Error no module named tensorflow in Anaconda for mac - macos

I installed tensorflow as described for Anaconda installation in the I could run the tensorflow in the Mac terminal just typing,
$ source activate tensorflow
$ python
import tensorflow as tf
But, when I run iPython notebook, it does not work by showing an error of no module named tensorflow. I felt like tensorflow was correctly installed but iPython notebook could not recognize it. Is there any way to fix it?

Please have a look at your path. When you do the command 'source activate tensorflow', your path may have changed. The example is following.
sherrie#sherrie-PC:~/tensorflow/tensorflow/examples/udacity$ source activate tensorflow
discarding /home/sherrie/anaconda2/bin from PATH
prepending /home/sherrie/anaconda2/envs/tensorflow/bin to PATH
Tensorflow is installed in the first path, instead of the second one.
The most important step comes. Open your directory of 'anaconda' --> find the 'envs' --> open 'tensorflow' --> copy all files in 'sitepack0ages' to 'anaconda/lib/python2.7/sitepack-ages'. Done.

My answer is based on this other answer: Trouble with TensorFlow in Jupyter Notebook. I had the exact same problem, and I solved it by doing this:
Once your environment is activated, run "which jupyter" and verify if the path returned points to the /bin folder under your environment, something like /my_environments_path/my_tensorflow_environment_name/bin/jupyter. If this is already the case, your scenario is different from the one I had;
Run "which pip" and/or "which pip3". Odds are, you are executing pip or pip3 from a different location, so Jupyter is not being installed inside your environment. In my case, Python version was 3.6, but pip3 was being called from a different location. I ran "pip install jupyter", since pip was inside the /bin folder in my environment. Once I called the correct pip, I checked again the "which jupyter" command, and this time Jupyter was under my environment and I could import Tensorflow inside my notebooks. If no pip's path points to your environment, install pip inside it by running "conda install pip".
I hope this works, along with the additional information on the link above.


I have added conda and python path to the environment variable, but jupyter notebook is still not getting opened from cmd

I was trying to add conda and python to the environment variable using SETX Command from CMD but it was failing. I tried setting it using PowerShell and it worked. The path was added successfully but I still can't open Jupyter Notebook from my cmd.
Adding Python to the environment path is bad practice, see Anaconda FAQ. If you haven't installed Anaconda with it's default settings, you first need to:
Initialize your shells
conda init --all
After this you should have ../Anaconda3/condabin only in your path (more information via conda init --help).
But before you can run Jupyter, you also need to activate Anaconda:
C:\> conda activate
(base) C:\> jupyter notebook
The activation will add the following folders of the conda base environment to your PATH:
The python.exe resides in Anaconda3, jupyter.exe in Anaconda3\Scripts, so it's not enough to just add the first folder to your Path. And it's especially important to have the libraries on your Path when you want to run C-based packages like numpy.
But the very point behind the conda activate mechanism is that it allows you to configure and run different environments with different versions of python and 3rd party packages that would otherwise conflict, see Managing environmnts.
On top of that you can even install Python from next to your Anaconda distribution, since conda will make sure that they won't interfere.

Jupyter Notebook set-up

The Jupyter notebook worked initially, but I tried importing tensorflow and that would not work, so that led to me messing up everything.
I basically messed everything up, and I feel like the only way out now is to just nuke my device and restart. I had no idea what pip and anaconda are (still don't really), tried a bunch of funky updates and installations and whatever and now everything is just dead. My jupyter notebook cannot even run the normal python kernel.
How can I hard reset everything?
As a bonus, if someone were to ELI5 the difference between conda, pip, gitbash, and PowerShell are. And what versions of stuff does Jupyter run on (since my conda and device had different versions of things I think?). I use Windows 10.
My first piece of advice is to not use Windows, though I'll probably get downvote spam for that. On Ubuntu, I could stuff Jupyter setup into one line:
# update, install python3, python3-dev, and pip3; get pip packages
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python3 python3-dev python3-pip && sudo -H python3 -m pip install jupyter notebook ipykernel tensorflow
Once the packages are installed, it's as easy as running jupyter notebook in the terminal.
Anaconda is a distribution of Python that includes a ton of pre-built packages, including Jupyter and scipy, numpy, pandas, etc. It's an "out of the box" solution basically, that comes with most of the tools you need. "Pip" is a package manager for Python; pip install [package] lets you use a package in your script, like import [package]. In this case, that's tensorflow.
ipykernel is a package that will open up a Python kernel for Jupyter. You could run a Jupyter notebook on a Python3.7 backend but do stuff with Python2 code by installing ipykernel with Python2's pip, usually (on Ubuntu) sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y python-pip && sudo -H python -m pip install ipykernel.
What happens when you run jupter notebook? Do you get errors? Can you get the notebook to open, but there's just no kernel to attach to a notebook?
I have just set up a new Windows 10 machine for Python, Jupyter, and Tensorflow. I did the set-up without anaconda. I did the normal set-up procedure with some special steps:
1) Python 3.8 und Jupyter as installed by "pip install" does not work. You need to add three lines of code in a module that is installed as dependency when you install Jupyter. change
2) Current Tensorflow does not work with Python 3.8. You need to install Python 3.7. You don't need to delete your Python 3.8 if you have one. Create a virtual environment with virtualenv as described here and give the Path to your Python 3.7 Special Python in virtualenv
3) If you want to use GPU for NVIDIA in Tensorflow, you need to deal with the fact that two things do not fit together: current Tensorflow and the current version of ‘NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit’ (a tools you need for GPU support). Take a look here for the fix: cudart64_XYZ.dll not found
Let's start with the basics:
As a bonus, if someone were to ELI5 the difference between conda, pip, gitbash, and powershell are
You probably know the classical cmd.exe which opens a basic terminal where you can use different commands and call programs from. It is basically a text based way to interact with your operating system.
Powershell is in my understanding just an extension of this (I don't use it myself) and has more capabilities of what you can do and also better scripting support.
gitbash is an optional tool that you probably installed when you installed git on your computer. It emulates a bash shell that many people are used to from different operating system like ubuntu where bash is often the default terminal and therefore makes it easier to use, as all the syntax and commands are then the same as these ppl are used.
Neither of these is in any way directly related to using python on your computer other than being able to type python or jupyter notebook into these terminals to start the applications.
To the more python specific questions:
conda is a package and virtual environment management tool. It can be used to install a variety of software and also create virtual environments to keep different set ups seperate from one another (e.g. different python versions on the same machine). But it is not limited to python. It is pre-installed when you download and install miniconda or anaconda which are two python distributions.
pip is a package manager only for python packages and comes pre-installed with most python distributions.
anaconda/miniconda , often times confused with conda are two python distributions, i.e. what you would consider as "I installed python on my system" that come with the conda package manager pre-installed. miniconda does thereby not ship any other packages while anaconda comes with a long list of useful packages pre-installed and is therefore a popular choice when you want an easy acces into using python for your research
For more info, you can also read understanding-conda-and-pip
How can you save your system now
I basically fucked everything up
Difficult to access the current state of your system, but I would suggest you try the following steps to get to a working condition again:
Go into Setting -> Apps and remove everything that is related to python or anaconda. Make sure that everything is deleted by also searching (using windows search feature) for python or conda folders somewhere in C:\Users. This should make sure that everything about your setup is purged
Make sure that neither python, pip or jupyter commands are working anymore in your cmd (confirming the purge)
Download and install miniconda
Now Create a virtual environment and install tf. This is a good way to go because if you should manage to f*k up the environment, you can just delete and recreate it without much trouble:
conda create -n venv pip python=3.7 #create environment
conda activate venv #activate the environment
conda install jupyter #for jupyter notebook
pip install
Start jupyter notebook: jupyter notebook. Since it only exists in this environment, same as tensorflow, there should be no more issues to use tensorflow normally

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mpl_toolkits.basemap'

I have trouble importing the basemap module of mpl_toolkits in python.
I've got following error message when I try to run "from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap":
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mpl_toolkits.basemap'
I'm using python 3.6.5 in windows.
I've found relevant Q&A in
"Python basemap module impossible to import" and I already followed what's instructed there (i.e. source activate MyProfileName, conda install basemap) but it didn't work.
The clue might already be given in the Q&A above but as I'm quite new to python, I couldn't figure out the solution.
I would recommend installing Anaconda environment from scratch. Let Anaconda handle dependencies for you. Then you need to install mpl_toolkits separately in your conda environment with:
conda install -c conda-forge basemap-data-hires
See also here.
After doing this, executing
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
from python console should work normally.
I recently faced this problem on Windows 10. I had created a conda environment with python 3.7 and anaconda 5.2.0 and tried all retrieved solutions. But nothing worked for me and all my efforts worth many hours were in vain.
What I observed that currently Basemap is not compatible with python 3.0, so I remove the environment and creates a fresh with python 2.7 and anaconda 5.2.0. So, to help others who are juggling with same problem, here is the complete set of solution:
Getting the Basemap Toolkit (support the functionality of mapping data)
create conda environment as:
conda create -n Basemap python=2.7 anaconda=5.2.0
Activate the created conda environment:
activate Basemap
Install the following packages:
conda install -c conda-forge basemap
(do not use basemap=1.1.0, channel error comes "package basemap =1.1.0 is not
available from current channels")
"Only the 'crude' and 'low' resolution datasets are installed by default". You may
need to install the following for high resolution:
conda install -c conda-forge basemap-data-hires
PROJ is a generic coordinate transformation software that transforms geospatial
coordinates from one coordinate reference system (CRS) to another. This includes
cartographic projections as well as geodetic transformations.
conda install -c conda-forge proj4 </b>
(Better to avoid pro4=5.2.0 as specific packages generates error)
PROJ is a generic coordinate transformation software that transforms geospatial
coordinates from one coordinate reference system (CRS) to another. This includes
cartographic projections as well as geodetic transformations.
After installation of the Basemap toolkit, open the jupyter notebook a fresh, it should show the current environment in upper right corner.
To check the current environment in jupyter, type:
import sys
If still the activated environment is not shown then:
run the following command in anaconda prompt in activated environment Basemap:
python -m ipykernel install --user --name Basemap --display-name "Python (Basemap)"
Now change the environment from Kernel-> change kernel -> Python (Basemap)
Finally Python(Basemap) should be shown in upper right corner.
Following needs to be imported in your program then to use it:
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
In case of error: "No module named 'mpl_toolkits.basemap" type the following in jupyter:
import os
os.environ['PROJ_LIB'] = r'C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\pkgs\proj4-5.2.0-h6538335_1006\Library\share
After this you need to restart apps for them to pick up the change, including explorer.exe. Restarting the machine is reccomended (but not required).
All the best. I hope this will work for you as well.

Can't get pip working with psychopy install

I am very new to python and plan to use psychopy quite a lot. I am on a work computer but have full admin rights.
Psychopy came with python version 2.7.11 and includes setuptools already.
I am trying to install the selenium module, but having trouble getting pip to work at all.
In cmd, it is recognising the 'python' command, so I know python is in my path.
I get the message "can't open file 'pip': [Errno2] No such file or directory" from:
python pip install selenium
I get " 'pip' is not recognised as an internal or external command" from:
pip install selenium
When I change directory to where pip is located, I get:
Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'
Using pip2 makes no difference.
It seems a simple thing but where am I going wrong with this?!
I never really got to the bottom of this, but this is what I found out and here are the commands that worked for me in Windows. Be aware that I am far from expert!
To run python scripts (*.py) from command line (cmd) then C:\PsychoPy2 and C:\PsychoPy2\DLLs need to be in path. ('Path' contains directories or file extensions that can be more globally accessed, i.e. do not require you to change the prompt to the relevant directories first).
To check, open cmd and either type echo %PATH% or just type python. (If python starts, the line will say >>>. You can exit by typing quit())
To add to path, get properties of computer, then advanced system settings, then environment variables.
To check pip.exe (a sort of installation wizard) is installed, either search for the file, or check C:\PsychoPy2\Scripts for it. This may also need to be in path.
To reinstall the latest versions of pip and setup tools, I went to cmd and typed:
python -m pip install -U pip setuptools
If the same code did not work for other modules (which in my case was due to network access), then I downloaded the wheel file (*.whl) for that module (from their website) and ran the following code:
python -m pip install c:/modulename.whl
These may not be the correct ways of doing things, but they worked for me when I couldn't get other ways to work!
I've just had the exact same issue with the pip install, and a conflict with PsychoPy installations. I think it's because python automatically wants to call on the path that's been set by Psychopy, so it can't get to the 'pip' folders that for me, remain in a temporary/hidden file. This wasn't intuitive for me - on any machine without psychopy python just 'works' when you download it.

ijavascript will not install

I have been trying to run Javascript from a Jupyter Notebook on Windows 10 but failed miserably. It seems I cannot install IJavascript to make it available.
All installation guides say to use Anaconda for IJavascript - so I did, but I CANNOT FIND IJAVASCRIPT anywhere within Anaconda, only the js packages, i searched everywhere there was a search bar available. So, because I am stubborn i tried the hard way:
Installed all javascript packages except mocha (which cannot be found) listed here:
then tried
npm install -g ijavascript
but keep getting this error:
c:\users\ryuuzako\anaconda3\scripts\node_modules\ijavascript\node_modules\nan\nan_json.h(89): error C2660: 'v8::JSON::P
arse': function does not take 2 arguments [C:\Users\ryuuzako\Anaconda3\Scripts\node_modules\ijavascript\node_modules\ze
"Javascript" type does not appear when creating a new file in Jupyter, my guess is because ijavascript is not installed..
ANY suggestion to make it work is greatly appreciated.
I can provide the whole npm log but it is humongous.
Feel free to assume i am a complete idiot who didn't work with node before.
I've just forked ijavascript and edited the documentation for the Windows installation section as shown below.
Install Python3 or the Anaconda3 Python distribution.
In the command line:
pip3 install --upgrade pip
pip3 install jupyter
npm install -g ijavascript
If the ijinstall command is not recognized, you can execute it manually by navigating to your npm install directory and running the ijinstall batch file. If you do not know where your npm install is located, try looking for it in the default install location: C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\npm.
Then you can run jupyter notebook in your terminal to load Jupyter Notebook. When you create a new Jupyter Notebook, you should see the Javascript (Node) kernel available.
If using the Anaconda alternative to the standard Python distribution, it comes pre-installed with Jupyter Notebook. If using Anaconda, you can skip the pip3 install jupyter step.
This picture might also help, when it comes to the ijinstall part.
I struggled with this as well. After installing by running commands:
pip install jupyter
npm install -g ijavascript
You will need to update the environment variable named 'Path' in the 'System Variables' section.
In Windows 10, Python 3.10, the path to add looks like:
After changing the environment variable, you will need to re-start the computer for it to take effect.
Once this is done, run:
in the command prompt and you should be good to go.
This also happeed to me.
First thing install anaconda after that(by default you have installed jupyter),
then search in your menu apps for anaconda prompt, then install ijavascript from anaconda prompt:
npm install -g ijavascript
then run jupyter from anaconda prompt
jupyter notebook
