Using a string channel box to reference particle object - expression

I am using an emit command in the per particle editor to emit new particles. This expression is in the per particle attribute editor of nParticle1.
$particleName = nParticle2 ;
emit -o $particleName ;
My expression works fine. What I am trying to do is I would like to reference nParticle2 in a string attribute channel box.
I thought I could add a string attribute on nParticle1. Name of the attribute : myNewParticle.
I tried this in the perParticle attribute editor:
$particleName = nParticle1.myNewParticle ;
emit -o $particleName ;
But this doesn't work. Also I tried:
$particleName = nParticle1.myNewParticle ;
emit -at $particleName ;
But it seems that I have to have an object flag.
I would like to be able to access the name of the new particle because I am building a GUI and if the user change the name of the new particle, it is easy to change their name without the need to open the per particle attribute editor.
Can someone help me to find the right documentation or know how I could to this?

I don't think so you can do in single argument but you can try this
emit -object $particleName -at myNewParticle; Check this doc


Save a figure to file with specific resolution

In an old version of my code, I used to do a hardcopy() with a given resolution, ie:
frame = hardcopy(figHandle, ['-d' renderer], ['-r' num2str(round(pixelsperinch))]);
For reference, hardcopy saves a figure window to file.
Then I would typically perform:
ZZ = rgb2gray(frame) < 255/2;
se = strel('disk',diskSize);
ZZ2 = imdilate(ZZ,se); %perform dilation.
Surface = bwarea(ZZ2); %get estimated surface (in pixels)
This worked until I switched to Matlab 2017, in which the hardcopy() function is deprecated and we are left with the print() function instead.
I am unable to extract the data from figure handler at a specific resolution using print. I've tried many things, including:
frame = print(figHandle, '-opengl', strcat('-r',num2str(round(pixelsperinch))));
But it doesn't work. How can I overcome this?
I don't want to 'save' nor create a figure file, my aim is to extract the data from the figure in order to mesure a surface after a dilation process. I just want to keep this information and since 'im processing a LOT of different trajectories (total is approx. 1e7 trajectories), i don't want to save each file to disk (this is costly, time execution speaking). I'm running this code on a remote server (without a graphic card).
The issue I'm struggling with is: "One or more output arguments not assigned during call to "varargout"."
getframe() does not allow for setting a specific resolution (it uses current resolution instead as far as I know)
Ok, figured out how to do, you need to pass the '-RGBImage' argument like this:
frame = print(figHandle, ['-' renderer], ['-r' num2str(round(pixelsperinch))], '-RGBImage');
it also accept custom resolution and renderer as specified in the documentation.
I think you must specify formattype too (-dtiff in my case). I've tried this in Matlab 2016b with no problem:
print(figHandle,'-dtiff', '-opengl', '-r600', 'nameofmyfig');
If you need the CData just find the handle of the corresponding axes and get its CData
f = findobj('Tag','mytag')
Then depending on your matlab version use:
mycdata = get(f,'CData');
or directly
mycdta = f.CData;
You can set the tag of your image programatically and then do what I said previously:
a = imshow('peppers.png');

PHPStorm / IntelliJ IDEA Live Template string "$" concatenation

Does anyone know how to prefix a "$" next to a $STRING$ entry? $$STRING$ seems to remove the ability for the template system to recognise this as an input variable.
While we are on the topic, is it possible to concatenate/edit a previously declared variable in the variable editor? So setting:
$STRING$'s default to: $VAR$ . "suffix"
Both of these would be very useful!!
Short answer: Just use $$ (therefore $$$STRING$).
To clarify the OP's problem with an example:
Imagine that you wanted to have an n live template (macro) that creates a new instance of a class and stores it in a variable of the same name (Netbeans users will know :) ).
So if you used the n macro and typed Person, the output would be $person = new Person();
And since you want to autocomplete the $person variable based on Person class, you need to have $<variable> = new <Class>();, which translates to $$$VAR$ = new $CLASS$(); $END$ in PhpStorm.
For anyone interested in the full n live template:
My answer is indirectly based on this answer.

how to pass parameters to a Matlab GUI file

i am new to matlab. While working through the Matlab GUI, i faced a problem which is as follows..i want to have 2 figure files, with one figure file calling the other. i know that just by calling the name of the 2nd fig file from the first fig file, we can call the 2nd figure. however, i also wish to send some parameters from one fig file to i need to send the arguments and also obtain these parameters so as to do further processing.i havent been able to find a solution to this problem. i would be glad if someone helps me out with this problem. thanking you in advance
There are three ways I found to do this:
Method 1: Use setappdata and getappdata like so:
some_other_var = getappdata(0,'some_var')
You would use setappdata() in the m-file for fig1 to store whatever data you wanted to pass around, and then call getappdata() in another m-file to retrieve it. The argument 0 to the two functions specifies the MATLAB root workspace, which is accessible by your program everywhere (i.e. it is global). As such, when you close your figures that data will still be available. You may want to use rmappdata to remove them.
Method 2: Use guidata:
Assuming you created your GUI with GUIDE, then you have access to a structure called handles which is passed around everywhere and which you can edit, and so you can do this in a GUI callback:
handles.some_var = some_value
Then you can access handles.some_var elsewhere in some other callback (because handles is automatically passed into it for you) in your other m-file:
some_other_var = get(handles.some_var)
Method 3: Use UserData:
Store the variable you want from your first figure:
set(name_of_fig, 'UserData', some_var)
Then to get it from your other one:
some_other_var = get(name_of_fig, 'UserData')
(Disclaimer: My actual knowledge of MATLAB is not all that great, but it helps to be able to find good resources like this and this, and even this from the official docs. What I've written here may be wrong, so you should definitely consult the docs for more help.)
I would do like this (assuming you're using the GUI builder GUIDE).
Let's say that your figures/m-files are named firstFigure.fig/m and secondFigure.fig/m. In the code of firstFigure, just call secondFigure and pass your parameters as arguments:
someNumber = 1;
someText = 'test';
aMatrix = rand(3);
secondFigure(someNumber, someText, aMatrix);
The arguments will be available to secondFigure as a variable varargin in the callback functions
function varargout = secondFigure(varargin)
function secondFigure_OpeningFcn(hObject, eventdata, handles, varargin)
varagin is a cell structure; use cell2mat and char to convert it back:
theNumber = cell2mat(varargin(1));
theText = char(varargin(2));
theTextAgain = cell2mat(varargin(2));
theMatrix = cell2mat(varargin(3));
This may help:
The easiest method is to wrap the parameters in a cell array and send them directly to the GUI constructor. A call with two parameters might look like:
figure2({param1, param2})
Then you can unpack the arguments in the opening function (figure2_OpeningFcn) with code like:
handles.par1 = varargin{1}{1};
handles.par2 = varargin{1}{2};
These lines must be placed somewhere before the line that says guidata(hObject, handles);. Then you can access handles.par1 and handles.par2 directly in all the other callbacks.
I assume you are using GUIDE to generate your GUI. You can find figure2_OpeningFcn in figure2.m which will be located in the same directory as figure2.fig.
Note: you can also return values from a figure, returnvalue = my_figure({my_input}). If you'd like instructions on that too, leave a comment and I'll extend my answer.

How to select an axes child in MATLAB?

I have been looking everywhere but I can't find a site that shows how to do this.
The thing I want is to be able to select an object from an axes when I click it, so that I can change its colours and stuff.
I just can't figure out how to select a child, I can create objects but not select them.
I have this piece of code I use to create a line:
coord = ginput (2)
x = coord(:,1)
y = coord(:,2)
hline = line(x,y)
I'm not sure If i need to create the objects in an array so that I can select edit/delete them.
I believe I would need to use ButtonDownFcn, but probably I'm doing something completely wrong.
Any help would be appreciated, If I'm missing any information please let me know
It is not necessary to use ginput and extract the coordinates. This is done automatically by an built-in "listener" in the figure-window. You are correct in assuming that you can use the ButtonDownFcn property on the object (line, lineseries, or other handle graphics object).
Try to create at simple line from (0,0) to (1,1):
hline = line([0,1],[0,1]) %# create line, save handle in hline
Then you can set the ButtonDownFcn to, for instance, a function handle to an anonymous function:
set( ...
hline, ...
'ButtonDownFcn', #(handle,event)(disp(['You clicked on the line!'])) ...
Now try to click on the line. It should print the text in the command window.
The function needs to be able to receive atleast two arguments: (1) the handle of the object itself (the line) and (2) an "event structure". I believe the second argument is just empty when you use line-objects. But your function still needs to receive atleast these two arguments (even if you do not use them).
Read more here:
You can also use your own function (a named function in a file):
set( ...
hline, ...
'ButtonDownFcn', #(handle,event)(namedFunction(handle,event)) ...
... or you can use a struct-array if you (expectedly) have other arguments beyound those two.

Remove a keyboard shortcut binding in Visual Studio using Macros

I have a lot of custom keyboard shortcuts set up. To avoid having to set them up every time I install a new visual studio (happens quite a lot currectly, with VS2010 being in beta/RC) I have created a macro, that sets up all my custom commands, like this:
DTE.Commands.Item("ReSharper.ReSharper_UnitTest_RunSolution").Bindings = "Global::Ctrl+T, Ctrl+A"
My main problem is that Ctrl+T is set up to map to the transpose char command by default. So I want to remove that default value in my macro.
I have tried the following two lines, but both throw an exception
DTE.Commands.Item("Edit.CharTranspose").Bindings = ""
DTE.Commands.Item("Edit.CharTranspose").Bindings = Nothing
Although they kind of work, because they actually remove the binding ;) But I would prefer the solution that doesn't throw an exception.
How is that done?
I have coped with the same issue. I use a macro to assign key bindings for a set of align macros.
Dim NewBindings() = {"Global::Alt+="}
DTE.Commands.Item("Macros.Dev.AlignUtils.AlignEquals").Bindings = NewBindings
NewBindings(0) = "Global::Alt+Num -"
DTE.Commands.Item("Macros.Dev.AlignUtils.AlignMinus").Bindings = NewBindings
And to remove key bindings i use the following statements :
Dim DelBindings() = {}
DTE.Commands.Item("Macros.Dev.AlignUtils.AlignPlus").Bindings = DelBindings
It works fine under Visual Studio 2005.
I followed a little more pragmatic way (using your example):
DTE.Commands.Item("ReSharper.ReSharper_UnitTest_RunSolution").Bindings = "Global::Ctrl+T"
DTE.Commands.Item("ReSharper.ReSharper_UnitTest_RunSolution").Bindings = "Global::Ctrl+T, Ctrl+A"
With the first assignment Ctrl+T is unassigned from any other function and then becomes unbound with the second assignment.
Works like a charm for me.
You do not need to change it with macro, Just go to
Menu>Tools>Options -- Keyboard and then select what you want to change the shortcut from the dropdown and assignyour desiered short cut
