BIRT - How to List the Contents of Page Variable - birt

I have a report with page variable implemented to display current/total page numbers for each customer. I have another requirement - Display a list of customer names and the respective page numbers contained in the report on the last page of the report(such as Company A - 3 pages, Company B - 4 pages).
It has to be proper looking with border lines.
I was able to implement the page variable by simply borrowing the code I've found on the Internet, but have no idea how to display the contents(customer names and page numbers) as a list at the end of the report.
Would someone help me to accomplish this requirement?

I don't think this is possible with BIRT.
In similar cases, and only for the special case of PDF output, we are using a post-processing approach, but it requires Java programming:
First, we let BIRT generate Table-of-Content entries ("outline" in PDF speech) for the companies.
The second-step is post-processing: we read the PDF using iText and examine the TOC. That way we get the information about which company starts at which page number. Together with the total page number it is easy to compute how many pages each company takes.
Then iText can generate and add a visible TOC (as you described) to the PDF.


Calculating no. of pages before the pdf generation

I am using ActivePDF tool to convert few different file formats to PDF. Before this conversion, I need to find out how many pages of PDF I will end up with. So, say my word document is converted to 4 page pdf, I need to get that count of pages before the actual conversion.
How can I best achieve this?

Create Index page for ASCII doc

I have a lot of ASCII docs at different locations and I want to create an index page which should render these documents. But the condition here is that I want to list all the document link on the index page and if the user clicks on any link then only the document should be displayed. I don't want to display the documents below the table of content. I just want to display the table of content on the index page.
Is there any way to do this?
If I understand you correctly, you wish to generate a multi-document website, but you want an index page that displays just the TOC, with the other documents served elsewhere. I believe the best way to get this effect would be to generate chunked XHTML output using the DocBook toolchain. I believe this should be possible with Asciidoctor tools, but I have only implemented this particular post-rendering toolchain with the original (Python-based) AsciiDoc rendering tool, as documented here. This setup is configurable to generate a TOC index page that links to chunked output (you can configure the level of chunking).
As you have already figured out, AsciiDoc's automated TOC generation only works on the present document, which requires including the subordinate document to get their headings for the TOC. I can think of ways to sort of game this, such as to include just the heading of the included document (include::path/to/document.adoc[lines=1]) and then hiding even those headings with CSS or something. The problem is, the links in the TOC will be pointing internally, so you'd need to handle that somehow.
Another way is to use any of the static-site generators that support or can be readily extended to support AsciiDoc. What you're talking about is not an out-of-the-box feature that I'm aware of, but they all at least make it possible to generate an organized TOC-type navigation.

How do I get sub-heading in Joomla into a normal page?

I am working with Joomla 3.0
Joomla let's you set up a heading and a sub heading in your header/banner.
I don't like how the text is layed out in the heading because it is often times not properly aligned. On different devices, the text would show up in different parts of the heading. Given this problem, I took off the sub-heading(which contained the city names where the busienss provides the service for SEO purposes), and my page ranking dropped.
Therefore I want to put the city names somewhere on the site where they carry the same SEO weight, but without having them in the actual heading/banner because of the alignment problems.
How do I get this sub title/heading SEO power in the body somewhere?

wkhtmltopdf - Even number of pages as output

I'm looking for a way to make sure that the output from wkhtmltopdf always consists of an even number of pages, i.e. adding a blank page at the end of the pdf if the number of pages is uneven. If anyone has a good solutions for this I would be really happy
A simple solution would be to create the pdf, then check the page count and add one empty page with for example itext / itextsharp if necessary. Guessing page counts or lengths is very difficult.

selecting a page content in apple script

I want to go through a MS Word document page by page and generate images of all pages. I am stuck in the very beginning. Although I can compute total number of pages I cannot get the content of say page 1 into selection object.
I want something like
select page 1 of active document
set myRange to create range active document page 1
create range active document start (start of page 1) end (end of page 1)
Of course I have the page count and I want to loop on it and generate images page by page but please help me first to get page content into a selection object so that I can proceed.
If anybody has some other idea of accomplishing the job them I am all for it.
I have solved it.
The steps are.
Convert word document to pdf through apple script.
Make a work flow in automater to render pdf as images.
Call the word flow through shell command from apple script.
I will make a tutorial in few days and post some where.
