CKEDITOR Image Properties Browse Button - image

I have found a neat plugin for CKEDITOR called bgimage that allows a user to select a section of text and wrap said text within div and apply the background image style attribute (Background Image plugin should use Selected Text.).
I was wondering how can I replace the Image URL with Image Browse button as found within Image Properties?
Do I need to add an additional button to the vbox then make the necessary connections between FileBrowser and the associated Button? (I can't seem to find the relevant Developer Docs, regarding this problem).

The complete documentation for adding the file browser to your dialog is actually available here: Adding File Manager to a Dialog Window.


How to use url image inserting dialog instead of upload in CKEditor 5 Classic

I want to use CKEditor 5, insert image with URL dialog, instead of its default file upload dialog. how to do this in CKEditor 5 Classic?
There is, as far as I know, no such feature officially provided.
There is, however, a tutorial provided in the documentation on how to write such a feature:
There is also a separate project on github for the same purpose, which appears to be a bit more stylish:
Both approaches require to configure a modified build, and both appear to lack an important component: a button in the image's toolbar to edit that URL later on.
So, a more simple approach that does achieve practically the same is to just drag the images into the editor from some browser window.

Invoke dialog and fill its content dynamically in CKEditor

I'm new to CKEditor development. I have written a plugin to insert custom tag element ( pre ) and update its attributes.
I want to open the plugin dialog( dialog name is snippet ) once user clicks the pre tag element, And i want to fill the textarea with clicked element innerHTML in dialog.
I have two questions.
How to invoke the plugin dialog dynamically?
How to access the elements inside the dialog?
Enjoy the official plugin development tutorial – there you'll find all the answers. You'll not be able to re-use another plugin's dialog easily though. You need another dialog.
But don't worry, you can copy&paste the source code of Source Dialog plugin's dialog, which is very simple, and use it for your plugin. Code Snippet dialog is also pretty straightforward.
You may find Developer Tools plugin useful.
You can observe various events with the API of the editor easily (including click).

Sitecore: Sublayout with preview image

Can anybody tell me how to add a preview image when i am selecting a rendering while adding a component in the Page Editor? I just still have there a default sublayout icon. I have the Nicam demo site from Sitecore and there are some images, but I am not able find where I can select that.
When you go to your Sublayouts (/sitecore/Layouts/Sublayouts or Renderings) you can select yours, go to the Appearance section and go to the Thumbnail field. Click the Take Screenshot button there.
You can then select the page you want the thumbnail to be taken from in the Item field, which device to use and click Take Screenshot. After this the page will show up where you can select a section of the page to be used as the screenshot
I decided to write a blogpost on this: Read it here

i want to select file from CKeditor from browse server button

I have browae server button
I am working in c#.
I want to select image from my imagefolder
it means when i click on Browse Server button, my imagefolder must open and when i click any of the image. it must be selected and selected image path mustbe copied on url textbox..
If I understood correctly your question, basically you need two things:
make sure that the filebrowser plugin is available in your CKEditor package - this plugin makes it possible to attach external file managers to CKEditor
...and you need some file manager.
There is an official ajax file manager for CKEditor created by CKSource and it is called CKFinder. If you decide to give it a try make sure to check the documentation

ckeditor image plugin customization

I want to customize the ckeditor image plugin. I already added two radio boxes under URL text field, one is the normal mode while for the second one I have shown a page in iframe in the preview area. In the page we have list of image links. Now I have difficulty to click on any link and send that link to the URL text field. Actually I want to access the URL field in the page shown in the iframe.
Please help me for it, or suggest me a better solution to tackle this situation.
I found the way to do the above job.
First I changed the radio boxes into brows button. On the button click event a light box opens. When clicking in a link in the light box the link value will be saved to java script COOKIE variable and on the light box close event the value from the COOKIE is retrieved and assigned to the text field with the following code.
srcVal = getCookie('srcVal'); dialog.setValueOf('info','src',srcVal);
