Cellular Genetic Algorithm - individual evaluation before selecting parents - genetic-algorithm

In the Cellular Genetic Algorithm:
for each cell in the grid do in parallel
generate a random individual
end parallel for
while not termination condition do
for each cell in the grid do in parallel
Evaluate individual
Select individual(s) in the neighbourhood ( )
Produce offspring
Evaluate offspring
Assign one of the offspring to cell according to some criterion
end parallel for
end while
Why the individual must be evaluated before selecting the parents? (line 6). As I understand, the evaluation must be done on the proudced individual (i.e. offspring) after applying the operators.

In genetic algorithms, good solutions should be rewarded with higher mating chance (transfering their DNAs to next generations). For example, fast and strong (high fitness value) animals have more chance to mate.
Nature gives preferential treatment to fit animals. So, in your algorithm, fitness evaluation must be done before decide to which parents will be selected for mating. Generally fitness value is directly proportionate to possibility of to be selected as a parent.
To see how selection can be done: "biased roulette wheel" parent selection technique.


What is the difference between tournament selection and elitism in genetic algorithm?

From the internet, I understood that Elitism is the process where the best-performing chromosomes from the current generation will be passed on to the next generation and Tournament Selection is the process where the fittest chromosome from the current generation will be passed on to the next generation.
But what I didn't understand is the difference between them. Both Elitism and Tournament Selection seem to mean the same.
The difference is, that the Tournament selection works on a subset of the population. And from this subset the best individual is passed to the next generation. The typical subset (tournament) size is two or three. The Elite sector, on the other hand, works on the whole population.

Picking breeders in a genetic algorithm

I'm implementing a genetic algorithm, and I'm uncertain on how to pick the breeders for the next generation:
I am holding a list of all the past individuals calculated,
Is it ok if I select the breeders from this list? or should I rather pick the best ones from the latest generation?
If you only select from the latest generation, it's possible for your population to evolve backwards. There's no guarantee that later generations are better than earlier ones. To prevent this, some algorithms maintain a pool of "elite" individuals that continually mix with the regular population. (The strategy is called "elitism".) A particularly successful version of this approach is Coello's micro-GA, which uses a very small population with elite preservation and frequent restarts to make progress.
It's usually preferable to select the ones that have the highest fitness value
Based on a certain function that you define, evaluate individuals in your population and choose the best N ones. For example, the lightest rocks in algorithm where you want to generate light rocks.
If computing the fitness value of all individuals in your population is costly operations, you should first select a sample based on some distribution. A good one is to select in a uniform fashion (all individuals have equal probabilities to be selected)
If you can't easily define a fitness function, a good technique is to run simulations. For example if your phenotype (criteria) is hard to define, like a shape of an irregular 3D object for example.
You can try one of the following methods to select breeders( parent)
- Roulette wheel selection
- Stochastic Universal Sampling
- Tournament Selection
- Random Selection
Reference :

Why do you need fitness scaling in Genetic Algorithms?

Reading the book "Genetic Algorithms" by David E. Goldberg, he mentions fitness scaling in Genetic Algorithms.
My understanding of this function is to constrain the strongest candidates so that they don't flood the pool for reproduction.
Why would you want to constrain the best candidates? In my mind having as many of the best candidates as early as possible would help get to the optimal solution as fast as possible.
What if your early best candidates later on turn out to be evolutionary dead ends? Say, your early fittest candidates are big, strong agents that dominate smaller, weaker candidates. If all the weaker ones are eliminated, you're stuck with large beasts that maybe have a weakness to an aspect of the environment that hasn't been encountered yet that the weak ones can handle: think dinosaurs vs tiny mammals after an asteroid impact. Or, in a more deterministic setting that is more likely the case in a GA, the weaker candidates may be one or a small amount of evolutionary steps away from exploring a whole new fruitful part of the fitness landscape: imagine the weak small critters evolving flight, opening up a whole new world of possibilities that the big beasts most likely will never touch.
The underlying problem is that your early strongest candidates may actually be in or around a local maximum in fitness space, that may be difficult to come out of. It could be that the weaker candidates are actually closer to the global maximum.
In any case, by pruning your population aggressively, you reduce the genetic diversity of your population, which in general reduces the search space you are covering and limits how fast you can search this space. For instance, maybe your best candidates are relatively close to the global best solution, but just inbreeding that group may not move it much closer to it, and you may have to wait for enough random positive mutations to happen. However, perhaps one of the weak candidates that you wanted to cut out has some gene that on its own doesn't help much, but when crossed with the genes from your strong candidates in may cause a big evolutionary jump! Imagine, say, a human crossed with spider DNA.
#sgvd's answer makes valid points but I would like to elaborate more.
First of all, we need to define what fitness scaling actually means. If it means just multiplying the fitnesses by some factor then this does not change the relationships in the population - if the best individual had 10 times higher fitness than the worst one, after such multiplication this is still true (unless you multiply by zero which makes no real sense). So, a much more sensible fitness scaling is an affine transformation of the fitness values:
scaled(f) = a * f + b
i.e. the values are multiplied by some number and offset by another number, up or down.
Fitness scaling makes sense only with certain types of selection strategies, namely those where the selection probability is proportional to the fitness of the individuals1.
Fitness scaling plays, in fact, two roles. The first one is merely practical - if you want a probability to be proportional to the fitness, you need the fitness to be positive. So, if your raw fitness value can be negative (but is limited from below), you can adjust it so you can compute probabilities out of it. Example: if your fitness gives values from the range [-10, 10], you can just add 10 to the values to get all positive values.
The second role is, as you and #sgvd already mentioned, to limit the capability of the strongest solutions to overwhelm the weaker ones. The best illustration would be with an example.
Suppose that your raw fitness values gives values from the range [0, 100]. If you left it this way, the worst individuals would have zero probability of being selected, and the best ones would have up to 100x higher probability than the worst ones (excluding the really worst ones). However, let's set the scaling factors to a = 1/2, b = 50. Then, the range is transformed to [50, 100]. And right away, two things happen:
Even the worst individuals have non-zero probability of being selected.
The best individuals are now only 2x more likely to be selected than the worst ones.
Exploration vs. exploitation
By setting the scaling factors you can control whether the algorithm will do more exploration over exploitation and vice versa. The more "compressed"2 the values are going to be after the scaling, the more exploration is going to be done (because the likelihood of the best individuals being selected compared to the worst ones will be decreased). And vice versa, the more "expanded"2 are the values going to be, the more exploitation is going to be done (because the likelihood of the best individuals being selected compared to the worst ones will be increased).
Other selection strategies
As I have already written at the beginning, fitness scaling only makes sense with selection strategies which derive the selection probability proportionally from the fitness values. There are, however, other selection strategies that do not work like this.
Ranking selection
Ranking selection is identical to roulette wheel selection but the numbers the probabilities are derived from are not the raw fitness values. Instead, the whole population is sorted by the raw fitness values and the rank (i.e. the position in the sorted list) is the number you derive the selection probability from.
This totally erases the discrepancy when there is one or two "big" individuals and a lot of "small" ones. They will just be ranked.
Tournament selection
In this type of selection you don't even need to know the absolute fitness values at all, you just need to be able to compare two of them and tell which one is better. To select one individual using tournament selection, you randomly pick a number of individuals from the population (this number is a parameter) and you pick the best one of them. You repeat that as long as you have selected enough individuals.
Here you can also control the exploration vs. exploitation thing by the size of the tournament - the larger the tournament is the higher is the chance that the best individuals will take part in the tournaments.
1 An example of such selection strategy is the classical roulette wheel selection. In this selection strategy, each individual has its own section of the roulette wheel which is proportional in size to the particular individual's fitness.
2 Assuming the raw values are positive, the scaled values get compressed as a goes down to zero and as b goes up. Expansion goes the other way around.

Choosing parents to crossover in genetic algorithms?

First of all, this is a part of a homework.
I am trying to implement a genetic algorithm. I am confused about selecting parents to crossover.
In my notes (obviously something is wrong) this is what is done as example;
Pc (possibility of crossover) * population size = estimated chromosome count to crossover (if not even, round to one of closest even)
Choose a random number in range [0,1] for every chromosome and if this number is smaller then Pc, choose this chromosome for a crossover pair.
But when second step applied, chosen chromosome count is equals to result found in first step. Which is not always guaranteed because of randomness.
So this does not make any sense. I searched for selecting parents for crossover but all i found is crossover techniques (one-point, cut and slice etc.) and how to crossover between chosen parents (i do not have a problem with these). I just don't know which chromosomesi should choose for crossover. Any suggestions or simple example?
You can implement it like this:
For every new child you decide if it will result from crossover by random probability. If yes, then you select two parents, eg. through roulette wheel selection or tournament selection. The two parents make a child, then you mutate it with mutation probability and add it to the next generation. If no, then you select only one "parent" clone it, mutate it with probability and add it to the next population.
Some other observations I noted and that I like to comment. I often read the word "chromosomes" when it should be individual. You hardly ever select chromosomes, but full individuals. A chromosome is just one part of a solution. That may be nitpicking, but a solution is not a chromosome. A solution is an individual that consists of several chromosomes which consist of genes which show their expression in the form of alleles. Often an individual has only one chromosome, but it's still not okay to mix terms.
Also I noted that you tagged genetic programming which is basically only a special type of a genetic algorithm. In GP you consider trees as a chromosome which can represent mathematical formulas or computer programs. Your question does not seem to be about GP though.
This is very late answer, but hoping it will help someone in the future. Even if two chromosomes are not paired (and produced children), they goes to the next generation (without crossover) but after some mutation (subject to probability again). And on the other hand, if two chromosomes paired, then they produce two children (replacing the original two parents) for the next generation. So, that's why the no of chromosomes remain same in two generations.

breeding parents for multiple children in genetic algorithm

I'm building my first Genetic Algorithm in javascript, using a collection of tutorials.
I'm building a somewhat simpler structure to this scheduling tutorial http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/GaClassSchedule.aspx#Chromosome8, but I've run into a problem with breeding.
I get a population of 60 individuals, and now I'm picking the top two individuals to breed, and then selecting a few random other individuals to breed with the top two, am I not going to end up with a fairly small amount of parents rather quickly?
I figure I'm not going to be making much progress in the solution if I breed the top two results with each of the next 20.
Is that correct? Is there a generally accepted method for doing this?
I have a sample of genetic algorithms in Javascript here.
One problem with your approach is that you are killing diversity in the population by mating always the top 2 individuals. That will never work very well because it's too greedy, and you'll actually be defeating the purpose of having a genetic algorithm in the first place.
This is how I am implementing mating with elitism (which means I am retaining a percentage of unaltered best fit individuals and randomly mating all the rest), and I'll let the code do the talking:
// save best guys as elite population and shove into temp array for the new generation
for(var e = 0; e < ELITE; e++) {
// randomly select a mate (including elite) for all of the remaining ones
// using double-point crossover should suffice for this silly problem
// note: this should create INITIAL_POP_SIZE - ELITE new individualz
for(var s = 0; s < INITIAL_POP_SIZE - ELITE; s++) {
// generate random number between 0 and INITIAL_POP_SIZE - ELITE - 1
var randInd = Math.floor(Math.random()*(INITIAL_POP_SIZE - ELITE));
// mate the individual at index s with indivudal at random index
var child = mate(fitnessScores[s].chromosome, fitnessScores[randInd].chromosome);
// push the result in the new generation holder
It is fairly well commented but if you need any further pointers just ask (and here's the github repo, or you can just do a view source on the url above). I used this approach (elitism) a number of times, and for basic scenarios it usually works well.
Hope this helps.
When I've implemented genetic algorithms in the past, what I've done is to pick the parents always probabilistically - that is, you don't necessarily pick the winners, but you will pick the winners with a probability depending on how much better they are than everyone else (based on the fitness function).
I cannot remember the name of the paper to back it up, but there is a mathematical proof that "ranking" selection converges faster than "proportional" selection. If you try looking around for "genetic algorithm selection strategy" you may find something about this.
Just to be more specific, since pedalpete asked, there are two kinds of selection algorithms: one based on rank, one based on fitness proportion. Consider a population with 6 solutions and the following fitness values:
Solution Fitness Value
A 5
B 4
C 3
D 2
E 1
F 1
In ranking selection, you would take the top k (say, 2 or 4) and use those as the parents for your next generation. In proportional ranking, to form each "child", you randomly pick the parent with a probability based on fitness value:
Solution Probability
A 5/16
B 4/16
C 3/16
D 2/16
E 1/16
F 1/16
In this scheme, F may end up being a parent in the next generation. With a larger population size (100 for example - may be larger or smaller depending on the search space), this will mean that the bottom solutions will end up being a parent some of the time. This is OK, because even "bad" solutions have some "good" aspects.
Keeping the absolute fittest individuals is called elitism, and it does tend to lead to faster convergence, which, depending on the fitness landscape of the problem, may or may not be what you want. Faster convergence is good if it reduces the amount of effort taken to find an acceptable solution but it's bad if it means that you end up with a local optimum and ignore better solutions.
Picking the other parents completely at random isn't going to work very well. You need some mechanism whereby fitter candidates are more likely to be selected than weaker ones. There are several different selection strategies that you can use, each with different pros and cons. Some of the main ones are described here. Typically you will use roulette wheel selection or tournament selection.
As for combining the elite individuals with every single one of the other parents, that is a recipe for destroying variation in the population (as well as eliminating the previously preserved best candidates).
If you employ elitism, keep the elite individuals unchanged (that's the point of elitism) and then mate pairs of the other parents (which may or may not include some or all of the elite individuals, depending on whether they were also picked out as parents by the selection strategy). Each parent will only mate once unless it was picked out multiple times by the selection strategy.
Your approach is likely to suffer from premature convergence. There are lots of other selection techniques to pick from though. One of the more popular that you may wish to consider is Tournament selection.
Different selection strategies provide varying levels of 'selection pressure'. Selection pressure is how strongly the strategy insists on choosing the best programs. If the absolute best programs are chosen every time, then your algorithm effectively becomes a hill-climber; it will get trapped in local optimum with no way of navigating to other peaks in the fitness landscape. At the other end of the scale, no fitness pressure at all means the algorithm will blindly stumble around the fitness landscape at random. So, the challenge is to try to choose an operator with sufficient (but not excessive) selection pressure, for the problem you are tackling.
One of the advantages of the tournament selection operator is that by just modifying the size of the tournament, you can easily tweak the level of selection pressure. A larger tournament will give more pressure, a smaller tournament less.
