are face down, and you are only allowed to look at two cards at a time, compare these and switch them if necessary. You must pretend to not remember any of the cards that are face down for that to work.
A key component of the algorithm is that the chosen pivot value came from the original list, which means (in your case) the element with the value 5 is now in the correct final position after the first partitioning:
4 3 2 5 9 11 8 12 6 10 7
This should be fairly obvious and follows simple intuition. If every element to the left of an item is smaller than that item and every element to the right is larger, then the item must be in the correct, sorted position.
The insight necessary to understanding the entire Quicksort algorithm is that you can just keep doing this to each of the sublists -- the list of values to the left of the pivot and the list containing all values to the right -- to arrive at the final, sorted list. This is because:
Each partitioning puts one more element in its proper position
Each iteration removes one element -- the pivot -- from the list of elements left to process (which is why we'll eventually reach the base case of zero (or one, depending on how you do it) elements)
Let's assume you chose the partition value of 5 based on the following pseudo-code:
Math.floor(list.length / 2)
For our purposes, the actual choice of a pivot doesn't really matter. This one works for your orginal choice, so we'll go with it. Now, let's play this out 'till the end (starting where you left off):
concat(qs([4 3 2]), 5, qs([9 11 8 12 6 10 7])) =
concat(qs([2]), 3, qs([4]), 5, qs([9, 11, 8, 6, 10, 7]), 12, qs([])) =
concat(2, 3, 4, 5, qs([6, 7]), 8, qs([9, 11, 10]), 12) =
concat(2, 3, 4, 5, qs([6]), 7, qs([]), 8, qs([9, 10]), 11, qs([]), 12) =
concat(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, qs([9]), 10, qs([]), 11, 12) =
concat(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12)
Note that each time you see a single call to qs it will follow this pattern:
qs(<some_left_list>), <the_pivot>, qs(<some_right_list>)
And each call of qs on one line results in two more such calls on the following line (representing the processing of both new sublists (except note that I immediately decompose calls to qs on single-value lists)).
It's a good idea to go through this exercise yourself. Yes, with actual pen and paper.
