Export oracle database tables - oracle

i am working on a large database ,how do i Export some database tables without having dba privileges .do i have to copy the structures of the tables and using spool command to get the data in a text file then create the tables and inserting data from the text file?

One of the methods would be to install Oracle SQL Developer and export the required table structures and data using the wizard.
Here is the link to a tutorial which can guide you if you go with this option.
A second option would be to use SQL Loader to load data in your target tables. But for that you will have to first create the data structures on your target schema and spool the data from your source tables in CSV (comma separated values) or any other eligible format.
Here is a link for SQL Loader.
A third option would be that you create the table structures on the target schema and generate the insert statements from the source schema using a script. Here is a link to such an example.
I would recommend going with the SQL Developer option since it is relatively simple.


Export Oracle database to SQL with CLI tools

The goal is to export an existing test Oracle database to SQL so that it can be run in a test pipeline using a Docker images's /container-entrypoint-initdb.d bootstrap. Currently we mount an oradata export, but it's opaque what the actual data is, hence the desire to use SQL so that it can be maintained via git.
I'm aware you can use the GUI Oracle SQL Developer Export Wizard to export a database to SQL.
Though how to do it via command line tools? I've tried many things like:
impdp test/test#XEPDB1 dumpfile=export.dmp directory=DUMP_DIR sqlfile=ddl.sql
And the best I can achieve is exporting the schema, however it is missing the actual data, e.g.
INSERT INTO currencies_countries (currency_id, country_id) VALUES ('EUR', 'CYP');
You have the exp which exports to a dump file that can be imported into another Oracle DB using imp. More recent are the xpdp and impdp.
See: https://oracle-base.com/articles/10g/oracle-data-pump-10g for instance.
What do you mean by "export to SQL"?
The sqldeveloper client tool has the possibility of exporting a table as SQL inserts, for instance. But to export that table by table would be quite an effort. Moreover, if you have millions of rows, those row by row inserts won't perform well.
Better write to tab-separated text files, which, in case of need may be imported into an Oracle DB using sqlldr, or may somehow be imported to some other kind database. Still, tab-separated files won't work well for tables having CLOB, XMLTYPE or some object-type columns.
You could write to a text file by spooling sqlplus output to a file having set linesize ling enough to fit the columns length, set pagesize 0 (no pages).
Or you could write to a file in an Oracle directory via a pl/sql program in which you use utl_file.

How to generate DDL scripts from tables in Oracle NoSql?

I have some tables with huge columns (more than 600 columns) and don't have DDL(create table) scripts for it. I can create the script by seeing the table schema using DESCRIBE keyword in oracle nosql, but it's a huge pain in the back because of manual operation.
Is there any way to generate DDL scripts for existing tables in Oracle NoSql database?
There is no way to do this at this time. It's being considered as an extension to the sql shell. One option in user code would be to use the "describe as json ..." call and parse the JSON description of the table to construct the DDL string

How to export data from tables with BLOBs as SQL inserts

I need to export data from one schema and import it to another. But in the second schema there are tables with different names, different attribute names, etc, but these tables are suitable for data in first schema. So I export data as SQL inserts and manually rewrite names etc. in this inserts.
My problem is with tables which have columns with type BLOB. PL/SQL Developer throws error:
Table MySchema.ENT_NOTIFICATIONS contains one or more BLOB columns.
Cannot export in SQL format, use PL/SQL Developer format instead.
But, when I use PL/SQL Developer format (.pde) it is some kind of raw byte data and I can't change what I need.
Is there any solution to manage this?
Note: I use PL/SQL Developer and Oracle database 12c

Oracle data migration with lot of schema changes

I need to do an Oracle data migration from 11g to 12c where schema changes are abundant. I have an excel sheet which describes all the schema changes. Excel sheet has the columns for 'old_table_name', 'old_column_name', 'old_value' and same for the new tables. Some values can be directly copied to the new table and some cannot be done that way.
For example I have to transform the old column value when it is moved to the new table. Some transformation are complex and they cannot be simply mapped. They should be transformed by joining with other tables in the old database. I was trying the Talend Open Studio Data Integration tool for this and found it is a bit complex to go ahead with that tool in my case. Does anyone have an idea of getting this done using Talend or any other tool? What is the ideal approach when doing a migration like this? I have included a sample of the excel sheet below which only has simple transformations.
The kind of converions shown in the spreadsheet can all be performed on the table itself using rename statements and/or basic ddl and dml statements. I would load the old table into the new database and perform these statement on the table.
alter table
rename to
alter table
rename column
update new_table_one
set new_col_one = 'A_NEW'
where new_col_one = 'A';

Oracle Data Modeler: add initial data to tables

I've created a relational model in Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler.
I want to add predefined\static data that should exist in the initial clean database: enum values, fixed lists( for example: contries ) using modeler. My goal is to receive script using "DDL File Editor" tool which contains not only "create table" commands and so on, but also "inserts" with initial data.
I there any way to do this?
What might be the easiest way would be to put the DML into the AFTER CREATE tab under Scripts for each table - and to make sure it's included in the DDL script.
