DropDown GUI (resolution) issue Unity 3D - drop-down-menu

Check the link for details.
When I'm running my app (that contains the DropDown feature) on my Android Phone, the dropdowns that apears from DropDown menu is really small, even tiny. I tried to set resizeTextForBestFit and resizeTextMinSize/maxSize + change Rect.height of ViewPort (where the dropdowns placed) but it doesn't work. The Scroll Rect on Dropdown List controlling the size. So how can I fix this issue?

Always choose
"Screen Space - Overlay"
"Scale with screen size"
It's just one of those weird things about Unity ... 99.9% of the time you use that setting.
In the current version of Unity, Unity screwed-up and set the default wrong.
Only in extremely obscure situations would you use the other settings: it's a huge source of confusion that Unity have the defaults as the wrong settings.
You could have another problem but be sure to do that.


JavaFX ScrollBar drag animation

I'm currently using the JavaFX ScrollBar control, which in itself works fine - however I'm not satisfied with the "animation" of the thumb when dragging it.
More specifically:
When I drag the thumb quickly, fast acceleration that is - the thumb animation doesn't follow immediately, but kind of "lags" behind - same behavior when I stop dragging the thumb... it takes a split second before the thumb really starts / catches up to it's intended position.
It's not an issue of heavy layout calculation or so, because I'm experiencing the same with just rendering the ScrollBar alone without any content.
Is there some option to make this "acceleration animation" / "lag" go away? - I haven't been able to find any property to set as of yet.
Set the flag "-Djavafx.animation.fullspeed=true" as part of the startup command via the command line. (Note that you can't do this via "System.setProperty(...)" within the application startup...)

What to do about this long error: This application is trying to draw a very large combo box

I cannot find any reference to this on SO.. The full message is:
"This application is trying to draw a very large combo box, 32 points
tall. Vertically resizable combo boxes are not supported, but it
happens that 10.4 and previous drew something that looked kind of sort
of okay. The art in 10.5 does not break up in a way that supports
that drawing. To avoid breaking existing apps, NSComboBox in 10.5
will use the 10.4 art for large combo boxes, but it won't exactly
match the rest of the system. This application should be revised to
stop using large combo boxes. This warning will appear once per app
Any ideas what to do about it?
I made the box in IB, and don't think I did anything special to create it.
I had this same issue. The combo box was in a cell in a table. I changed the row height setting of the table to automatic. But, this gave me an error for not being a valid setting for a cell based table. However, when I reset the table's row height to fixed, the message went away.
More Google searches seem to indicate that this has something to do with the height of the combo box. In my case, the row height of the table increased when I reset it from "Automatic". Perhaps this will give you something to go on.
I had the same error. When I dragged comboboxes out of a Stack View, Xcode messed up their heights. To correct the problem, I added height constraints of 22 to each of them. That caused the warning. When I deleted all the height constraints, the warning went away. The comboboxes didn't revert to the crazy heights they had when I dragged them out.
I've had this forever, but ignored it because I had no idea why it was happening.
From reading the other answers here...
From the storyboard I edited the Combo Box Cell inside the combo box. I changed the Cell Size from Regular to Small and back to Regular.
The problem went away.

Visual C# Express 2008 Form Designer AutoScroll

This may not be the kind of question one should ask on StackOverflow, but here's a frustration that I've been trying to find a work-around for.
When using the form designer, suppose the entire form does not fit in the space allotted to the form designer, and I have a control say, down near the bottom of the form.
If I try to re-size that control, or move it using the mouse, the work area will auto-scroll to the top of the work area. This essentially pulls my control to the top of the screen. It isn't possible to scroll with the scroll wheel while "holding" a control, and even ScrollLock does nothing for me.
Is there any way to just turn the auto-scrolling off? That way I can at least work on my form without guessing numbers to type into the properties window.
Can't you just turn off autoscroll for the form?
I think it's off by default.
Form.AutoScroll = False

Is there anything like Winsplit Revolution for Mac OS X?

Is there anything like Winsplit Revolution for Mac OS X?
Try these:
Zooom/2 ($15) has been my favorite since I installed it. Fast, flexible, and minimizes the number of key combinations I need to remember
Divvy ($15) might soon replace Zoom/2 for me. It's closer to Winsplit. You can arrange windows on a grid, define your own grid arrangements, and define your own shortcuts. It also minimizes the number of keystroke combinations you need to remember. BONUS: There are Mac and Windows versions, which means if you use both platforms you can use the same window management method across all your machines.
Breeze ($8) makes it easy to make windows fullscreen, split left, or split right. It also lets you save screen states (generic) and for specific apps.
Moom ($5) is a more recent entry. It supports both keyboard shortcuts and mouse shortcuts. For the mouse shortcuts, moving the cursor over the greeen zoom button displays a popup list of different layout options: full screen, left/right half, top/bottom half, or any of the corners.
SizeUp ($10) mimics various aspects of WinSplit functionality, but it relies on many keystroke combinations that take time to learn. The advantage is quickly moving windows. The drawback is that it uses up a lot of global keyboard shortcuts, and there are so many I couldn't remember them all.
Cinch ($7) is a mouse-driven app by the makers of SizeUp. Drag your window to various hot zones on the screen edges and the window will "cinch" to that edge and resize to fill half the screen. Similar to the built-in resizing feature in Windows 7.
MercuryMover ($20) is quite powerful and offers fine-grained control. However, there are a lot of different key combinations and, overall, I didn't find it as easy to learn or as elegant as WinSplit. I uninstalled it almost immediately. It struck me as powerful, but inefficient and unwieldy.
The DIY approach (free) mentioned in another post is to combine some applescripts and bind them to quicksilver triggers. I haven't tried this. But it is a free solution.
I found the weak window management one of the hardest things to cope with when I started using a Mac.
Why go beyond spaces and expose?
Winsplit significantly adds to what spaces and expose can do. I didn't understand the appeal until I actually used it. Before that, I thought virtual desktops (ie, like spaces) was enough. Now I consider it must-have functionality, especially on large monitors and multi-mon setups.
On my Windows machine running 3 monitors, I would rank the importance of these different apps in the following order:
Winsplit-like window rearranging
Spaces-like virtual desktops
Expose-like application switching
On my MacBook, I've learned to approach it the other way.
Expose-like application switching
Winsplit-like window rearranging
Spaces-like virtual desktops
From the Winsplit website I understand more or less the functionality; in the past I actually used to have my window manager (Waimea) configured to do exactly that in linux.
You may try using Quicksilver to trigger one of a custom set of applescripts; each applescript would resize and move the currently focused window to a predefined location.
See this macosxhints post for inspiration...
ShiftIt is a free option. Assignable hotkeys to resize to different portions of the screen (Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Top Left, Top Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Full Screen and Center with current size)
Link to ShiftIt on github
Just click on the big download button towards the right of the screen.
Spectacle is a good option, its free and open source. And easy to use with keyboard shortcut :
Windows can be moved to a number of predefined regions of the screen:
Move to the left half ⌥⌘←
Move to the right half ⌥⌘→
Move to the top half ⌥⌘↑
Move to the bottom half ⌥⌘↓
Move to the upper left ⌃⌘←
Move to the lower left ⌃⇧⌘←
Move to the upper right ⌃⌘→
Move to the lower right — ⌃⇧⌘→
Another question on StackOverflow adresses the same issue
One answer provided links to an app called TwoUP. It's free, and does the job on OSX!
Thanks to Dong Hoon's answer, I have developed a hybrid solution. Using the AppleScript Editor, you can create scripts to resize the current window, like this:
tell application "System Events"
set _everyProcess to every process
repeat with n from 1 to count of _everyProcess
set _frontMost to frontmost of item n of _everyProcess
if _frontMost is true then set _frontMostApp to process n
end repeat
set _windowOne to window 1 of _frontMostApp
set position of _windowOne to {5, 0}
set size of _windowOne to {1150, 735}
end tell
such a script will work on a 13" MacBook. Using subtle variations of this script saved to /Users/[YourUserNameHere]/Library/Scripts, you can have configure the AppleScript Editor to show itself in the menu bar, where it will allow you to select a script to run.
Using several different scripts, I'm able to resize and reposition any window with only two clicks.
Hope this helps.
It looks like TwoUp is dead, but here are some other options:
Cinch ($7) is like Aero Snap for Mac.
Breeze ($8) allows you to save window states and restore them like a template to another window.
Divvy ($14) shows a grid on the screen where you can select boxes to indicate how you want the window to fill your screen.
I haven't used Winsplit, so I don't know how it compares, but an app I developed, Optimal Layout, offers very flexible window tiling, as well as moving and resizing from the keyboard:
You can also try Arrange application which features resize and reposition with keyboard shortcuts, on screen menu and by dragging window.
You should also try out secondbar. gives you an extra menubar at the second display + re-arrange options. See this link.
You can even try SplitScreenapp.com. It allows you to resize Mac Windows in many ways including full split, half split, drag and snap, etc.
I doubt it. Between Spaces and Expose, there's not much need for a third-party app to help manage multiple windows.

Need Help: VS 2005 Properties Changing

I am working in Visual Studio 2005. I have multiple splitters on the screen. I have set the splitters IsFixed and I have also set fixed panel sizes. In addition to this I have locked the control. For some reason, when I switch into debug mode the splitter distance value is changing entirely on its own. These changes do not take place with any consistency, the vary in distance changed. Other components, which are also locked, are moving all on their own as well.
Anyone with similar experience? Any ideas?
The settings will stick to either mode you are in. But sometimes plugins or parts of VS does mess it up :(
I recall seeing a plugin written to save 'views', but when I tried it, it didnt work.
I couldn't tell you what is causing this. The way that the windows forms splitter works is through the Docking property. There should be no need to lock the controls. All of the controls on the form should be docked. (Including the splitter)
For example, if you want to split vertically, you have your first panel docked left. Then the splitter (Orientation set to vertical) is also docked to the left. The second panel is docked to fill. The width of the first panel (which is docked left) will determine the location of the splitter. It should not change now.
The z-order is important here for layout purposes. If you want a more detailed look of how the controls are laid on on your form, open the Document Outline. This will list the controls in a tree, and you can see where they are in the z-order.
