Creating web application using VS 2015 Update 3 creates with references 1.0.0-rc2-final -

Creating a web application as ASP.NET Core Web Applicaiton (.NET Framework) creates with most of the references as 1.0.0-rc2-final.
I am using the RTM version of VS 2015 Update 3. Hoping the references to be full version rather than rc2-final.
Are the templates updated properly? Do I need an update for the tools? If needed, where will I get it?

ASP.Net Core tooling isn't included in Update 3 so apart from Update 3 you also need to install Web tooling. Go to: and download ".NET Core Tooling Preview 2 for Visual Studio 2015" (at the bottom of the page).

Probably going to have to update the project with nuget or by hand this assumes you have installed the SDK Core Preview2 Tooling located here.
NET Core 1.0 for Visual Studio
NB: while the framework has RTM'd the tooling is still in preview status since they are still working on it, hence Preview2 status.
if you have a Global.json file I would also suggest clearing out the entry that says "sdk": {}


How to revert to/download the VS2022 Preview 2 version

The problem I'm facing in the new Preview 3 version is the new templates. I myself don't like the top-level statements and/or hiding namespaces and classes and I would very much appreciate a way to bring back the old templates. After reading through the comments on their blog, it seems there are is no effort to add an option to get the old templates back.
So, I would like to know how I can download/downgrade my version of Visual Studio 2022 to the older Preview 2 to get back the old templates.
As a workaround, you can create .NET Core 5 application of the type you need in VS 2022 and after you create it, change the target framework from project properties to .NET 6.
I have tested with web application and .NET Core 5 and 3.1 are still created using the "old" templates.
I am using the currently latest 2022 Preview 3.1.

Cannot Select .Net Core Version for New Projects

Until recently, when creating a .Net Core project, I've been able to select what version of Core to use for it. Since a recent update of Visual Studio 2019, any library project I've created for .Net Core has defaulted to version 3.0. There do not appear to be any options during project creation to select a different version.
For the time being, I need to create projects using .Net Core 2.2, so I'm wondering if anyone knows how to get that option back. For now, I've just been manually changing the target version after creation, but that seems hacky, and I suppose it may be leaving me with bundled references I don't need, or omitting ones that I do.
After installing tons of SDKs, I still do not see the option to choose a framework upon project creation. The documentation for Visual Studio 2019 shows the option as it appears for .NET Framework projects:
... but when creating .NET Core or Standard projects, I am not presented with the option to choose the version:
Is the policy, now, that all projects default to the latest, and if you want something else, you have to change it in the project properties?

Entity Framework not appearing in Add New Item list in Visual Studio 2017

I created a new MVC project in Visual Studio 2017. I wanted to add an EDMX file (I will be doing database-first) so right clicked on the project and selected Add|New Item.
However, I cannot find the Entity Framework components that were available in the previous versions of Visual Studio. Does anyone know where they went?
I had a similar issue today after i updated my VS to the latest 2017 version. I tried to open an .edmx file in VS2017 and it didn't show the designer view. So i realised i forgot to select Entity Framework tools during the installation:
Everything is back to normal :)
In .NET Framework-based projects, the Entity Framework 6 templates are still there. However, for .NET Core-based projects, I believe you're expected to use the dotnet ef commands. This includes a means of scaffolding a code-first DbContext from an existing database. See ASP.NET Core - Existing Database.
To verify this, I setup a demo project with the following structure:
The New Item/Data dialog for the .NET Framework project:
Note that there is also an EF POCO Generator template available in the Online templates section that may be of interest to you:
I know this is late, but I ran into the same exact issue. After reading some of the other answers, I realized I had created a .Net project with Standard library instead of the Framework library.
I faced this issue, while creating an MVC application on my latest installation of VS2017.
Tried installing Entity Framework using Nuget package manager[Install-Package EntityFramework], but failed to show Ado.NET Entity data model
1. open programs under control panel and select Visual Studio 2017
2. select Change the installation
3. Select Modify installation
4. Select Individual components
5. If SQL server data tools already installed, deselect/uninstall this component and reinstall the same again.
6. uninstall and reinstall SQL Server Data tools
Note: with one component change, other components may also be deleted. You have to recheck while reinstalling

Is TPL DataFlow included with either .NET 4.5 or .NET 4.5.1?

I'm confused. We upgraded our project recently to .NET 4.5.1. We installed .NET 4.5.1 on our servers.
I'm referencing assembly System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow from the GAC at C:\windows\Microsoft.Net\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow\v4.0_4.5.9.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.dll
CopyLocal is set to false as (I assume) it's part of the Framework, so should be already installed wherever the app is deployed.
The trouble is, when running on the server, it says it can't find this assembly.
I've read here that is is part of .NET Framework 4.5:
but the library is now built-in with .NET 4.5.
...and I've read here that it isn't!
The TPL Dataflow Library (System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow namespace) is not distributed with the .NET Framework 4.5
What gives? It doesn't look like it is. Is it just part of the 'targetting pack'? Is it me, or are these in-place upgrades more agro than they're worth?!
I'm not sure why that page says it is part of .NET 4.5 -- it's still an out-of-band NuGet release, like Entity Framework, MVC, etc.
I recognize this question is pretty old, but I wanted to add my solution as well. I found adding the below two items to the Visual Studio 2019 install (run Visual Studio Installer > Modify > .Net Desktop Development) the problem went away and it was able to pull System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow from the GAC.
Edit: Installing Visual Studio 2015 also seemed to be required. Obviously it isn't VS 2015 itself, just something it comes with. But there are too many packages for me to figure out which one easily.
Edit2: This isn't really the best solution, more of a stopgap. MS suggests downloading it through Nuget.
The TPL Dataflow Library (the System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow namespace) is not distributed with .NET. To install the System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow namespace in Visual Studio, open your project, choose Manage NuGet Packages from the Project menu...

Class library set to .NET 2.0 is building to .NET 4.0

I have a web solution that contains 5 class libraries and one web site project. It's an e-commerce solution that is compiled for .NET 3.5 (some class libraries are set to .NET 2).
When I got VS 2010 installed I decided to give a try and upgrading it to .NET 4 but that didn't go so well, can't remember why. I reverted the source code control, cleared all local files, re-downloaded from source control and went back to VS 2008.
I decided to give it another try with VS 2010 due to some issues with VS 2008 but when I build the solution it fails because one of the class libraries is compiling to .NET 4. I checked the project settings and it is set to .NET 2. I have tried doing a clean on the solution, that makes no difference, the project always builds the assembly to .net framework 4.x.
I imagine something is getting cached on the system, i.e. msbuild, etc. Does anyone know where to clear this cache so that whatever is holding my class library hostage to .net 4 can actually let it completely recompile and pick up the project settings again?
Thank you.
This was a problem in the project file having the Tools attribute set which just needed to be cleared for .NET 4 compilation.
