Maven not working in command line - maven

hello I can't seem to get mvn command working in command line
These are system variables
I have my path set as C:\Program Files\Apache\apache-maven-3.3.9\bin
and my Maven_Home set as
C:\Program Files\Apache\apache-maven-3.3.9

You should put maven in some location without any space in path. Except that everything looks fine. Take a look at this


MAVEN - Setting Path in Redhat so the maven commands can be run from anywhere

I have just installed Maven on Redhat, the apache-maven-3.3.9 is located in /root/, I ran the following command to set the path (JDK java home path already set and when I type $PATH the below path does show, along with when I type mvn --version):
export PATH=/root/apache-maven-3.3.9/bin:$PATH
The project I want to build with Maven is also in /root/ however, I cannot use the maven commands within the project or anywhere else except for /apache-maven-3.3.9/bin directory.
Any help would be much appreciated!
You need to add it to your ~/.profile file.
export PATH=$PATH:/root/apache-maven-3.3.9/bin
so that when you exit the terminal and start a new terminal instance path is not lost

Apache Maven is not configured properly into System vairable

I have latest version of Apache Maven 3.3.9 residing in my drive downloaded from here. I need it for configuring Appium tool to perform automated testing of Android applications. I have Maven plugin already configured with my Eclipse IDE. I went through few articles and got to know that I have to configure Maven into system variables as well. I set system variables, path for it as below.
M2HOME = C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache\apache-maven-3.3.9
M2 = %M2HOME%\bin
path = C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin;%M2%
I tried running mvn , mvn -version from cmd prompt to check successful configuration of Maven but it gave me nothing. I tried navigating to the bin folder and re run the command but still the result is same. I even changed my path variable to have absolute path of Apache Maven i.e path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache\apache-maven-3.3.9\bin
To be further sure I copied the Apache Maven to a different folder just because it had spaces in between Program Files and Program Files (x86) but still the command prompt is as below:
I had followed above steps referring various articles in google. I'm not getting if I have committed any unseen mistake.
P.S: I have even tried above commands with cmd running as an administrator
Try mvn --version (with two dashes). mvn -v should also work. If Maven is not being executed at all, I suggest you try mvn.bat.
Some Command Prompt configurations will refuse to run .bat-files without the extension unless you explicitly tell them to.
It's probably a good idea to run where mvn in your Command Prompt as well. You should get this:
if everything it set up correctly.
You should define M2_HOME variable. (Not M2HOME). Make sure it looks like this:
You said that you copied your maven to the location without spaces. That's a good idea. But it looks like your Path system variable points to the old location of maven. Make sure to change it. (What is the current location of maven?)
BTW mvn -version works as well as mvn --version

Error: M2_HOME is set to an invalid directory

I got this error
Error: M2_HOME is set to an invalid directory.
M2_HOME = "C:/Users/joanet/.m2/repository"
Please set the M2_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of the Maven installation
but C:/Users/joanet/.m2/repository is a valid directory !
Yes, your folder is valid, but this is not the folder you want to point to.
I think it should point actually where the error messages says to you, to your maven installation folder (something like this)
You are currently pointing to your local repository, something which is usually configured in the settings.xml of maven (in the conf folder of the previous url route).
Such issue appears also, if you have 2 or more mavens installed. Try to delete old versions to have only latest.
Check the System Variable M2_HOME and PATH values set in different maven installation locations.
If your java version is 8
you can remove "MAVEN_OPTS : -Xms256m - XMX512m" environmental variable and check "mvn -v".
because java 8 does not support for the above config.
This happened to me when I tried to upgrade to new Maven version.
Below are the steps you should follow when setting up Maven on Windows. If something is missing, the above error will trigger (most probably the 2nd or 3rd step may be missing for mentioned error).
Step 1:
First, download(Apache Maven download link: and extract it to C:\Program Files
Step 2:
Go to Environment Variables and Define below varibles in System variables
M2_HOME - C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.3.9 MAVEN_HOME -
C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.3.9
Step 3:
Make sure to add the maven bin file to Path varible in System variable
C:\Program Files\apache-maven-3.3.9\bin
Step 4:
Once you are done with configurations, make sure to restart the project.
Step 5:
Check whether the Maven is configured successfully using below command
mvn -version

Open jar file with cmd

I have a jar file named "adventure.jar". When you run it through the cmd with java -jar adventure.jar it works fine. However, I am testing opening the file on a new computer, and I am encountering a problem. This computer doesn't have the java command in the command prompt. It defiantly has Java installed, but maybe just not the JDK? Anyway, my goal is to make the jar file run from cmd when double clicked, without the need of commands (is that even possible?). The jar is already executable, but it doesn't execute from the command prompt like I need. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: If there is a way to do this through an exe or batch file I'd be fine with that, too.
Sounds like your PATH env. variable doesn't have Java in it. You can add it by following Oracle's tutorial
Adding Java to your PATH Environment variable.
Usually it's something like ;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin
To your second question - yes it's possible.
Open up notepad, then type java -jar adventure.jar then save it as launch.bat or something. then you are able to double click that batch file, which will run your java archive.
Open command prompt
Go to the folde where jar file is located
unzip test.jar
here test.jar is name of the jar file.
This command will unzip all the file into that folder
First, try start adventure.jar from Command Prompt. If that does not work, locate java.exe (on my computer, C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin) and either use the full path in Command Prompt, or add the path to the folder containing java.exe to your PATH environment variable. To add the path, click Start Menu, right-click Computer, click Properties, click Advanced System Settings, click Environment Variables, then find PATH under System Variables and click Edit, and add the path (example: add the following onto the end of PATH: ;C:\Program Files\Java\jre7\bin and don't forget the semicolon!)
Hope it helps.

mvn is not recognized after installation Maven 3

I have some problems with my maven 3 installation.
I have downloaded maven 3.0.3 and extracted it to a folder.
I set the following environment variables.
M2_HOME: C:\a few folders\apache-maven-3.0.3
M2: %M2_HOME%\bin
JAVA_HOME: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25
Path: %JAVA_HOME%\bin; %M2%
I get a message that the command is not recognized when i type "mvn" in the command line. Any ideas?
Maven 3.0.3 and later doesn't need the M2_HOME variable.
The following environment variable changes are sufficient to run Maven from the command-line:
Setting JAVA_HOME to the Java jdk directory (eg. C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_29)
Setting PATH to include the Maven bin directory.
Everything looks OK.
I don't know if there should be a space after the semicolon and %M2%. This might be your problem.
Make sure you typed a "a few folders" correctly.
Try this:
Add(create) these new variables at the SYSTEM VARIABLES (M3_HOME and M3):
M3_HOME: C:\maven_installation_folder\
M3: %M3_HOME%\bin
Include at: "CLASSPATH" and "Path" variables
CLASSPATH: other_variables;%M3%;
Path: other_variables;%M3%;
Go to Command Prompt (cmd) and type:
mvn -version
Maven 3.0.3 and later doesn't need the M2_HOME variable. So no need to add that.
I did the following in the Windows System variables and it works:
JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31
Path=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_31\bin;C:\Selenium 3\Maven\apache-maven-3.3.3\bin
