Avoiding maven repository version collision when using feature branches - maven

Question: How do you handle feature branches for maven multi project builds?
Jenkins builds and deploys these branches to keep build overhead on developers to a minimum but develop and feature branches cannot build the same maven version or we risk mismatch between artifacts and source.
We have a script to change parent version in child poms and version in root pom. While this segregates the branches in maven space, it results in extra work when merging.
I think nexus pro staging feature might help us avoid this requirement and make each feature branch use a specific repo which we easily drop after branch deletion/merge.
Again: how to handle the problem of multiple branches and maven?

How about the following approach:
Use the buildnumber-maven-plugin to fetch information from git and populate specific Maven properties (we are interested specifically in the scmBranch property (that is, the current git branch)
Use the build-helper-maven-plugin to check whether we are in a feature branch or not (via a regex, excluding well-known branches like master, develop, etc.) and populate (or not) a new Maven property, say branch.classifier
Use the maven-jar-plugin to set a classifier on the generated artifacts, based on what the previous step set, that is, using the new branch.classifier property: if empty, no classifier will be applied (default behavior, applied to the develop branch, for example); otherwise a classifier named after the current branch will be dynamically applied.
Here is a minimal example:
The snippet below is basically populating the scmBranch property dynamically, then setting the branch.classifier to its value only if different than develop, master or release*, then setting it as a classifier.
Main advantages of this approach:
No pom changes will be applied, hence no merging issues at all
No clashes on Nexus working on the same version of the project but on different branches: the classified artifact will have different Maven coordinates, that is, the GAV (groupId, artifactId, version) becomes unique GAVC (+classifier)
That's actually a meaningful usage of the classifier attribute of an artifact:
The classifier allows to distinguish artifacts that were built from the same POM but differ in their content.
The generated artifact will be dynamically different in Nexus, according to its source branch, hence having implicit traceability: no intervention from developers (no error prone, implicit convention), no intervention from CI job (easier maintenance), completely transparent
Using classifiers, will be easier to use the artifacts generated by a branch as a maven dependency (e.g. in case of library project): I want to use the dependency currently under development on branch xxx
Hence, you would have the following artifacts generated:
When working on develop: e.g. project-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (empty classifier, hence not applied, as handled by the regex)
When working on featureA: e.g. project-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT-featureA.jar
When working on hotfix-JIRA123: e.g. project-1.0.0-hotfix-JIRA123.jar
When working on release-sprint42: that's up to you, I added this case to not apply the branch name, simply because in these cases I prefer to esplicitely set a special classifier, RC<number>, for release candidates, but that's a matter of conventions/taste/habits, you can apply the same approach on this branch as well, as long as no clashes will be created on Nexus. Also note: when using JIRA/Stash/Git integration, the release branch name is normally something like release/v0.1.0, where the / character may cause issues in some OS (still something fixeable via further regex replacing though, if really required).
When working on master: hey, no one should work on master :) the case is there just as a double check, but that's actually not required
Warnings on this approach:
As explained in the discussion below via comments, if the concerned Maven project is already using classifiers and even more via inter-modules dependencies (e.g. dependendies on test scope classes from another module), then this approach should be carefully tested, since it might have some drawbacks
The publication of the <artifactId>.pom files containing branch classifier can get into conflicts with the mainline build (i.e. overriding it)

This does not work Results in warnings throughout the build and GC error when run from top parent.
Ideally, we want to use version as to differentiate feature branch from mainline because it is the normal maven way and classifier manipulation can result in all kinds of issues.
Since maven can use environment variables for properties and we already initialize build environment with a script (we also have git hook scripts that can set environment variables from branch names) we can use env to control the version.
If on develop our scripts set BRANCHMODIFIER to ""
If on feature/JIRA-30495 our scripts set BRANCHMODIFIER to ".30495"
How does this work in eclipse or Intellij? No clue as of yet.

We use a similar technique as Peter Kahn, modifying the version of the branch before building. We have three steps in our "Pre Steps":
Execute shell: echo VERSION=$(echo ${GIT_BRANCH} | sed 's_^.*\/__') > env.properties
Inject environment variables: env.properties
Invoke top level Maven targets: versions:set -DgenerateBackupPoms=false -DnewVersion=${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT
I am quite sure that this can be done with two or even one and only step as well, bit the principe behind it will be the same.
The reason why we don't change the version in the pom.xml files in the branch directly is indeed merging. With SVN this was possible (merging with --accept-mine-conflict. With GIT this does not exist anymore, so we stopped changing versions and created this pre-build steps.

For Maven ge 3.5.0 try this https://maven.apache.org/maven-ci-friendly.html
This is the recommended Maven solution.
The only problem (but unusual) can be the numeric versions resolution of the maven dependencies. But this only apears, if you use different SNAPSHOT dependencies of the the module, which is a bad idea anyway.


how can I validate Maven pom tags? [duplicate]

I have a Maven project that builds fine even though I have specified a completely invalid plugin in my POM:
I also don't see any errors in Eclipse and even after deleting the ~.m2\repository folder, it still builds fine. Has something changed in how Maven validates plugins? Or is it first when I declare a goal that it blows up?
Your question raises different matters, namely the different kind of validation checks that are performed by Maven, and when they are actually done. Sit tight, there is a lot to say.
Step 1: Model validation
The first set of validation is done right at the start of the build, when the model of the project is built. This process is done by the Model Builder component, and its goal is to parse the POM file into a Model object (so that later, a full MavenProject object can be created from it, performing notably dependency mediation). This validation step is actually splitted in 2 parts:
A raw model validation, which reasons on the POM, before any inheritance or anything is applied. It looks for missing required values, like the presence of a groupId, an artifactId or a version; that repositories have an id; or, in your case here, that a plugin has a groupId and an artifactId. It doesn't actually check if there is a version, because the version could be inherited, and that wasn't done yet.
An effective model validation, which is performed after inheritance, interpolation and profile/default injection. At this point, the model should be completely valid. Notably, it must have a packaging, each dependency must have a version, each plugin must have a version as well, etc. And the plugin version you have is actually perfectly valid, in the sense that 1.9.553342342343 is technically an accepted version number. In fact, practically all String qualify as a valid version number; the illegal characters are \\/:\"<>|?*. Also, the <configuration> of a plugin is not validated, simply because it can't: that is specific for each plugin, and one could potentially declare a <project> parameter. For the same reason, it doesn't check whether the plugin actually exists in a remote repository, or if any goals, phase, etc. are specified.
Therefore, at the end of this step, that POM is fully validated and perfectly OK.
Step 2: Project building
Then comes the step of actually building the MavenProject from it. Because Maven needs to perform dependency mediation on the dependencies of the project, it first has to download them. So if you have any invalid dependencies (i.e. dependencies that cannot be resolved with the configured remote repositories in the settings or the project itself), that'll stop right here.
But if we imagine that the dependencies are correctly resolved, the build will continue to invoke each plugin one by one. The important point is that plugins, and their respective dependencies, are only resolved if Maven detects that they are going to be invoked during the build. If not, Maven will not try to download anything. Furthermore, the validation of the configuration of the plugin is also done when the plugin is actually invoked and the values are injected into it, to be used by it.
Depending on the Maven command that was launched, not all plugins declared in the POM will have work to do. For example, if phases were entered by the user, like mvn clean package, then every plugin bound to a phase of the clean lifecycle, or the default lifecycle up to package, will be invoked; so any plugin bound to the install phase would not be invoked. Also, if the user entered a goal, like mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean then only that specific goal of that specific plugin will be invoked, and all the other plugins will be ignored.
This last part is why the POM in the question poses absolutely no trouble to Maven, and here are multiple points about it:
It is bound to the compile phase, but it doesn't have a <goal>, so even if that phase were to be executed, there is nothing the plugin could do, since no goals were defined. Maven knows about this, and doesn't try to resolve the plugin artifact.
Let's set a <goal> to foo and re-test, by adding <goals><goal>foo</goal></goals> to the plugin declaration. We have in the POM:
Running mvn clean, or mvn clean validate would still cause absolutely no issue: the compile phase was not executed. But now, if we run mvn compile, we'll finally get an error:
Plugin bla:bar:1.9.553342342343 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved
This is, after all, what we wanted. Since the plugin declaration has a phase of compile, and the command used would run that phase, Maven tries to download it (and fails).
So let's remove the phase. What would happen now?
Actually, running any command with specific phases, like mvn clean or mvn validate, would now fail the build. The reason is that a plugin can have a default phase (see also the defaultPhase attribute on #Mojo annotated goal). Since each plugin has the discretion of providing a default phase to any of its goal, Maven has to download the plugin artifact, and find out if this particular plugin uses a default. So, our build will fail again, yay!
It's a different story if the user invokes a specific goal. Try mvn clean:clean with the above, and it will not fail. Actually, warnings are just going to get printed that Maven can't resolve the plugin artifact, but none of that is an error, since invoking clean:clean will just invoke the specific clean goal of the maven-clean-plugin. And actually, in theory, there shouldn't be any warnings here; Maven shouldn't try to download anything. It's a side-effect from the fact that using the prefix clean demands to checks to remote repositories in order to resolve it (refer to this answer to know how that works). But if you fully qualify it, without any plugin prefix resolution needed, with mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean, you're back to zero errors/warnings.
Finally, if we remove everything and end up with
it should be pretty clear, that nothing you'll do with result in an errors, because in no way can that plugin ever be executed. (You'll still get warnings if using a prefix).
Step 3: Plugin configuration
The last part of the question is the simple one: the configuration validation of the plugin. You'll notice that at no point this was mentioned here; this is because it only happens when the plugin is actually executed. And since it doesn't even exist, it's not likely to be executed.
Let's suppose it is, for the sake of the explanation. Each plugin is configured with a specific configurator. By default, it maps the XML elements to classes, fields, lists, maps, arrays, just like you would expect. You could provide your own configurator, but that's not a trivial task. There is actually no real validation performed: basically, if the configurator can wire the proper values in the mojo, it's done. You can check the different types of converters that are present by default, but it comes down to: not specifying a String "foo" to an expected integer value; passing a correct enumeration name if the plugin expects that; passing proper XML configuration for a custom class (i.e. each field with their own XML element)... Worth pointing out that setting "foo" to an expected boolean property is not a problem, it'll wire false into the value.
And finally, the XML configuration that did not map to any parameter of the mojo are completely ignored, so even if the bar plugin existed and didn't take any parameters, passing a <project> in the XML configuration would just be ignored, and wouldn't cause any errors.

How does plugin validation work in Maven, and why does it build my project with an invalid version?

I have a Maven project that builds fine even though I have specified a completely invalid plugin in my POM:
I also don't see any errors in Eclipse and even after deleting the ~.m2\repository folder, it still builds fine. Has something changed in how Maven validates plugins? Or is it first when I declare a goal that it blows up?
Your question raises different matters, namely the different kind of validation checks that are performed by Maven, and when they are actually done. Sit tight, there is a lot to say.
Step 1: Model validation
The first set of validation is done right at the start of the build, when the model of the project is built. This process is done by the Model Builder component, and its goal is to parse the POM file into a Model object (so that later, a full MavenProject object can be created from it, performing notably dependency mediation). This validation step is actually splitted in 2 parts:
A raw model validation, which reasons on the POM, before any inheritance or anything is applied. It looks for missing required values, like the presence of a groupId, an artifactId or a version; that repositories have an id; or, in your case here, that a plugin has a groupId and an artifactId. It doesn't actually check if there is a version, because the version could be inherited, and that wasn't done yet.
An effective model validation, which is performed after inheritance, interpolation and profile/default injection. At this point, the model should be completely valid. Notably, it must have a packaging, each dependency must have a version, each plugin must have a version as well, etc. And the plugin version you have is actually perfectly valid, in the sense that 1.9.553342342343 is technically an accepted version number. In fact, practically all String qualify as a valid version number; the illegal characters are \\/:\"<>|?*. Also, the <configuration> of a plugin is not validated, simply because it can't: that is specific for each plugin, and one could potentially declare a <project> parameter. For the same reason, it doesn't check whether the plugin actually exists in a remote repository, or if any goals, phase, etc. are specified.
Therefore, at the end of this step, that POM is fully validated and perfectly OK.
Step 2: Project building
Then comes the step of actually building the MavenProject from it. Because Maven needs to perform dependency mediation on the dependencies of the project, it first has to download them. So if you have any invalid dependencies (i.e. dependencies that cannot be resolved with the configured remote repositories in the settings or the project itself), that'll stop right here.
But if we imagine that the dependencies are correctly resolved, the build will continue to invoke each plugin one by one. The important point is that plugins, and their respective dependencies, are only resolved if Maven detects that they are going to be invoked during the build. If not, Maven will not try to download anything. Furthermore, the validation of the configuration of the plugin is also done when the plugin is actually invoked and the values are injected into it, to be used by it.
Depending on the Maven command that was launched, not all plugins declared in the POM will have work to do. For example, if phases were entered by the user, like mvn clean package, then every plugin bound to a phase of the clean lifecycle, or the default lifecycle up to package, will be invoked; so any plugin bound to the install phase would not be invoked. Also, if the user entered a goal, like mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean then only that specific goal of that specific plugin will be invoked, and all the other plugins will be ignored.
This last part is why the POM in the question poses absolutely no trouble to Maven, and here are multiple points about it:
It is bound to the compile phase, but it doesn't have a <goal>, so even if that phase were to be executed, there is nothing the plugin could do, since no goals were defined. Maven knows about this, and doesn't try to resolve the plugin artifact.
Let's set a <goal> to foo and re-test, by adding <goals><goal>foo</goal></goals> to the plugin declaration. We have in the POM:
Running mvn clean, or mvn clean validate would still cause absolutely no issue: the compile phase was not executed. But now, if we run mvn compile, we'll finally get an error:
Plugin bla:bar:1.9.553342342343 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved
This is, after all, what we wanted. Since the plugin declaration has a phase of compile, and the command used would run that phase, Maven tries to download it (and fails).
So let's remove the phase. What would happen now?
Actually, running any command with specific phases, like mvn clean or mvn validate, would now fail the build. The reason is that a plugin can have a default phase (see also the defaultPhase attribute on #Mojo annotated goal). Since each plugin has the discretion of providing a default phase to any of its goal, Maven has to download the plugin artifact, and find out if this particular plugin uses a default. So, our build will fail again, yay!
It's a different story if the user invokes a specific goal. Try mvn clean:clean with the above, and it will not fail. Actually, warnings are just going to get printed that Maven can't resolve the plugin artifact, but none of that is an error, since invoking clean:clean will just invoke the specific clean goal of the maven-clean-plugin. And actually, in theory, there shouldn't be any warnings here; Maven shouldn't try to download anything. It's a side-effect from the fact that using the prefix clean demands to checks to remote repositories in order to resolve it (refer to this answer to know how that works). But if you fully qualify it, without any plugin prefix resolution needed, with mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-clean-plugin:3.0.0:clean, you're back to zero errors/warnings.
Finally, if we remove everything and end up with
it should be pretty clear, that nothing you'll do with result in an errors, because in no way can that plugin ever be executed. (You'll still get warnings if using a prefix).
Step 3: Plugin configuration
The last part of the question is the simple one: the configuration validation of the plugin. You'll notice that at no point this was mentioned here; this is because it only happens when the plugin is actually executed. And since it doesn't even exist, it's not likely to be executed.
Let's suppose it is, for the sake of the explanation. Each plugin is configured with a specific configurator. By default, it maps the XML elements to classes, fields, lists, maps, arrays, just like you would expect. You could provide your own configurator, but that's not a trivial task. There is actually no real validation performed: basically, if the configurator can wire the proper values in the mojo, it's done. You can check the different types of converters that are present by default, but it comes down to: not specifying a String "foo" to an expected integer value; passing a correct enumeration name if the plugin expects that; passing proper XML configuration for a custom class (i.e. each field with their own XML element)... Worth pointing out that setting "foo" to an expected boolean property is not a problem, it'll wire false into the value.
And finally, the XML configuration that did not map to any parameter of the mojo are completely ignored, so even if the bar plugin existed and didn't take any parameters, passing a <project> in the XML configuration would just be ignored, and wouldn't cause any errors.

How to use maven to publish multiple artifacts of an ivy project(with multiple modules) to a maven repository(nexus)

I'm working on a complex multi-module open source ivy project, which has ant's build.xml at the top level to kick off each ivy module's build. But the goal here is not to modify the original build scripts(both ivy.xml and build.xml), and using maven as an outer layer to kick off ant build, and then fetch the built results and publish them to nexus server.
The difficulty here is that, the built artifacts here are multiple jars, and we need to publish all these jars to nexus server with maven. Since one pom.xml only maps one maven artifafct, and in this case multiple artifacts are build not through maven but ivy. So I wonder if there's a feasible way to achieve my goal.
Currently, in the top level pom.xml, I'm using maven-antrun-plugin to invoke build.xml on top level, and using build-helper-maven-plugin to attache artifacts, but it doesont' work.
Currently I'm working on a similar task to yours. We have a huge, full of legacy system with whole build written in ant. That is how we handle this task:
No matter what, you will have to accept it, maven = jar per artifact (well, you can use attachments with qualifiers, but it's a real abuse and highly NOT recommended). It has it's philosophy after it: in the end of the day your system consists of (as you said yourself) modules, so each module has to have it's version, sources and (most important) the dependencies to other modules.
To reuse the existing ant code you can look on the antrun plugin. What we did, is "simply" separated all the common build code (i.e generators execution, attachments creation, assemblies and so on) to parent poms that are of type "pom". Then we execute the relevant targets simply by activating properties in children poms. Here is an example
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml"/>
And in the child pom we simply define
remember to look at maven lifecycle guide to choose the proper phase for your execution.
Don't forget that you can use maven plugins to make things easier. E.g instead of running <javac> task in ant, breaking to artifacts with jar type do all the compile for you. You can also find plugins that generate javadoc, jaxws and so on.
As you can see it's not that simple to make your system work with maven. It will require you to rethink how your build works. On the other hand the ability to see and understand your dependencies, the ease of working in modern IDE's, binary repositories and so on are worth it in most of the cases.

Automatically replacing one Maven plugin with another in a POM

Please do you know if it's possible to automatically replace one Maven plugin with another in the POM files for a project?
The context is that I'm trying to intercept a Scala build using a Scala compiler plugin, for which I want to be able to specify the Scala compiler plugin as an argument to scalac from the command-line (i.e. not within the POM files). This is possible using the latest version of the Scala Maven plugin (known as scala-maven-plugin) by using its addScalacArgs flag - see here: http://davidb.github.com/scala-maven-plugin/apidocs/scala_maven/ScalaMojoSupport.html. However, it's not possible for the old version of the plugin (known as maven-scala-plugin), and I'd need to add the argument in all the various POM files (not an attractive proposition when dealing with a large, third-party project).
My thinking is that if I can automatically replace the old version of the plugin with the new version in the POM files, then I can use addScalacArgs and everything will work out well. I can probably cook up some code to do this (evidently doing it manually would be no better than going through and adding the argument), but it seems like the sort of thing that might be a supported Maven use-case.
Being specific, I'm trying to replace this plugin:
with this one:
You can do this with two profiles in your pom. One activate by default the other not. Then you can easily select which to use accordingly which profile you choose.
For exemple, here is a older post in the same spirit : How do I exclude a dependency in provided scope when running in Maven test scope?

How should I get Maven to deploy artifacts for all supported architectures at the same time?

I have a question that's probably pretty similar to this. I need to solve what I have to imagine to be a pretty common problem -- how to configure Maven to produce multiple variations on the same artifact -- but I have yet to find a good solution.
I have a multi-module project, that eventually results in the assembly plugin generating an artifact. However, part of the assembly includes libraries that have changed substantially in the recent past, with the result that some consumers of the project need library version N, while others need version N+1. Ideally, we'd just automatically generate multiple artifacts, e.g. theproject-1.2.3.thelib-1.0.tar.gz, theproject-1.2.3.thelib-1.1.tar.gz, etc. (where that's release 1.2.3 of our project, running against either library version 1.0 or 1.1).
Right now, I have a bunch of default properties, which build against the latest version of the library in question, plus a profile to build against the older version. I can deploy one or the other this way, but cannot deploy both in one build. Here's the key wrinkle that differs from the above question: I can't automate build-one-clean-build-the-other inside of the release plugin.
Normally, we'd mvn release:prepare release:perform from the root of the multi-module project to take care of deploying everything to our internal Nexus. However, in that case, we have to pick one -- either run the old-library profile, or run without and get the new one. I need the release plugin to deploy both. Is this just impossible? I have to imagine we're not the first people who want to have our automated builds generate support for different platforms....
You may install additional artifacts with differrent types/classifiers. Use attach-artifact goal of the build-helper-maven-plugin to achieve this. Here is a small example - we are deploying a Windows and a Unix installers of the product as windows/exe and unix/sh files. These files will be installed to the local repo and deploy to the distribution management.
Hope this helps.
