Delete old workspace from TFS VS2010 - visual-studio-2010

I'm trying to remove workspace from people who actual not working anymore, and have a problem.
What I'm doing. (CMD from VS)
tf.exe workspace /delete workspacename;owner /server:
serveraddress - where is workspacename=WORKSPACE, owner=ThatUsername, and serveraddress = myfulltfs adress
When I hit enter, get the message:
Specify one workspace
I am 100% that I'm using real data.

Not an exact answer to your problem but I've always found its easier to use the TFS Sidekick tool for this.

According to the message info. It seems you are using the wrong username of the owner. So the command can't recognize the workspace. Try to use the username that the user use to login in TFS. Usually it's the domain name.
Also note there is no space between workspacename&;&owner name .
Don't use the owner name of the workspace. The owner of the workspace is not equal the Domain username.

You are missing the quotation marks "":
tf.exe workspace /delete "workspacename;owner"


Visual Studio keep requesting to choose azure account even if logged in

I am using VS 2017 with an Azure account. The account is logged in and I can see the account details at the top right corner.
When I try to restore Nuget packages, I keep getting a window telling me to select the azure account I want to use, and my account is an option to select. Even when I select my account, the window keeps popping back over and over, and I can't seem to get the packages..
What can be done?
Two things you could try,
1)Try to clear the invalid cached data:
i) Close visual studio
ii) delete %localappdata%.IdentityService\
2) Report this problem via Visual Studio>Help>Send Feedback>Report a problem. This opens a new instance of "Visual Studio Feedback" which might solve your issue.
I remember facing a similar issue of being asked to sign-in repeatedly on a different workstation. I had to go to the Credential Manager to remove saved creds and re-login with mine. Please check if that helps.
I'm not sure what triggered my problems, but I assume I had problems with my PAT credentials at some point and then I started to modify nuget.config (can be found here: %APPDATA%\NuGet). In the end I had the correct credentials but a wrong address in my nuget.config and just did not notice the small difference. Unfortunately VS' only reaction was to keep asking me for my credentials when trying to connect me to the wrong NuGet feed address.
Instead of this (I use my-repo instead of the actual name):
<add key="my-repo" value="" />
I had this:
<add key="my-repo" value="" />
I assume I had taken it from some other post or tutorial instead of azure's Artifacts area (
So even though I had the correct credentials in the nuget.config VS kept asking me for the credentials because of the wrong URL :-(
The only hint that I got from VS was "Error Code: 16000" in the credentials dialog when clicking the ...
But that always made me suspect the credentials.

Error installing GitHub desktop "Application cannot be started, contact the application vendor."

I've recently upgraded from windows 7 to windows 10 and when installing GitHub desktop, I'm getting the following error:
"Application cannot be started, contact the application vendor."
When I click on details, there is the following error:
"Unable to install this application because an application with the same identity is already installed."
I tried several troubleshoots, such as:
running the .exe file as administrator;
deleting the 2.0 folder from Local/apps/
disabling windows defender
But none of them seems to work. I cant understand what the problem may be, since I had no trouble installing github desktop on windows 7.
EDIT This method solved my problem:
Hold Windows button + R
Type in %TEMP%
Delete the entire content of temp.
I fixed this problem by adding permissions to the UserName for the of the folder containing GitHub.exe:
Using the explorer paste "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Apps\2.0
In the search box write "github.exe"
In the result list right-click the file & select open file location.
Right click the folder -> Properties->Security
Click [Edit...] for "Group or user names:"
Add the account user name to the list giving it full permission.
This may not apply to your situation, but here is what fixed the problem for me:
Find this file:
C:\Users[YOUR USER NAME HERE]\AppData\Local\GitHub\TheLog.txt
In that file, search for this string:
"System.Security.SecurityException: Requested registry access is not allowed."
If you find that, look down from that line, one at a time, until you find mention of some specific application. For me it was MS Visual Studio:
"at GitHub.IO.ExternalProgramLauncher.IsVisualStudioInstalled()"
Running as an administrator, run regedit and look for keys related to the application in question. If access to reading them is denied, rectify that by right-clicking on the name of the key and choosing 'permissions'. (I decline to provide instructions on how to use the permissions interface here, but it is fairly straightforward) If you can grant yourself permission, that may fix your problem. It worked for me.
If you want to find the exact correct key, download and use a tool from MicroSoft called 'Process Monitor'. Unfortunately, even when you filter to show only registry events, you will still have at least 25,000 or so to look through, and the list is not sortable. >_< This was not exactly easy, but by scrolling up from the bottom and looking for 'ACCESS DENIED' in the unsortable 'Result' column for a while I was able to find the exact registry event where access was denied which caused GH DT to fail. In my case it was this key:
I ran regedit using my admin account, and ran it 'as administrator', found the key and changed the permissions. Oddly, it only worked when I added 'Administrators' (plural). When I added 'Administrator', it still refused to allow access to the key.
Hope this is related to your problem, or someone's who reads this. :)
Simply right click on the installation file and run as admin. It will automatically adjust itself to your system settings and install without error.

Get Latest Version using command-line from VSO?

I am looking for a simple way to get the latest version of source code from Visual Studio Online through automation (usually command line).
I cannot seem to authenticate to VSO with the credentials I use to logon to the website with the TF or TEE command line. I have also searched and found a TFSGet C# code that has authentication failure.
When I use the regular TF.EXE it cannot understand my workspace. Credentials are cached in Source Control Explorer and Workspace is mapped.
When I use the TEE CLC TF.CMD it cannot authenticate using the and password I use to sign on to the Visual Studio Online web site.
When I use the TFSGet C# program I get TFS Authenticaton Failed.
I read something about alternate credentials, but am completely confused because to set that up I need website address and callback URL. I've never set up a website and URL for a command-line application before.
What I really want is a KISS principle SFTP or secure WGET access to the latest version of my source code!
You're right, you need to enable alternate credentials. You were looking in the wrong place to set it up, though. It looks like you were trying to use a service hook.
Just follows steps 1 and 2 in the VSO OAuth documentation: Click on your user name, go to your user profile, then click on the "Credentials" tab and click on "Enable alternate credentials".

Can't tf get from command line but can get latest from visual studio

When I type tf get in a command line from the root directory of my local workspace mapping, I get the error:
TF30063: You are not authorized to access [server\collection]
When I do a Get Latest through Visual Studio, it pulls down the latest files.
What could be causing this? Do I need to sign in from the command line somehow?
In order to connect, map workspace and use command line tools, a little change must be made at the user's profile settings. This change is concerning CREDENTIALS. Alternate Authentication Credentials (AAC) must be first enabled and then a password must be defined in order to make such kind of access available. The original email address may be used to access from
command line tools but alternatively a second email or alias can be defined in order to make it work.
This configuration can be made at the website. After you signed in, go to your profile settings. At the superior left corner, select Security, and then at the left side bar, select Alternate Authentication Credentials. Setup your new credential and use it to make the commands work.
Basic commands list website:

Error starting the service. The OracleMTSRecoveryService was not found

I am getting this error while installing oracle 11g enterprise edition on windows 7 professional 64 bit. I checked the registry as some people have mention but the correct thing is already there. If try starting the service from Services.msc it says the service wss not found also
I ran into this same issue and this solved it:
When you get the error pop-up, leave it opened, open regedit and modify the ImagePath in the following key to point to the proper location:
The proper location may be something like this:
All credit to:
The oracle download was split into two parts.
If you tried to install with only one part it will show many bugs and after installation oracle won't work.
Download two parts of oracle from the official site and extract in same place. The files will merge automatically into the same folder.
Now install the oracle. If you already installed the oracle once. It should taken some path like below.
In my system it took "E:\app\INDP\product\11.2.0\dbhome_1..."
If you are installing second time installation will take path, "E:\app\INDP\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2..."
Now the above erorr will come because of registry.
So, now yo need to edit the registry value like below.
ctrl+R will bring the run window. Type regedit and press ok
Then Under Computer, select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SYSTEM ->ControlSet001-> Services -> OracleMTSRecoveryService.
Double click on ImagePath. It will prompt a window with old path or with wrong path under value data.
Now, you need to edit it with your curent path like below.
E:\app\INDP\product\11.2.0\dbhome_2\bin\omtsreco.exe OracleMTSRecoveryService
Now press "retry" button of the window, which shown that error. Now, it will work like charm.
