Cartalyst Sentinel with Laravel Socialite conflict - laravel

I have a laravel app where I have integrated Cartalyst Sentinel and Laravel Socialite. Before integrating Laravel Socialite, the authentication worked perfectly. After integrating Socialite, first I had an InvalidStateException error on AbstractProvider.php line 200 when I call Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();
The following block is activated
if ($this->hasInvalidState()) {
throw new InvalidStateException;
If I comment out the exception, I can login with facebook, however Sentinel does not recognized it as logged in. However when I check the users table on the database, the last_login timestamp is updated. Also when I try the normal authentication, a TokenMismatchException in VerifyCsrfToken.php line 67 appears. The {{csrf_field()}} is included inside the form, and when I remove the middleware from Kernel.php happens the same thing as with Laravel Socialite.
The response is the correct eloquent user object, however when I do the check in the blade view, the check does not pass.
Any help is greatly appreciated


Laravel sanctum logout not working even after tokens are deleted

I have tried so many options I could think of or find online, user details are still persisted even after successful deletion of all the tokens!
I am using Laravel sanctum with Vue. The logout function I created works as expected when I use postman to make the request, but this is not the case when I make the request via axios from the browser. The tokens gets deleted quite alright but I still can access protected routes.
I have also tried
I have continued to try this using sanctum and web as guard.
Any help will be appreciated.

Authentication sessions in Laravel 5.7

I'm trying to implement a domain wide authentication (DWA) on top of the usual user authentication. The use case is prevent a work-in-progress site from leaking to google/public.
Created scaffolding code using php artisan make:auth
Log in via /login and is redirect to /home which shows the default You are logged in!
When I reload /home, I see that $this->session->id in SessionGuard.php has an ID value which I will refer to as A, the session also has 5 attributes.
Next, I insert the auth middleware into the route /product/{id} and load it
I see that $this->session->id in SessionGuard.php has a brand new ID with 0 attributes
This causes authenticate() in Authenticate.php middleware to throw an Unauthenticated exception and redirect me to /login
As the browser loads /login, $this->session->id in SessionGuard.php now shows the ID of A with the earlier 5 attributes
/login results in RedirectIfAuthenticated.php middleware running and redirecting to /home
As a result of the DWA, I'm unable to load /product/{id}, it just keeps redirecting me to /home
My question is, why does #5 show a new session ID instead of A?
Where and how is this ID derived in the first place?
I found the solution Problems of routes in own package- Laravel 5.6
It was due to my controller having only the auth but lacking the web middleware. Hope it helps someone.

register a public api route in laravel nova without authentication

I am developing a card for Laravel nova.
As part of this, I want an API route that can be posted, but I don't want to have to authenticate against it.
I have registered my route in the card's api.php
Route::post('/endpoint/{id}', function (Request $request, $id) {)
This works if I call it with an already authenticated session.
But if I try to call it from postman I get
HTTP 419 Sorry, your session has expired. Please refresh and try again.
I can see that the card service provider is registering the route as so
So I guess that Nova is putting some authenticated in front of the route.
Is there a way I can register the route without adding authentication?
ok so I worked it out.
I just needed to update the middleware to api instead of nova.

Laravel Passport is failing to validate my newly generated token

Suddenly my application stopped working when trying to access endpoints protected by auth:api middleware in the Laravel 5.6.35 back-end using Passport 7.0.1.
The issue is that it is generating when I register and log-in.
return Response::json([
'token' => $user->createToken('foobar')->accessToken,
'user' => $user
], HTTPResponse::$HTTP_OK);
Insomnia rest will then show the following when accessing the routes belonging to the auth:api middleware.
"message": "Unauthenticated."
It was working until an hour ago, and it stopped after I refreshed the database. I dropped and created a new one, registered a test user and attempted to access and endpoint passing the token as Bearer token and Accept header to application/json. I've done it like this many times, always running php artisan passport:install --force after each refresh.
I don't know how to solve it. I saw where it was failing in TokenGuard.php file, but what to do? Why has it suddenly stopped?
The reason of the issue was because I was setting another field as the primary key of users table, and it was causing an error in the Passport's auto-generated tables.
you must reinstall the passport after refreshed the database.Then only Token will generate
php artisan passport:install
In case you are using Apache Server, Add this line to your httpd.conf file.
SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1

Laravel Passport - CreateFreshApiToken throwing TokenMismatchException

I've added "laravel/passport": "^4.0" package to my fresh install of laravel 5.5 and to consume my own API, i've added \App\Http\Middleware\CreateFreshApiToken::class middleware to the kernal.php.
Also, I've scaffolded the Auth login and registration using php artisan make:auth as well but whenever I try to login or logout it throws a TokenMismatchException and shows me 419 response view.
I checked the csrf token inside the auth forms and also xsrf token inside cookies which is set by laravel/passport package and I found that after changing route to route the token changes which is causing token miss match while logout or login.
