Camera Calibration Using 3D Points And 2D Points - camera-calibration

I need some Help. I have written the Code for Camera Calibration Which is giving me the Camera Matrix , Rotational Matrix and translation Matrix. But in case of Camera Matrix I am getting the Image Centers which are the out the range of the Image Size Can anyone Tell me why it is coming out the image size.
My Second Point is as I am finding Projection Matrix from different positions of the same structure but Still the Focal Lengths are coming different for the same camera. Can any One tell my why it is coming like this.


Using a homography matrix and decomposing it to find the orientation of a plane fixed in the centre

I currently have two images of a plane in real life from straight above. One to use as a reference image, and another when the plane has undergone a rotation fixed at the centre of the plane thus changing its orientation. The camera stays at a constant position.
I was wondering if I found the homography matrix of this rotation in opencv and then decomposed the homography matrix in order to find the rotation matrix whether this would yield accurate results and I would be able to find the three angles needed to describe the planes rotation in euclidean coordinates to a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Pixel coordinates derived from real distance measurements

In my program (using MATLAB), I specified(through dragging) the pedestrian lane as my Region Of Interest (ROI) with the coordinates [7, 178, 620, 190] (in xmin, ymin, width, and height respectively) using the getrect, roipoly and insertshape function. Refer to the image below.
The video from where this snapshot is taken is in 640x480 pixels resolution (480p)
Defining a real world space as my ROI by mouse dragging is barbaric. That's why the ROI coordinates must be derived mathematically.
What I'm going at is using real-world measurements from the video capturing site and use the Pythagorean Theorem from where the camera is positioned:
How do I obtain the equivalent pixel coordinates and parameters using the real-world measurements?
I'll try to split your question into 2 smaller questions.
A) How do I obtain the equivalent pixel coordinates of an interesting
point? (pratical question)
Your program shoudl be able to retrieve/reconnaise a feature/marker that you positioned in the "real-world" interesting point. The output is a coordinate in pixel. This can be done quite easily (think about QR-codes, for example)
B) What is the analytical relationship between 1 point in 3D space and
its pixel coordinate in the image? (theoretical question)
This is the projection equation based on the pinhole camera model. X,Y,Z 3D coordinates are related with x,y pixel coordinates
Cool, but some detail have to be explained (and there will be any "automatic short formula")
s represent the scale factor. A single pixel in an image could be the projection of infinite different point, due to perspective. In your photo, a pixel containing a piece of a car (when the car is present) will be the same pixel that contain a piece of street under the car (when the car is passed).
So there is not an univocal relationship starting from pixels coordinates
The matrix on the left involves the camera parameters (focal length, etc.) which are called intrinsic parameters. They have to be known to build the relationship between 3D coordinates and pixel coordinates
The matrix on the right seems to be trivial, is the combination of an identity matrix which represents rotation and a column array of zeros which represents translation. Something like T = [R|t].
Which rotation, which translation? You have to consider that every set of coordinates is implicitly expressed in its own reference system. So you have to determine the relationship between the reference system of your measurement and the camera reference system: not only to retrieve position of the camera in your 3D space with euclidean geometry, but also orientation of the camera (angles).

Computing depthmap from 3D reconstruction model

I'm using VisualSfM to build the 3D reconstruction of a scene. Now I want to estimate the depthmap and reproject the image. Any idea on how to do it?
If you have the camera intrinsic matrix K, its position vector in the world C and an orientation matrix R that rotates from world space to camera space, you can iterate over all pixels x,y in your image and perform:
Then, find using ray tracing, the minimal t that causes the ray to intersect with your 3D model (assuming it's dense, otherwise interpolate it), so that P lies on your model. The t value you found is then the pixel value of the depth map (perhaps normalized to some range).

Mesh vertex rotation in Matlab

I have a 3D matrix in Matlab that was created using a volume MRI scan. I then use matlab toolbox iso2mesh (vol2surf) to convert this volume to a surface mesh and then extract the nodes/vertex coordinates and faces of this mesh.
However I find that this mesh is in the wrong coordinate system. I have tried to use the imrotate to rotate the matrix as well as rot90 to rotate the nodes matrix but it rotates the image only around the y-axis while I need rotation around both x and y axes.
Does anyone have any advice on what function I can use for this?

Captured image viewpoint changing

i have a picture that captured from a fixed position [X Y Z] and angle [Pitch Yaw Roll] and a focal length of F (i think this information is called camera matrix)
i want to change the captured picture to a different position like it was taken in up position
the result image should be like:
in fact i have picture taken from this position:
and i want to change my picture in a way that it was taken in this position:
i hope that i could express my problem.
thnx in advance
It can be done accurately only for the (green) plane itself. The 3D objects standing onto the plane will be deformed after remapping, but the deformation may be acceptable if their height is small relative to the camera distance.
If the camera is never moving, all you need to do is identify on the perspective image four points that are the four vertices of a rectangle of known size (e.g. the soccer field itself), then compute the homography that maps those four points to that rectangle, and apply it to the whole image.
For details and code, see the OpenCV links at the bottom of that Wikipedia article.
