Gatling folder path changed by Jenkins - maven

Local build generates reports in the correct folder: target/results
but when building using Jenkins it puts them in target/gatling/results
This is an issue because now the gatling plugin for Jenkins is unable to find the reports
I can't find where it sets the path

It is not necessary to configure the results folder path for the gatling plugin for Jenkins. It will look for any folder containing a Gatling Simulation, so your configuration doesn't matter.
If you can't make it work and think it is a bug, provide us your jenkins version, gatling-plugin version and gatling version.
You can use our mailing list to post questions specific to Galing.


How to run JMeter test from Jenkins

How to run jmeter test from Jenkins, here i want to run my jmeter test with jenkins and tried to configure the Jenkins with Performance plugin based on the information got after googling.
In Google the solution is provided where jenkins is hosted locally and in Build we configure command line execution by providing jmx file path and so on...
the problem comes when my jenkins is in other server like here if i give Command line execution by providing jmx file path my build will fail..because my path is in different location..
So How to over come this as i am new to Jmeter and my boss want this result to be shown in jenkins ....and if there is any plugins which i need to install or is there any place where i am missing, please let me know ....this is very important for me....
OR is there any possibility that where we can push our changes to Git lab using CI tools such as Sourcetree...etc and then run those in Jenkins.
Thanks in advance.
You will need to install Jenkins build agent to the machine which you plan to use as JMeter load generator, check out Distributed Builds Jenkins Wiki page.
Also JMeter test is possible using Jenkins Pipeline feature. For more information check Running a JMeter Test via Jenkins Pipeline
Hope this helps.

How to configure a file for code coverage?

Current my scanner is running through and only scanning the parent and skipping the rest of my nested files. If I run sonarlint (using the cli and specifying some test and source files) , it tries to analyze 37k files instead of the few I need. I have been able to skip ~3k files by adding the <sonar.skip>true</sonar.skip> property to a pom file. However, I still can't configure the project to run across certain sub-folders and print out some kind of code coverage test. (Is JaCoCo needed for the latest version(6.3,0)? Or can code-coverage be handled through some configuration?).
If Sonar seems to be analyzing too many files, it is probably because you had not set the sonar.sources=src/main/java in your file, so it defaults to the basedir and includes everything.
SonarQube can't do code-coverage itself, it just reports on coverage-reports from a tool like JaCoCo. It is funny they don't clarify these things in --but with enough digging, you can find good info on that site.

Where does Jenkins store the project source

I have a Jenkins job that uses a script to build my project. On the following line, the script fails mvn -e -X -Dgit='$git' release:prepare.
Because I want to search for the cause of this, I want to go to the Jenkins server and run mvn -e -X -Dgit='$git' release:prepare from the command line, to see if it works.
Does Jenkins store the projects' source code somewhere, such that I can go to that folder and call Maven?
If yes, then where?
Yes, It Stores the project files for the job by default at
This is where jenkins suppose the project files to be present or it pulls it from a source before start working/building from it.
Quote from Andrew M.:
"Hudson/Jenkins doesn't quite work that way. It stores configurations and job information in /var/lib/jenkins by default (if you're using the .deb package). If you want to setup persistence for a specific application, that's something you'll want to handle yourself - Hudson is a continuous integration server, not a test framework.
Check out the Wiki article on Continuous Integration for an overview of what to expect."
From this Question on serverfault.
This worked for me:
but, if your build machine (node) is a different than the one where Jenkins is running (manager), You need specify it:
Where you can define label too:
jenkins stores its workspace files currently in /var/jenkins_home/workspace/project_name
I am running from docker though!

Atlassian Bamboo - Display JMeter test results using JMeter Aggregator plugin

I've been tasked to install and figure out how to use the JMeter Aggregator plugin for Bamboo on a locally built vagrant server with Bamboo on it on my machine so I can learn how to use it before putting it on the project that I'm working on's Bamboo instance but I can't figure out how to get the Aggregator plugin to actually read any of the test results properly so it keeps failing the assertions.
Currently, I've just set up a JMeter test through the gui client and saved the .jmx to my jmeter folder on the vagrant server so I can run it headless from a bash script and send the results to a .jtl file in another directory. Below is the bash script:
I've got the Aggregator plugin installed and I've pointed it to the resulting .jtl file but when I try and put any assertions on it, it breaks the build and says the assertion failed because the value was 0, which is not actually the case. Below is the current configuration I've got on the plugin - I've tried changing the filepath to an absolute one but that didn't fix it so I don't know if it's pointed at the wrong file or if it needs to be XML to do anything with the data it gets out?
If anyone could offer any guidance on this, I'd really appreciate the assist - been struggling with this for a couple of days now and there's precious little in the way of documentation on it...
I know it is an old post, I recently came across a similar issue.
hope this helps.
Bamboo looks for .jtl files in working directory of the job. So instead changing directory give absolute/relative path of the JMeter executable file changing the command to
bash <path to jmeter executable>jmeter -n -t <path to jmx>/steve.jmx -l results.jtl
While giving Build log file path use expression like
**/<file_name>.jtl (for picking up specific file)
or you can also use
**/*.jtl (to pickup all files available in working dir).

Setting an Endpoint in Jenkins

I currently have a SoapUI project which I intend to have executed periodically (every 5 minutes) in Jenkins. I've completed the following thus far:
Created the relevant directory in the Workspace i.e workspace\SOA\SOAProject\src\test\soapui\SoapUIProject.xml
I've configured a pom.xml which sits in the SOAProject folder alongside the src folder
I've created a Jenkins job (I've chosen a Maven project, although it should not be an issue if I had chosen a freestyle job)
My question is, how do I set the endpoint?
I've done the following...
**Root POM** pom.xml
Goals and options
testrunner.bat -e0.00.0.006:8040
I've installed the EnvInject plugin. I'm not sure how to create the /properties file and what to put in their in order to set the execution environment?
I don't know the answer, but my suggestion is to get it running via command-line first. Once you figure out how to launch it without Jenkins, having Jenkins issue the same command because easy.
If you choose a Maven project, there is a useful plugin to set the endpoint and different propeties for the testSuites...
