What is the cache's role when writing to memory? - caching

I have a function that does very little reading, but a lot of writing to RAM. When I run it multiple times on the same core (the main thread), it runs about 5x as fast than if I launch the function on a new thread every run (which doesn't guarantee the same core is used between runs), as I launch and join between runs.
This suggests the cache is being used heavily for the write process, but I don't understand how. I thought the cache was only useful for reads.

Modern processors usually have write-buffers. The reason is that writes are, to a first approximation, pure sinks. The processor doesn't usually have to wait for the store to reach the coherent memory hierarchy before it executes the next instruction.
(Aside: Obviously stores are not pure sinks. A later read from the written-to memory location should return the written value, so the processor must snoop the write-buffer, and either stall the read or forward the written value to it)
Obviously such buffer(s) are of finite size, so when the buffers are full the next store in the program can't be executed and stalls until a slot in the buffer is made available by an older store becoming architecturally visible.
Ordinarily, the way a write leaves the buffer is when the value is written to cache (since a lot of writes are actually read back again quickly, think of the program stack as an example). If the write only sets part of the cacheline, the rest of the cacheline must remain unmodified, so consequently it must be loaded from the memory hierarchy.
There are ways to avoid loading the old cacheline, like non-temporal stores, write-combining memory or cacheline-zeroing instructions.
Non-temporal stores and write-combining memory combine adjacent writes to fill a whole cacheline, sending the new cacheline to the memory hierarchy to replace the old one.
POWER has an instruction that zeroes a full cacheline (dcbz), which also removes the need to load the old value from memory.
x86 with AVX512 has cacheline-sized registers, which suggests that an aligned zmm-register store could avoid loading the old cacheline (though I do not know whether it does).
Note that many of these techniques are not consistent with the usual memory-ordering of the respective processor architectures. Using them may require additional fences/barriers in multi-threaded operation.


Size of store buffers on Intel hardware? What exactly is a store buffer?

The Intel optimization manual talks about the number of store buffers that exist in many parts of the processor, but do not seem to talk about the size of the store buffers. Is this public information or is the size of a store buffer kept as a microarchitectural detail?
The processors I am looking into are primarily Broadwell and Skylake, but information about others would be nice as well.
Also, what do store buffers do, exactly?
Related: what is a store buffer? and a beginner-friendly (but detailed) intro to the concept of buffers in Can a speculatively executed CPU branch contain opcodes that access RAM? which I highly recommend reading for CPU-architecture background on why we need them and what they do (decouple execution from commit to L1d / cache misses, and allow speculative exec of stores without making speculation visible in coherent cache.)
Also How do the store buffer and Line Fill Buffer interact with each other? has a good description of the steps in executing a store instruction and how it eventually commits to L1d cache.
The store buffer as a whole is composed of multiple entries.
Each core has its own store buffer1 to decouple execution and retirement from commit into L1d cache. Even an in-order CPU benefits from a store buffer to avoid stalling on cache-miss stores, because unlike loads they just have to become visible eventually. (No practical CPUs use a sequential-consistency memory model, so at least StoreLoad reordering is allowed, even in x86 and SPARC-TSO).
For speculative / out-of-order CPUs, it also makes it possible roll back a store after detecting an exception or other mis-speculation in an older instruction, without speculative stores ever being globally visible. This is obviously essential for correctness! (You can't roll back other cores, so you can't let them see your store data until it's known to be non-speculative.)
When both logical cores are active (hyperthreading), Intel partitions the store buffer in two; each logical core gets half. Loads from one logical core only snoop its own half of the store buffer2. What will be used for data exchange between threads are executing on one Core with HT?
The store buffer commits data from retired store instructions into L1d as fast as it can, in program order (to respect x86's strongly-ordered memory model3). Requiring stores to commit as they retire would unnecessarily stall retirement for cache-miss stores. Retired stores still in the store buffer are definitely going to happen and can't be rolled back, so they can actually hurt interrupt latency. (Interrupts aren't technically required to be serializing, but any stores done by an IRQ handler can't become visible until after existing pending stores are drained. And iret is serializing, so even in the best case the store buffer drains before returning.)
It's a common(?) misconception that it has to be explicitly flushed for data to become visible to other threads. Memory barriers don't cause the store buffer to be flushed, full barriers make the current core wait until the store buffer drains itself, before allowing any later loads to happen (i.e. read L1d). Atomic RMW operations have to wait for the store buffer to drain before they can lock a cache line and do both their load and store to that line without allowing it to leave MESI Modified state, thus stopping any other agent in the system from observing it during the atomic operation.
To implement x86's strongly ordered memory model while still microarchitecturally allowing early / out-of-order loads (and later checking if the data is still valid when the load is architecturally allowed to happen), load buffer + store buffer entries collectively form the Memory Order Buffer (MOB). (If a cache line isn't still present when the load was allowed to happen, that's a memory-order mis-speculation.) This structure is presumably where mfence and locked instructions can put a barrier that blocks StoreLoad reordering without blocking out-of-order execution. (Although mfence on Skylake does block OoO exec of independent ALU instructions, as an implementation detail.)
movnt cache-bypassing stores (like movntps) also go through the store buffer, so they can be treated as speculative just like everything else in an OoO exec CPU. But they commit directly to an LFB (Line Fill Buffer), aka write-combining buffer, instead of to L1d cache.
Store instructions on Intel CPUs decode to store-address and store-data uops (micro-fused into one fused-domain uop). The store-address uop just writes the address (and probably the store width) into the store buffer, so later loads can set up store->load forwarding or detect that they don't overlap. The store-data uop writes the data.
Store-address and store-data can execute in either order, whichever is ready first: the allocate/rename stage that writes uops from the front-end into the ROB and RS in the back end also allocates a load or store buffer for load or store uops at issue time. Or stalls until one is available. Since allocation and commit happen in-order, that probably means older/younger is easy to keep track of because it can just be a circular buffer that doesn't have to worry about old long-lived entries still being in use after wrapping around. (Unless cache-bypassing / weakly-ordered NT stores can do that? They can commit to an LFB (Line Fill Buffer) out of order. Unlike normal stores, they commit directly to an LFB for transfer off-core, rather than to L1d.)
but what is the size of an entry?
Store buffer sizes are measured in entries, not bits.
Narrow stores don't "use less space" in the store buffer, they still use exactly 1 entry.
Skylake's store buffer has 56 entries (wikichip), up from 42 in Haswell/Broadwell, and 36 in SnB/IvB (David Kanter's HSW writeup on RealWorldTech has diagrams). You can find numbers for most earlier x86 uarches in Kanter's writeups on RWT, or Wikichip's diagrams, or various other sources.
SKL/BDW/HSW also have 72 load buffer entries, SnB/IvB have 64. This is the number of in-flight load instructions that either haven't executed or are waiting for data to arrive from outer caches.
The size in bits of each entry is an implementation detail that has zero impact on how you optimize software. Similarly, we don't know the size in bits of of a uop (in the front-end, in the ROB, in the RS), or TLB implementation details, or many other things, but we do know how many ROB and RS entries there are, and how many TLB entries of different types there are in various uarches.
Intel doesn't publish circuit diagrams for their CPU designs and (AFAIK) these sizes aren't generally known, so we can't even satisfy our curiosity about design details / tradeoffs.
Write coalescing in the store buffer:
Back-to-back narrow stores to the same cache line can (probably?) be combined aka coalesced in the store buffer before they commit, so it might only take one cycle on a write port of L1d cache to commit multiple stores.
We know for sure that some non-x86 CPUs do this, and we have some evidence / reason to suspect that Intel CPUs might do this. But if it happens, it's limited. #BeeOnRope and I currently think Intel CPUs probably don't do any significant merging. And if they do, the most plausible case is that entries at the end of the store buffer (ready to commit to L1d) that all go to the same cache line might merge into one buffer, optimizing commit if we're waiting for an RFO for that cache line. See discussion in comments on Are two store buffer entries needed for split line/page stores on recent Intel?. I proposed some possible experiments but haven't done them.
Earlier stuff about possible store-buffer merging:
See discussion starting with this comment: Are write-combining buffers used for normal writes to WB memory regions on Intel?
And also Unexpectedly poor and weirdly bimodal performance for store loop on Intel Skylake may be relevant.
We know for sure that some weakly-ordered ISAs like Alpha 21264 did store coalescing in their store buffer, because the manual documents it, along with its limitations on what it can commit and/or read to/from L1d per cycle. Also PowerPC RS64-II and RS64-III, with less detail, in docs linked from a comment here: Are there any modern CPUs where a cached byte store is actually slower than a word store?
People have published papers on how to do (more aggressive?) store coalescing in TSO memory models (like x86), e.g. Non-Speculative Store Coalescing in Total Store Order
Coalescing could allow a store-buffer entry to be freed before its data commits to L1d (presumably only after retirement), if its data is copied to a store to the same line. This could only happen if no stores to other lines separate them, or else it would cause stores to commit (become globally visible) out of program order, violating the memory model. But we think this can happen for any 2 stores to the same line, even the first and last byte.
A problem with this idea is that SB entry allocation is probably a ring buffer, like the ROB. Releasing entries out of order would mean hardware would need to scan every entry to find a free one, and then if they're reallocated out of order then they're not in program order for later stores. That could make allocation and store-forwarding much harder so it's probably not plausible.
As discussed in
Are two store buffer entries needed for split line/page stores on recent Intel?, it would make sense for an SB entry to hold all of one store even if it spans a cache-line boundary. Cache line boundaries become relevant when committing to L1d cache on leaving the SB. We know that store-forwarding can work for stores that split across a cache line. That seems unlikely if they were split into multiple SB entries in the store ports.
Terminology: I've been using "coalescing" to talk about merging in the store buffer, vs. "write combining" to talk about NT stores that combine in an LFB before (hopefully) doing a full-line write with no RFO. Or stores to WC memory regions which do the same thing.
This distinction / convention is just something I made up. According to discussion in comments, this might not be standard computer architecture terminology.
Intel's manuals (especially the optimization manual) are written over many years by different authors, and also aren't consistent in their terminology. Take most parts of the optimization manual with a grain of salt especially if it talks about Pentium4. The new sections about Sandybridge and Haswell are reliable, but older parts might have stale advice that's only / mostly relevant for P4 (e.g. inc vs. add 1), or the microarchitectural explanations for some optimization rules might be confusing / wrong. Especially section 3.6.10 Write Combining. The first bullet point about using LFBs to combine stores while waiting for lines to arrive for cache-miss stores to WB memory just doesn't seem plausible, because of memory-ordering rules. See discussion between me and BeeOnRope linked above, and in comments here.
Footnote 1:
A write-combining cache to buffer write-back (or write-through) from inner caches would have a different name. e.g. Bulldozer-family uses 16k write-through L1d caches, with a small 4k write-back buffer. (See Why do L1 and L2 Cache waste space saving the same data? for details and links to even more details. See Cache size estimation on your system? for a rewrite-an-array microbenchmark that slows down beyond 4k on a Bulldozer-family CPU.)
Footnote 2: Some POWER CPUs let other SMT threads snoop retired stores in the store buffer: this can cause different threads to disagree about the global order of stores from other threads. Will two atomic writes to different locations in different threads always be seen in the same order by other threads?
Footnote 3: non-x86 CPUs with weak memory models can commit retired stores in any order, allowing more aggressive coalescing of multiple stores to the same line, and making a cache-miss store not stall commit of other stores.

Are malloc memory pages attributes set to cacheable or non-cacheable?

When we use malloc and access memory, the physical pages being given for this address space has what kind of page attributes, are they cacheable or non-cacheable pages ?
Ordinary memory -- whether for user-space or kernel -- is pretty much always marked cacheable. Otherwise, using that memory would entail a huge performance hit.
Generally speaking, the only time you want memory to be marked non-cacheable is when the memory is actually part of an external device (i.e. a device other than a memory chip): for example, a PCI device BAR region used to implement device control registers.
Caching is good for performance since reading and writing the cache is usually much faster than reading and writing the underlying RAM. And the caching can "bundle up" reads and writes so that those operations on the RAM chip are done significantly less often. The downside is that by using it you generally give up exact control over the reading and writing of the RAM.
The main RAM usually gets read and written at "random" times as determined by the cache controller, and it typically gets read and written in large blocks called "cache lines" -- blocks of 32-, 64- or 128-bytes at a time. When you write a value to cached memory, that value may not get written to the actual RAM chip until some indeterminate later time (if ever: it might get overwritten before it ever gets transferred out of the cache). This is of course all hidden you as a user of the memory -- you don't generally even need to be aware of it.
But if the memory being written to is a control register -- setting some mode or characteristic of a device for example -- then you want the value of that register to be set exactly when you write to it not at some indeterminate later time, and you don't want the write to that register to affect any other registers that may be located near to it in the address space.
Likewise, if you read the value of a status register, it might be "volatile": i.e. its value might change with two consecutive reads of the same register so you don't want the value cached. And reading a register might have side-effects, so you only want explicit reads to access it.

Sequential consistency with store buffers in a multiprocessor?

How does a multiprocessor with write-buffers maintain the sequential consistency?
To my knowledge, in a uniprocessor, If the buffer is FIFO and the reads to an element that is pending to be write on main memory is supplied by the buffer, it maintains the consistency.
But how it works in a MP? I think that If a processor puts an store in his buffer, another processor can't read this, and I think that this break the sequencial consistency.
How does it work in a multithread environment with a write-buffer per thread? It also breaks the sequential consistency?
You referred to:
Typically, a CPU only sees the random access; the fact that memory busses are sequentially accessed is hidden to the CPU itself, so from the point of view of the CPU, there's no FIFO involved here.
In SMP modern machines, there's so-called snoop control units that watch the memory transfers and invalidate the cache copy of the RAM if necessary. So there's dedicated hardware to make sure data is synchronous. This doesn't mean it's really synchronous -- there's always more than one way to get invalid data (for example, by already having loaded a memory value into a register before the other CPU core changed it), but that is what you were getting at.
Also, multiple threads are basically a software concept. So if you need to synchronize software FIFOs, you will need to use proper locking mechanisms.
I'm assuming X86 here.
The store in the store buffer in itself isn't the problem. If for example a CPU would only do stores and the stores in the store buffer all retire in order, it would be exactly the same behavior as a processor that doesn't have a store buffer. For SC the real time order doesn't need to be preserved.
And you already indicated that a processor will see its own stores in the store buffer in order. The part where SC gets violated is when a store is followed by a load to a different address.
So imagine
Then without a store buffer, first the store of A would be written to cache/memory. And then the B would be read from cache/memory.
But with a store buffer, it can be that the load of B will overtake the store of A. So the load will read from cache/memory before the store of A is written to cache/memory.
The typical example of where SC breaks with store buffers is Dekkers algorithm.
if(turn == b){
So at the top you can see a store of lock_a=1 followed by a load of lock_b. Due to store buffer it can be that these 2 get reordered and as a consequence 2 threads could enter the critical section.
One way to solve it is to add a [StoreLoad] fence between the load and store, which prevents loads from being executed till the store buffer has been drained. This way SC is restored.
Note 1: store buffers are per CPU; not per thread.
Note 2: store (and load) buffers are before the cache.

Techniques available to control data/instructions in/out of the cache?

I have encountered some Intel compiler intrinsic functions which I believe allow developers to bypass the cache?
I have also come across the GCC compiler prefetch keyword, although I cannot admit to fully appreciating what this does.
With the above in mind I wondered if any members could either elaborate on the above (which I badly described) or provide other techniques which allow the developer to have close control over which data (or instructions) is/isn't loaded in the CPU cache?
This page contains a lot of information about all intrinsics:
Intel Intrinsics Guide
The series of instructions that will write data to memory, avoiding cache evictions are generally named _mm_stream_.... As the name implies, these are ideal for applications that write a large stream of data that is basically contiguous in memory and unlikely to be accessed again in the near future. So, for example, if you are mixing audio buffers and producing a single waveform output this would work well.
One of the keys to using these instructions effectively is taking advantage of write combining. If your write locations are scattered throughout memory, these instructions will stall as badly, or possibly worse than any other kind of memory storage instruction you attempt. Since these writes do not wind up in cache, if you're not filling an entire write buffer then essentially your operation becomes a write-through operation, requiring a stall until the write is completed. If you are writing contiguous memory locations then write combining will apply, and make your data writes much more efficient.
The flip side of that coin is prefetching. Prefetching tells the system to start pulling a memory address into the desired level of cache so that by the time the memory read is complete, you are ready to use the data. This is much harder to use, and requires an appropriate data "stride" which takes into account the cache sizes, cache line size, and the number of instructions which can execute before the memory read completes. Using the hinting parameter, you can "suggest" that the data goes into the L1, L2, or L3 cache, or that it is "non-temporal", meaning that you're just going to use it once and it should be evicted first before any other cache evictions. The hardware has its own prefetching heuristics that work well for most problems without explicit prefetching instructions, but the classic counter-example is a matrix transpose:
Prefetching examples
Prefetching is generally very difficult to use effectively except in some very specific cases like this. Without a more specific problem statement from you, this is about all I can provide.

Why do we bother with CPU registers in assembly, instead of just working directly with memory?

I have a basic question about assembly.
Why do we bother doing arithmetic operations only on registers if they can work on memory as well?
For example both of the following cause (essentially) the same value to be calculated as an answer:
Snippet 1
var dd 00000400h
add var,0000000Bh
mov eax,var
;breakpoint: var = 00000B04
End Start
Snippet 2
mov eax,00000400h
add eax,0000000bh
;breakpoint: eax = 0000040B
End Start
From what I can see most texts and tutorials do arithmetic operations mostly on registers. Is it just faster to work with registers?
If you look at computer architectures, you find a series of levels of memory. Those that are close to the CPU are the fast, expensive (per a bit), and therefore small, while at the other end you have big, slow and cheap memory devices. In a modern computer, these are typically something like:
CPU registers (slightly complicated, but in the order of 1KB per a core - there
are different types of registers. You might have 16 64 bit
general purpose registers plus a bunch of registers for special
L1 cache (64KB per core)
L2 cache (256KB per core)
L3 cache (8MB)
Main memory (8GB)
The internet (big)
Over time, more and more levels of cache have been added - I can remember a time when CPUs didn't have any onboard caches, and I'm not even old! These days, HDDs come with onboard caches, and the internet is cached in any number of places: in memory, on the HDD, and maybe on caching proxy servers.
There is a dramatic (often orders of magnitude) decrease in bandwidth and increase in latency in each step away from the CPU. For example, a HDD might be able to be read at 100MB/s with a latency of 5ms (these numbers may not be exactly correct), while your main memory can read at 6.4GB/s with a latency of 9ns (six orders of magnitude!). Latency is a very important factor, as you don't want to keep the CPU waiting any longer than it has to (this is especially true for architectures with deep pipelines, but that's a discussion for another day).
The idea is that you will often be reusing the same data over and over again, so it makes sense to put it in a small fast cache for subsequent operations. This is referred to as temporal locality. Another important principle of locality is spatial locality, which says that memory locations near each other will likely be read at about the same time. It is for this reason that reading from RAM will cause a much larger block of RAM to be read and put into on-CPU cache. If it wasn't for these principles of locality, then any location in memory would have an equally likely chance of being read at any one time, so there would be no way to predict what will be accessed next, and all the levels of cache in the world will not improve speed. You might as well just use a hard drive, but I'm sure you know what it's like to have the computer come to a grinding halt when paging (which is basically using the HDD as an extension to RAM). It is conceptually possible to have no memory except for a hard drive (and many small devices have a single memory), but this would be painfully slow compared to what we're familiar with.
One other advantage of having registers (and only a small number of registers) is that it lets you have shorter instructions. If you have instructions that contain two (or more) 64 bit addresses, you are going to have some long instructions!
Because RAM is slow. Very slow.
Registers are placed inside the CPU, right next to the ALU so signals can travel almost instantly. They're also the fastest memory type but they take significant space so we can have only a limited number of them. Increasing the number of registers increases
die size
distance needed for signals to travel
work to save the context when switching between threads
number of bits in the instruction encoding
Read If registers are so blazingly fast, why don't we have more of them?
More commonly used data will be placed in caches for faster accessing. In the past caches are very expensive so they're an optional part and can be purchased separately and plug into a socket outside the CPU. Nowadays they're often in the same die with the CPUs. Caches are constructed from SRAM cells which are smaller than register cells but maybe tens or hundreds of times slower.
Main memory will be made from DRAM which needs only one transistor per cell but are thousands of times slower than registers, hence we can't work with only DRAM in a high-performance system. However some embedded system do make use of register file so registers are also main memory
More information: Can we have a computer with just registers as memory?
Registers are much faster and also the operations that you can perform directly on memory are far more limited.
In real, there are tiny implementations that does not separate registers from memory. They can expose it, for example, in the way they have 512 bytes of RAM, and first 64 of them are exposed as 32 16-bit registers and in the same time accessible as addressable RAM. Or, another example, MosTek 6502 "zero page" (RAM range 0-255, accessed used 1-byte address) was a poor substitution for registers, due to small amount of real registers in CPU. But, this is poorly scalable to larger setups.
The advantage of registers are following:
They are the most fast. They are faster in a typical modern system than any cache, more so than DRAM. (In the example above, RAM is likely SRAM. But SRAM of a few gigabytes is unusably expensive.) And, they are close to processor. Difference of time between register access and DRAM access can reach values like 200 or even 1000. Even compared to L1 cache, register access is typically 2-4 times faster.
Their amount is limited. A typical instruction set will become too bloated if any memory location is addressed explicitly.
Registers are specific to each CPU (core, hardware thread, hart) separately. (In systems where fixed RAM addresses serve role of special registers, as e.g. zSeries does, this needs special remapping of such service area in absolute addresses, separate for each core.)
In the same manner as (3), registers are specific to each process thread without a need to adjust locations in code for a thread.
Registers (relatively easily) allow specific optimizations, as register renaming. This is too complex if memory addresses are used.
Additionally, there are registers that could not be implemented in separate block RAM because access to RAM needs their change. I mean the "execution phase" register in the simplest CPU designs, which takes values like "instruction extracting phase", "instruction decoding phase", "ALU phase", "data writing phase" and so on, and this register equivalents in more complicated (pipeline, out-of-order) designs; also different buffer registers on bus access, and so on. But, such registers are not visible to programmer, so you did likely not mean them.
x86, like pretty much every other "normal" CPU you might learn assembly for, is a register machine1. There are other ways to design something that you can program (e.g. a Turing machine that moves along a logical "tape" in memory, or the Game of Life), but register machines have proven to be basically the only way to go for high-performance.
https://www.realworldtech.com/architecture-basics/2/ covers possible alternatives like accumulator or stack machines which are also obsolete now. Although it omits CISCs like x86 which can be either load-store or register-memory. x86 instructions can actually be reg,mem; reg,reg; or even mem,reg. (Or with an immediate source.)
Footnote 1: The abstract model of computation called a register machine doesn't distinguish between registers and memory; what it calls registers are more like memory in real computers. I say "register machine" here to mean a machine with multiple general-purpose registers, as opposed to just one accumulator, or a stack machine or whatever. Most x86 instructions have 2 explicit operands (but it varies), up to one of which can be memory. Even microcontrollers like 6502 that can only really do math into one accumulator register almost invariably have some other registers (e.g. for pointers or indices), unlike true toy ISAs like Marie or LMC that are extremely inefficient to program for because you need to keep storing and reloading different things into the accumulator, and can't even keep an array index or loop counter anywhere that you can use it directly.
Since x86 was designed to use registers, you can't really avoid them entirely, even if you wanted to and didn't care about performance.
Current x86 CPUs can read/write many more registers per clock cycle than memory locations.
For example, Intel Skylake can do two loads and one store from/to its 32KiB 8-way associative L1D cache per cycle (best case), but can read upwards of 10 registers per clock, and write 3 or 4 (plus EFLAGS).
Building an L1D cache with as many read/write ports as the register file would be prohibitively expensive (in transistor count/area and power usage), especially if you wanted to keep it as large as it is. It's probably just not physically possible to build something that can use memory the way x86 uses registers with the same performance.
Also, writing a register and then reading it again has essentially zero latency because the CPU detects this and forwards the result directly from the output of one execution unit to the input of another, bypassing the write-back stage. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Classic_RISC_pipeline#Solution_A._Bypassing).
These result-forwarding connections between execution units are called the "bypass network" or "forwarding network", and it's much easier for the CPU to do this for a register design than if everything had to go into memory and back out. The CPU only has to check a 3 to 5 bit register number, instead of an 32-bit or 64-bit address, to detect cases where the output of one instruction is needed right away as the input for another operation. (And those register numbers are hard-coded into the machine-code, so they're available right away.)
As others have mentioned, 3 or 4 bits to address a register make the machine-code format much more compact than if every instruction had absolute addresses.
See also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory_hierarchy: you can think of registers as a small fast fixed-size memory space separate from main memory, where only direct absolute addressing is supported. (You can't "index" a register: given an integer N in one register, you can't get the contents of the Nth register with one insn.)
Registers are also private to a single CPU core, so out-of-order execution can do whatever it wants with them. With memory, it has to worry about what order things become visible to other CPU cores.
Having a fixed number of registers is part of what lets CPUs do register-renaming for out-of-order execution. Having the register-number available right away when an instruction is decoded also makes this easier: there's never a read or write to a not-yet-known register.
See Why does mulss take only 3 cycles on Haswell, different from Agner's instruction tables? (Unrolling FP loops with multiple accumulators) for an explanation of register renaming, and a specific example (the later edits to the question / later parts of my answer showing the speedup from unrolling with multiple accumulators to hide FMA latency even though it reuses the same architectural register repeatedly).
The store buffer with store forwarding does basically give you "memory renaming". A store/reload to a memory location is independent of earlier stores and load to that location from within this core. (Can a speculatively executed CPU branch contain opcodes that access RAM?)
Repeated function calls with a stack-args calling convention, and/or returning a value by reference, are cases where the same bytes of stack memory can be reused multiple times.
The seconds store/reload can execute even if the first store is still waiting for its inputs. (I've tested this on Skylake, but IDK if I ever posted the results in an answer anywhere.)
Registers are accessed way faster than RAM memory, since you don't have to access the "slow" memory bus!
We use registers because they are fast. Usually, they operate at CPU's speed.
Registers and CPU cache are made with different technology / fabrics and
they are expensive. RAM on the other hand is cheap and 100 times slower.
Generally speaking register arithmetic is much faster and much preferred. However there are some cases where the direct memory arithmetic is useful.
If all you want to do is increment a number in memory (and nothing else at least for a few million instructions) then a single direct memory arithmetic instruction is usually slightly faster than load/add/store.
Also if you are doing complex array operations you generally need a lot of registers to keep track of where you are and where your arrays end. On older architectures you could run out of register really quickly so the option of adding two bits of memory together without zapping any of your current registers was really useful.
Yes, it's much much much faster to use registers. Even if you only consider the physical distance from processor to register compared to proc to memory, you save a lot of time by not sending electrons so far, and that means you can run at a higher clock rate.
Yes - also you can typically push/pop registers easily for calling procedures, handling interrupts, etc
It's just that the instruction set will not allow you to do such complex operations:
add [0x40001234],[0x40002234]
You have to go through the registers.
