Custom http request in Jmeter - jmeter

I am trying to create a custom POST HTTP request in Jmeter , but when I run the script it shows request formed badly. I am taking that exact parameter as and header response, still, it is not executing.
Can anyone help? Is there any sequence to be maintained while entering names and values in HTTP header manager.


How to remove request body from subsequent requests in JMeter

I tried to create a test script in JMeter where I log in by using API. I created a test script by BlazeMeter chrome extension.
Some of my API calls fail because I am getting CloudFront error. I found out the issue is that GET requests contain a request body. GET requests cannot contain a request body on CloudFront. When I tried the same get requests in postman without request body, I didn't get any errors. I got the same error in postman if I added a body request. This way I can confirm this is the issue.
I am looking for a way how to remove body request from subsequent GET requests in JMeter to get rid of this error.
This is the original API call (sampler) with POST login api request:
After the POST request there is a redirection to a page that makes other GET api calls to fetch static files such js files, etc. The problem is that these GET requests also contain the same request body as the original POST call.
As you can see I can fetch statis files if I remove body request:
I tried to add preprocessor and postprocessor for original POST request, but I don't know how to access subsequent GET requests. I can access only original POST request:
Is there a filter or a way how to remove body request from GET requests?
I don't think it's possible, at least not with JMeter 5.5
If you take a look at HTTPSamplerBase source code you will see that the request body is being copied fully from the original HTTP Request sampler:
this.sampler = (HTTPSamplerBase) base.clone();
So the options are in:
Raise an enhancement requests via JMeter Github Issues
Amend HTTPSamplerBase code to remove the request data from generated AsyncSamples
Handle embedded resources download manually using Parallel Controller

HTTP POST Request to a login form doesnt work in Jmeter

I have a login form that has form method set to POST, form-action set to a servlet, and an OnSubmit function to check the field data.I want to performance test a file download funcitonality that lies behind this login form. To acheive this i am running a parallel sampler to login and then download the file.
The first sampler is for the login and the second one is to dowload the file.
In the first sampler, I want to POST data on this form using JMeter's HTTP Reqest Sampler.
I have inspected the form and created a sampler with three parameters, the username, the password and one more non-discloseable field. I have set the path to the servlet since it is the one handling the requests for the form.
The post request doesn't do anything in this case.
What should i do or check or modify to make sure that the POST request is hitting the correct endpoint and that it actually submits the form data.
You need the samplers to be sequential, I think if you attempt to download the file without prior logging in - the request will fail somewhere somehow.
If it is not sufficient and you would like to add an extra level of checks, i.e. test that the endpoint returns anticipated response code or has certain text you could add Response Assertion as a child of the request and add pass/fail criteria there.
If you don't know how to properly build login and download requests, the easiest way is just recording them using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder, JMeter will capture the requests and generate relevant HTTP Request samplers and HTTP Header Managers

Post Request getting failed due to webkitformboundary in JMeter

We have a recorded script using Blaze Meter(HTTPS call) and run in JMeter, One POST request getting failed and shows "500 Internal Server error". In Post request, JSON passed in form of "form-Data" as parameter. When endpoint executed we observed Webkitformbounday in HTTP header, Please give some solution for
HTTPs Request
HTTP Header Manager
POST Request Body
enter image description here
It looks like the recording solution you're using isn't very suitable for building proper HTTP POST request, I would suggest the following amendments:
Untick Use multipart/form-data box in the HTTP Request sampler
Remove issueDetail parameter name and put it to the end of "path"
Change Content-Type header value to application/json
Authorization header value might need to be correlated if the token life span is short
More information: Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter

How can I resolve a 403 response code in Jmeter?

I am working with Jmeter to do load testing. I created a simple login script using BlazeMeter. Then I imported the file into Jmeter.
Whenever I try to run the script, it fails. The first problem I encounter here is that in my first http request I receive a 403 response code:
I added a cookie manager and an authorization manager to try and solve this but it is not working. I think the problem is with cors in the manager header as 403 code means that it received the petition but the access to it was denied. Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this? I tried adding post processors but couldn't make them work. Maybe because I am a newbie to jmeter and load testing. Idk.
As per HTTP Status 403 description
The HTTP 403 Forbidden client error status response code indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
so most probably your request is missing some authentication context.
Your recording seems to be incomplete, you seem to be testing a GeneXus-based application and it is using AJAX_SECURITY_TOKEN header as the security parameter.
From your screenshot it seems that you're sending recorded hard-coded value, however you should design your script as follows:
Perform initial request, i.e. open login page
Extract AJAX_SECURITY_TOKEN header value using Regular Expression Extractor
Substitute this e8985.... recorded value with the JMeter Variable from the Regular Expression Extractor
Check out Using Regular Expressions to Extract Tokens and Session IDs to Variables article for more information.

JMeter Cant make GET HTTP request work, works fine in PostMan

I'm trying to do a GET HTTPS Request via JMeter. It is a simple request with content-type=application/json, and an auth token. Now for unknown reasons it works perfectly without any issues/problems in Postman, but in JMeter I'm getting an error.
I'm new to JMeter so I can only assume I am just setting something incorrectly.
The HTTP Request I am sending is:['id']
In postman I get a 200 response with the expected JSON response.
In JMeter however, it gives me the error:
Could not parse fields query. Must be valid JSON.
I've tried messing with the 'send parameters with the request' option in JMeter by removing the ?fields=['id'] from the Path, and instead setting them in the parameters area, but that gives me the exact same 400 error response code.
Also, if I use the send parameters section, and I look at the request, it doesn't seem to be using the parameters i've set. So I went back to passing the parameter directly in the URL path.
SOLVED:: The issue is that JMeter does not like the usage of double quotes in the Path field. You can get by this by using %22 in place of double quotes. This solved the problem of not receiving an error when passing the parameter through Path.
Add HTTP Request sampler to your Test Plan
Configure it as follows:
You might also need to add HTTP Header Manager as a child of your request and configure it to send the relevant Content-Type header
The sent data can be verified using View Results Tree listener:
Also be aware that you can easily create a JMeter test from Postman by just recording the request using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
