Saving PDF files to my iOS app - ios8

Is there any way to save the PDF files that come as attachment in Mail to my iOS app like copying to the iBooks ?
Any tutorials would be helpful.

You can open that file in your app. Then you can save it where ever you want. check this


opening pdf file on mobile app using ionic

I use Ionic framework for building mobile app. I call a webapi service,and it returns a byte array to me.(thi byte array is a pdf file that saved in db.) Now, I want to show this pdf file on my mobile application. How can I show a pdf file using ionic?
I read articles on net. But I can not achieve open pdf file. Can anyone give me idea ?
Thanks in advance.
What I did to achieve this was to send the PDF by email using the following plugin :
Then, you will be able to open the PDF. I did not find a better solution with Ionic.

how to extract the html and css of installed app from mobile

We can get the source HTML, JS and CSS for a website by right-click and getting the source code. Is there any way we can get the same for installed Mobile app?
It is for my app. I developed a UI and installed it in my mobile to test it. Later I made some changes to my UI and couldn't recover my old changes. So I'm trying to recover it from my mobile. Any help would be appreciated.
Change file extension from ipa or apk to zip.
Then extract it somewhere. By skimming through those files you could find those html, js and css files.

Download, save and show images with sencha touch and phonegap

I' have to download some images from a server folder and save in my sencha application to show them offline. I've found a phonegap plugin that download and save files in document folder of the app. Once I saved the images how can I show them in my sencha app?
You can probably have a store with the images mapping their paths and use those with the phonegap File Api.
For opening the file in device,you can use"file:///path_to file.jpg")
For more details refer to

Implementing a comment function

i want to implement the possibility that people can comment on a picture, that is
displayed to them in the app. And that all other users can see the comments.
I was thinking about using a xml file in which the comments are put. And everytime
the app starts, this xml file is opened and the comments are displayed.
Would something like this work? Or is there a better possibility?
The other thing is, where to save this xml file? Could it be uploaded to skydrive / dropbox
from the app automatically?
You can save your xml in SkyDrive. Have a look at the Live SDK:
(Keep in mind if you share the file with a read & write hyperlink everyone who is able to view this link can read & edit your xml file.
Maybe you can create a Live-ID only for your App to get access to SkyDrive folders & files.)

Automatically choose Download Location, Ebook Library, PDF, Epub, Mobi on the MAC ios

I am creating a flipbook for a client, it will be flash based however the client wants an option for Mac users to which when they click on download file, thats fine as it is pdf but now they want it to automatically goe into their ebook library on their system, rather than a downloads folder Is this achievable, thinking that i might have to reformat it to be of a completely different file type? any ideas?
