Bash: extract columns with cut and filter one column further - bash

I have a tab-separated file and want to extract a few columns with cut.
Two example line
0 0 1 0 AB=1,2,3;CD=4,5,6;EF=7,8,9 0 0
1 1 0 0 AB=2,1,3;CD=1,1,2;EF=5,3,4 0 1
What I want to achieve is to select columns 2,3,5 and 7, however from column 5 only CD=4,5,6.
So my expected result is
0 1 CD=4,5,6; 0
1 0 CD=1,1,2; 1
How can I use cut for this problem and run grep on one of the extracted columns? Any other one-liner is of course also fine.

here is another awk
$ awk -F'\t|;' -v OFS='\t' '{print $2,$3,$6,$NF}' file
0 1 CD=4,5,6 0
1 0 CD=1,1,2 1
or with cut/paste
$ paste <(cut -f2,3 file) <(cut -d';' -f2 file) <(cut -f7 file)
0 1 CD=4,5,6 0
1 0 CD=1,1,2 1

Easier done with awk. Split the 5th field using ; as the separator, and then print the second subfield.
awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"; OFS="\t"}
{split($5, a, ";"); print $2, $3, a[2]";", $7 }' inputfile > outputfile
If you want to print whichever subfield begins with CD=, use a loop:
awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"; OFS="\t"}
{n = split($5, a, ";");
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
if (a[i] ~ /^CD=/) subfield = a[i];
print $2, $3, subfield";", $7}' < inputfile > outputfile

I think awk is the best tool for this kind of task and the other two answers give you good short solutions.
I want to point out that you can use awk's built-in splitting facility to gain more flexibility when parsing input. Here is an example script that uses implicit splitting:
# Remember second, third and seventh columns
a = $2
b = $3
d = $7
# Split the fifth column on ";". After this the positional variables
# (e.g. $1, # $2, ..., $NF) contain the fields from the previous
# fifth column
oldFS = FS
FS = ";"
$0 = $5
# For example to test if the second elemnt starts with "CD", do
# something like this
$2 ~ /^CD/ {
c = $2
# Print the selected elements
print a, b, c, d
# Restore FS
FS = oldFS
Run it like this:
awk -f parse.awk FS='\t' OFS='\t' infile
0 1 CD=4,5,6 0
1 0 CD=1,1,2 1


Awk if else with conditions

I am trying to make a script (and a loop) to extract matching lines to print them into a new file. There are 2 conditions: 1st is that I need to print the value of the 2nd and 4th columns of the map file if the 2nd column of the map file matches with the 4th column of the test file. The 2nd condition is that when there is no match, I want to print the value in the 2nd column of the test file and a zero in the second column.
My test file is made this way:
8 8:190568 0 190568
8 8:194947 0 194947
8 8:197042 0 197042
8 8:212894 0 212894
My map file is made this way:
8 190568 0.431475 0.009489
8 194947 0.434984 0.009707
8 19056880 0.395066 112.871160
8 101908687 0.643861 112.872348
1st attempt:
for chr in {21..22};
awk 'NR==FNR{a[$2]; next} {if ($4 in a) print $2, $4 in a; else print $2, $4 == "0"}' map_chr$chr.txt test_chr$chr.bim > position.$chr;
8:190568 1
8:194947 1
8:197042 0
8:212894 0
My second script is:
for chr in {21..22}; do
awk 'NR == FNR { ++a[$4]; next }
$4 in a { print a[$2], $4; ++found[$2] }
END { for(k in a) if (!found[k]) print a[k], 0 }' \
"test_chr$chr.bim" "map_chr$chr.txt" >> "position.$chr"
And the result is:
1 0
1 0
1 0
1 0
The result I need is:
8:190568 0.009489
8:194947 0.009707
8:197042 0
8:212894 0
This awk should work for you:
awk 'FNR==NR {map[$2]=$4; next} {print $4, map[$4]+0}' mapfile testfile
190568 0.009489
194947 0.009707
197042 0
212894 0
This awk command processes mapfile first and stores $2 as key with $4 as a value in an associative array named as map.
Later when it processes testfile in 2nd block we print $4 from 2nd file with the stored value in map using key as $4. We add 0 in stored value to make sure that we get 0 when $4 is not present in map.

How to grep for multiple word occurrences from multiple files and list them grouped as rows and columns

Hello: Need your help to count word occurrences from multiple files and output them as row and columns. I searched the site for a similar reference but could not locate, hence posting it here.
I have 2 files with the following
Results required
The result i require using the command line only is (preferably):
file count(new) count(old)
a.log 1 4
b.log 3 2
The script below provides me the count for a single word across multiple.
I am stuck trying to get results for multiple words. Please help.
grep -cw "old" *.log
You can get this output using gnu-awk that accepts comma separated word to be searched in a command line argument:
awk -v OFS='\t' -F, -v wrds='new,old' 'BEGIN{n=split(wrds, a, /,/); for(i=1; i<=n; i++) b[a[i]]=a[i]} FNR==1{next} $2 in b{freq[FILENAME][$2]++} END{printf "%s", "file" OFS; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) printf "count(%s)%s", a[i], (i==n?ORS:OFS); for(f in freq) {printf "%s", f OFS; for(i=1; i<=n; i++) printf "%s%s", freq[f][a[i]], (i==n?ORS:OFS)}}' a.log b.log | column -t
file count(new) count(old)
a.log 1 4
b.log 3 2
PS: column -t was only used for formatting the output in tabular format.
Readable awk:
awk -v OFS='\t' -F, -v wrds='new,old' 'BEGIN {
n = split(wrds, a, /,/) # split input words list by comma with int index
for(i=1; i<=n; i++) # store words in another array with key as words
FNR==1 {
next # skip first row from all the files
$2 in b {
freq[FILENAME][$2]++ # store filename and word frequency in 2-dimesional array
END { # print formatted result
printf "%s", "file" OFS
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
printf "count(%s)%s", a[i], (i==n?ORS:OFS)
for(f in freq) {
printf "%s", f OFS
for(i=1; i<=n; i++)
printf "%s%s", freq[f][a[i]], (i==n?ORS:OFS)
}' a.log b.log
I think you're looking for something like this, but it's not overly clear what your objectives are (if you're going for efficiency for example, this isn't overly efficient)...
for file in *.log; do
echo -n "${file}\t"
for word in "new" "old"; do
grep -cw $word $file;
echo -n "\t";
(for readability, I simplified the first line, but this doesn't work if there's spaces in the filenames -- the proper solution is to change the first line to read find . -iname "*.log" -maxdepth=1 | while read file; do)
for c in a b ; do egrep -o "new|old" $c.log | sort | uniq -c > $c.luc; done
Get rid of the headlines with grep, then sort and count.
join -1 2 -2 2 a.luc b.luc
> new 1 3
> old 4 2
Placing a new header is left as an exercise for the reader. Is there a flip command for unix/linux/bash to flip a table, or how would you say?
Handling empty cells is left as an exercise too, but possible with join.
without real multi-dim array support, this will count all values in field 2, not just "new/old". The header and number of columns are dynamic with number of distinct values as well.
$ awk -F, 'NR==1 {fs["file"]}
FNR>1 {c[FILENAME,$2]++; fs[FILENAME]; ks[$2];
END {for(f in fs)
{printf "%s", f;
for(k in ks) printf "%s", OFS c[f,k];
printf "\n"}}' file{1,2} | column -t
file count(new) count(old)
file1 1 4
file2 3 2
Awk solution:
awk 'BEGIN{
FS=","; OFS="\t"; print "file","count(new)","count(old)";
f1=ARGV[1]; f2=ARGV[2] # get filenames
FNR==1{ next } # skip the 1st header line
NR==FNR{ c1[$2]++; next } # accumulate occurrences of the 2nd field in 1st file
{ c2[$2]++ } # accumulate occurrences of the 2nd field in 2nd file
print f1, c1["new"], c1["old"];
print f2, c2["new"], c2["old"]
}' a.log b.log
The output:
file count(new) count(old)
a.log 1 4
b.log 3 2

UPDATED: Bash + Awk : Print first X(dynamic) columns and always last column

#file test.txt
a b c 5
d e f g h 7
gg jj 2
Say X = 3 I need the output like this:
#file out.txt
a b c 5
d e f 7
gg jj 2
NOT this:
a b c 5
d e f 7
gg jj 2 2 <--- WRONG
I've gotten to this stage:
cat test.txt | awk ' { print $1" "$2" "$3" "NF } '
If you're unsure of the total number of fields, then one option would be to use a loop:
awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= 3 && i < NF; ++i) printf "%s ", $i; print $NF }' file
The loop can be avoided by using a ternary:
awk '{ print $1, $2, (NF > 3 ? $3 OFS $NF : $3) }' file
This is slightly more verbose than the approach suggested by 123 but means that you aren't left with trailing white space on the lines with three fields. OFS is the Output Field Separator, a space by default, which is what print inserts between fields when you use a ,.
Use a $ combined with NF :
cat test.txt | awk ' { print $1" "$2" "$3" "$NF } '

Grouping elements by two fields on a space delimited file

I have this ordered data by column 2 then 3 and then 1 in a space delimited file (i used linux sort to do that):
0 0 2
1 0 2
2 0 2
1 1 4
2 1 4
I want to create a new file (leaving the old file as is)
0 2 0,1,2
1 4 1,2
Basically put the fields 2 and 3 first and group the elements of field 1 (as a comma separated list) by them. Is there a way to do that by an awk, sed, bash one liner, so to avoid writing a Java, C++ app for that?
Since the file is already ordered, you can print the line as they change:
awk '
seen==$2 FS $3 { line=line "," $1; next }
{ if(seen) print seen, line; seen=$2 FS $3; line=$1 }
END { print seen, line }
' file
0 2 0,1,2
1 4 1,2
This will preserve the order of output.
with your input and output this line may help:
awk '{f=$2 FS $3}!(f in a){i[++p]=f;a[f]=$1;next}
{a[f]=a[f]","$1}END{for(x=1;x<=p;x++)print i[x],a[i[x]]}' file
kent$ cat f
0 0 2
1 0 2
2 0 2
1 1 4
2 1 4
kent$ awk '{f=$2 FS $3}!(f in a){i[++p]=f;a[f]=$1;next}{a[f]=a[f]","$1}END{for(x=1;x<=p;x++)print i[x],a[i[x]]}' f
0 2 0,1,2
1 4 1,2
awk 'a[$2, $3]++ { p = p "," $1; next } p { print p } { p = $2 FS $3 FS $1 } END { if (p) print p }' file
0 2 0,1,2
1 4 1,2
The solution assumes data on second and third column is sorted.
Using awk:
awk '{k=$2 OFS $3} !(k in a){a[k]=$1; b[++n]=k; next} {a[k]=a[k] "," $1}
END{for (i=1; i<=n; i++) print b[i],a[b[i]]}' file
0 2 0,1,2
1 4 1,2
Yet another take:
awk -v SUBSEP=" " '
{group[$2,$3] = group[$2,$3] $1 ","}
for (g in group) {
print g, group[g]
' file > newfile
The SUBSEP variable is the character that joins strings in a single-dimensional awk array.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -r ':a;$!N;/(. (. .).*)\n(.) \2.*/s//\1,\3/;ta;s/(.) (.) (.)/\2 \3 \1/;P;D' file
This appends the first column of the subsequent record to the first record until the second and third keys change. Then the fields in the first record are re-arranged and printed out.
This uses the data presented but can be adapted for more complex data.

Add leading zeroes to awk variable

I have the following awk command within a "for" loop in bash:
awk -v pdb="$pdb" 'BEGIN {file = 1; filename = pdb"_" file ".pdb"}
/ENDMDL/ {getline; file ++; filename = pdb"_" file ".pdb"}
{print $0 > filename}' < ${pdb}.pdb
This reads a series of files with the name $pdb.pdb and splits them in files called $pdb_1.pdb, $pdb_2.pdb, ..., $pdb_21.pdb, etc. However, I would like to produce files with names like $pdb_01.pdb, $pdb_02.pdb, ..., $pdb_21.pdb, i.e., to add padding zeros to the "file" variable.
I have tried without success using printf in different ways. Help would be much appreciated.
Here's how to create leading zeros with awk:
# echo 1 | awk '{ printf("%02d\n", $1) }'
# echo 21 | awk '{ printf("%02d\n", $1) }'
Replace %02 with the total number of digits you need (including zeros).
Replace file on output with sprintf("%02d", file).
Or even the whole assigment with filename = sprintf("%s_%02d.pdb", pdb, file);.
This does it without resort of printf, which is expensive. The first parameter is the string to pad, the second is the total length after padding.
echo 722 8 | awk '{ for(c = 0; c < $2; c++) s = s"0"; s = s$1; print substr(s, 1 + length(s) - $2); }'
If you know in advance the length of the result string, you can use a simplified version (say 8 is your limit):
echo 722 | awk '{ s = "00000000"$1; print substr(s, 1 + length(s) - 8); }'
The result in both cases is 00000722.
Here is a function that left or right-pads values with zeroes depending on the parameters: zeropad(value, count, direction)
function zeropad(s,c,d) {
d="l" # l is the default and fallback value
return sprintf("%" (d=="l"? "0" c:"") "d" (d=="r"?"%0" c-length(s) "d":""), s,"")
{ # test main
print zeropad($1,$2,$3)
Some tests:
$ cat test
2 3 l
2 4 r
2 5
a 6 r
The test:
$ awk -f program.awk test
It's not fully battlefield tested so strange parameters may yield strange results.
