Best way to store/process user-specific API key and secrets? - laravel

I'm designing an app that counts on accessing multiple API's that need the certain users credentials which are provided when a user allows access via OAuth. I'm new to designing programs like this and I'm trying to wrap my head around the easiest way to do this. Here is what I was thinking:
During the Oauth process I specify the callback url (lets call it A)
Create a POST route for url A that points to a function in the user controller
That function then parses the JSON data with the API Key+Secret, hashes the data, and stores it in a column of the user table.
Would this be the best way to go about this?

One thing I'll say is don't tie these directly to your users. Sometimes users may want to authorize multiple accounts, and sometimes multiple users may authorize the same account. Since you can only have one active refresh token per oauth account, these creds should be kept in a separate table and then linked with a many-to-many for flexibility


Restful API: Best practice for admin and user scope

I am building an API where users and admins can interact with the same data, but with different needs.
A user can also have access to the admin panel, if he has the "admin" role.
Let's see for example we have a resource like Badges. A Badge is simply a reward when you achieve some actions into the app.
GET http://localhost/api/v1/badges
An authenticated user can call this endpoint and it returns the list of all badges, if they have it or not, with progress details.
GET http://localhost/api/v1/badges?user_id=2
with user_id parameter, we can see these details of another user (if he allows it).
But from the admin scope, I just need to see the list of all badges, without achievement details (CRUD operations).
So I have 2 options in mind:
Create "admin" endpoints: GET http://localhost/api/v1/admin/badges.
Adding custom header "X-App-Scope" to identify if I am in admin or user.
I don't like the second one because I think I will have so many if statements and behavior in the same endpoint, depending of the scope.
Because I have lots of use cases like this, I want to make sure my API architecture is good to handle user/admin needs.
Do you guys have any idea/example to manage stuff like this?
My personal preference is to separate admin API routes from user ones. i.e. having two routes
You will have two unique documentation, one for each route, which makes it easier to maintain and understand
It will be easier to tell the difference between the user and the admin versions
There is no need extra code to check for request headers or url params.
It makes your middleware less complicated, especially if authentication and permissions are handled there.
It is more scalable for teams as there is only one kind of request and response format per API.
TL;DR: REST is designed in the expectation that you would use two different resources here.
The core problem is this: how would a general purpose component, like a browser, know that your special resource needs to have this custom header added?
In particular, consider the case where I send to you a copy of the URL for this resource, and nothing else. How are you to know to add the customer header to the request?
On the other hand, if you use different resources to share this information with each audience, everything just works.
The only way I found to stay as simple/clear as possible is to make multiple endpoints, for each use case:
GET http://localhost/api/v1/badges to get all badges in raw data
GET http://localhost/api/v1/users/badges to get all badges with user stats (progression, achievement...) in a transformed format
GET http://localhost/api/v1/users/{uuid}/badges to get all badges with user stats (progression, achievement...) in a transformed format for the specified user, if his profile is public
Now I have a lot of /users/XYZ endpoints, but my code seems easier to read & maintain, and I don't really need to see the code to guess what data will be returned, the conditions, etc...
I keep wondering how the other APIs are written when you have an admin section, because having /users everywhere isn't really "pretty", and I don't see that anywhere else.

Token based simple authentication in Laravel (No passport)

I am new to laravel and creating a REST API. The client of the API will be mobile app only. There is no front end view to be shown in browser. I have created the routes and the controllers to handle API requests. Furthermore I deleted the Users table (created by laravel) because I do not need an Web interface etc.
I just want simple token based authentication at this stage ( I am aware there is passport authentication) but I can not even understand that at this stage.
There is only one table in the project.
(id (PK), name, phone, details)
mobile app users are candidates also, should I create a token column in this table ? and manually create token at the time of register API and return it back as response ?
Please any simple guide or directions will help, I have search quite a bit online and there seems to be quite a lot many topics that show up such as guards, providers, passport which I am struggling to get.
First of all, you didn’t need to delete the users table. You can use it for api auth too. You just need to create a seperate token table.
However, if you want to implementit manually you need to do a lot of things manually.
This is a huge thing to impelement manually and it's not possible to describe it in a single answer. I will try my best to explain it as simply as I can.
You have to create a authentication system yourself that is for login. Define a middleware to check the authorization of the token sent from client to check the validity of every request (this is the guard part).
Also keep track of the token expiry time. Refreshing the token after each expiry needs to be done too (this is the provider part).
Now there are a lot things inside. Like keeping track of the device the request is coming from, providing different tokens for differenet devices for a single user etc.
If you are into learning how everything works then you can try to build one yourself. But if you plan on deploying it to a professional website, I would suggest try to get accustomed with passport. Reinventing the wheel is really not necessary. I hope it gives you a basic idea. If you have any more questions feel free to comment.

Separate access in one app with keycloak

I have the following setup - the Spring SAAS REST service, which allows different companies to manage different events. And there is a rest client (a mobile app) also, shipped separately for each company.
I want to use keycloak for security stuff, and I have a question of how to separate one company from another.
I need companyA to not be able to access companyB event, and also need different roles within the company - some can create events, some can only read it.
First I thought each company will have own realm created in keycloak, but I learned that realm actually specified in the spring boot REST service parameters like
Which means it is only one realm per REST application. And I don't want to configure REST service instance per client. I only want one REST rule them all.
Am I trying to use something which really doesn't fit my use case?
Will it be right way to have a keycloack Group configured for each company, and make a logic in such a way that users of one group won't have access to what is created by other group. But then it actually feels wrong, since as I understand group are supposed to be used in a different way - to have admin group and user group, etc, segregating users "vertically" by "privileges", and not "horizontally".
Can you please suggest a right approach for this problem?
I would implement a custom protocol mapper which loads extra user permissions for your application and stores them in a token. This way, you use a single realm and if there are more companies in the future it scales well. Here you've got an example of how to implement it.
Basically, the otherClaims field of the access token is a JSON field that allows a map of properties to be set. You could add a field here such as:
userAccessibleCompanyIds: [1,3,4]
How to load the company ids for the concrete user? You can access your application database from the mapper or get them using the REST API.
Then in your application you need to have a control of what the user accesses. What I do is decode the token and see if the user request suits. If not, return a 403 response.

Using o-auth to authentify users on my API

I've got a project made of two websites:
The front : A Laravel website without database and logic (just showing static pages and my javascript)
The API : A project using Lumen/Dingo API with my endpoints, my database, my logic and my models
I want to allow my front to ask data to my API depending the user.
Ex. I want to log the user, retrieve his friends, add some post to his
account, etc. (from the Javascript)
What is the best solution?
Using an identification per user (using o-auth or JWT)
Allow my front project to ask to my API then each javascript call needs to use my front without knowing my API) (In this solution I need to create routes similars to my API's routes)
Identification per user is always a better solution as the claims can be decided per user, also in future when it is required to provide permissions to access API based on claims or roles, it becomes easy to give information using the claims and amount of access you can give to a specific user.
So the way it will work is:
There will be identity server which will be containing the list of users in the system, and also the clams and scopes per user.
The API project will trust the identity server, that means any token provided by the identity server can get verified.
Based on the token per user your API app can decide how much information you want to give to the user.
That way in future you can have methods based on roles, claims and users will be provided with only the information that they have access to.

Best practice in securing user creation for a REST API

I'm currently working on a iphone/android project where the mobile talk ta java backend server through REST API calls.
The Java backend is done using Spring and its Authentication system (with a JSESSION ID token)
I'm not an expert in security but I can see that if not implemented correctly there could be quite a lot of issues.
One of my biggest concern would be user creation for example.
When the app creates a user it simply makes a POST request to (
How can I avoid, server side, that a malicious user puts this url in a loop and create thousands of users ?
What are common best practices to secure API calls ?
Is the Spring Authentication token enough ?
Thank you!
It's not really possible to prevent a client from making many calls to your server. A malicious user can create a script or application firing requests to your server.
The solution is to authenticate and authorize the calls to the server. You give certain users (for example administrators) the privilege to create users. You trust those users to behave in a correct manner. You have your users authenticate before they call the APIs on your server. Then, on the server side your check who the user is and what he/she is allowed to do.
If you are still concerned about privileged users not behaving, you can assign quota to each user on the actions they are allowed to perform.
The hightech solution (with as much framework fuctions as possible) would be
first: have a created-by and created-date field at the entity you want to protect (I recommend to use Spring-Data-JPA Auditing for that).
second: create a custom spring method (or web) expression method that is able to check how many items the current user has created in the (for example) last 10minutes and if this are more then (for examle) 20, then return false (or make them parameters of the method).
Then you can protect your method (or url) with that expression (#PreAuthorize("createsNotExeced(10, 20)"))
But this is the high tech solution - it would be quite intresstion implementing them when one wants to learn spring security. (and you would need to add some caching, but this is also a Spring feature).
The lowtech solution would be: put an list of timestamp in the users session, and add an new item to that array whenever the user creates an new item. When the last (for example) 20 timestamp enties are within the last (for example) 10 minutes, then throw an TooMuchHeavyUseRuntimeException or somthing else.
