Daylight Savings Time Gap/Overlap definitions? When to "correct" for them? - time

What is the definition of Daylight Savings Time 'Overlap' & 'Gap'?
I have a hazy understanding of them, so I'd like to confirm... What does it mean to be "within" either of them?
What does it mean to "correct" for DST Gap or DST Overlap? When does a time need correcting, and when does it not need correcting?
The above questions are language-agnostic, but an example of their application I have is:
When to call org.joda.time.LocalDateTime#correctDstTransition?
Correct date in case of DST overlap.The Date object created has
exactly the same fields as this date-time, except when the time would
be invalid due to a daylight savings gap. In that case, the time will
be set to the earliest valid time after the gap. In the case of a
daylight savings overlap, the earlier instant is selected.

Much of this is already explained in the DST tag wiki, but I will answer your specific questions.
What is the definition of Daylight Savings Time 'Overlap' & 'Gap'?
What does it mean to be "within" either of them?
When daylight saving time begins, the local time is advanced - usually by one hour. This creates a "gap" in the values of local time in that time zone.
For example, when DST starts in the United States, the clocks tick from 1:59 AM to 3:00 AM. Any local time value from 2:00 AM through 2:59 AM would be considered to be "within the gap".
Note that values in the gap are non-existent. They do not occur in the real world, unless a clock was not correctly advanced. In practice, one typically gets to a value within the gap by adding or subtracting an elapsed time value from another local time.
When daylight saving time ends, the local time is retracted by the same amount that was added when it began (again, usually 1 hour). This creates an "overlap" in the local time values of that time zone.
For example, when DST ends in the United states, the clocks tick from 1:59 AM back to 1:00 AM. Any local time value from 1:00 AM through 1:59 AM is ambiguous if there is no additional qualifying information.
To be "within the overlap" means that you have a value that is potentially ambiguous because it falls into this range.
Such values may belong to the daylight time occurrence (which comes first sequentially), or may belong to the standard time occurrence (which comes second sequentially).
What does it mean to "correct" for DST Gap or DST Overlap?
Correcting for the gap means to ensure that the local time value is valid by possible moving it to a different value. There are various schemes in use for doing so, but the most common and most sensible is to advance the local time value by the amount of the gap.
For example, if you have a local time of 2:30 AM, and you determine it to occur on the day of the spring-forward transition in the United States, then it falls into the gap. Advance it to 3:30 AM.
This approach tends to work well because simulates the act of a human manually advancing an analog clock - or rather, correcting with the idea that it had not been properly advanced.
Correcting for the overlap means to ensure that all local times are well qualified. Usually this is accomplished by assigning a time zone offset to all values.
In the case of a value that is not ambiguous, the offset is deterministic.
In the case of a value that falls within the overlap on the day of a fall-back transition, it often makes sense to choose the first of the two possible values (which will have the daylight time offset). This is because time moves in a forward direction. However, there are sometimes cases where it makes sense to use a different rule, so YMMV.
When does a time need correcting, and when does it not need correcting?
If you are attempting to work with time as an instantaneous value, such as determining the elapsed duration between two values, adding an elapsed time to a specific value, or when converting to UTC, then you need to correct for gaps and overlaps as they occur.
If you are only working with user input and output, always displaying the exact value a user gave you (and never using it for math or time zone conversions) then you do not need to correct for gaps and overlaps.
Also, if you are working with date-only values, or time-only values, then you should not be applying time zone information at all, and thus do not need to correct for gaps and overlaps.
Lastly, if you are working strictly with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), which has no daylight saving time, then you do not need to correct for gaps and overlaps.
When to call org.joda.time.LocalDateTime#correctDstTransition?
You don't. That method is private, and is called by other Joda-time functions as needed.


Are the decimal components of Unix timestamps and UTC time synced?

Conventional time is meant to stay in sync with the rotation of the earth, and so is shifted with leap years and leap seconds, while Unix time is meant to measure the number of seconds since midnight Jan 1 1970. As such, the two drift apart over time.
But what about the decimals? It seems to me that if you took just the decimal portion of UTC, Unix time, and frankly any other time zone, they should line up except during the exact time a leap second or leap smear is taking place.
Are the decimal components of Unix timestamps and UTC time synced (except during such events)?
The reason leap seconds are issued is because we have 2 different definitions of measuring a second:
As ​1⁄86400 of 1 rotation of the earth (a day)
A more stable definition from the SI standard:
These 2 seconds are not equal length. In science and computing we prefer something very exact, and for clocks we prefer the second to be 1⁄86400 of a day.
To make clocks on computers match up with our expectation of the rotation-based clock, we add or remove seconds in the form of leap seconds.
What's really going on is that the 'length' of these 2 second definitions is different and keeps changing (compared to each other). Once the length has caused 1 the clock to drift far enough we just add a second to our computers to match the other definition.
But this drift is not instant. It happens over time. This means that the both these clocks slowly drift apart.
The suggestion that the 'decimals' are the same doesn't really make that much sense then. The difference between these decimals grow and grow until we have to add or remove a second to make them closer together again. The Earth's rotation isn't suddenly an extra second faster one day.
So when you ask the question: are they synced? It's asking whether the rotation of the earth is synced. We don't yet have the power to make the earth spin slower or faster ;)

Using timezone and day light saving with epoch time

I've a epoch time it's seconds or milliseconds format. How do I get time zone and day light saving details from that epoch time? Or do I have to pass as a separate value?
An epoch time in second or millisecond resolution is just a number. And a number cannot hold more than ONE information, here the elapsed time since an epoch.
Time zone or daylight saving details must therefore be transmitted as extra information. Keep also in mind that a time zone is often pretty complex (has an ID, a name, a history of offset transitions etc.) so most time zones cannot just be expressed as simple numbers.
By the way, I cannot give more concrete answer how to transmit extra details like time zones since you have not even told us which programming language or tool you use.

How to handle static time

I'm looking for some best practices to handle and store static time values.
A static time is usually the time of a recurring event, e.g. the activities in a sport centre, the opening times of a restaurant, the time a TV show is aired every day.
This time values are not bound to a specific date, and should not be affected by daylight saving time. For example, a restaurant will open at 11:00am both in winter and summer.
What's the best way to handle this situation? How should this kind of values be stored?
I'm mainly interested in issues with automatic TimeZone and DST adjustments (that should be avoided), and in keeping the time values independent by any specific date.
The best strategies I've found so far are:
store the time as an integer number of seconds since midnight,
store the time as a string.
I did read this question, but it's mostly about the normal time values and not the use cases I described.
The library I'm working on: github
Regarding database storage, consider the following in order from most preferred to least preferred option:
Use a TIME type if your database supports it, such as in SQL Server (2008 and greater), MySQL, and Postgres, or INTERVAL HOUR TO SECOND in Oracle.
Use separate integer fields for Hours and Minutes (and Seconds if you need them). Consider using a custom user-defined type to bind these together if your DB supports it.
Use string in 24-hour format with a leading zero, such as "01:23:00", "12:00:00" or "23:59:00". If you include seconds, then always include seconds. You want to keep the strings lexicographically sortable. Don't mix and match formatting. Be consistent.
Regarding the approach of storing a whole number of minutes (or seconds) elapsed since midnight, I recommend avoiding it. That works great when you are actually storing an elapsed duration of time, but not so great when storing a time of day. Consider:
Not every day has a midnight. In some time zones (ex: Brazil), on the day of the spring-forward DST transition, the clocks go from 23:59:59 to 01:00:00.
In any time zone that has DST, the "time elapsed since midnight" could be lying to you. Even when midnight exists, if you save 10:00 as "10 hours", then that's potentially a false statement. There may have been 9 hours or 11 hours elapsed since midnight, if you consider the two days per-year involved in DST transitions.
At some point in your application, you'll likely be applying this time-of-day value to some particular date. When you do, if you are using "elapsed time" semantics, you might be tempted to simply add the elapsed time to midnight of the date in question. That will lead to errors on DST transition days, for the reasons I just mentioned. If you are instead representing a "time of day" in your storage, you'll be more likely to combine them together properly. Of course, this is highly dependent on what language and API you are using.
With any of these, be careful when using recurrence patterns. Say you store a time of "02:00:00" when a bar closes every night. When DST springs forward, that time might not exist, and when it falls back, it will exist twice. You need to be prepared to check for this condition when you apply the time to any particular date.
What you should do is entirely up to your use case. In many situations, the sensible thing to do is to jump forward one hour in the spring-forward gap, and to pick the first of the two points in the fall-back overlap. But YMMV.
See also, the DST tag wiki.
Per comments, it looks like the "tod" gem will suffice for your Ruby code.
The question seems a little vague, but I will have a try.
Generally speaking, using an integer seems good enough for me. It is easy to compare, easy to add or subtract a duration (of seconds), and is space- and time-efficient. You can consider wrapping it in a class if you are using an object-oriented language.
As far as I know, there are no existing classes for your needs in C or C++.
In the .NET world, the TimeSpan class may be useful for your purpose. It has some conveniences, like: you can get the TimeSpan value from DateTime.TimeOfDay; you can add the TimeSpan with an interval (a TimeSpan); you can get the hours, minutes, and seconds components separately; etc.
If you use Python, datime.time is also a good candidate. It is designed exactly for usages like yours.
I do not know other good candidates in other languages.
Speaking for Java:
In Java, the use-cases you describe are not covered well by old java.util.Date (which is a global timestamp despite of its name) or java.util.GregorianCalendar (which is a kind of combination of date and time and zone etc.), but:
In Java 8 you have the new built-in class java.time.LocalTime which covers your use-cases well. Predecessor is the equally-named class LocalTime in the external and popular Java library JodaTime which is working since Java 5. Furthermore, in my own alpha-state-library I have the type net.time4j.PlainTime which is similar, but also offers 24:00-support (good for example for shop opening times). All in all Java is a well suited language with interesting time libraries which can mostly do what you wish. In detail:
a) TimeZone and DST adjustments are not handled by the Java classes mentioned above. Instead they are only handled if you convert such a plain wall time to another type like org.joda.time.DateTime which contains a reference to a timezone.
b) Indeed these time classes are completely independent from calendar date, too.
c) The internal storage strategy is for JSR-310 (Java 8):
private final byte hour;
private final byte minute;
private final byte second;
private final int nano;
JodaTime uses the other strategy of local milliseconds instead (elapsed time since midnight).
You cannot represent a time unless you also know the day/month/year. There is no such thing as "should not be affected by daylight saving time" as there are many complicated issues to deal with, including leap seconds and so on. Time, as a human sees it, is a complicated thing that cannot easily be dealt with mathematically.
If you really need to store "11am" without any date associated, then that's what you should store. Just store 11am (or perhaps just 11, use 24 hour time).
Then, if you need to do any math you must apply a date before doing any operations on the time.
I would also refrain from storing "11am" as "x seconds from midnight". You really should just use 11 hours, since that is what the user sees, and then have a good date/time library convert it to a useful format. For example, telling the user if the restaurant is open right now you'd pass it to a date library with today's date.

How do I model "relative" time in a database?

Clarification: I am not trying to calculate friendly times (e.g., "8 seconds ago") by using a timestamp and the current time.
I need to create a timeline of events in my data model, but where these events are only relative to each other. For example, I have events A, B, and C. They happen in order, so it may be that B occurs 20 seconds after A, and that C occurs 20 years after B.
I don't care about the unit of time. For my purpose, there is no time, just relativity.
I intend to model this like a linked list, where each event is a node:
Is this the most efficient way to model relative events?
All time recorded by computers is relative time, nominally it is relative to an epoch as an offset in milliseconds. Normally this epoch is an offset from 1970/01/01 as is the case with Unix.
If you store normal everyday timestamp values, you already have relative time between events if they are all sequential, you just need to subtract them to get intervals which are what you are calling relative times but they are actually intervals.
You can use whatever resolution you need to use, milliseconds is what most things use, if you are sampling things at sub-millisecond resolution, you would use nanoseconds
I don't think you need to link to previous and next event, why not just use a timestamp and order by the timestamp?
If you can have multiple, simultaneous event timelines, then you would use some kind of identifier to identify the timeline (int, guid, whatever) and key that in witht the timestamp. No id is even necessary unless you need to refer to it by an single number.
Something like this:
TimeLineID (key)
datetime (key)

Efficient algorithm for determining if a date is in DST

I'm looking for a better than O(n) algorithm to determine if a date in the future will have daylight savings time applied (and how much). Given a year, month, day, hour, minute and time zone (and a copy of the Olsen Time Zone database) how does one efficiently determine if that date will be in DST? I'm looking for the algorithm, not a library function to call.
Thank you.
FURTHER EXPLANATION: The date library I'm using is very slow when you create an object with a date in the future and a time zone. It turns out its doing a linear calculation to calculate if the date is in daylight savings time. Not only that, its doing this at object creation time. Obviously it could wait until asked, but it should also be more efficient.
Sure, DST rules change and a date library can't predict the future, but the alternative is to put an arbitrary upper limit on localized dates.
Everybody's already commented on the problems with always-changing DSTs. But I can accept the premise that we just pretend the currently known rules will apply forever.
To get your DST information, the first thing to do is to calculate the year/month/day for your future date (if it isn't in that form already). Then you look up your time zone and pull out the variation against UTC, the DST on/off rule and offset. There could be several different rules depending on which year, you want to be sure to grab the right one for your "target" year. For reasons explained below, it may be handy to also be aware of the rules for the preceding year.
The on/off rules will have a funny spec like "Oct lastSun": That means the switch occurs in the night of the last Sunday in October.
What you need to do is gather up all of these tersely formatted "rules" and develop a bit of code for each to determine the last date indicated by that rule. It's currently December, so given a couple of rules like "Mar lastSun" and "Oct lastSun" for my time zone, those dates would be March 29, 2009 and October 25, 2009. Which of these dates is more recent? October. October is associated with an "off", so we must currently have NO DST.
You can calculate the DST on/off dates for the current (i.e. target) year regardless of whether the target date is before or after those dates; if the on/off date is in the future of your target date, then simply do the rule calculation again for the previous year. Note that the rules may have changed during the interval, so be sure to apply the correct one for the year you're looking at.
Worst case for this calculation is, you have to repeat your two rule calculations for the previous year. But there's no searching going on otherwise, so it's strictly O(1).
I found a Local/DST/Tz calculator here: and as it's a JavaScript applet you should be able to simply crib the code. It doesn't handle all rules, though, so you will need to add some code for the remaining rules.
Update: I just noticed you have an hour and minute in your time as well. That complicates matters just a little. If your date is not on a "switch" date then the instructions I gave above will do you fine. Otherwise, you need to consider the time. I guess the cleanest thing to do would be to include the time in your determination of "most recent". I.e. if your target time is 00:30 UTC and switch time for the given zone is 01:00, then the target year's switch time is still in the future and you have to use the previous year's switch time instead. For practical purposes, this will mean that the "other" switch time was the most recent, and its on/off status applies.
Your number one problem is daylight savings rules that are set by the local authorities. The latter can pass almost any law at any time and therefore change the rules in a way you can't possibly predict.
As far as I know DST changes that are known start and end on a fixed day each year (first weekend in april, last weekend in october, stuff like that). So you could ese the Doomsday Algorithm to find the days of the week for the given year and calculate the conversion dates from that. Then you can determine if DST is in effect in source and/or destination locale. The converion itself is simply a matter of adding and/or subtracting an hour to compensate for DST and then factor in the timezone difference.
Hmm, as I see the problematic point is to determine weekday for a given day, far in the future.
For that, I suggest something like that:
after every 400 years, the complete system turns around, so first divide the number of years with 400, take the integral part. In 400 years, there are 99 leap years and 301 simple ones. If an arbitrary day is Monday, then the same day 400 years later will be 301+2x99 = 499 (mod 7) ---> Monday+2 ---> Wednesday. So you have to say something like that:
wday = (ref_day + 2 * (int)((target_year - ref_year) / 400)) mod 7
then you can do further optimizations, but I guess you can go year-by-year, that will do it. At most you make 399 simple operations, if (leap_year) then ++ else +=2, mod 7.
After you have the weekday for Jan 1 that year, you can calculate DST switching dates, as Carl Smotricz has written.
