Objective Sharpie - Automated Binding of AWSCognito fails with "'AWSCore/AWSCore.h' file not found" - xamarin

I'm trying to bind "AWSCognito" using Sharpie and Cocoapods using following command:
sharpie pod init -force ios AWSCognito && sharpie pod bind
It ran good but build was failed with following errors:
Parsing 1 header files...
While building module 'AWSCognito' imported from /private/var/folders/0r/y26zbgwn7kx_vn2gr8qjztlm0000gp/T/com.xamarin.ObjectiveSharpie/83195091ba274dc1817fbb79ea9f60ad.h:1:
In file included from :1:
In file included from _ usr /build/Release-iphoneos/AWSCognito/AWSCognito.framework/Headers/AWSCognito-umbrella.h:3:
In file included from _ _usr /build/Release-iphoneos/AWSCognito/AWSCognito.framework/Headers/AWSCognito.h:26:
_ _usr _/build/Release-iphoneos/AWSCognito/AWSCognito.framework/Headers/AWSCognitoService.h:19:9: fatal error:
'AWSCore/AWSCore.h' file not found
#import <AWSCore/AWSCore.h>
/private/var/folders/0r/y26zbgwn7kx_vn2gr8qjztlm0000gp/T/com.xamarin.ObjectiveSharpie/83195091ba274dc1817fbb79ea9f60ad.h:1:9: fatal error:
could not build module 'AWSCognito'
#import AWSCognito;
2 errors generated.
Error while processing /private/var/folders/0r/y26zbgwn7kx_vn2gr8qjztlm0000gp/T/com.xamarin.ObjectiveSharpie/83195091ba274dc1817fbb79ea9f60ad.h.
Submitting usage data to Xamarin...
Submitted - thank you for helping to improve Objective Sharpie!
Done. Exiting with error code 1.
error: Clang failed to parse input and exited with code 1```
I can't figure out why and how do I solve this issue. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.


Error go test -v on https://github.com/slicen/cert-manager-webhook-linode

I completely make a config and create a token on linode
but i got this error when try to test my fetch-test-binaries.sh
this is the message
go test -v
# github.com/slicen/cert-manager-webhook-linode [github.com/slicen/cert-manager-webhook-linode.test]
./main_test.go:20:7: undefined: dns.SetBinariesPath
./main_test.go:20:23: undefined: kubeBuilderBinPath
FAIL github.com/slicen/cert-manager-webhook-linode [build failed]
make: *** [Makefile:15: verify] Error 2
can someone help me to resolve please ?
The error on file
main_test.go line 7 & 23 Link FIle : https://github.com/slicen/cert-manager-webhook-linode/blob/master/main_test.go
and makefile line 15 Link File : https://github.com/slicen/cert-manager-webhook-linode/blob/master/Makefile
The Repository Link : https://github.com/slicen/cert-manager-webhook-linode
I have tried to resolve with downgrade or upgrade my Go Version and searching but i found nothing,
I tried to just go test -v(not doing anything, just clone & go test) but i got same error
Please Help me, Thanks
SetBinariesPath was removed from cert-manager in commit cd92bf321fe14f857f34763583071e068f6c96b3
github.com/slicen/cert-manager-webhook-linode was updated to a newer version of cert-manager in commit 7131f7755b1278e48341f0d71fabac5b56b964fb - and it looks like that moved to a version of cert-manager which includes the removal of SetBinariesPath. The var declaration for kubeBuilderBinPath was correctly stripped away, but the call to dns.SetBinariesPath and a reference to the now removed kubeBuilderBinPath still remain.
So, essentially the code in main_test.go is invalid - at minimum line 20 should be removed.

I got an error when running npm run watch. How to fixed this error. Please help me

ERROR in ./resources/js/App.vue 1:0
Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file. See https://webpack.js.org/concepts#loaders
webpack compiled with 4 errors

Convert a static library ".a" into Binding Library

I tried to use sharpies to convert a library .a into Binding Library but I have some error. The command that I have executed is:
sharpie bind -v -output=[...] --namespace=[...] --sdk=iphoneos11.0 lib.a
and the errors returned are:
Error: unable to handle compilation, expected exactly one compiler job
in '' Error while processing
Done. Exiting with error code 1. error: Clang failed to parse input
and exited with code 1
Any help would be appreciated

bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitableCommand > /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1

I am trying to run my existing code from one system to another and facing continue following error :
bundle format unrecognized, invalid, or unsuitableCommand
/usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
How to resolve this error ? I didn't change a single line of code. However in my existing system, its working like a charm. Any hep appreciate.
This is the error you are getting because of some system settings changed. You can solve it by following below steps :
This error will say for which pod you are facing this issue. So select that pod file.
Now select Target for that Pod
Now got To General
Tap on Choose info.plist File
It will show you pods-yourprojectnae-acknowledgements.plist, so select that option
Now Build and check
you will not find this error again
This solution works for me. Try once.

Trying to generate PDF using TCPDF but getting an fatal error?

Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required
(mypath)tcpdf/tcpdf.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear')
while executing i'm getting the fatal error , Please provide any solution to solve this issue and generate an pdf.
Use this:
and write full path or relative path manually.
