Bitrise Xamarin build fails with message "No exportable output found" - xamarin

I'm trying to setup my first custom Xamarin IOS build on Bitrise. i manage to have the sample app building. I tried to create a build for a custom IOS single page app and I'm getting the same error.
["\"/Applications/Xamarin\"", "build", "\"-c:Debug|iPhoneSimulator\"", "\"tamtammeapp.sln\"", "\"-p:TamTamMe.IOS\""]
Xamarin Studio Build Tool
Loading solution: /Users/vagrant/git/tamtammeapp.sln
Loading projects ..
Building: TamTamMe.IOS (Debug|iPhoneSimulator)
generated_files: {"{AE5511D0-5224-4AC5-B25F-BDFB1851FB67}"=>{:app=>"./TamTamMe.IOS/bin/iPhoneSimulator/Debug/", :api=>"ios"}}
No exportable output found
I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong. Any idea?

The step xamarin-builder is expected to generete platform specific archives (.APK file for Android, .ipa file for iOS, .pkg/.app for Mac), the error means building your project with given configuration:
platform: iPhoneSimulator
configuration: Debug
does not generate .ipa file.
Most of the times, platform: iPhone generates .ipa as output, so try to change the platform (but it depends on your project settings).
Check out your ios project settings by double cliking on your project, in the project navigator, select iOS Build tab in the Project Options menu, Under Code Generation & Runtime you can find Supported arhictectures, xamarin-builder step will generated .ipa for configuration-platform combination, where architecture is ARMx.


ITMS 90433 Error for uploading app: Xcode 12.4

When I submit my app to App Store as TestFlight, my app goes invalid binary. Error message is give as follows:
ITMS-90433: Invalid Swift Support - The file
libswiftAVFoundation.dylib doesn’t have the correct code signature.
Make sure you’re using the correct signature, rebuild your app using
the current public (GM) version of Xcode, and resubmit it. Don’t just
modify the code signature of libswiftAVFoundation.dylib.
Would you please recommend any practices for library version checking or others if any, to ensure my app submission contains valid binary ?
Updates :
I need to go to the company and rebuild my iOS app using Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries -> YES, no issues
Thank you very much
Go to your project target and then -> Build Settings -> Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries and switch to "NO". (this is if you dont use swift in your project).
On the other hand i've seen this more of an issue that has to do with cleaning your project folder.
Having a physical device connected to xcode while building the app solved it on my site. Note: I use flavors in my flutter project.
For some reason, the command line tools was not set in Xcode preferences. So in my case I opened:
Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations
and set Command Line Tools field to match the current version of Xcode, in my case
Xcode 12.4(12D4e)
Then Archive and upload new binary.

Xamarin.Forms.ios/Visual Studio build config bug?

I am working on a Xamarin.Forms project and I need to create multiple build configs for iOS and android and depending on the build config swap out all pictures in the project but that is not the problem.
The problem is I cant create new build configs for the iOS project, for android it works fine but the iOS project even has 2 empty build configs that I cant delete nor rename, it always says "unknown error" and I tried a lot of stuff but nothing helped.
Build config manager showing the 2 empty configs:
The error message that pops up when trying to delete or rename the empty configs:

Facing issue with gradle. Also Android Studio is blacking out the Build bundle/apk

After creating my first app, I thought to upload the app to Play Store. However, when I prepared files for upload, because I am using Flutter, I added all the requirements to the files. However, when I checked the build.gradle in the android directory, it shows the Can't Resolve symbols for Properties, GradleException, and FileInputStream.
Image for Gradle
Also, when I am trying to build apk via Build>Build bundle/APK, I found out that is been greyed out.
Image for Build Menu
After creating app before I saw this problem, I had the problem with uploading the app. Whenever uploading it responds with the error that it has been signed when in debug. However, I signed it using the key generated by Keytool.
Solution found!
Gradle isn't implemented for flutter yet. Let the errors be shown. Else using VS Code will help

Xcode- Library not found for - IGoogleUtilities

I am new to Apple and Xcode, I make an application in unity3d and I try to implement AdMob. When I Run for test in xCode I have the error: Library not found for- IGoogleUtilities.
Also when I select "Simulator SDK" from Build Settings/Player Settings/Other Settings the build Button is interactable
Maybe it'il help someone;
"When using Unity 5.6 and above, an xcworkspace is generated that includes the required dependency libraries. Use the generated xcworkspace instead of the standard Xcode project."
Select device SDK from Unity editor.
inside Xcode, You should download and add GoogleMobileAds.framework then rebuild.
Let me know if it helps.

Deploying app to testers using Travis CI and TestFairy

I want to deploy an app to beta testers via email. I am using Travis CI and TestFairy but I'm having trouble understanding what to put in the .travis.yml file:
provider: testfairy // easy enough
api-key: "TESTFAIRY API KEY" // easy enough
app-file: Path to the app file (APK/IPA) // what to put here?
What should I put under app-file? I have a basic Xcode workspace (using CocoaPods) and I'm not exactly sure about where my IPA is. Any hints?
Disclaimer: I work for TestFairy.
You can always define in your xcode project where you want xcode to output the IPA by editing either the xcode preferences or the project preferences (Xcode Menu-> Preferences-> Locations or Xcode Menu-> File-> Project Settings).
Then use the path defined by those parameters to give the path to the IPA
