Show active threads JMeter without waittimes - jmeter

I have a test with 100 concurrent users. In this test I have built in random waittimes. How can I see how many users are active (not by a wait time) by time? I'm installing the JMeter plugins and tried the Active Threads over time listener but it doesn't show the wait times. Is there another listener what I can use? Or can I create a log?
In this graph you see a run with one thread. In this run i have build in some waittimes. In the graph i dont see that the active threads going to 0 if there is an waittime. The active threads are the whole run 1.


Run All Thread groups for every 1 hour once

1.In My Test plan I have 5 Scripts(5 Thread groups)
2.For every 1 hour once i want to trigger this script.(All the thread groups should run once)
3.Once the first run is completed it should wait one hour time again the script should run..
Can Any Help me please how to do this scenario
The easiest way is using your operating system scheduling mechanism, i.e. :
Windows Task Scheduler
Linux Crontab
MacOSX launchd
Alternative way would be running JMeter via continuous integration server like Jenkins, this way you will get scheduling, parameterization, build history and performance trend charts via Performance Plugin
One more option would be running a JMeter test non-stop, i.e. set Thread Groups to run Forever. You can create a 1-hour delay between iterations by adding Test Action sampler configured to pause threads for 3600000 milliseconds. Optionally you can add Synchronizing Timer to act as a "rendezvous point" so Test Action sampler would be executed by all threads simultaneously.

Using jmeter not all requests processed in database, but in jmeter listener shows all requests hits the server

Using jmeter, I have 10000 users need to hit the server and to respond back with in 40 sec.
During execution (in distributed mode) only 600 users really hitting (Checked in db) in server.
But in AGGREGATE REPORT it shows all requests hits the server.
What is the issue behind this? why the number of requests hits the server isn't consistent between db and jmeter listener?
Probably your test configuration is a little bit wrong.
JMeter acts as follows:
JMeter starts all the threads (virtual users) within the bounds of ramp-up period specified in the Thread Group configuration
Each thread (virtual user) starts executing samplers upside down
When there are no more samplers to execute and no more loops to iterate the thread is being shut down.
You can check how many threads were actually active using Active Threads Over Time Listener or the same chart of the HTML Reporting Dashboard
So you may run into a situation when some samplers have already done their work and some haven't been yet started. Basically you need to provide enough loops to make sure all 10k threads will be up and running for the required test duration.
See JMeter Test Results: Why the Actual Users Number is Lower than Expected guide for more information.

Performance testing with Jmeter

I've recorded a test script of web application (extJS). The test logs into application (I used login and password saved in .txt file and CSV Data Set Config element), makes some calculations with external webservice and adds some elements to database. It works fine but...
I'm not sure that all of my users do these things at the same time... Is there any way to configure it?
E.g 100 users do the same scenario at the same time?
You can see the exact number of concurrent users via Active Threads Over Time Listener available via JMeter Plugins
If you're not happy with what you're seeing and expect more concurrent users you can consider 2 options:
Increase "Loop Count" on Thread Group level as when JMeter thread has finished executing all samplers and doesn't have any more to run and no loops to iterate - it's being shut down.
Add Synchronizing Timer. It pauses all the threads until the desired amount is reached and releases them at exactly the same moment so you will be able to test i.e. what happens when 100 users are trying to log in at the same time.

jmeter all other threads are stuck when it is not getting response for one Thread

I am new to jmeter.
I am doing load testing on web application using recording feature in jmeter.
The issue is, If I'm giving say 100 with 100s ramp up time in Thread pool for 50 continuous web requests(sequence of web application flow).
If the server is not responding at 25th request(total 50) of 45th Thread(total 100) it is stuck at that point and not sending requests for remaining 55 threads.
What should I do.? is there any other method to initiate the threads.
it is not sending the threads because of many reasons
1. jmeter memory print you need to check
2. the server you are targeting will accept only no of threads.
etc are there.
if each thread processing time will take x amount of time hence n threads with x amount of time the processor is busy .
if your targeting server can only process 40 in this case i am assuming capacity as 40 , then the 41st request will only get chance , only at least one of the previous request get processed or released the thread .
too many threads might cause STUCK or BLOCKED threads at the server end in that case we either dont see response or error code . try stopping the threads you see all the reaming as failed requests
JMeter shouldn't normally act like you described. Check out jmeter.log file, it usually should have enough information to get to the bottom of problem.
It looks like you're trying to run the load test using JMeter GUI. If it's the case - please don't, JMeter is not designed for producing high load in GUI mode.
Run your test in command-line mode
Delete or disable Listeners if any
Increase JVM Heap size, JMeter comes with very little value by default.
Follow other recommendations from 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article

Threads keep running even after test finishes in Jmeter

I am running 24 Hr load test on jmeter with 3256 threads. But even after 28 hrs some of the threads keep running and does not get ramp down. There are several errors in the run.
Even when I choose to stop the threads,"Shutting down all the threads, please be patient" Pop up appears and stays forever and no threads are ramping down.
For your information:- Number of threads-3256; Ramp up period-300; Loop Count-192
Considering all the think/wait time in the script , scenario should run for 24Hrs.
How can I close all the threads forcefully.
There are following options available:
JMeter is listening to shutdown messages on port 4445. There are 2 scripts in /bin folder of your JMeter installation:
shutdown.cmd(sh) - send graceful shutdown request to all threads
stoptest.cmd(sh) - force stop threads
Use Test Action Sampler "Stop Now" option for "All Threads"
Use Beanshell Sampler with the following code:
However in that way you can get lots of errors caused by force shutting down of test threads which will be in your test results.
Actually I think that behavior your're experiencing is being caused by lack of resources on your load generator (JMeter) side. Try following recommendations from JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide to see if it helps (you don't need to wait all 24h, it will be enough to wait till all threads are ramped up).
If adjusting JMeter parameters won't help it looks like that you'll need to consider distributed testing and generate the load from more than one host.
