What Swift code will switch the app to fullscreen?
I found references with example code for IOS.
I am looking for a code which works for a MacOS app.
Updated for Swift 4
override func viewDidAppear() {
let presOptions: NSApplication.PresentationOptions = [.fullScreen, .autoHideMenuBar]
let optionsDictionary = [NSView.FullScreenModeOptionKey.fullScreenModeApplicationPresentationOptions: presOptions]
view.enterFullScreenMode(NSScreen.main!, withOptions: optionsDictionary)
view.wantsLayer = true
One way is to override viewDidAppear in NSViewController:
class ViewController : NSViewController {
override func viewDidAppear() {
let presOptions: NSApplicationPresentationOptions = ([.FullScreen,.AutoHideMenuBar])
let optionsDictionary = [NSFullScreenModeApplicationPresentationOptions :
NSNumber(unsignedLong: presOptions.rawValue)]
self.view.enterFullScreenMode(NSScreen.mainScreen()!, withOptions:optionsDictionary)
self.view.wantsLayer = true
↳ Apple Developer API Reference : viewDidAppear()
An alternative, if you want different behavior, where the menu bar is available when you move your mouse to top is this. However, it starts out as a normal size window then grows, so that may not be desirable depending on what you are doing.
override func viewDidAppear() {
I have a simple UIKit application that has a UITextView in a UICollectionViewCell. The app is designed for iOS/iPadOS and works just fine on those platforms. However, when run on Mac (Designed for iPad) as soon as I start scrolling the collectionview, the cpu usage spikes to ~85% and stays there indefinitely. The only way to lower the cpu is to click outside of the application window, but once it comes to the foreground again, the cpu usage jumps right back up. I've tried running on Mac in Catalyst mode too, but the same problem occurs with slightly less cpu usage (~45%).
Additionally the debugger constantly spits out [API] cannot add handler to 3 from 3 - dropping while scrolling.
Does anyone have an explanation or solutions for this?
I’m using Xcode Version 14.1 (14B47b) on macOS Ventura 13.0 (22A380).
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var dataSource: UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource<Section, String>! = nil
var collectionView: UICollectionView! = nil
var items = Array(0...100).map{"Item \($0)"}
enum Section: String {
case main
override func viewDidLoad() {
navigationItem.title = "List"
private func createLayout() -> UICollectionViewLayout {
return UICollectionViewCompositionalLayout { sectionIndex, layoutEnvironment in
let size = NSCollectionLayoutSize(widthDimension: .fractionalWidth(1), heightDimension: .estimated(100))
let item = NSCollectionLayoutItem(layoutSize: size)
let group = NSCollectionLayoutGroup.horizontal(layoutSize: size, subitems: [item])
return NSCollectionLayoutSection(group: group)
private func configureCollectionView() {
collectionView = UICollectionView(frame: view.bounds, collectionViewLayout: createLayout())
collectionView.autoresizingMask = [.flexibleWidth, .flexibleHeight]
collectionView.backgroundColor = .systemBackground
private func configureDataSource() {
let cellRegistration = UICollectionView.CellRegistration<TestCell, String> { (cell, indexPath, item) in
cell.configure(title: item, row: indexPath.item)
dataSource = UICollectionViewDiffableDataSource<Section, String>(collectionView: collectionView) {
(collectionView, indexPath, identifier) -> UICollectionViewCell? in
return collectionView.dequeueConfiguredReusableCell(using: cellRegistration, for: indexPath, item: identifier)
private func applyInitialSnapshot() {
var snapshot = NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot<Section, String>()
dataSource.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: false)
class TestCell: UICollectionViewCell {
private let annotationsTextView = UITextView()
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
func configure(title: String, row: Int) {
annotationsTextView.attributedText = .init(string: "Row: \(row) Item: \(title)", attributes: [.font: UIFont.preferredFont(forTextStyle: .title1)])
private func addViews() {
annotationsTextView.isScrollEnabled = false
annotationsTextView.isEditable = false
annotationsTextView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
annotationsTextView.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.topAnchor),
annotationsTextView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.bottomAnchor),
annotationsTextView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.leadingAnchor),
annotationsTextView.trailingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: contentView.trailingAnchor),
I am still on 13.0.1 and had the same problem (tons of [API] cannot add handler to 3 from 3 - dropping). I narrowed it down to a call to UITableView.scrollToNearestSelectedRow with animated = true.
Setting animated to false stops the logging. I guess I’ll have to check out 13.1
I'm experiencing this exact behavior in Ventura whenever there is a UITextView anywhere in the view hierarchy with either isSelectable or isEditable set to true, but only while the UITextView is NOT first responder. This occurs whether the UITextView is visible or hidden.
The excess CPU usage can be prevented by any of the following:
Remove the UITextView from the view hierarchy.
Set isSelectable AND isEditable to false.
Make the UITextView first responder.
I'm still investigating and will update here if I find more. We should all probably report the issue to Apple as I imagine they will need to fix this at the system level.
2022-12-01: Update
This issue appears to have been resolved as of macOS 13.1 beta 4 (22C5059b). Hallelujah!
The Real Question
How do you update the mainMenu in SwiftUI so that it actually works?
I have built a MacOS Document Based application in SwiftUI which includes all of the in-built File menu commands (i.e. Close, Save, Duplicate. Rename... etc.)
Before saving the document, I validate the structure and would like to present a modal dialog to the user if there are any validation errors.
The modal dialog is just a simple OK/Cancel dialog - 'OK' meaning that the user is happy to save the file with validation errors, 'Cancel' would need to stop the save operation.
So the question is: "How do I intercept the in-built 'Save' menu command to present this dialog?
I have tried to overwrite the .saveItem CommandGroup - but this replaces all of the menu items and I only want to override a couple of the commands ('Save' and 'Save As') and don't want to re-implement them all (and I am not sure that I have the skills to do so)
.commands {
CommandGroup(replacing: .saveItem) {
// code goes here - but removes all of the in-built menus
I have tried this solution (In a SwiftUI Document App, how to save a document from within a function)
and have put it into my AppDelegate
public func applicationDidBecomeActive(_ notification: Notification) {
let menu = NSApplication.shared.mainMenu!.items.first(where: { $0.title == "File" })!
let submenu = menu.submenu!.items.first(where: { $0.title == "Save" })!
submenu.action = #selector(showDialog)
#objc func showDialog() {
var retVal: Int = 0
let thisWindow: NSWindow? = NSApplication.shared.mainWindow
let nsAlert: NSAlert = NSAlert()
let cancelButton: NSButton = nsAlert.addButton(withTitle: "Cancel")
cancelButton.tag = 1
let okButton: NSButton = nsAlert.addButton(withTitle: "OK")
okButton.tag = 0
// The below code is replaced
nsAlert.beginSheetModal(for: thisWindow!) { modalResponse in
retVal = modalResponse.rawValue
if retVal == 0 {
} else {
However it doesn't actually call the showDialog function.
I am still having difficulties updating the menus, but in the above example the call to beginModalSheet is incorrect as the process will run in the background. Updated the call to runModal() which will stop any background process writing the file.
#objc func showDialog() {
let nsAlert: NSAlert = NSAlert()
let cancelButton: NSButton = nsAlert.addButton(withTitle: "Cancel")
cancelButton.tag = 1
let okButton: NSButton = nsAlert.addButton(withTitle: "OK")
okButton.tag = 0
let response: Int = nsAlert.runModal().rawValue
if response == 0 {
NSApp.sendAction(#selector(NSDocument.save(_:)), to: nil, from: nil)
} else {
I have read somewhere that you need to set the menu before the window appears, and I have also read that you need to set the menus before the AppDelegate is set.
Yet another edit
See this post Hiding Edit Menu of a SwiftUI / MacOS app
and this comment
Thoughts: SwiftUI either has a bug or they really don't want you to remove the top level menus in NSApp.mainMenu. SwiftUI seems to reset the whole menu with no way to override or customize most details currently (Xcode 13.4.1). The CommandGroup(replacing: .textEditing) { }-esque commands don't let you remove or clear a whole menu. Assigning a new NSApp.mainMenu just gets clobbered when SwiftUI wants even if you specify no commands.
XCode 14.1
Swift 5
After a lot of super frustrating searching an attempts and lots of code - I reduced the problem to being just trying to change the name of the save menu item - If I could do this - then I can change the action for it as well.
Here is how I did it
My Tetsing App is called YikesRedux
Register the AppDelegate
Override the applicationWillUpdate method
Put the menu updating in a DispatchQueue.main.async closure
Cry tears of joy that you have solved this problem after days of searching
import SwiftUI
struct YikesReduxApp: App {
#NSApplicationDelegateAdaptor(AppDelegate.self) var appDelegate // <- Don't forget the AppDelegate
var body: some Scene {
DocumentGroup(newDocument: YikesReduxDocument()) { file in
ContentView(document: file.$document)
import Foundation
import AppKit
public class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
public func applicationWillUpdate(_ notification: Notification) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let currentMainMenu = NSApplication.shared.mainMenu
let fileMenu: NSMenuItem? = currentMainMenu?.item(withTitle: "File")
if nil != fileMenu {
let saveMenu = fileMenu?.submenu!.item(withTitle: "Save")
if nil != saveMenu {
print("updated menu")
saveMenu?.title = "Save Updated"
I put this down as a bit kludgey - as it runs on every application update (which is not a lot, but you can see the print out in the console "updated menu" when it does occur)
I did try to keep a state variable as to whether the menu was updated, to try and not do it again - but in a multi document window environment you would need to keep track of every window... (Also swift just clobbers the menu whenever it wants - so it didn't work as well as expected.)
I put the menu updating code in almost everywhere I could think of
Every single AppDelegate function override
init methods for the App, the ContentView
on the document read function/write function
You name it - I put it in there (I even had a hosting controller, a NSViewRepresentable)
I then removed them one by one until I found the solution.
I would be happy if there was a less kludgey way to do this.
For my small Mac menubar application I'd like the behavior of the popover to be transient, so when it loses focus, it will close. This works for that:
popover.behavior = NSPopoverBehavior.Transient
But it only works once, so the second time you click somewhere else the popover stays. I placed the code in func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: NSNotification), but placing it outside this function inside the class did not work. How can I use force this behavior all the time?
I am using Xcode 7.0 with Swift (2.0).
You better leave the behaviour to the default value which is NSPopoverBehaviorApplicationDefined and you implement necessary function to handle it.Because as it says in Apple Documentation the circumstances of the other two behaviours are not clear. You can do as follows:
detector = NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask([NSEventMask.LeftMouseDownMask, NSEventMask.RightMouseDownMask], handler: { [weak self] event in
this registers a montior to a global event when left/right click is performed
Now you implement the hidingFunction() in the same class you made the above call in as the handler was specified as self.
This function will close the popover and and remove the monitor created
func hidingFunction(){
if let temp: AnyObject = detector { // using if let to be sure it was intialized
detector is just a variable name you can name it whatever you want define it before at the top of the class as type of any object
var detector: AnyObject?
Update for Swift 3
var detector: Any?
detector = NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching:[NSEventMask.leftMouseDown, NSEventMask.rightMouseDown], handler: { [weak self] event in
func hidingFunction() {
if let temp: Any = detector { // using if let to be sure it was intialized
Update for Swift 4+
var detector: AnyObject?
// make sure you add this just before you open the popup.
detector = NSEvent.addGlobalMonitorForEvents(matching:[NSEvent.EventTypeMask.leftMouseDown, NSEvent.EventTypeMask.rightMouseDown], handler: { [weak self] event in
}) as AnyObject
func hidingFunction(){
if let temp: AnyObject = detector { // using if let to be sure it was intialized
I have a textfield with a hidden keyboard (since I'm using it with bluetooth). However, in iOS9 the shortcut bar keeps appearing.
Is there a way to hide it too?
Thank you so much!
You can pass your textfield name in place of userNameTextField for which you want to remove shortcut bar.
UITextInputAssistantItem* item = [userNameTextField inputAssistantItem];
item.leadingBarButtonGroups = #[];
item.trailingBarButtonGroups = #[];
In Swift 2.0
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
let item : UITextInputAssistantItem = yourTextView.inputAssistantItem
item.leadingBarButtonGroups = []
item.trailingBarButtonGroups = []
} else {
// Fallback on earlier versions
I had the same issue. And so starts a search of SO. So the above helped me out, but the whole, "if iOS9 thing" might be best framed like this:
if ([self respondsToSelector:#selector(inputAssistantItem)]) {
// iOS9.
UITextInputAssistantItem* item = [self inputAssistantItem];
item.leadingBarButtonGroups = #[];
item.trailingBarButtonGroups = #[];
Happily, I'd created a sub-class of a UITextField, (CHTextField) and was in use everywhere. So it was a very easy fix to whack this in the over-ridden "init" method.
Hope it helps.
Alternatively, just create an extension for UITextField in Swift 2.0 like this.
extension UITextField
public func hideAssistantBar()
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
let assistant = self.inputAssistantItem;
assistant.leadingBarButtonGroups = [];
assistant.trailingBarButtonGroups = [];
Then you can just call hideAssistantBar() on any text field you like.
#IBOutlet weak var myTextField: UITextField?;
override public func viewDidLoad() {
In Swift 3.0 and 4.0
An easy way to do this for all text fields in your app is to create a category on UITextInputAssistantItem and override the getters for leadingBarButtonGroups and trailingBarButtonGroups like this:
#implementation UITextInputAssistantItem (RemoveBars)
- (NSArray<UIBarButtonItemGroup *> *)leadingBarButtonGroups
return #[];
- (NSArray<UIBarButtonItemGroup *> *)trailingBarButtonGroups
return #[];
This worked for me on iOS 9.x and 8.x, no need for any conditional code.
Be careful with this though, this overrides those properties for EVERYTHING that uses UITextInputAssistantItem
Just to expand on the other answers here. I cobbled together some Swift 2.0 code that will loop through all subviews of a given view and disable the UITextInputAssistantItems for all UITextFields and UISearchBars.
func hideTheAssistantBar(view:UIView) {
//Check this view
for case let textField as UITextField in view.subviews {
let item : UITextInputAssistantItem = textField.inputAssistantItem
item.leadingBarButtonGroups = []
item.trailingBarButtonGroups = []
for case let searchBar as UISearchBar in view.subviews {
let item : UITextInputAssistantItem = searchBar.inputAssistantItem
item.leadingBarButtonGroups = []
item.trailingBarButtonGroups = []
//Now find this views subviews
let subviews = view.subviews
for subview : AnyObject in subviews {
if subview.isKindOfClass(UIView) {
hideTheAssistantBar(subview as! UIView)
You can then call this function passing in whatever view you would like to start at. I call this inside of my ViewDidLoad() method and pass in self.view like hideTheAssistantBar(self.view).
I actually went a step further for my needs and added this function to a helper class I use for common code. Therefore inside of my viewDidLoad() function I actually just call helper.hideTheAssistantBar(self.view) and then I don't have to put that function in every file.
Hope this helps someone coming along looking for an easy way to remove the assistant bar from all UITextFields and UISearchBars in one fail swoop.
Thanks to #Arkader for the swift code to recursively find all subviews. Swift List Subviews
Just to build on what Pranavan posted because setting the bar button groups to an empty array doesn't seem to work in iOS 12 or 13 using Xcode 11.
let inputAssistantItem = textFieldForTypingText.inputAssistantItem
I placed the above code in the viewDidLoad() function.
You can also give the option to the user:
inputAssistantItem.allowsHidingShortcuts = true
In the case letting the user hide it, if the text field becomes first responder again, they'll have to hide it again.
I have a NSWindow, on which i apply this:
window.styleMask = window.styleMask | NSFullSizeContentViewWindowMask
window.titleVisibility = NSWindowTitleVisibility.Hidden;
window.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true;
I then add a NSView behind the titlebar to simulate a bigger one.
Now it looks like this:
I want to be able to move the window, by dragging the light-blue view. I have already tried to subclass NSView and always returning true for mouseDownCanMoveWindow using this code:
class LSViewD: NSView {
override var mouseDownCanMoveWindow:Bool {
get {
return true
This didn't work.
After some googling i found this INAppStoreWindow on GitHub. However it doesn't support OS X versions over 10.9, so it's completely useless for me.
This is how it looks in the Interface Builder.
How can i move the window, by dragging on this NSView?
None of the answers here worked for me. They all either don't work at all, or make the whole window draggable (note that OP is not asking for this).
Here's how to actually achieve this:
To make a NSView control the window with it's drag events, simply subclass it and override the mouseDown as such:
class WindowDragView: NSView {
override public func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
window?.performDrag(with: event)
That's it. The mouseDown function will transfer further event tracking to it's parent window.
No need for window masks, isMovableByWindowBackground or mouseDownCanMoveWindow.
Try setting the window's movableByWindowBackground property to true.
There are two ways to do this. The first one would be to set the NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask as well as the windows background color to the one of your view. This should work.
Otherwise you can take a look at this Sample Code
I somehow managed to solve my problem, i don't really know how, but here are some screenshots.
In the AppDelegate file where i edit the properties of my window, i added an IBOutlet of my contentView. This IBOutlet is a subclass of NSView, in which i've overriden the variable mouseDownCanMoveWindow so it always returns false.
I tried this before in only one file, but it didn't work. This however solved the problem.
Thanks to Ken Thomases and Max for leading me into the right direction.
Swift3.0 Version
override func viewDidAppear() {
//for hide the TitleBar
self.view.window?.styleMask = .borderless
self.view.window?.titlebarAppearsTransparent = true
self.view.window?.titleVisibility = .hidden
//for Window movable with NSView
self.view.window?.isMovableByWindowBackground = true
Swift 3:
I needed this but dynamically. It's a little long but well worth it (IMHO).
So I decided to enable this only while the command key is down. This is achieved by registering a local key handler in the delegate:
// MARK:- Local key monitor
var localKeyDownMonitor : Any? = nil
var commandKeyDown : Bool = false {
didSet {
let notif = Notification(name: Notification.Name(rawValue: "commandKeyDown"),
object: NSNumber(booleanLiteral: commandKeyDown))
func keyDownMonitor(event: NSEvent) -> Bool {
switch event.modifierFlags.intersection(.deviceIndependentFlagsMask) {
case [.command]:
self.commandKeyDown = true
return true
self.commandKeyDown = false
return false
which is enabled within the delegate startup:
func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
// Watch local keys for window movenment, etc.
localKeyDownMonitor = NSEvent.addLocalMonitorForEvents(matching: NSEventMask.flagsChanged) { (event) -> NSEvent? in
return self.keyDownMonitor(event: event) ? nil : event
and its removal
func applicationWillTerminate(_ aNotification: Notification) {
// Forget key down monitoring
Note that when the commandKeyDown value is changed by the key down handler. This value change is caught by the didset{} to post a notification. This notification is registered by any view you wish to have its window so moved - i.e., in the view delegate
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Watch command key changes
selector: #selector(ViewController.commandKeyDown(_:)),
name: NSNotification.Name(rawValue: "commandKeyDown"),
object: nil)
and discarded when the viewWillDisappear() (delegate) or the window controller windowShouldClose(); add this
<your-view>.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "commandKeyDown")
So sequence goes like this:
key pressed/release
handler called
notification posted
The view's window isMovableByWindowBackground property is changed by notification - placed within view controller / delegate or where you registered the observer.
internal func commandKeyDown(_ notification : Notification) {
let commandKeyDown : NSNumber = notification.object as! NSNumber
if let window = self.view.window {
window.isMovableByWindowBackground = commandKeyDown.boolValue
Swift.print(String(format: "command %#", commandKeyDown.boolValue ? "v" : "^"))
Remove the tracer output when happy. See it in action in SimpleViewer on github.