symfony3 : query_builder search by boolean field - doctrine

I have a form search and i'd like to select data by boolean field. The problem is that if the select choice has false value (0) the query returns all data but if selected choice has true value (1) the query is correct.
In the formTye:
->add('publier', ChoiceType::class, array(
'required' => false,
'label' => 'Publier',
'choices' => array('oui' => '1', 'non' => '0'),
'multiple' => false,
'expanded' => false,
'attr' => array('class'=> 'form-control')
and in the query_builder
if (!empty($publier)) {
$qb->andWhere('a.publier = :publier')
->setParameter('publier', $publier );
if I remove this test : if (!empty($publier)) { and I select a false choice the returned data is correct but I can't remove this test.

I have changed
if (!empty($publier))
if (null !== $publier )
and it works fine now

I'm not sure I understand your question clearly, but if it's a boolean you want, you should try this:
->add('publier', ChoiceType::class, array(
'required' => false,
'label' => 'Publier',
'choices' => array(
'oui' => true,
'non' => false
'multiple' => false,
'expanded' => false,
'attr' => array('class'=> 'form-control')
Not sure if it will work. The way you have it with '1' and '0', those are strings (not integers).


Where is the file after create by "$service->spreadsheets->create($requestBody)"

Thank you very much for reading this, its quite long!
I run my function:
public function createSpreadSheet()
$client = $this->getClient();
$service = new \Google_Service_Sheets($client);
// TODO: Assign values to desired properties of `requestBody`:
$requestBody = new \Google_Service_Sheets_Spreadsheet();
$response = $service->spreadsheets->create($requestBody);
echo '<pre>', var_export($response, true), '</pre>', "\n";
I got a result:
'collection_key' => 'sheets',
'developerMetadataType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_DeveloperMetadata',
'developerMetadataDataType' => 'array',
'namedRangesType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_NamedRange',
'namedRangesDataType' => 'array',
'propertiesType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_SpreadsheetProperties',
'propertiesDataType' => '',
'sheetsType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_Sheet',
'sheetsDataType' => 'array',
'spreadsheetId' => '1QlBQo_YHQpiiMBWn6b6wSMVWkiFRx4grJhPParXUUSU',
'spreadsheetUrl' => '',
'internal_gapi_mappings' =>
array (
modelData' =>
array (
'processed' =>
array (
'properties' =>
'autoRecalc' => 'ON_CHANGE',
'defaultFormatType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_CellFormat',
'defaultFormatDataType' => '',
'iterativeCalculationSettingsType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_IterativeCalculationSettings',
'iterativeCalculationSettingsDataType' => '',
'locale' => 'en_US',
'timeZone' => 'Etc/GMT',
'title' => 'Untitled spreadsheet',
'internal_gapi_mappings' =>
array (
'modelData' =>
array (
'processed' =>
array (
'defaultFormat' =>
'backgroundColorType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_Color',
'backgroundColorDataType' => '',
'bordersType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_Borders',
'bordersDataType' => '',
'horizontalAlignment' => NULL,
'hyperlinkDisplayType' => NULL,
'numberFormatType' => 'Google_Service_Sheets_NumberFormat',
'numberFormatDataType' => '',
I access to the link it returned:
it gives me this 'request access' page, then I press the request access
I open my email and get this:
Your message wasn't delivered to because the domain couldn't be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.
Is there something wrong and what should I do? I just want to open the file and check where it is.
Thank you very much!

How to add elements to a fieldset in magento horizontally rather than vertically

I am adding few check boxes in to magento using the fieldset option like the following.
$fieldset = $form->addFieldset('display', array(
'legend' => $helper->__('Schedule Sales Order Transfer'),
'class' => 'fieldset-wide'
for($i=01; $i*5<60; $i++){
$time = $i*5;
$fieldset->addField('min'.$time, 'checkbox', array(
'name' => 'Checkbox',
'checked' => false,
'onclick' => self::setAll("min"),
'onchange' => "",
'value' => ''.$time,
'disabled' => false,
'after_element_html' => '<small>'.$time.'</small>',
'tabindex' => 1
By doing so, all the check boxes are coming one below another. Is it possible to make it one adjacent to another i.e., horizontally?
Anybody Please suggest the solution ASAP...
Thank you,
In your Code return like <tr>...</tr><tr>..</tr>, so if you need to add custom css or js to achieve what you expected,
for($i=01; $i*5<60; $i++){
$time[$i]['value'] = $i*5;
$time[$i]['label'] = $i*5;
$fieldset->addField('Time', 'checkboxes', array(
'label' => $this->__('Time'),
'name' => 'time[]',
'values' => $time,
'value' => '1',
'tabindex' => 1
its return like <tr><td>label</td><td>value<ul><li></li>....<li></li></ul></td></tr>
then you continue your stuff.,
Note: I'm just suggest the possible ways

Set front end label for customer attribute - magento

I have a customer attribute which I setup using this script (I've only pasted part of it, the part related to the attribute)
$setup->addAttribute('customer', 'age', array(
'label' => 'Age',
'type' => 'int',
'input' => 'select',
'user_defined' => true,
'source' => 'eav/entity_attribute_source_table',
'visible' => true,
'required' => false,
'visible_on_front' => true
I would like to set the front end label of the attribute to "How old are you?" but keep the Admin label to "Age". How could I do this?
Thanks in advance,
Ok I managed after looking into magento
$labels = array();
$labels[0] = 'Age';//default store label
$labels[1] = 'Label for store with id 1';
$oAttribute = Mage::getSingleton('eav/config')->getAttribute('customer', 'age');
$oAttribute->setData('store_labels', $labels);
This did the trick.
Hope it helps someone else.

Magento - How to create "decimal" attribute type

I've done a bit of searching online but I have not found any answers to this question yet. I have a situation where I need a product attribute that is a decimal value and it must support negative numbers as well as positive and must also be sortable. For some reason, Magento does not have a "decimal" attribute type. The only type that uses decimal values is Price, but that doesn't support negative numbers. If I use "text" as the type, it supports whatever I want, but it doesn't sort properly because it sees the values as strings rather than floating point numbers. I have been able to work around this issue, as others have in posts I've found, by manually editing the eav_attribute table and changing 'frontend_input' from 'price' to 'text', but leaving the 'backend_type' as 'decimal'. This works great...until someone edits the attribute in the admin panel. Once you save the attribute, Magento notices that the frontend_input is 'text' and changes the 'backend_type' to 'varchar'. The only way around this that I can think of is by creating a custom attribute type, but I'm not sure where to start and I can't find any details online for this.
Has anyone else experienced this problem? If so, what have you done to correct it? If I need to create a custom attribute type, do you have any tips or can you point me at any tutorials out there for doing this?
What you want to do is create a custom attribute type.
This can be done by first creating a installer script (this updates the database).
$installer->addAttribute('catalog_product', 'product_type', array(
'group' => 'Product Options',
'label' => 'Product Type',
'note' => '',
'type' => 'dec', //backend_type
'input' => 'select', //frontend_input
'frontend_class' => '',
'source' => 'sourcetype/attribute_source_type',
'backend' => '',
'frontend' => '',
'global' => Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Attribute::SCOPE_WEBSITE,
'required' => true,
'visible_on_front' => false,
'apply_to' => 'simple',
'is_configurable' => false,
'used_in_product_listing' => false,
'sort_order' => 5,
After that you need to create a custom php class named:
And in there paste this in:
class Whatever_Sourcetype_Model_Attribute_Source_Type extends Mage_Eav_Model_Entity_Attribute_Source_Abstract
const MAIN = 1;
const OTHER = 2;
public function getAllOptions()
if (is_null($this->_options)) {
$this->_options = array(
'label' => Mage::helper('sourcetype')->__('Main Product'),
'value' => self::MAIN
'label' => Mage::helper('sourcetype')->__('Other Product'),
'value' => self::OTHER
return $this->_options;
public function toOptionArray()
return $this->getAllOptions();
public function addValueSortToCollection($collection, $dir = 'asc')
$adminStore = Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID;
$valueTable1 = $this->getAttribute()->getAttributeCode() . '_t1';
$valueTable2 = $this->getAttribute()->getAttributeCode() . '_t2';
array($valueTable1 => $this->getAttribute()->getBackend()->getTable()),
. " AND `{$valueTable1}`.`attribute_id`='{$this->getAttribute()->getId()}'"
. " AND `{$valueTable1}`.`store_id`='{$adminStore}'",
if ($collection->getStoreId() != $adminStore) {
array($valueTable2 => $this->getAttribute()->getBackend()->getTable()),
. " AND `{$valueTable2}`.`attribute_id`='{$this->getAttribute()->getId()}'"
. " AND `{$valueTable2}`.`store_id`='{$collection->getStoreId()}'",
$valueExpr = new Zend_Db_Expr("IF(`{$valueTable2}`.`value_id`>0, `{$valueTable2}`.`value`, `{$valueTable1}`.`value`)");
} else {
$valueExpr = new Zend_Db_Expr("`{$valueTable1}`.`value`");
->order($valueExpr, $dir);
return $this;
public function getFlatColums()
$columns = array(
$this->getAttribute()->getAttributeCode() => array(
'type' => 'int',
'unsigned' => false,
'is_null' => true,
'default' => null,
'extra' => null
return $columns;
public function getFlatUpdateSelect($store)
return Mage::getResourceModel('eav/entity_attribute')
->getFlatUpdateSelect($this->getAttribute(), $store);
Hope this helps.
For further info see here.

Magento - Add global product attribute

I can not really find a satisfying answer to the following question:
What would be the best practice for a module to add a new product attribute to all attribute_sets (and possibly at a certain location).
All approaches I can find seem to refer to adding a new attribute to just one attribute set.
There is a magento way for it
$installer->addAttribute('catalog_product', 'test_me', array(
'label' => 'test Me',
'input' => 'textarea',
'type' => 'text',
'class' => '',
'global' => true,
'visible' => true,
'required' => false,
'user_defined' => true,
'default' => '',
'apply_to' => 'simple,configurable',
'visible_on_front' => true,
'is_configurable' => false,
'wysiwyg_enabled' => true,
'used_in_product_listing' => true,
'is_html_allowed_on_front' => true,
'group' => 'Config',
'sort_order' => 25
To add attribute to every attribute_set you need to set 'user_defined' = true and set 'group' = 'your_group_name'. If needed magento will add your group to every attribute set, and attach attribute to it.
Once you add an attribute you may assign it to one or all attribute sets, it isn't unique to the first set you assign it to. Does this answer your question?
