Spring Data Rest vs Spring Data Rest WebMvc - spring

What is the difference between:
To obviously they are two different things, but I am slightly confused here.

The spring-data-rest-webmvc is the project describing the main concepts of spring-data-rest which is the one of the main spring modules.
In most cases one will use spring-data-rest dependency for his/her project.

Use spring-data-rest when your app is based on Spring Boot
spring-data-rest-webmvc when your app is not a Spring Boot app
Ref: https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/rest/docs/current/reference/html/#install-chapter


Is Spring Rest the implementation of JAX-RS or what implementation does Spring Rest use for REST support?

I know JAX-RS has many implementations like RESTEASY,Jersy,RestLet.But when i use Spring boot project i just need to add Spring-web dependency and i am ready to go for creating REST APIs.I want to know what is the implementation Spring Boot Rest uses to support REST ?
Difference between JAX-RS and Spring Rest
hope that solves your problem or makes it a little clearer.

Convert project from Spring framework to Spring boot

I have a set of projects in Spring framework and I have to Find the ones which can be converted to Spring boot.
Is there anything that is related to Spring framework and cannot be converted to spring boot ? In my research, I Could not Find something like that.
But does anyone know something, like a dependency, which would force the project to stay in Spring framework ?
Spring Boot uses the Spring Framework as a foundation and improvises on it. It simplifies Spring dependencies and runs applications straight from a command line. Spring Boot provides several features to help manage enterprise applications easily. Spring Boot is not a replacement for the Spring, but it’s a tool for working faster and easier on Spring applications. It simplifies much of the architecture by adding a layer that helps automate configuration and deployment while making it easier to add new features.
Most of the changes for migrating Spring Framework application to Spring Boot are related to configurations.This migration will have minimal impact on the application code or other custom components.Spring Boot brings a number of advantages to the development.
It simplifies Spring dependencies by taking the opinionated view.
Spring Boot provides a preconfigured set of technologies/framework to reduces error-prone configuration so we as a developer focused on building our business logic and not thinking of project setup.
You really don’t need those big XML configurations for your project.
Embed Tomcat, Jetty or Undertow directly.
Provide opinionated Maven POM to simplify your configurations.
Application metrics and health check using actuator module.
Externalization of the configuration files.
Good to refer this for migrating from Spring to Spring Boot application: https://www.javadevjournal.com/spring-boot/migrating-from-spring-to-spring-boot/

What are the similarities between Spring and Spring Boot

I have a requirement that I have to use Spring Boot with JSF as user interface, as of now I am using JSF with spring other modules. So, I want know the similarities, differences and advantages of Spring boot over Spring other modules.
Long story short, Spring Boot is highly opinionated wrapper for Spring Framework with a lot of production and cloud ready features. It can significantly reduce amount of your configuration if you follow conventions.
Start reading here.
You can not compare spring boot and spring framework. Spring Boot is a new project aims to help spring development by auto configuration of things required to run the spring application.
So, if you have spring application, you can use spring boot to run your Spring application without worrying about writing the XML configuration.

adding spring-data-rest ontop of spring-data-jpa

i created a maven project, and added all dependencies i need.
i have some repositories using the spring-data-jpa, and i added some integration tests.
now i need to add ontop of it spring-data-rest, if i understand it is based on springmvc.
but all examples i found, i need to add spring boot to start the app.
i noticed also all new spring projects use spring boot.
this means that i have to learn and use it for my projects?
how can i use spring-data-jpa+spring-data-jpa with an existing servlet3 project
The reason all examples are written using Boot is that Boot is indeed the way you should start a new Spring project these days. It free's from a lot of the tedious work of setting up the infrastructure, finding dependencies in the right version etc.
To use Spring Data REST without Boot, simply add the necessary dependencies to your project. The easiest way to do this is to use the Spring Data Release Train BOM (which will help you pulling in the correct matching versions) along side the version-less dependency declarations for Spring Data REST WebMVC and - in your case - Spring Data JPA.
Then go ahead and either register RepositoryRestMvcConvfiguration as Spring bean (either through XML configuration or JavaConfig).
All of this is also documented in the reference documentation.

Spring Security without spring core?

I have a really simple question, that I just can't find the answer.
If I want to use only Spring Security, do I need Spring core or any other dependency?
In this link, in the bottom I see only spring security jars as dependencies, but still I couldn't get it to work. I only got it to work when I used a lot more of spring jars (core, context, and more).
So, what are the minimal dependencies I need for using Spring Security? All I need is an authorization and authentication framework, and I want as little dependencies as possible.
Thank you!
For every spring extension you need to use Srping core, because every extension is build on top of spring core
