google Translation API throwing 503 error - google-translation-api

We are getting the error in google Translation. API throwing 503 Server unavailable loading error.
We have licenses API_KEY.
Error from the Raw HTTP action. Error during GET request. 500 Internal Server Error loading from
Error from the Click action. The action failed after 3 attempts. Error loading resource:, Error return code 404, info: Not Found

About HTTP error code 503, I have got this error when I have send more than 5000 characters per request.
About other HTTP errors you can read at API FAQ


Unable to catch logs of a post request to a service

I am making an axios post request to a service and in the xml response from the server, I'm getting a resCode:1008 and response message of system error: please retry, however, from the service, I am unable to see the error logs of the request to the service.

Errors when system in idle Vuejs

I have a Laravel project. Front end I am done with Vuejs. Its working good.
The problem is:
When the system is in idle for some times, and when click any link I got the some console errors and the system is not loading data.
That is the vuejs axios gives the error
POST http://localhost:8000//api/v1/auth/channels/listchannels 400 (Bad Request)
GET http://localhost:8000//api/v1/auth/user 400 (Bad Request)
POST http://localhost:8000//api/v1/auth/sources/listsources 400 (Bad Request)
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 400
at createError (app.js:1812)
at settle (app.js:1975)
at XMLHttpRequest.handleLoad (app.js:1345)
When I refresh the page the errors are gone and its working good.
Why this happened? Is there any autoload functions there in vuejs to avoid the issue?

Invalid pagetoken with Google API - Status 400

While accessing Google Chrome connector API, at some point i am getting an error saying "Invalid input with the pageToken Status 400"
No API limit exceeds. But still getting the same error.

Getting Null Exception in GooglePlus Page API

I got an exception frequently while getting and posting activities via GooglePlus Page API. The details are given below:
Can anyone tell me why i am getting the above exception and how to fix this?
I like to call 500 a server hiccup. Normally you can just send the request again and it will work. Why you are getting it only Google knows. Just send it again.
Error code Description internalError The request failed due to an
internal error.
You can find it in Googles standard error responses page.

Getting Errors when I cancel a Sagepay Payment. Integration with woocommerce

I am using this plugin to integrate woocommerce with sagepay server inframe. It is able to place orders however if I press cancel on the order then I get the following error.
HTTP Status Code: 500
HTTP Status Message: The request was unsuccessful due to an unexpected condition encountered by the server.
Error Code : 5003
Error Description : Internal server error.
Is it possible to fix this. I am trying to figure out whether this is to with the plugin or perhaps the sagepay protocol
Some code from the plugin reads
$sd_arg['VPSProtocol'] = 3.00;
