Spring Security Authorize by authentication method - spring

How can I limit the access to a method, base on the authentication method, in Sprint Security?
For example, I want two methods of authentication to my service: basic and LDAP. But for one method in my service I only want access to be allowed if the user authenticated using basic-authirization.
I know I can add Authentication to the method signature and then check if it's an instance of UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken, but that seems a but ugly and not really using the full power of the framework.
I guess I can do the same with PreAuthorize.
Another ugly way to do this is to add a rule to every authenticated user that tells the authentication method. I can the authorize base on the role. Again, ugly
But is there a more out-of-the-box/Springy way of doing this?


Want to do preauthorization but without authentication, authentication was done by wsso link

All the request comes after wsso authentication now in my api i don't want to authenticate the request but i want to implement preauthorization on controller method.
In request header I am getting the user ID only nothing else.
I have one method which gives all the authority based on user ID.
Could any one guide how to approach this task in a spring boot application.
So in request header only user ID coming and I want to implement #preAuthorize("hasAnyAuthority('Admin')")in a controller method.
We don't have passwords access in our application.

Approach to secure different WebApi service methods for different clients

I have a set of services, all of which have, up until now, served a single client. The service methods so far have fallen into two groups - those that are secured/require a token and those that are accessible to anyone. The secured methods have the [Authorize] attribute assigned to them and the non-secured methods do not. It all works fine. We're using an Identity Server-based Authentication service and bearer token authentication.
Now I want to add a new client and one or two new methods that are only accessible to that new client. Defining the new client in my Authentication service is easy enough. I want to understand how best to authorize different methods for different clients. Do I need to build my own custom Authorize attribute that checks either the client id or, better yet, the scope and define a separate scope for these new methods?
I guess that's the bottom line question: Does authorizing different methods for different clients entail a custom Authorize attribute? Is that the typical or best approach or is there another way?

Is it possible to leverage Spring Security while manually handling multiple oauth2 logins?

The current application I'm working on makes use of oauth2 quite extensively.
For each screen, the user may be required to authenticate via an external service (while still maintaining authentication for the other screens they have already visited).
So for example:
ScreenA -> Authenticate via ServiceX
ScreenB -> Authenticate via ServiceY
ScreenC -> Authenticate via ServiceZ
It is possible for users to be authenticated to multiple login providers at the same time in a given session.
As such, I've decided to handle the oauth2 workflow manually instead of relying on Spring Boot's OAuth2 library. It does seem like this library provides multiple login providers but it looks far too complicated for such a simple scenario and I'm not sure if it's even possible to have users authenticated to multiple providers at once.
Anyway, that was the background information. My plan for the implementation is to just store the access token in the session object for each of the screens. So this means that I have a separate bean in the session object for each of the screens, and I'm going to make it thread safe to account for the web session pitfalls.
Is there an easier way of doing what I'm trying to achieve? I can't find any best practices on this approach.
If my manual approach is the best way, then how do I take advantage of the other functionalities provided by Spring Security? Namely, I would like to use #PreAuthorize (perhaps define a role for each of login providers) and maybe even get WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter to work with these roles.
Ultimately, I'm having difficulty coming up with the right architecture for this situation.
With what you have provided, it's possible to implement OAuth2 authentication.
Use one Authentication Server ( this will be a wrapper service that can authenticate against service X, Y and Z)
Any time you go to any screen, you pass down which service to authenticate against (in request header or in some way), so that Authentication Server can authenticate and return you proper token.
All of the spring security features will still be useable in this scenario.

Mixing Windows authentication and claimsPrincipal in mvc

I have a MVC project with windows authentication and i want to use Claims.
I see that claims inherit from IPrincipal. I think that used for authentication reasons, because in every request before code will be executed validate users credentials.
I this possible? Where have to define claims?

Programmatic authentication

I am using Spring Security in my application.
I have all the pages secured. But couple of URL needs to be available both for system user and anonymous user.
But anonymous user should not have direct access to the URLs. He gets a link with unique token and gets access to some URLS if this token is valid.
What I want to do is:
In controller check if token in URL is valid
If it is - authenticate user in the system programmatically using some predefined login and password. This user will be configured to have authority to access necessary URLs.
The question is:
Is this a correct approach to perform user authentication programatically with some roles in controller if token is valid? Is this safe approach?
Security is an aspect. An aspect can be decoupled from your main code (controller) to reduce code duplication and improve flexibility. Move authentication code from controller to new filter (be sure that this filter executed after spring security filter chain). You will be able secure new URLs via web.xml (zero lines of code).
I think the better way to do this is:
move the shared operations into service layer
define a controller for those anonymous user and make its authority
as anonymous
check the validity of token in this controller
if valid, call some services method to perform the operations.
render the result in this controller
