LLVM-IR: How call intrinsic function in javacpp - intrinsics

How call intrinsic function in javacpp?
For example, I want to call llvm.sadd.with.overflow intrinsic function.


Why does thunk not demand as many parameters as function?

I'm dealing with the following thunk in Ghidra:
Now when I double-click the thunked function, Ghidra takes me to the real function, and I can see that it expects 2 parameters ("param_1" and "param_2").
Why is it allowed to call it with a single parameter ("&LAB_30007a18") only?
Thank you!
You showed the definition for the thunked function, but not the thunk. The thunk's signature may only include 1 param instead of 2. If so, fix that. Otherwise, the Decompiler may be confused by something earlier in the calling function (e.g., the 2nd param passed to the thunk is the return value from a previous call to a function that is currently defined as having a void return type).
The Decompiler can produce odd-looking results when functions are defined with incorrect parameters or return types.

What is CALLBACK Data type in windows.h?

why data type in windows.h have CALLBACK ?
how to use it ?
what is the difference between other data type ?
The answer is right there in the page you linked to:
CALLBACK, WINAPI, and APIENTRY are all used to define functions with
the __stdcall calling convention. Most functions in the Windows API
are declared using WINAPI. You may wish to use CALLBACK for the
callback functions that you implement to help identify the function as
a callback function.
On 32-bit Windows x86 machines there are multiple calling conventions but the two most common are stdcall and cdecl. Most functions in the Windows API are stdcall and functions in the C standard library are cdecl.
Most public functions in the Windows SDK use the WINAPI define while callback functions that you or a library create will usually use the CALLBACK define. They both end up declaring that the function is using the stdcall calling convention and the generated code is the same. The CALLBACK define is used just as a reminder to you, the programmer, that this particular function is a callback function.

how to call function in DLL or Shared LIbrary (in oracle external procedure)

Oracle provides external procedure.
External procedure allow oracle use the user's library(DLL or .so) instead of PL/SQL function.
Oracle create the extproc that load DLL(or .so) and call function dynamically.
I wonder how to call function dynamically.
To call function in dll dynamically, i know that use the loadLibrary() and GetProcAddress() and need to casting function pointer.
But oracle doesn't know function prototype and can not casting the function pointer at runtime.
So, how to call function in DLL(or .so) without function prototype at runtime?

CUDA sorting library supporting a callback function

Is there any CUDA library/code for sorting that allows me to specify a callback function, called every time two elements are moved/swapped?
thrust::sort calls swap through ADL just like std::sort. If you define a swap function for your user-defined data type, it will be called.

Why is the lock activated by XInitThreads non-recursive?

Consider the following call flow:
Function A calls XCheckIfEvent passing a pointer to function B in the predicate parameter. Function B calls XGetWindowProperty.
If XLib is initialized with the XInitThreads function, the above call flow hangs at the call to XGetWindowProperty. It seems to me that the lock which is activated when XInitThreads is called is not recursive. If true, why? Is there a way to make it recursive? Or is it officially prohibited to call XLib functions from within a callback passed to an XLib function?
From the man page:
If Xlib has been initialized for threads, the predicate is called with
the display locked and the result of a call by the predicate to any
Xlib function that locks the display is not defined unless the caller
has first called XLockDisplay.
From the other man page:
Nested calls to XLockDisplay work correctly
So it seems that the predicate must call XLockDisplay, and XUnlockDisplay when it's done.
