Swift 2 to swift 3 conversion Midi Input - xcode

I'm hoping someone may be able to help i'm using Xcode 8 and swift 3
I have a playground file Xcode 7 swift 2 that involves a Midi callback for Midi Input everything works fine in 7
I tried a conversion to 8 and it brought up errors regarding memory and a few name changes mostly of what i believe to be non serious i also redefined the infinite loop using PlaygroundSupport
However the error i cannot get over involves MyMIDIReadProc at
MIDIInputPortCreate(midiClient, "MidiTest_InPort", MyMIDIReadProc, nil, &inPort);
The error says
Cannot convert value of type '(pktList: UnsafePointer, readProcRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer, srcConnRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer) -> Void' to expected argument type 'MIDIReadProc' (aka '#convention(c) (UnsafePointer, Optional>, Optional>) -> ()')
My understanding is that it needs a #convention(c) wrapper of some description inserted. I think i'm on the right track because you can wrap a function but my knowledge of where to put it has run out. Again i was hoping some one might be able to advise
Thanks for reading
apologies for any bad language as i'm self taught
Here is the original Xcode 7 code
import Cocoa
import CoreMIDI
import XCPlayground
func getDisplayName(obj: MIDIObjectRef) -> String
var param: Unmanaged<CFString>?
var name: String = "Error";
let err: OSStatus = MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(obj, kMIDIPropertyDisplayName, &param)
if err == OSStatus(noErr)
name = param!.takeRetainedValue() as String
return name;
func MyMIDIReadProc(pktList: UnsafePointer<MIDIPacketList>,
readProcRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, srcConnRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void
let packetList:MIDIPacketList = pktList.memory;
let srcRef:MIDIEndpointRef = UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIEndpointRef>(COpaquePointer(srcConnRefCon)).memory;
print("MIDI Received From Source: \(getDisplayName(srcRef))");
var packet:MIDIPacket = packetList.packet;
for _ in 1...packetList.numPackets
let bytes = Mirror(reflecting: packet.data).children;
var dumpStr = "";
// bytes mirror contains all the zero values in the ridiulous packet data tuple
// so use the packet length to iterate.
var i = packet.length;
for (_, attr) in bytes.enumerate()
dumpStr += String(format:"$%02X ", attr.value as! UInt8);
if (i <= 0)
packet = MIDIPacketNext(&packet).memory;
var midiClient: MIDIClientRef = 0;
var inPort:MIDIPortRef = 0;
var src:MIDIEndpointRef = MIDIGetSource(0);
MIDIClientCreate("MidiTestClient", nil, nil, &midiClient);
MIDIInputPortCreate(midiClient, "MidiTest_InPort", MyMIDIReadProc, nil, &inPort);
MIDIPortConnectSource(inPort, src, &src);
// Keep playground running
XCPlaygroundPage.currentPage.needsIndefiniteExecution = true;
And here is the Xcode 8 code converted
var str = "Hello, playground"
import Cocoa
import CoreMIDI
import XCPlayground
import PlaygroundSupport
func getDisplayName(obj: MIDIObjectRef) -> String
var param: Unmanaged<CFString>?
var name: String = "Error";
let err: OSStatus = MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(obj, kMIDIPropertyDisplayName, &param)
if err == OSStatus(noErr)
name = param!.takeRetainedValue() as String
return name;
func MyMIDIReadProc(pktList: UnsafePointer<MIDIPacketList>,
readProcRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, srcConnRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void
let packetList:MIDIPacketList = pktList.pointee;
let srcRef:MIDIEndpointRef = UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIEndpointRef>(OpaquePointer(srcConnRefCon)).pointee;
print("MIDI Received From Source: \(getDisplayName(obj: srcRef))");
var packet:MIDIPacket = packetList.packet;
for _ in 1...packetList.numPackets
let bytes = Mirror(reflecting: packet.data).children;
var dumpStr = "";
var i = packet.length;
for (_, attr) in bytes.enumerated()
dumpStr += String(format:"$%02X ", attr.value as! UInt8);
i -= 1;
if (i <= 0)
packet = MIDIPacketNext(&packet).pointee;
var midiClient: MIDIClientRef = 0;
var inPort:MIDIPortRef = 0;
var src:MIDIEndpointRef = MIDIGetSource(0);
MIDIClientCreate("MidiTestClient", nil, nil, &midiClient);
MIDIInputPortCreate(midiClient, "MidiTest_InPort", MyMIDIReadProc, nil, &inPort);
MIDIPortConnectSource(inPort, src, &src);
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true

Pointer types are drastically changed in Swift 3. Many C-based APIs' signatures are changed accordingly.
Following those changes manually would be painful. You can make Swift work for you, with a little modification.
Try changing the function header:
func MyMIDIReadProc(pktList: UnsafePointer<MIDIPacketList>,
readProcRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>, srcConnRefCon: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>) -> Void
to a closure declaration:
let MyMIDIReadProc: MIDIReadProc = {pktList, readProcRefCon, srcConnRefCon in
Swift infers argument types perfectly in this style.
You may need to fix pointer type conversion:
let srcRef:MIDIEndpointRef = UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIEndpointRef>(OpaquePointer(srcConnRefCon)).pointee;
to something like this:
//I'm not sure using `!` is safe here...
let srcRef: MIDIEndpointRef = UnsafeMutablePointer(srcConnRefCon!).pointee
(By the way, the equivalent part in your Xcode 7 code is a little bit redundant. You have no need to use intermediate COpaquePointer there.)
In Swift 3, pointers cannot be nil, and nullable pointers are represented with Optionals. You may need many other fixes to work with C-based APIs in Swift 3.

OOPer is pointing (ahem) you in the right direction. Here is a blog post on using Swift 3 Core MIDI along with a working github repo.

Assuming that you're working with CoreMIDI 1.3 or later, you may have more luck using MIDIInputPortCreateWithBlock instead of MIDIInputPortCreate.
This method takes a Swift block as a parameter instead of requiring an #convention(c) function reference, making it more amenable to use within methods belonging to Swift classes, e.g.:
public func midiReadBlock(ptr: UnsafePointer<MIDIPacketList>, _: UnsafeMutableRawPointer?) -> Void {
let list: MIDIPacketList = ptr.pointee
You may also find these two extensions useful.
This one (derived from here) allows you to iterate directly over a MIDIPacketList using for pkt in list:
extension MIDIPacketList: Sequence {
public func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<MIDIPacket> {
var iterator: MIDIPacket?
var nextIndex: UInt32 = 0
return AnyIterator {
nextIndex += 1
if nextIndex > self.numPackets { return nil }
if iterator != nil {
iterator = withUnsafePointer(to: &iterator!) { MIDIPacketNext($0).pointee }
} else {
iterator = self.packet;
return iterator
and this one adds a method to a MIDIPacket to extract the contents as a [UInt8] instead of having to use the really broken tuple syntax:
extension MIDIPacket {
public var asArray: [UInt8] {
let mirror = Mirror(reflecting: self.data)
let length = Int(self.length)
var result = [UInt8]()
for (n, child) in mirror.children.enumerated() {
if n == length {
result.append(child.value as! UInt8)
return result


Swift4.2 does not support stdatomic - what is a simple implementation of an atomic boolean?

I often use stdatomic in ObjectiveC files, but it doesn't yet (will it ever?) appear in Swift. I've found several open source frameworks that appear to offer the same functionality, but what I want is something small and simple.
I discovered the following code that is working well for me:
struct AtomicBoolean {
private var semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
private var b: Bool
var val: Bool {
get {
let tmp = b
return tmp
set {
b = newValue
init(_ initialState: Bool) {
b = initialState
It sure is small and efficient! DispatchSemaphores are also efficient, only going into kernel space if there is contention (reference Concurrency Programming Guide).
var foo = AtomicBoolean(false)
foo.var = true
if foo.var == true {

How to make NSSpellChecker work with NSDocument?

I have a core data / document-driven macOS app, using Swift and I struggle on combining the out-of-the-box spell checking API with an NSDocument (NSPersistentDocument in my case)
It took me more time than it should take, but this is what I got, mostly guided by this great answer:
class VTDocument: NSPersistentDocument, NSChangeSpelling {
private let spellchecker = SpellChecker()
#IBAction func showGuessPanel(_ sender: Any?){
spellchecker.startSpellCheck(nodes: Array(db.nodes), tag: 0)
#IBAction #objc func changeSpelling(_ sender: Any?){
spellchecker.replace(with: "Test")
This is leading me to see the NSSpellChecker.spellingPanel, correctly showing the word to correct. However, the changeSpelling function should be "called" by the panel but is never called. The above spellChecker is a simple wrapper around the NSSpellChecker that keeps the status between function calls.
The SpellChecker class looks like this.
import Cocoa
class SpellChecker {
let checker = NSSpellChecker.shared
let count: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int> = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>.allocate(capacity: 1)
var nodes = Array<Node> ()
var nodeNr = 0
var stringPos = 0
var range: NSRange = NSRange()
func startSpellCheck(nodes: [Node], tag: Int ) {
self.nodes = nodes
nodeNr = 0
stringPos = 0
func continueChecking(){
if nodes.count == 0 {
if nodeNr >= nodes.count {
checker.updateSpellingPanel(withMisspelledWord: "")
if let nodeText = nodes[nodeNr].label {
range = checker.checkSpelling(of: nodeText, startingAt: stringPos, language: nil, wrap: false, inSpellDocumentWithTag: 0, wordCount: count)
if count.pointee > 0 {
stringPos = range.lowerBound
checker.updateSpellingPanel(withMisspelledWord: nodeText[range])
nodeNr = nodeNr + 1
func replace(with: String){
if let nodeText = nodes[nodeNr].label {
let text = nodeText as NSString
text.replacingCharacters(in: range, with: with)
nodes[nodeNr].label = text as String

Read a file/URL line-by-line in Swift

I am trying to read a file given in an NSURL and load it into an array, with items separated by a newline character \n.
Here is the way I've done it so far:
var possList: NSString? = NSString.stringWithContentsOfURL(filePath.URL) as? NSString
if var list = possList {
list = list.componentsSeparatedByString("\n") as NSString[]
return list
else {
//return empty list
I'm not very happy with this for a couple of reasons. One, I'm working with files that range from a few kilobytes to hundreds of MB in size. As you can imagine, working with strings this large is slow and unwieldy. Secondly, this freezes up the UI when it's executing--again, not good.
I've looked into running this code in a separate thread, but I've been having trouble with that, and besides, it still doesn't solve the problem of dealing with huge strings.
What I'd like to do is something along the lines of the following pseudocode:
var aStreamReader = new StreamReader(from_file_or_url)
while aStreamReader.hasNextLine == true {
currentline = aStreamReader.nextLine()
How would I accomplish this in Swift?
A few notes about the files I'm reading from: All files consist of short (<255 chars) strings separated by either \n or \r\n. The length of the files range from ~100 lines to over 50 million lines. They may contain European characters, and/or characters with accents.
(The code is for Swift 2.2/Xcode 7.3 now. Older versions can be found in the edit history if somebody needs it. An updated version for Swift 3 is provided at the end.)
The following Swift code is heavily inspired by the various answers to
How to read data from NSFileHandle line by line?. It reads from the file in chunks, and converts complete lines to strings.
The default line delimiter (\n), string encoding (UTF-8) and chunk size (4096)
can be set with optional parameters.
class StreamReader {
let encoding : UInt
let chunkSize : Int
var fileHandle : NSFileHandle!
let buffer : NSMutableData!
let delimData : NSData!
var atEof : Bool = false
init?(path: String, delimiter: String = "\n", encoding : UInt = NSUTF8StringEncoding, chunkSize : Int = 4096) {
self.chunkSize = chunkSize
self.encoding = encoding
if let fileHandle = NSFileHandle(forReadingAtPath: path),
delimData = delimiter.dataUsingEncoding(encoding),
buffer = NSMutableData(capacity: chunkSize)
self.fileHandle = fileHandle
self.delimData = delimData
self.buffer = buffer
} else {
self.fileHandle = nil
self.delimData = nil
self.buffer = nil
return nil
deinit {
/// Return next line, or nil on EOF.
func nextLine() -> String? {
precondition(fileHandle != nil, "Attempt to read from closed file")
if atEof {
return nil
// Read data chunks from file until a line delimiter is found:
var range = buffer.rangeOfData(delimData, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, buffer.length))
while range.location == NSNotFound {
let tmpData = fileHandle.readDataOfLength(chunkSize)
if tmpData.length == 0 {
// EOF or read error.
atEof = true
if buffer.length > 0 {
// Buffer contains last line in file (not terminated by delimiter).
let line = NSString(data: buffer, encoding: encoding)
buffer.length = 0
return line as String?
// No more lines.
return nil
range = buffer.rangeOfData(delimData, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, buffer.length))
// Convert complete line (excluding the delimiter) to a string:
let line = NSString(data: buffer.subdataWithRange(NSMakeRange(0, range.location)),
encoding: encoding)
// Remove line (and the delimiter) from the buffer:
buffer.replaceBytesInRange(NSMakeRange(0, range.location + range.length), withBytes: nil, length: 0)
return line as String?
/// Start reading from the beginning of file.
func rewind() -> Void {
buffer.length = 0
atEof = false
/// Close the underlying file. No reading must be done after calling this method.
func close() -> Void {
fileHandle = nil
if let aStreamReader = StreamReader(path: "/path/to/file") {
defer {
while let line = aStreamReader.nextLine() {
You can even use the reader with a for-in loop
for line in aStreamReader {
by implementing the SequenceType protocol (compare http://robots.thoughtbot.com/swift-sequences):
extension StreamReader : SequenceType {
func generate() -> AnyGenerator<String> {
return AnyGenerator {
return self.nextLine()
Update for Swift 3/Xcode 8 beta 6: Also "modernized" to
use guard and the new Data value type:
class StreamReader {
let encoding : String.Encoding
let chunkSize : Int
var fileHandle : FileHandle!
let delimData : Data
var buffer : Data
var atEof : Bool
init?(path: String, delimiter: String = "\n", encoding: String.Encoding = .utf8,
chunkSize: Int = 4096) {
guard let fileHandle = FileHandle(forReadingAtPath: path),
let delimData = delimiter.data(using: encoding) else {
return nil
self.encoding = encoding
self.chunkSize = chunkSize
self.fileHandle = fileHandle
self.delimData = delimData
self.buffer = Data(capacity: chunkSize)
self.atEof = false
deinit {
/// Return next line, or nil on EOF.
func nextLine() -> String? {
precondition(fileHandle != nil, "Attempt to read from closed file")
// Read data chunks from file until a line delimiter is found:
while !atEof {
if let range = buffer.range(of: delimData) {
// Convert complete line (excluding the delimiter) to a string:
let line = String(data: buffer.subdata(in: 0..<range.lowerBound), encoding: encoding)
// Remove line (and the delimiter) from the buffer:
return line
let tmpData = fileHandle.readData(ofLength: chunkSize)
if tmpData.count > 0 {
} else {
// EOF or read error.
atEof = true
if buffer.count > 0 {
// Buffer contains last line in file (not terminated by delimiter).
let line = String(data: buffer as Data, encoding: encoding)
buffer.count = 0
return line
return nil
/// Start reading from the beginning of file.
func rewind() -> Void {
fileHandle.seek(toFileOffset: 0)
buffer.count = 0
atEof = false
/// Close the underlying file. No reading must be done after calling this method.
func close() -> Void {
fileHandle = nil
extension StreamReader : Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<String> {
return AnyIterator {
return self.nextLine()
Efficient and convenient class for reading text file line by line (Swift 4, Swift 5)
Note: This code is platform independent (macOS, iOS, ubuntu)
import Foundation
/// Read text file line by line in efficient way
public class LineReader {
public let path: String
fileprivate let file: UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE>!
init?(path: String) {
self.path = path
file = fopen(path, "r")
guard file != nil else { return nil }
public var nextLine: String? {
var line:UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>? = nil
var linecap:Int = 0
defer { free(line) }
return getline(&line, &linecap, file) > 0 ? String(cString: line!) : nil
deinit {
extension LineReader: Sequence {
public func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<String> {
return AnyIterator<String> {
return self.nextLine
guard let reader = LineReader(path: "/Path/to/file.txt") else {
return; // cannot open file
for line in reader {
print(">" + line.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines))
Repository on github
Swift 4.2 Safe syntax
class LineReader {
let path: String
init?(path: String) {
self.path = path
guard let file = fopen(path, "r") else {
return nil
self.file = file
deinit {
var nextLine: String? {
var line: UnsafeMutablePointer<CChar>?
var linecap = 0
defer {
let status = getline(&line, &linecap, file)
guard status > 0, let unwrappedLine = line else {
return nil
return String(cString: unwrappedLine)
private let file: UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE>
extension LineReader: Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<String> {
return AnyIterator<String> {
return self.nextLine
guard let reader = LineReader(path: "/Path/to/file.txt") else {
reader.forEach { line in
print(line.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines))
I'm late to the game, but here's small class I wrote for that purpose. After some different attempts (try to subclass NSInputStream) I found this to be a reasonable and simple approach.
Remember to #import <stdio.h> in your bridging header.
// Use is like this:
let readLine = ReadLine(somePath)
while let line = readLine.readLine() {
// do something...
class ReadLine {
private var buf = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>.alloc(1024)
private var n: Int = 1024
let path: String
let mode: String = "r"
private lazy var filepointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE> = {
let csmode = self.mode.withCString { cs in return cs }
let cspath = self.path.withCString { cs in return cs }
return fopen(cspath, csmode)
init(path: String) {
self.path = path
func readline() -> String? {
// unsafe for unknown input
if getline(&buf, &n, filepointer) > 0 {
return String.fromCString(UnsafePointer<CChar>(buf))
return nil
deinit {
This function takes a file URL and returns a sequence which will return every line of the file, reading them lazily. It works with Swift 5. It relies on the underlying getline:
typealias LineState = (
// pointer to a C string representing a line
/// Returns a sequence which iterates through all lines of the the file at the URL.
/// - Parameter url: file URL of a file to read
/// - Returns: a Sequence which lazily iterates through lines of the file
/// - warning: the caller of this function **must** iterate through all lines of the file, since aborting iteration midway will leak memory and a file pointer
/// - precondition: the file must be UTF8-encoded (which includes, ASCII-encoded)
func lines(ofFile url:URL) -> UnfoldSequence<String,LineState>
let initialState:LineState = (linePtr:nil, linecap:0, filePtr:fopen(url.path,"r"))
return sequence(state: initialState, next: { (state) -> String? in
if getline(&state.linePtr, &state.linecap, state.filePtr) > 0,
let theLine = state.linePtr {
return String.init(cString:theLine)
else {
if let actualLine = state.linePtr { free(actualLine) }
return nil
So for instance, here's how you would use it to print every line of a file named "foo" in your app bundle:
let url = NSBundle.mainBundle().urlForResource("foo", ofType: nil)!
for line in lines(ofFile:url) {
// suppress print's automatically inserted line ending, since
// lineGenerator captures each line's own new line character.
print(line, separator: "", terminator: "")
I developed this answer by modifying Alex Brown's answer to remove a memory leak mentioned by Martin R's comment, and by updating it to for Swift 5.
Try this answer, or read the Mac OS Stream Programming Guide.
You may find that performance will actually be better using the stringWithContentsOfURL, though, as it will be quicker to work with memory-based (or memory-mapped) data than disc-based data.
Executing it on another thread is well documented, also, for example here.
If you don't want to read it all at once, and you don't want to use NSStreams, then you'll probably have to use C-level file I/O. There are many reasons not to do this - blocking, character encoding, handling I/O errors, speed to name but a few - this is what the Foundation libraries are for. I've sketched a simple answer below that just deals with ACSII data:
class StreamReader {
var eofReached = false
let fileHandle: UnsafePointer<FILE>
init (path: String) {
self.fileHandle = fopen(path.bridgeToObjectiveC().UTF8String, "rb".bridgeToObjectiveC().UTF8String)
deinit {
func nextLine() -> String {
var nextChar: UInt8 = 0
var stringSoFar = ""
var eolReached = false
while (self.eofReached == false) && (eolReached == false) {
if fread(&nextChar, 1, 1, self.fileHandle) == 1 {
switch nextChar & 0xFF {
case 13, 10 : // CR, LF
eolReached = true
case 0...127 : // Keep it in ASCII
stringSoFar += NSString(bytes:&nextChar, length:1, encoding: NSASCIIStringEncoding)
default :
stringSoFar += "<\(nextChar)>"
} else { // EOF or error
self.eofReached = true
return stringSoFar
// OP's original request follows:
var aStreamReader = StreamReader(path: "~/Desktop/Test.text".stringByStandardizingPath)
while aStreamReader.eofReached == false { // Changed property name for more accurate meaning
let currentline = aStreamReader.nextLine()
Or you could simply use a Generator:
let stdinByLine = GeneratorOf({ () -> String? in
var input = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>(), lim = 0
return getline(&input, &lim, stdin) > 0 ? String.fromCString(input) : nil
Let's try it out
for line in stdinByLine {
println(">>> \(line)")
It's simple, lazy, and easy to chain with other swift things like enumerators and functors such as map, reduce, filter; using the lazy() wrapper.
It generalises to all FILE as:
let byLine = { (file:UnsafeMutablePointer<FILE>) in
GeneratorOf({ () -> String? in
var input = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>(), lim = 0
return getline(&input, &lim, file) > 0 ? String.fromCString(input) : nil
called like
for line in byLine(stdin) { ... }
Following up on #dankogai's answer, I made a few modifications for Swift 4+,
let bufsize = 4096
let fp = fopen(jsonURL.path, "r");
var buf = UnsafeMutablePointer<Int8>.allocate(capacity: bufsize)
while (fgets(buf, Int32(bufsize-1), fp) != nil) {
print( String(cString: buf) )
This worked for me.
Swift 5.5: use url.lines
ADC Docs are here
Example usage:
guard let url = URL(string: "https://www.example.com") else {
// Manipulating an `Array` in memory seems to be a requirement.
// This will balloon in size as lines of data get added.
var myHugeArray = [String]()
do {
// This should keep the inbound data memory usage low
for try await line in url.lines {
} catch {
You can use this in a SwiftUI .task { } modifier or wrap this in a Task return type to get its work off the main thread.
It turns out good old-fasioned C API is pretty comfortable in Swift once you grok UnsafePointer. Here is a simple cat that reads from stdin and prints to stdout line-by-line. You don't even need Foundation. Darwin suffices:
import Darwin
let bufsize = 4096
// let stdin = fdopen(STDIN_FILENO, "r") it is now predefined in Darwin
var buf = UnsafePointer<Int8>.alloc(bufsize)
while fgets(buf, Int32(bufsize-1), stdin) {
(Note: I'm using Swift 3.0.1 on Xcode 8.2.1 with macOS Sierra 10.12.3)
All of the answers I've seen here missed that he could be looking for LF or CRLF. If everything goes well, s/he could just match on LF and check the returned string for an extra CR at the end. But the general query involves multiple search strings. In other words, the delimiter needs to be a Set<String>, where the set is neither empty nor contains the empty string, instead of a single string.
On my first try at this last year, I tried to do the "right thing" and search for a general set of strings. It was too hard; you need a full blown parser and state machines and such. I gave up on it and the project it was part of.
Now I'm doing the project again, and facing the same challenge again. Now I'm going to hard-code searching on CR and LF. I don't think anyone would need to search on two semi-independent and semi-dependent characters like this outside of CR/LF parsing.
I'm using the search methods provided by Data, so I'm not doing string encodings and stuff here. Just raw binary processing. Just assume I got an ASCII superset, like ISO Latin-1 or UTF-8, here. You can handle string encoding at the next-higher layer, and you punt on whether a CR/LF with secondary code-points attached still counts as a CR or LF.
The algorithm: just keep searching for the next CR and the next LF from your current byte offset.
If neither is found, then consider the next data string to be from the current offset to the end-of-data. Note that the terminator length is 0. Mark this as the end of your reading loop.
If a LF is found first, or only a LF is found, consider the next data string to be from the current offset to the LF. Note that the terminator length is 1. Move the offset to after the LF.
If only a CR is found, do like the LF case (just with a different byte value).
Otherwise, we got a CR followed by a LF.
If the two are adjacent, then handle like the LF case, except the terminator length will be 2.
If there is one byte between them, and said byte is also CR, then we got the "Windows developer wrote a binary \r\n while in text mode, giving a \r\r\n" problem. Also handle it like the LF case, except the terminator length will be 3.
Otherwise the CR and LF aren't connected, and handle like the just-CR case.
Here's some code for that:
struct DataInternetLineIterator: IteratorProtocol {
/// Descriptor of the location of a line
typealias LineLocation = (offset: Int, length: Int, terminatorLength: Int)
/// Carriage return.
static let cr: UInt8 = 13
/// Carriage return as data.
static let crData = Data(repeating: cr, count: 1)
/// Line feed.
static let lf: UInt8 = 10
/// Line feed as data.
static let lfData = Data(repeating: lf, count: 1)
/// The data to traverse.
let data: Data
/// The byte offset to search from for the next line.
private var lineStartOffset: Int = 0
/// Initialize with the data to read over.
init(data: Data) {
self.data = data
mutating func next() -> LineLocation? {
guard self.data.count - self.lineStartOffset > 0 else { return nil }
let nextCR = self.data.range(of: DataInternetLineIterator.crData, options: [], in: lineStartOffset..<self.data.count)?.lowerBound
let nextLF = self.data.range(of: DataInternetLineIterator.lfData, options: [], in: lineStartOffset..<self.data.count)?.lowerBound
var location: LineLocation = (self.lineStartOffset, -self.lineStartOffset, 0)
let lineEndOffset: Int
switch (nextCR, nextLF) {
case (nil, nil):
lineEndOffset = self.data.count
case (nil, let offsetLf):
lineEndOffset = offsetLf!
location.terminatorLength = 1
case (let offsetCr, nil):
lineEndOffset = offsetCr!
location.terminatorLength = 1
lineEndOffset = min(nextLF!, nextCR!)
if nextLF! < nextCR! {
location.terminatorLength = 1
} else {
switch nextLF! - nextCR! {
case 2 where self.data[nextCR! + 1] == DataInternetLineIterator.cr:
location.terminatorLength += 1 // CR-CRLF
case 1:
location.terminatorLength += 1 // CRLF
location.terminatorLength += 1 // CR-only
self.lineStartOffset = lineEndOffset + location.terminatorLength
location.length += self.lineStartOffset
return location
Of course, if you have a Data block of a length that's at least a significant fraction of a gigabyte, you'll take a hit whenever no more CR or LF exist from the current byte offset; always fruitlessly searching until the end during every iteration. Reading the data in chunks would help:
struct DataBlockIterator: IteratorProtocol {
/// The data to traverse.
let data: Data
/// The offset into the data to read the next block from.
private(set) var blockOffset = 0
/// The number of bytes remaining. Kept so the last block is the right size if it's short.
private(set) var bytesRemaining: Int
/// The size of each block (except possibly the last).
let blockSize: Int
/// Initialize with the data to read over and the chunk size.
init(data: Data, blockSize: Int) {
precondition(blockSize > 0)
self.data = data
self.bytesRemaining = data.count
self.blockSize = blockSize
mutating func next() -> Data? {
guard bytesRemaining > 0 else { return nil }
defer { blockOffset += blockSize ; bytesRemaining -= blockSize }
return data.subdata(in: blockOffset..<(blockOffset + min(bytesRemaining, blockSize)))
You have to mix these ideas together yourself, since I haven't done it yet. Consider:
Of course, you have to consider lines completely contained in a chunk.
But you have to handle when the ends of a line are in adjacent chunks.
Or when the endpoints have at least one chunk between them
The big complication is when the line ends with a multi-byte sequence, but said sequence straddles two chunks! (A line ending in just CR that's also the last byte in the chunk is an equivalent case, since you need to read the next chunk to see if your just-CR is actually a CRLF or CR-CRLF. There are similar shenanigans when the chunk ends with CR-CR.)
And you need to handle when there are no more terminators from your current offset, but the end-of-data is in a later chunk.
Good luck!
I wanted a version that did not continually modify the buffer or duplicate code, as both are inefficient, and would allow for any size buffer (including 1 byte) and any delimiter. It has one public method: readline(). Calling this method will return the String value of the next line or nil at EOF.
import Foundation
// LineStream(): path: String, [buffSize: Int], [delim: String] -> nil | String
// ============= --------------------------------------------------------------
// path: the path to a text file to be parsed
// buffSize: an optional buffer size, (1...); default is 4096
// delim: an optional delimiter String; default is "\n"
// ***************************************************************************
class LineStream {
let path: String
let handle: NSFileHandle!
let delim: NSData!
let encoding: NSStringEncoding
var buffer = NSData()
var buffSize: Int
var buffIndex = 0
var buffEndIndex = 0
init?(path: String,
buffSize: Int = 4096,
delim: String = "\n",
encoding: NSStringEncoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding)
self.handle = NSFileHandle(forReadingAtPath: path)
self.path = path
self.buffSize = buffSize < 1 ? 1 : buffSize
self.encoding = encoding
self.delim = delim.dataUsingEncoding(encoding)
if handle == nil || self.delim == nil {
print("ERROR initializing LineStream") /* TODO use STDERR */
return nil
// fillBuffer(): _ -> Int [0...buffSize]
// ============= -------- ..............
// Fill the buffer with new data; return with the buffer size, or zero
// upon reaching end-of-file
// *********************************************************************
private func fillBuffer() -> Int {
buffer = handle.readDataOfLength(buffSize)
buffIndex = 0
buffEndIndex = buffer.length
return buffEndIndex
// delimLocation(): _ -> Int? nil | [1...buffSize]
// ================ --------- ....................
// Search the remaining buffer for a delimiter; return with the location
// of a delimiter in the buffer, or nil if one is not found.
// ***********************************************************************
private func delimLocation() -> Int? {
let searchRange = NSMakeRange(buffIndex, buffEndIndex - buffIndex)
let rangeToDelim = buffer.rangeOfData(delim,
options: [], range: searchRange)
return rangeToDelim.location == NSNotFound
? nil
: rangeToDelim.location
// dataStrValue(): NSData -> String ("" | String)
// =============== ---------------- .............
// Attempt to convert data into a String value using the supplied encoding;
// return the String value or empty string if the conversion fails.
// ***********************************************************************
private func dataStrValue(data: NSData) -> String? {
if let strVal = NSString(data: data, encoding: encoding) as? String {
return strVal
} else { return "" }
// readLine(): _ -> String? nil | String
// =========== ____________ ............
// Read the next line of the file, i.e., up to the next delimiter or end-of-
// file, whichever occurs first; return the String value of the data found,
// or nil upon reaching end-of-file.
// *************************************************************************
func readLine() -> String? {
guard let line = NSMutableData(capacity: buffSize) else {
print("ERROR setting line")
// Loop until a delimiter is found, or end-of-file is reached
var delimFound = false
while !delimFound {
// buffIndex will equal buffEndIndex in three situations, resulting
// in a (re)filling of the buffer:
// 1. Upon the initial call;
// 2. If a search for a delimiter has failed
// 3. If a delimiter is found at the end of the buffer
if buffIndex == buffEndIndex {
if fillBuffer() == 0 {
return nil
var lengthToDelim: Int
let startIndex = buffIndex
// Find a length of data to place into the line buffer to be
// returned; reset buffIndex
if let delim = delimLocation() {
// SOME VALUE when a delimiter is found; append that amount of
// data onto the line buffer,and then return the line buffer
delimFound = true
lengthToDelim = delim - buffIndex
buffIndex = delim + 1 // will trigger a refill if at the end
// of the buffer on the next call, but
// first the line will be returned
} else {
// NIL if no delimiter left in the buffer; append the rest of
// the buffer onto the line buffer, refill the buffer, and
// continue looking
lengthToDelim = buffEndIndex - buffIndex
buffIndex = buffEndIndex // will trigger a refill of buffer
// on the next loop
NSMakeRange(startIndex, lengthToDelim)))
return dataStrValue(line)
It is called as follows:
guard let myStream = LineStream(path: "/path/to/file.txt")
else { exit(EXIT_FAILURE) }
while let s = myStream.readLine() {

Declaring and using a bit field enum in Swift

How should bit fields be declared and used in Swift?
Declaring an enum like this does work, but trying to OR 2 values together fails to compile:
enum MyEnum: Int
case One = 0x01
case Two = 0x02
case Four = 0x04
case Eight = 0x08
// This works as expected
let m1: MyEnum = .One
// Compiler error: "Could not find an overload for '|' that accepts the supplied arguments"
let combined: MyEnum = MyEnum.One | MyEnum.Four
I looked at how Swift imports Foundation enum types, and it does so by defining a struct that conforms to the RawOptionSet protocol:
struct NSCalendarUnit : RawOptionSet {
init(_ value: UInt)
var value: UInt
static var CalendarUnitEra: NSCalendarUnit { get }
static var CalendarUnitYear: NSCalendarUnit { get }
// ...
And the RawOptionSet protocol is:
protocol RawOptionSet : LogicValue, Equatable {
class func fromMask(raw: Self.RawType) -> Self
However, there is no documentation on this protocol and I can't figure out how to implement it myself. Moreover, it's not clear if this is the official Swift way of implementing bit fields or if this is only how the Objective-C bridge represents them.
You can build a struct that conforms to the RawOptionSet protocol, and you'll be able to use it like the built-in enum type but with bitmask functionality as well. The answer here shows how:
Swift NS_OPTIONS-style bitmask enumerations.
Updated for Swift 2/3
Since swift 2, a new solution has been added as "raw option set" (see: Documentation), which is essentially the same as my original response, but using structs that allow arbitrary values.
This is the original question rewritten as an OptionSet:
struct MyOptions: OptionSet
let rawValue: UInt8
static let One = MyOptions(rawValue: 0x01)
static let Two = MyOptions(rawValue: 0x02)
static let Four = MyOptions(rawValue: 0x04)
static let Eight = MyOptions(rawValue: 0x08)
let m1 : MyOptions = .One
let combined : MyOptions = [MyOptions.One, MyOptions.Four]
Combining with new values can be done exactly as Set operations (thus the OptionSet part), .union, likewise:
m1.union(.Four).rawValue // Produces 5
Same as doing One | Four in its C-equivalent. As for One & Mask != 0, can be specified as a non-empty intersection
// Equivalent of A & B != 0
if !m1.intersection(combined).isEmpty
// m1 belongs is in combined
Weirdly enough, most of the C-style bitwise enums have been converted to their OptionSet equivalent on Swift 3, but Calendar.Compontents does away with a Set<Enum>:
let compontentKeys : Set<Calendar.Component> = [.day, .month, .year]
Whereas the original NSCalendarUnit was a bitwise enum. So both approaches are usable (thus the original response remains valid)
Original Response
I think the best thing to do, is to simply avoid the bitmask syntax until the Swift devs figure out a better way.
Most of the times, the problem can be solved using an enum and and a Set
enum Options
case A, B, C, D
var options = Set<Options>(arrayLiteral: .A, .D)
An and check (options & .A) could be defined as:
Or for multiple "flags" could be:
options.isSupersetOf(Set<Options>(arrayLiteral: .A, .D))
Adding new flags (options |= .C):
This also allows for using all the new stuff with enums: custom types, pattern matching with switch case, etc.
Of course, it doesn't have the efficiency of bitwise operations, nor it would be compatible with low level things (like sending bluetooth commands), but it's useful for UI elements that the overhead of the UI outweighs the cost of the Set operations.
They showed how to do this in one of the WWDC videos.
let combined = MyEnum.One.toRaw() | MyEnum.Four.toRaw()
Note that combined will be Int type and will actually get a compiler error if you specify let combined: MyEnum. That is because there is no enum value for 0x05 which is the result of the expression.
I think maybe some of the answers here are outdated with overcomplicated solutions? This works fine for me..
enum MyEnum: Int {
case One = 0
case Two = 1
case Three = 2
case Four = 4
case Five = 8
case Six = 16
let enumCombined = MyEnum.Five.rawValue | MyEnum.Six.rawValue
if enumCombined & MyEnum.Six.rawValue != 0 {
println("yay") // prints
if enumCombined & MyEnum.Five.rawValue != 0 {
println("yay again") // prints
if enumCombined & MyEnum.Two.rawValue != 0 {
println("shouldn't print") // doesn't print
If you don't need to interoperate with Objective-C and just want the syntax of bit masks in Swift, I've written a simple "library" called BitwiseOptions that can do this with regular Swift enumerations, e.g.:
enum Animal: BitwiseOptionsType {
case Chicken
case Cow
case Goat
static let allOptions = [.Chicken, .Cow, .Goat]
var animals = Animal.Chicken | Animal.Goat
animals ^= .Goat
if animals & .Chicken == .Chicken {
and so on. No actual bits are being flipped here. These are set operations on opaque values. You can find the gist here.
#Mattt's very famous "NSHipster" has an extensive detailed description of the RawOptionsSetType : http://nshipster.com/rawoptionsettype/
It includes a handy Xcode snipped:
struct <# Options #> : RawOptionSetType, BooleanType {
private var value: UInt = 0
init(_ value: UInt) { self.value = value }
var boolValue: Bool { return value != 0 }
static func fromMask(raw: UInt) -> <# Options #> { return self(raw) }
static func fromRaw(raw: UInt) -> <# Options #>? { return self(raw) }
func toRaw() -> UInt { return value }
static var allZeros: <# Options #> { return self(0) }
static func convertFromNilLiteral() -> <# Options #> { return self(0) }
static var None: <# Options #> { return self(0b0000) }
static var <# Option #>: <# Options #> { return self(0b0001) }
// ...
You have to use .toRaw() after each member:
let combined: Int = MyEnum.One.toRaw() | MyEnum.Four.toRaw()
will work. Because as it is you're just trying to assign "One" which is a MyEnum type, not an integer. As Apple's documentation says:
“Unlike C and Objective-C, Swift enumeration members are not assigned a default integer value when they are created. In the CompassPoints example, North, South, East and West do not implicitly equal 0, 1, 2 and 3. Instead, the different enumeration members are fully-fledged values in their own right, with an explicitly-defined type of CompassPoint.”
so you have to use raw values if you want the members to represent some other type, as described here:
Enumeration members can come prepopulated with default values (called raw values), which are all of the same type. The raw value for a particular enumeration member is always the same. Raw values can be strings, characters, or any of the integer or floating-point number types. Each raw value must be unique within its enumeration declaration. When integers are used for raw values, they auto-increment if no value is specified for some of the enumeration members. Access the raw value of an enumeration member with its toRaw method.
I use the following I need the both values I can get, rawValue for indexing arrays and value for flags.
enum MyEnum: Int {
case one
case two
case four
case eight
var value: UInt8 {
return UInt8(1 << self.rawValue)
let flags: UInt8 = MyEnum.one.value ^ MyEnum.eight.value
(flags & MyEnum.eight.value) > 0 // true
(flags & MyEnum.four.value) > 0 // false
(flags & MyEnum.two.value) > 0 // false
(flags & MyEnum.one.value) > 0 // true
MyEnum.eight.rawValue // 3
MyEnum.four.rawValue // 2
This worked for me.
1 << 0 //0000
1 << 1 //0010
1 << 2 //0100
1 << 3 //1000
enum Collision: Int {
case Enemy, Projectile, Debris, Ground
func bitmask() -> UInt32 {
return 1 << self.rawValue
I'm taking a guess that something like this is how they are modeling enum options in Foundation:
struct TestOptions: RawOptionSet {
// conform to RawOptionSet
static func fromMask(raw: UInt) -> TestOptions {
return TestOptions(raw)
// conform to LogicValue
func getLogicValue() -> Bool {
if contains([1, 2, 4], value) {
return true
return false
// conform to RawRepresentable
static func fromRaw(raw: UInt) -> TestOptions? {
if contains([1, 2, 4], raw) {
return TestOptions(raw)
return nil
func toRaw() -> UInt {
return value
// options and value
var value: UInt
init(_ value: UInt) {
self.value = value
static var OptionOne: TestOptions {
return TestOptions(1)
static var OptionTwo: TestOptions {
return TestOptions(2)
static var OptionThree: TestOptions {
return TestOptions(4)
let myOptions = TestOptions.OptionOne | TestOptions.OptionThree
println("myOptions: \(myOptions.toRaw())")
if (myOptions & TestOptions.OptionOne) {
println("OPTION ONE is in there")
} else {
println("nope, no ONE")
if (myOptions & TestOptions.OptionTwo) {
println("OPTION TWO is in there")
} else {
println("nope, no TWO")
if (myOptions & TestOptions.OptionThree) {
println("OPTION THREE is in there")
} else {
println("nope, no THREE")
let nextOptions = myOptions | TestOptions.OptionTwo
println("options: \(nextOptions.toRaw())")
if (nextOptions & TestOptions.OptionOne) {
println("OPTION ONE is in there")
} else {
println("nope, no ONE")
if (nextOptions & TestOptions.OptionTwo) {
println("OPTION TWO is in there")
} else {
println("nope, no TWO")
if (nextOptions & TestOptions.OptionThree) {
println("OPTION THREE is in there")
} else {
println("nope, no THREE")
...where myOptions and nextOptions are of type TestOptions - I'm not exactly sure how fromMask() and getLogicValue() are supposed to act here (I just took some best guesses), maybe somebody could pick this up and work it out?
If you want bitfield in Swift, then enum is the wrong way. Better just do like this
class MyBits {
static let One = 0x01
static let Two = 0x02
static let Four = 0x04
static let Eight = 0x08
let m1 = MyBits.One
let combined = MyBits.One | MyBits.Four
You don't really need the class/static wrapper, but I include it as a kind of pseudo namespace.
Do bitwise operation using raw value then create a new enum object using the result.
let mask = UIViewAutoresizing(rawValue: UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth.rawValue|UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleHeight.rawValue)
self.view.autoresizingMask = mask
Here's something I put together to try to make a Swift enum that resembles to some extent a C# flags-style enum. But I'm just learning Swift, so this should only be considered to be "proof of concept" code.
/// This EnumBitFlags protocol can be applied to a Swift enum definition, providing a small amount
/// of compatibility with the flags-style enums available in C#.
/// The enum should be defined as based on UInt, and enum values should be defined that are powers
/// of two (1, 2, 4, 8, ...). The value zero, if defined, should only be used to indicate a lack of
/// data or an error situation.
/// Note that with C# the enum may contain a value that does not correspond to the defined enum
/// constants. This is not possible with Swift, it enforces that only valid values can be set.
public protocol EnumBitFlags : RawRepresentable, BitwiseOperations {
var rawValue : UInt { get } // This provided automatically by enum
static func createNew(_ rawValue : UInt) -> Self // Must be defined as some boiler-plate code
/// Extension methods for enums that implement the EnumBitFlags protocol.
public extension EnumBitFlags {
// Implement protocol BitwiseOperations. But note that some of these operators, especially ~,
// will almost certainly result in an invalid (nil) enum object, resulting in a crash.
public static func & (leftSide: Self, rightSide: Self) -> Self {
return self.createNew(leftSide.rawValue & rightSide.rawValue)
public static func | (leftSide: Self, rightSide: Self) -> Self {
return self.createNew(leftSide.rawValue | rightSide.rawValue)
public static func ^ (leftSide: Self, rightSide: Self) -> Self {
return self.createNew(leftSide.rawValue ^ rightSide.rawValue)
public static prefix func ~ (x: Self) -> Self {
return self.createNew(~x.rawValue)
public static var allZeros: Self {
get {
return self.createNew(0)
// Method hasFlag() for compatibility with C#
func hasFlag<T : EnumBitFlags>(_ flagToTest : T) -> Bool {
return (self.rawValue & flagToTest.rawValue) != 0
This shows how it can be used:
class TestEnumBitFlags {
// Flags-style enum specifying where to write the log messages
public enum LogDestination : UInt, EnumBitFlags {
case none = 0 // Error condition
case systemOutput = 0b01 // Logging messages written to system output file
case sdCard = 0b10 // Logging messages written to SD card (or similar storage)
case both = 0b11 // Both of the above options
// Implement EnumBitFlags protocol
public static func createNew(_ rawValue : UInt) -> LogDestination {
return LogDestination(rawValue: rawValue)!
private var _logDestination : LogDestination = .none
private var _anotherEnum : LogDestination = .none
func doTest() {
_logDestination = .systemOutput
_anotherEnum = _logDestination
assert(_logDestination == _anotherEnum)
_logDestination = .systemOutput | .sdCard
assert(_logDestination.hasFlag(LogDestination.systemOutput) &&
/* don't do this, it results in a crash
_logDestination = _logDestination & ~.systemOutput
assert(_logDestination == .sdCard)
_logDestination = .sdCard
_logDestination |= .systemOutput
assert(_logDestination == .both)
Suggestions for improvement are welcome.
EDIT: I've given up on this technique myself, and therefore obviously can't recommend it anymore.
The big problem is that Swift demands that rawValue must match one of the defined enum values. This is OK if there are only 2 or 3 or maybe even 4 flag bits - just define all of the combination values in order to make Swift happy. But for 5 or more flag bits it becomes totally crazy.
I'll leave this posted in case someone finds it useful, or maybe as a warning of how NOT to do it.
My current solution to this situation is based on using a struct instead of enum, together with a protocol and some extension methods. This works much better. Maybe I'll post it someday when I'm more sure that that isn't also isn't going to backfire on me.
Get all flags from flags_combination. Each flag and flags_combination are integers. flags_combination = flag_1 | flags_2
Xcode 11.2.1 (11B500), Swift 5.1
import Foundation
protocol FlagPrototype: CaseIterable, RawRepresentable where RawValue == Int {}
extension FlagPrototype {
init?(rawValue: Int) {
for flag in Self.allCases where flag.rawValue == rawValue {
self = flag
return nil
static func all(from combination: Int) -> [Self] {
return Self.allCases.filter { return combination | $0.rawValue == combination }
enum Flag { case one, two, three }
extension Flag: FlagPrototype {
var rawValue: Int {
switch self {
case .one: return 0x1
case .two: return 0x2
case .three: return 0x4
var flags = Flag.two.rawValue | Flag.three.rawValue
let selectedFlags = Flag.all(from: flags)
if selectedFlags == [.two, .three] { print("two | three") }

Why does my extension method cause a type error?

I have the following Playground code:
// Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import Cocoa
extension Array {
func toHexString<CUnsignedChar>() -> String {
var returnString = NSMutableString(capacity: self.count * 2)
for i in self {
let val = i as Int // if someone would like to answer why casting this as a CUnsignedChar throws an error, I'd appreciate it -- but that's a separate question
returnString.appendFormat("%02X", val)
return returnString
var hashedString: String? {
get {
let x: CUnsignedChar[] = [0xA, 0xB, 0xC]
return x.toHexString()
This causes the error, "NSString is not a subtype of 'String'"
However, if I rewrite this code to be:
var hashedString: String? {
get {
let x: CUnsignedChar[] = [0xA, 0xB, 0xC]
var returnString = NSMutableString(capacity: x.count * 2)
for i in x {
returnString.appendFormat("%02X", i)
return returnString
I get no error.
Couple things I would recommend.
First, use UInt8 instead of CUnsignedChar for an array of bytes. Also, I would stay away from NSMutableString and use standard string concatenation and interpolation via Swift. I have not had much success trying to use CVarArgs inside Swift.
Here is my implementation:
extension Array
func toHexString() -> String
var hexString = ""
for value in self
if let integerValue = value as? UInt8
let stringValue = String(integerValue, radix: 16)
if integerValue < 0x10
{ hexString += "0\(stringValue)" }
{ hexString += stringValue }
return hexString;
let arrayOfBytes : Array<UInt8> = [ 0x0A, 0x13, 0x02, 0x2F, 0x22, 0x7A, 0xF1 ]
let hash = arrayOfBytes.toHexString()
let hashUppercase = hash.uppercaseString
It is unfortunate that you cannot create an extension solely for Array<UInt8> and must extend all Arrays, even if your method is only valid for one type.
I think it has to do with the fact that your extension does not return an optional, but your hashedString does.
However, the playground crashes like crazy when I try to mess around with the above code. =)
