smoothing in fonts in helix framework - joomla

i use helix for my website. but any font that I insert to it via #font-face not work correctly and text in the screen has some sharp region.
demo: link to site
note: texts in header and body have two different font.
I guess that this happen because of helix setting. Is it true?
please help me for create a website with smooth text

You have a native feature inside the template for assign multiple fonts to your website.
Go to Extensions > Templates > Your Helix Template > Tab Typography
From here you can add a different font for the body, headings, navigation or enable a custom font for css selectors. This feature works well with Google Fonts.
Here you can find more information: Typography Settings.


why are the arrows missing on the read thod docs theme

I've created documentation using Sphinx and the read the docs theme, but the arrows are missing from the buttons
Can anyone help?
Make sure the css files of sphinx theme are located in the right place
Your Sphinx document probably uses CSS that specifies a font, in which these unicode "codepoint boxes" are arrows.
Either the CSS is external, but not shipped alongside with the HTML, or so is the font.

Change logo alignment sphinx

Is there a way to set the html logo to the centre of the sidebar?
I have looked around, but cannot find this option, does it exist?
To change the style of the HTML of your Sphinx project, you need to adjust the CSS of your theme.
You can do this by setting the html_style variable in your project's file to reference a custom style sheet, as described here in the Sphinx documentation.
The exact CSS rules you need to apply depend on the HTML theme you are using.

Customize Firefox Developer dev tools color theme

Just as title says, I'd like to know if it's possible to change the color theme of Firefox Developer dev tools. Light and dark theme are nice, but I'd like to use a code color theme like Monokai or something similar, how can I do that?
Below you can see the current dark theme in the dev tools:
It's not documented (yet), but you could make an Add-on that uses gDevTools.registerTheme(themeDefinition) to create your own dev tools theme.
I found the answer to this in the Mozilla support forum and basically you have to modify the css style creating an overriding chrome stylesheet.
You would have to write your own style rules and apply them via
userChrome.css or Stylish. Use the !important flag to override
existing style rules.!important_exception
The customization files userChrome.css (user interface) and
userContent.css (websites) are located in the chrome folder in the
Firefox profile folder.

Inconsolata font on Android Studio

I want to use Inconsolata font on a intelliJ editor (Android Studio) on Windows but it looks messy.
I managed to load inconsolata by adding some antialiasing options on studio.exe.vmoptions. I just added these options
and now the font loads but it looks too much crappy to use. Actually any font on this ide looks crappy. Here's a screenshot of the same font on SublimeText right and on Android Studio left
Anyone knows if you can use this font on intelliJ based editors or if there are some issues associated with this font?
We can simply use google fonts It's very easy to implements. only you have to follow these steps.
step 1) Open layout.xml of your project and the select font family of text view in attributes (for reference screen shot is attached)
step 2) The in font family select More fonts.. option if your font is not there. then you will see a new window will open, there you can type your required font & select the desired font from that list i.e) Regular, Bold, Italic etc.. as shown in below image.
step 3) Then you will observe a font folder will be auto generated in /res folder having your selected fonts xml file
Then you can directly use this font family in xml as

KendoUI web custom theme

I am using KendoUI web widgets in my enterprise app. I need to create/customize a Theme as our corporate branding. After reading the docs, I realized that there is a tool called ThemeBuilder for this purpose available here
Now I need to understand the logic behind the color options this tool (ThemeBuilder) shows me. All the Themes are based on 4 primary colors as shown in the selection options. However, when i try to modify/customize any theme, I found that there are more to it? How the ThemeBuilder is calculating all other colors besides the 4 Theme colors?
If I need to create my own corporate theme with 4 primary colors, how do I pick rest of the colors as shown in ThemeBuilder?
On the second note, ThemeBuilder can generate css and less. Is there a way to generate Scss as we are using scss in our organization?
Does Telerik provide scss version of their source styles. I know they provide css and less in their source directory. But converting them to scss looks like a nightmare to me!
Appreciate your help.
I have to manually convert less into scss.
I have variablized their stuff make it compatible with org's themes and colors.
